A combination of vitamins and minerals among themselves: Table

A combination of vitamins and minerals among themselves: Table

List of combined and incompatible vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals are not always absorbed to the right extent and fully. Their joint use depends on the degree of assimilation, as well as the processes occurring in the stomach. In fact, our body is very reminiscent of a pharmaceutical company, in which a lot of various substances are made.

Vitamins, as well as minerals, are involved in all chemical reactions. However, some come into conflict with each other, thereby preventing sufficient assimilation. Some, on the contrary, contribute to interaction. In this article we will tell you how vitamins and minerals are combined, and we will give a compatibility table.

How to combine vitamins among themselves?

The fact is that initially, when they were just starting to make synthetic vitamins and multivitamin complexes, they sought to combine them into one. It was believed that in this way it would be possible to fully replenish the deficiency, and contribute to the passage of all the necessary chemical reactions in the body. However, studies have shown that the ideal option is the division of vitamins into groups, and their reception at a certain time of the day.

How to combine vitamins among themselves:

  • For the first time, such vitamins were created by a company that produces the drug alphabet.
  • The fact is that in packages all tablets are divided into three parts, which are accepted in the morning, at lunch and evening.
  • In this case, the components are separated in such a way as to contribute to the absorption of each other.
  • It was found that with the joint administration of some vitamins, the phenomenon of synergy is observed when the effectiveness of taking increases.
  • Below we consider how vitamins are combined with each other. 

Compatibility of vitamins
Compatibility of vitamins

A combination of vitamins and trace elements among themselves

Vitamin A is an excellent antioxidant and prevents the skin of the skin. However, in itself, it can be absolutely useless, since without vitamins C and E, it is very poorly absorbed. That is why a drug called Aevit is often prescribed to enhance the absorption of these vitamins.

A combination of vitamins and trace elements among themselves:

  • It contributes to the better digestibility of vitamin A - zinc, since in the process of interaction it has a good effect on the retina, while improving vision.
  • If you take vitamin A with iron together, this will contribute to the better digestibility of the second, and will attract iron, which is contained in the liver to the treatment of anemia.
  • Without vitamin A, iron is absorbed much worse.

Combined vitamins of group B

Vitamin B2- this is The substance goes well with group B vitamins, such as B3, B9, B6, as well as zinc.

Combined B vitamins:

  • The fact is that vitamins B3, B6 and B9 are absorbed quite poorly. It stimulates the digestibility of vitamin B2. In addition, it also stimulates the absorption of zinc in the intestines. 
  • Nicotinic acid can be used together with vitamins B6, as well as riboflavin. At the same time, copper improves nicotinic acid digestibility.
  • Pantotenic acid or vitamin B5 goes well with all vitamins of group B. That is why you can often find monopolys in the pharmacy, but a complex of vitamins B. They enhance the effect of each other and contribute to the absorption. 
  • Folic acid is very poorly absorbed if there is no ascorbic acid. That is, vitamin B9 is recommended to use with vitamin C.
  • It contributes to the prolonged preservation of folic acid inside the tissues. This is very important if the drug is prescribed for elderly people, pregnant women or women planning to become a mother. 
Popular vitamins
Popular vitamins

A combination of vitamins among themselves: important nuances

Vitamin C is very universal and goes well with a large number of vitamins. Among them, it is worth noting retinol, tocopherol, vitamin B5, and folic acid.

The combination of vitamins among themselves:

  • If you take vitamin C with retinol and tocopherol, its property of the antioxidant intensifies. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the course of chemical reactions in the body. In addition, taking ascorbic acid contributes to the absorption of calcium, as well as chromium. 
  • Vitamin D is one of the important substances that affect the absorption of calcium, as well as phosphorus. Therefore, you can often find options for tablets in which vitamin D, calcium, as well as phosphorus are connected. Without calciferol, it is impossible to ensure the restoration of bones and prevent resorption. 
  • Tocopherol interacts well with ascorbic acid, as well as selenium. Therefore, vitamin E is often prescribed along with vitamins C, with selenium, as well as other fat -soluble vitamins. 

What vitamins cannot be combined?

Vitamin B1 is one of the most conflicting of all vitamins of group B. All of them can be combined with each other, except B1. The fact is that it enhances a possible allergic reaction, and also inhibits absorption.

What vitamins cannot be combined:

  • It should not be taken with magnesium, calcium, as they prevent its absorption. Vitamin B1 is water -soluble, and magnesium, calcium increases water hardness, thereby reducing thiamine absorption. 
  • There are a lot of vitamins that are not worth interconnected, but must be taken separately. In no case should you combine B2 with iron and copper. Pantotenic acid is not combined with vitamin B5, as well as copper.
  • It is bad to combine B6 C B1, as well as B12. Folic acid negatively interacts with zinc, forming a complex that does not dissolve. Thus, it leaves the body unchanged. 
  • Tocopherol does not go well with magnesium and zinc, as well as vitamin D. If you want to make up for vitamin E deficiency, take it at different times with magnesium, zinc and copper.

