Express facial-therapy faces-what is: price, reviews. How is LED therapy for a face?

Express facial-therapy faces-what is: price, reviews. How is LED therapy for a face?

In this article, we find out what is the LED therapy for the face and how it is correctly carried out.

Today, many girls prefer to take care of facing at home, and therefore the procedures are constantly improving and now they have reached a new level. Increasingly, brands pay attention to LED technologies, the principle of operation of which is based on the restoration of the skin due to the effects of light on it. This technology appeared more than 40 years ago, and was previously used for medical purposes.

And this is very good, because she proved her effectiveness. At the moment, it has been possible to care for the face at home using just these technologies. Similar procedures are carried out in cosmetic salons. Let's figure out what is the principle of their action.

Express face-to-face leaving-what is it?

LED therapy
LED therapy

LED therapy for the face, or light therapy, is based on the fact that the skin actively absorbs light and processes it into energy. Accordingly, this energy makes the cells carry out some reactions. In particular, they begin to recover, produce collagen, increases elasticity, and bacteria “leave” and the skin tone “leaves”. In addition, with the help of light, toxic substances from the skin are removed.

The sun caused the appearance of this technology. After all, as you know, it favorably affects the skin, with moderate effects. At first there were attempts to treat the skin through artificial ultraviolet radiation, but they did not bring success. The fact is that ultraviolette not only does not heal the skin, but also leads to photography and other diseases. So they refused this practice, but the studies continued. Later it became clear that not all the rays of the sun are useful for the skin, but only waves of a certain length. And just the LED technology appeared, which favorably affects the skin.

Artificial rays are created by means of chemical compounds, which, with the effect of current on them, begin to radiate waves of a certain length and color. In cosmetology, several colors are used, which we will talk about a little later.

LED therapy for the face: indications and contraindications


LED therapy for the face may be useful in the case of various skin problems. So, to carry out such procedures makes sense in the following cases:

  • The first facial wrinkles and “goose legs” appeared on the face near the eyes
  • Conducting procedures is effective when the skin becomes dry and flabby. The effects of rays makes cells regenerate
  • The procedures are well struggling with pigmentation. The spots pass very quickly, especially if the procedures are carried out regularly
  • Disappear from the skin of acne and various kinds of irritations
  • Extended pores narrow and this prevents the entry of dirt in them

In general, of course, the procedure is considered sparing, but it is better to consult a specialist before proceeding with the procedures.

Ultimately, LED therapy for the face gives an excellent effect, which is expressed as follows:

  • First of all, the face is rejuvenated and wrinkles disappear
  • The skin tone becomes more even, since the effect is carried out evenly and the operation of the cells is restored
  • The oval of the face is tightened. Thanks to the effects of rays, the muscles restore its work, and the skin is also updated, becoming more elastic and fit
  • Pores narrow. This is very useful, because they will not get dirt in them. Moreover, the production of sebum is normalized
  • The skin of the face becomes more moisturized, so it receives additional nutrition, which is very important
  • There is less acne. Again, this is due to the anti -inflammatory effect
  • The skin actively produces collagen

LED therapy in cosmetology-how do rays affect the skin?

How LED therapy works
How LED therapy works

LED therapy for the face involves the use of various waves. They differ in colors and each of them has its own characteristics. So, the following types of waves are used to eliminate certain skin problems:

  • Blue. These are the shortest waves that affect the surface of the skin. They affect bacterial cells and make them die. So, with the help of blue, acne with any form, as well as other inflammations, is treated. By the way, rays effectively affect psoriasis.
  • Green. They penetrate deeper and can even affect melanocytes. So, with this color, pigmentation is treated and the appearance of new spots is also prevented.
  • Yellow. With their help, blood vessels are strengthened. From this they become less brittle. Moreover, important biochemical processes in cells, for example, their restoration or regeneration, are launched.
  • Red. These waves are the longest and they significantly affect fibroblasts. So, they accelerate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. In addition, the level of energy increases in the cells and the vessels expand. This allows you to normalize metabolic processes that are inhibited with age.
  • Violet. In this case, the waves have a double impact, because they combine the red and blue spectrum. It turns out, as it were, a comprehensive impact.

When LED therapy is carried out regularly, especially in combination with masks and other rejuvenation methods, it turns out a noticeable and fairly persistent effect.

How is LED therapy for a face?

When the LED therapy for the face is carried out, then using a special panel at a distance of 5 to 10 centimeters, exposure is carried out. In general, everything is quite simple. First, a mask is applied to the face, if it is required, and then a panel that has the LED inside is installed on top.

Then the specialist sets the desired effect. The whole procedure takes several minutes, but depending on the situation and type of exposure, it can be carried out up to several hours.

By the way, the application of the mask is usually done in cosmetic salons. This allows all useful substances to penetrate the skin as deep as possible.

One of the important advantages of the procedure is that after it the effect becomes noticeable immediately.

How often is LED therapy for the face?

How often is LED therapy?
How often is LED therapy?

In general, of course, in order to get a persistent effect and a good result, it is required that the LED therapy for the face is carried out regularly. In general, the course consists of eight procedures. No more than two procedures are allowed per week. The most suitable number of procedures is selected, of course, a specialist. In this case, all the features of your skin, as well as personal wishes are taken into account.

LED therapy for the person-the cost of the procedure: Price

Many are interested in how much LED therapy for the face costs? In fact, the price of the procedure is relatively low and is determined depending on the number of procedures and exposure. But, if we take on average, it costs within three thousand rubles, but it can be more expensive.

LED therapy for the face: reviews

Some believe that LED therapy for the face is a deception. In fact, this is not the case of this if you carefully study the reviews of other girls who have already tried the influence of this tool. In general, a lot of good talks about therapy, because it is really effective. Someone, of course, believes that this is all a deception and it is worth doing nothing, because the procedure does not work. In any case, the choice is yours.

Video: LED therapy for youth skin and against acne

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  1. Something new ... I have never even heard about this. In general, the most important thing for me is biorevitalization. This is about external care. The inner welcome of the Sealatovsky collagen. I always take only him, because high bioavailability. The skin is soft, smooth and even. Take note of advice))

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