How many stars on the American flag of the United States of America: history, change

How many stars on the American flag of the United States of America: history, change

The state flag of the United States of America, of course, is considered the most recognizable on the whole planet. You can not know what kind of Swiss or French flag has, but the banner of America with stripes and asterisks is always recognizable, let's look at it in more detail.

Many people do not even have the idea of \u200b\u200bhow many stars are on the banner of the States, what significance they have. We will try to understand this issue together.

How many stars are on the American flag?

  • How many stars are on the American flag? The banner of America looks like a canvas. It is located on it 13 stripes. They are red and white. Also on the American flag 50 five -pointed white stars. They are located on a blue rectangle.
  • The view that the flag has today received in the 60s of the last century. The banner has not changed such a colorful coloring until today.
  • Initially, the flag appeared in America in the 75th century. The banner was raised by the hands of a sailor from Scotland. His name was John Johnson. This event on a ship called "Alfred", Which then stood in the port of the village of Philadelphia.
  • At that time, instead of stars on the flag, a cross of Britain was depicted. He was a symbol of the colony of this country. Over time, namely in the 77th century, the cross was replaced by stars. This happened after 1 year, when the United States proclaimed an independent state.

As the legend shows, the first banner was sewn by a seamstress named Betsy Ross from Philadelphia. The sketch of the flag was engaged in George Washington himself.

There are 50 stars on the American flag: why?

  • So that you understand why 50 stars on american flagLet's try to go into the past.
  • In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the 13th colonies of Britain decided to create one single country. This state was regardless of Britain.
  • According to the number of colonies, initially on the flag was depicted 13 stars. They were located in such a way that the figure from the stars resembled a round constellation. After some time, other lands decided to join the states. That is why the number of stars was constantly growing.
  • Not only stars, but also colors are considered symbols on a rectangle. For example, white color is a symbol of purity, and blue is a symbol of zeal, justice. It is amazing that the blue on the flag depicts quite deep, when compared with the flags of other famous states.
Cleanliness and zeal
Cleanliness and zeal
  • Why was the dark blue color depicted on the banner? All because the inhabitants of America were quite practical. In the 19th century, paints were produced, which were not too persistent. A light blue tone could quickly burn out from the sunlight, and it becomes even lighter. But the dark blue could maintain its own characteristics for a long period of time.

How did the number of stars have changed on the American flag?

  • For the entire period that exists of the banner of America, it has changed evenly 26 times. In 95, the 18 centuries were annexed to the states, as well as Vermont. After that, the number of stars increased on the flag. They became 15 pieces.
  • Throughout the 19th century, the States still joined in America, there were 30 pieces. Therefore, by the beginning of the 20th century, stars on the American flag had already 45.
  • From the 8th year of the 20th century to 60 years of the same century to the United States 5 states also joined. The last state joined Hawaii. After that, the state announced a competition. Its essence was as follows - it was necessary to come up with the design of the banner of the country.
  • There were many participants. But Robert Heft, who was only 17 years old at that time, was able to take the first place. He did not invent something new. The guy only decided to add another star to the already available stars.
  • Before the first variation of the banner first arose, the flag was used in the own history of America, which depicted 48 stars. This has been for 47 years, starting from 12 and ending in 59. And only the last type of flag, which was legalized in 60, has existed for more than 50 years.
  • The stripes that are present on the banner of the United States retain their own appearance from the very first day. They have a certain meaning - 13 colonies of Britain, which formed an independent country. It is from those lands that the history of the United States originates. The indigenous inhabitants of the country always remember this story, they have retained it for 240 years.

White strips, like stars, have the same meaning - innocence. But there are also red stripes on the flag. They are a symbol of valor, endurance of people who tried to fight for independence.

Can stars on the American flag still appear?

  • Can stars on the American flag still appear? In the 19th century, in 98, the troops of the country won a small state called Puerto Rico. It is in the waters Caribbean, on islands. From that moment the island, and the States themselves govern the inhabitants. And the state of Puerto Rico is dependent.
  • Since the 60s of the last century, residents of Puerto Rico have tried to rebel and get their own independence more than once. But today, many people living on the islands believe that being part of the States is very good. During the referendum, their own votes in order to join the territory of the United States gave about 70% of the inhabitants of the island.
  • Because of this, at the Institute of Heraldics of America, they decided to develop a different project of the new banner of the state. It may not be attended by 50 stars, but 51 star.
Will there be one more
Will there be one more

Video: Stars on the American flag

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