What affects the combination of vitamins and minerals?

In general, it has a huge influence not only as vitamins are combined with each other, but also on interaction in the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, tablet vitamins are only a biologically active addition that helps to fill the deficiency that forms with improper nutrition. Nevertheless, the main source of vitamins are fruits, vegetables and food.

What affects the combination of vitamins and minerals:

  • Therefore, it is necessary to try not to purchase multivitamin complexes, but to properly distribute products during the day. Thus, with the right use of products, you can increase the efficiency and digestibility of some vitamins.
  • For example, drinks such as coffee and tea contribute to the fact that minerals, vitamins are washed out of the body. Try to reduce the number of these drinks, or follow the interval between the reception of 4-6 hours. This time is enough for vitamins and minerals to be able to absorb. 
  • A large number of vitamins may not be absorbed due to inappropriate microflora in the intestine. Therefore, in the stomach and intestines there should be a normal amount of lacto- and bifidobacteria. They are sold in the form of Linex, Lactiala or Lactovite preparations.
Reception of vitamins
Reception of vitamins

A combination of vitamins and minerals among themselves: Table

If you constantly eat meat, eggs, as well as milk, then in most cases the processes of decay are observed in the intestines and stomach. To restore microflora, it is necessary to increase the amount of plant foods and dietary fibers.

They are a kind of absorption of putrefactive bacteria that remove toxins from the body. Napen bacteria live very poorly in plant foods. At the same time, fruits and vegetables contribute to the development of beneficial bacteria. Below is presented tablitsa of a combination of vitamins and minerals.

A combination of vitamins and minerals among themselves: Table
A combination of vitamins and minerals among themselves: Table

Table of combination of vitamins and trace elements

When prescribing antibiotics, try to undergo a joint course of taking probiotics that will restore the microflora. If dysbiosis is observed in the stomach, most vitamins and minerals are unable to completely absorb, and interact with each other.

In addition, frequent stresses also contribute to poor absorption of vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, the main way to deal with stress is not taking antidepressants, but physical activity, running and situations that help throw out emotions. Below is a table of combination of vitamins and trace elements.

Compatibility table
Compatibility table

Poor assimilation of vitamins in the body

The most painless for humans and useful are physical activity and sports. Feel badly, nervous? Go to the run. This will help to strengthen the legs, as well as buttocks, and completely waste negative emotions. It is worth noting that the assimilation of vitamins and trace elements is prevented by parasites, which are infected with about 85% of people.

From time to time, take anthrax drugs that eat part of the nutrients from your intestines. The most interesting thing is that the deficiency of vitamins in the human body is most often observed not at all because of their insufficient amount, but due to improper combination, dysbiosis, as well as constant stress. Vitamins in the sick intestine are simply not able to completely absorb. 

Reception of vitamins
Reception of vitamins

Poor absorption of vitamins in the body:

  • Substances are poorly absorbed if they are taken with alcohol. Scientists have proven that vitamins such as K, PP, B3, and can be combined with alcohol. In addition, vitamin A can contribute to the toxic effects of alcohol on the liver.
  • Accordingly, they should be taken separately. A bad option is to eat strong alcoholic drinks with Korean carrots, or shawarma with its participation. The fact is that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, with a joint intake of alcohol, the load on the liver cells intensifies.
  • Many people know that calcium prevents the good absorption of iron. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that iron is contained in buckwheat, but its reception together with milk will come to nullify all the benefits.
  • Therefore, if you want to replenish the shortage of iron with buckwheat, it is best to serve it with meat, or vegetables, and in no case with milk. In most cases, monoperes and individual vitamins are usually prescribed for the treatment of some serious ailments.
  • Vitamin complexes are originally intended for healthy people, who are currently not able to make up for their deficit using nutrition. 
Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

Many believe that taking polyvitamin complexes is absolutely useless. Initially, when vitamins only appeared and happened, but now pharmaceutical companies, through numerous studies, have learned to enter into separate drugs in microcapsules. They dissolve in the stomach much later than all other components.

Thus, it is possible to achieve a prolonged action, and to prevent the combination of some vitamins and minerals. That is why all vitamins and drugs that are sold in capsules are recommended to be taken without chewing, but swallowing, so as not to crush individual components, mixing them among themselves. 

Video: compatibility of vitamins and minerals

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Comments K. article

  1. Please write a source of data on which the table is compiled?
    Pyridoxine (B6) and cobalamin (B12) in many studies are perfectly combined with each other, but you have completely different data in the table.

  2. Yes, I agree with Olga. Vitamins B6 and B12 in many sources are perfectly combined with each other. I even bought folic acid with these vitamins. Why do you have other data?

  3. There is such a wonderful complex of vitamins neuromultivitis. In it B1, B6, B12. According to your data, they are absolutely not combined with each other. Why does this reparat work so well?

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