The combination of colors in the interior: description, compatibility table. The combination of flowers in the living room, bedroom, kitchen: ideas, photos

The combination of colors in the interior: description, compatibility table. The combination of flowers in the living room, bedroom, kitchen: ideas, photos

An article on how to arrange colors in the interior correctly. Examples of successful design solutions.

Listening to the conflicting advice of designers, you can take the color of the curtains for the wallpaper or wallpaper for the color of the furniture for an infinitely long time. But there is a simpler way: nature has already created many harmonious and fascinating color combinations, and a person is so arranged that these gamuts of shades are most pleasant for him.

Discreet colors in the interior
Discreet colors in the interior
Modern interior design of the apartment, houses
Modern interior design of the apartment, houses

Neutral natural shades in the interior, combination with green color: ideas, photos

Imagine a landscape that pleases the eye. Pay attention to the dominant colors and bright accents. If you repeat this combination of colors in the interior, it will be successful.

Neutral shades and natural stone in the decor
Neutral shades and natural stone in the decor

For example, you already have a light linoleum of alder color resembling river sand. So you can supplement it with light greenery, golden orange or delicate blue, but in no case dark purple, because such a combination of colors is difficult to find in living nature.

Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color
Bedroom combined with green color

Interior combined with white color: ideas, photos

Snow -white wallpapers in the bedroom, bring thoughts about winter. Light shiny curtains and soft white textiles, similar to falling snow, are suitable for them.

The bedroom combined with white and gray

Bedroom combined with white color
Bedroom combined with white color
Bedroom combined with white color
Bedroom combined with white color
Bedroom combined with white color
Bedroom combined with white color

Correct combination of colors in the interior: Table

It happens that cosmetic repairs are finished, but in the room, as if something is missing, I want to add some kind of “highlight”, to make a color accent. At the same time, there are concerns that objects of a different color, whether it be sofa pillows, lamps or paintings, will not fit into the general gamut and will look completely strangers.

Pink bedroom
Pink bedroom

A table of combination of colors will help to make the right choice.

Table of compatibility of colors
Table of compatibility of colors

There are some general rules for laying colors:

  • As in clothes, in the interior, more than three colors should not be combined, all that is more - overkill. The difference is that when it is about the interior, the color means its whole gamma, that is, light green and herbal-this is the same color
  • Light shades visually expand the space, and the dark, on the contrary, narrow it. The same can be said about the figure: it seems that the wall with a small pattern is located further than the same wall with large elements on the wallpaper
  • If there are more than two colors in the room, then they must be in harmony in saturation. For example, bright lemon and orange chairs in the kitchen or multi -colored pastel sofa cushions. It is desirable that the texture of objects be the same too
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom
Stylish bedroom

How to choose a successful combination of beige in the interior: game of shades, ideas of light interior

Beige color is considered basic and neutral, but it can be very different. Beige can have a gray, pink or warm yellow tint. Please note that the upper color in each of the photos can be called beige, but all these colors are different! If your design project provides for some other color, choose a beige with its notes.

Beige can have various shades
Beige can have various shades

For classic design, a combination of beige with white, gray and dark wood is suitable. It is this unobtrusive gamma that is often used for the most luxurious living rooms.

Living room in beige colors
Living room in beige colors

The combination of gray in the interior in a modern style: ideas, photos

Gray evokes thoughts of rainy weather and autumn slush. But this is one of the basic colors of the High-Tex style! What else should be present in the urban room in addition to gray? A lot of glass, metal and, preferably, neon backlight.

High-tech kitchen
High-tech kitchen

In classic design, a gray combination with white is also quite appropriate. Agree, gray furniture is much more practical than white.

Classic gray bedroom
Classic gray bedroom

How to choose a successful combination of colors in the bedroom: ideas, photos of projects

It is believed that the bedroom should be a place of rest and therefore it is better for it to choose an unobtrusive light interior in pastel colors.

