Declining the name of the lily and noun lily in case of cases in the only and plural: endings

Declining the name of the lily and noun lily in case of cases in the only and plural: endings

In this article, we will tell you how Lilia is inclined.

The name of Lily sounds very beautiful, and immediately a beautiful flower with the same name pops up in memory. But what does it mean and how is it inclined on cases? Let's figure it out.

How is the name of Lilia in case of case?

The case affects the pronunciation of the name of Lily. Thus, you need to know how exactly it changes depending on the case. Especially for you, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the sign and understand the correctness of the name of the name:

Cases Questions Name
Nominative Who? What? Girl named (who?) Lil and I
Genitive Whom? What? Conveyed a note from (whom?) Pouring aI
Dative To whom? What? The guests arrived (to whom?) To aI
Accusative Whom? What? I see (whom?) Girl pouring ju
Instrumental By whom? How? I am proud (by whom?) Girl Lily her
Prepositional About whom? About what? I take care (about whom?) About the girl pouring aI

How is the Lilia noun in case in the only and multiple number inclined?

Cases Questions Singular Plural
Nominative Who? What? What blooms? - Lil and I What bloom? - Lil aI
Genitive Whom? What? There is no what? - Lil aI There is no what? - Lil iy
Dative To whom? What? To approach what? - To Lil aI To approach what? - To Lily yam
Accusative Whom? What? I see what? - Lil ju I see what? - Lil aI
Instrumental By whom? How? What am I proud of? - Lily herLily she What am I proud of? - Lily yami
Prepositional About whom? About what? Think about what? - Oh Lil aI Think about what? - About Lily i

What is the end of the word and the name of Lilia in the dative case?

The word of the feminine lilia 1 declension.

In the dative case, the word lily, as well as the name of Lilia, has the ending AI

In other cases, bending in the table above.

The name of Lily - what does it mean?

The name of Lily
The name of Lily

The energy of the named after Lily contains great power, but at the same time, it is tender, fragile and loving. Lilia often flows into different extremes and they fight in her until the end of her life. How exactly the girl will behave depending on the situation, her fate will take shape.

In childhood, lilies are too touchy, unbalanced and can worry about all sorts of trifles. The character is weak and she cannot answer the offenders. In addition, Lilia understands that everyone has their weaknesses and learns to identify them. As they grow older, the girl learns to achieve her, manipulates others.

Despite the fact that Lilia is capable, but it is not diligent and it is difficult for her to focus on one. Parents should develop good qualities in the girl - determination and firmness, so that she is easier in life.

Lilia does not like to build a career, it is difficult for her to choose a profession and find a thing. It is difficult for her to achieve success, because she is lazy and she has no certain interests. In general, Lilia may not even try to achieve something, but to start looking for a successful party in order to get married. Lilia has no high requirements for life, she is quite satisfied with what she has.

Video: Types of declension of nouns (grade 6, video tutorial-presentation)

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