Unobtrusive interior of the beige bedroom
Unobtrusive interior of the beige bedroom

Interior in dark colors

But in fashionable hotels of bedrooms, on the contrary, deep dark shades are often used, the interior in dark colors makes the room visually smaller and more comfortable. In such a bedroom, it is easier to fall asleep if the street is day. So, for example, the presidential suite in one of the Hilton hotels looks like:

Frankfurt, Presidential Lux at Hilton Hotel
Frankfurt, Presidential Lux at Hilton Hotel

Psychologists argue that the color of the interior in the bedroom must be chosen in accordance with the character of its owner: orange and lemon color will give a charge of vigor.
For those who cannot fall asleep for a long time, a combination of green color in the interior with white, which personifies calm and lightness.

Beautiful stylish bedroom
Beautiful stylish bedroom

Brown combination in the interior: ideas, photo

Rich chocolate shades look just luxurious. The combination of brown color in the interior with white will make the interior easier.

Beautiful bedroom combined with brown
Beautiful bedroom combined with brown

Dark shades visually weight objects, so they are usually used below. For example, the dark brown base of the bed and the same bottom of the walls and light bed and ceiling.

Beautiful bedroom combined with brown
Beautiful bedroom combined with brown

The appropriate combination of flowers in the living room in bright colors: ideas, photos

The interior of the living room is different, ranging from minimalism to classic baroque, with its excessive pretentiousness and abundance of curls. And for each style it is appropriate to choose the interior in white colors. But the white itself looks too sterile, so it will not be superfluous to dilute it with bright colors.

In combination with light green color and tropical plants, the white living room will cause completely different associations. She will become like a yacht or a cruise liner floating somewhere in the tropics.

Living room in the Hawaiian style
Living room in the Hawaiian style

In the style of Provence there is a certain village simplicity, but such an interior seems cozy and sweet.

Living room native to Provence
Living room native to Provence
Living room in modern style
Living room in modern style

Interior in white and black colors: ideas, photos

For a strict and restrained living room, the interior in white black colors is suitable. Coarly black color seems to be created in order to emphasize the geometric correctness of forms. The shades of gray will help to smooth out a little contrast.


The murals are not in fashion now, but in black and white they will look stylish and will become a hallmark of the interior.

Black and white photo wallpaper
Black and white photo wallpaper

Bright combination of colors in the kitchen: ideas, photos

The kitchen is a room for which you can select bright juicy colors without fear of sorting out the measure. The only rule is that a bright motive in the interior should be one, for example, the color of fuchsia.

Kitchen with fuchsia -colored furniture
Kitchen with fuchsia -colored furniture
Kitchen combined with red and black
Kitchen combined with red and black
Kitchen in combination of gray and white
Kitchen in combination of gray and white

Some argue that supposedly juicy combinations of colors stimulate appetite and therefore are not suitable for those who are on a diet. In search of a compromise, you can choose white and black in the interior, and then add red notes. Such a kitchen interior looks both bright and restrained at the same time.

Classic cuisine
Classic cuisine

Fans of spring greenery should like the interior of the kitchen in these colors, the combination of green in the interior with wooden facades looks natural.

Juicy shades of green
Juicy shades of green

Ideas for combining flowers in the apartment: photo

To create the impression of a common space, in all rooms of the apartment there must be something in common. It can be a combination of colors or the same color that is present in each room.

Loft style interior
Loft style interior

The impressions of the unity of the interiors can be achieved without the help of color, using the same textures and decoration, for example, everywhere glossy ceiling and embossed wallpaper. It helps to visually combine the rooms and the same flooring, if there are no thresholds between the rooms, and they have the same decor elements, it seems that they smoothly flow into each other.

Studio apartment
Studio apartment

The bedroom combined with white and gray

Video: Color Psychology

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Comments K. article

  1. I read somewhere that if it so happened that there is a certain inconsistency in the apartment, then the presence of the mirror in the premises of the mirror is smoothed out, because you can make up for a discrepancy. For example, a mirror frame: in general, you can figure out how to compete correctly.

  2. Yes, that is right. When we were taught in the design courses. It is not necessary to take an expensive mirror, also very carefully complements and smoothes.

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