Tales about Baba Yaga in a new way for adults are the most complete selection

Tales about Baba Yaga in a new way for adults are the most complete selection

Old good fairy tales can be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. We bring to your attention a large selection of fairy tales about Baba Yaga in a new way, which you can use to raise the guests on holidays.

Tale about Baba Yaga and Koshchei in a new way

Tale about Baba Yaga and Koshchei in a new way
Tale about Baba Yaga and Koshchei in a new way

A fairy tale about Baba Yaga and Koshchei in a new way:

In the thicket of dense, among berries and mosses,
Where- strictly according to the rules of children's poems
Human leg did not step forever,
Lonely Baba Yaga lived.

She was not so dense:
I had a mobile phone, iron and silk.
And there was a only friend to her a computer.
And with him she shortened her leisure.

And since it was not bad -
The yaga dreamed of finding the groom.
And so that the smell of compote and the habit
Some kind of Koschey wandered to her.

She could not meet the first
And somehow she entered the dating site,
But after seeing the requests of the guys,
She realized that everyone was better than Koschey.

And once an eternal motto broke out:
"A hut, hut, turn to me!"
From the shadow of spruce - thick and dense -
The whole mighty approached the hut of Koschey.

Baba Yaga is bewildered: “I don’t understand,
Where to put you? Adapt to what?

Koschey says: “Dear Yaga!
You look, I have a thin leg.
And my strength is almost all to the limit,
After all, for three days I made my way through ate ... "

Yaga:“Well, sit down! I will feed you.
That's just I will get the devices, dishes. ”
I cooked the compote, prepared a haze.
"You eat, my darling my dear Koschey."
And before the eyes a gorgeous lunch ...

Koschey tells her in response:
“My beauty is a hundred spans in the forehead,
Throw all the dishes, close the hut.
Let's go better with me down the aisle
And the fairy tale will have a happy ending. ”

Yaga was stupefied: "Where? Under the crown?
Oh, father, this is definitely the end! "
No shoes, no decent dress!
I haven't done a hairstyle for a thousand years! ”

And then like an arrow suddenly rushed away
And she gathered a couple of hours!
But female talent is not forgotten, not killed -
And now the yaga is at the parade ...

Then she looked - her dear friend disappeared.
A mobile phone, an iron, disappeared somewhere.
Behind them the computer disappeared somewhere-
Everything became clear, Koschey stole them.
A grandmother is upset, curses what light
Nature, fate and the Internet itself.

Sitting in sorrow, Yaga was yearning ...
Property all disappeared without a trace.
Koschey "groom" stole hope
I’m married to be and he disappeared.

Time passed. Somehow longing was forgotten
The yaga from idleness leaned to the market.
I accumulated "green", sold a bracelet,
After all, we must again connect the Internet.

Computer to buy, all equipment too
Without this, the grandmother cannot at all.
And here is a flea market: the old scooter lies,
The gaze to the left is her old computer.

“Breathing has become bad? "- asked the seller.
And the grandmother looked ... "Koschey! Here is the insolent "
He pulled his gaze, recognized her right away,
Yaga here shouts: ""How could you, infection? "

The people fled, the police too,
Koschey will not be able to hide for sure.
And here is the protocol, the decision.
For 3 years, they slapped Koshchei then.

Yaga is so happy, how else?
Now it has become much richer.
Property was immediately returned to her,
She went to Guli that same evening.

That's time has passed. Yaga is not poor
But for some reason everything is one, but one.
And again, she somehow suddenly became sad,
She lost such a guy.

And suddenly the thought interrupted,
The stranger calls her on her mobile.
"Hello. Yes, Yaga. And who are you? Koschey?
Forget you are my number, don’t dare to call me! "

Yaga got angry: "Here is an ugly turkey."
And then there was a loud knock on the door.
And the Koschey enters - the uprising of hell
Yaga straight from the threshold: "What do you need?"

And he sticks flowers and gifts to her,
The wedding ring immediately gives.
Koschey: “Native Yaga, was wrong then,
The madly in love with you has always been.

But the devil pulled me all things to steal
And it was necessary to get into the coarse ...
Forgive me, dear, I'm sorry dear,
I wish to be crazy to be your husband! "

Yaga in severe shock, melted a lady,
And now she ran to call all the neighbors.
Koschey the same hour again for his own,
While there is no grandmother, the good packs.

But suddenly a grandmother returned
And from this picture it was horrified.
After all, how again? Really for his own?
Koschey was dragging someone else's good again.

Yaga was brutalized. A state of affect.
In my hand, an ax (I felt somewhere).
And now, a wave of a hand - Koschey on the floor.
"After all, I said, I will kill you!" ...

And again, Yaga plunged into sadness,
Not married at all and she is very sorry.
The lattices are raw and there is no more strength ...

Tale about Babu Yaga for adults cool - alteration in roles

Fairy tale about Babu Yaga for adults original
Tale about Babu Yaga for adults cool - alteration in roles

A fairy tale about Baba Yaga for adults cool - alteration in roles:

Presenter: A cuckoo skipped.
The hut turned.
Sych flew through the window.
Everything became dark - dark.

Goblin wakes up often
And it goes to the hut.
The hut door opens,
Well, the fairy tale begins ...

Sunny fidered the light
And there is no light in the hut.
Yaga lives in that hut.
Sleeping. Not a fig will get up.

And she lives without troubles,
Do not remember how many years.
Now for life all the benefits.
The yaga was laveled.

Only to midnight rises
And on the pati is sung.
In the gadgets, it was tanned,
I haven’t eaten a hundred children.

Well, give her to give her:
Sushi, pizza, steak "Ribai".
And in clothes, Pontus took:
Rhinestones, chains, all things.

For a long time it does not fly in a mortar.
He travels to the "Cruper".
True traffic jams - Evil takes.
No, but he will remember the Stupa.

And in the hut "European Republic",
Only the cat is not satisfied.
Previously, it got somewhere,
And now it has become otherwise

If you want - no: carry to the tray,
Give me such a vow.
And shake the paws,
And they can poke the face.

Yes, the hut, here, is suffering.
Everything on its feet sinks.
Everything is rattling and creaks,
I believe that arthritis.

That's how life, tell me mercy,
Yaga has changed.
Now the grandmother is psychic!
I want with diplomas, you want without.

Remove damage, ailment and evil eye.
Or everything will be at once.
In general shelma on all hands
Do not find more valuable science.

Now in the fashion of the majority
All folk remedies.
What to treat, fuss
It is better to immerse yourself in karma.

Patients have darkness.
After all, he knows how to conjure.
Goblin's certificates collects,
Yes, the anamnesis is.

Only the sufferer will come in
Yaga knows ahead.
What is sick, what will pass,
Or you need a love spell.

Since Kikimora came
Discuss your business.
Goblin, in his nose mustard,
Drafers behind a mermaid.

All gifts are brought to her
And where does it get?
And his legal lady
Only burdock with slugs!

The slugs are good,
We will come in from the heart
But not at all that food
What a carriage from the pond.

Kikimora: I would have a sting under her tail,
Cosmas would have opened!
Just like it, so,
It can be dragged into the pool.

I ask only just
Drain her swamp.
After all, she is a bitch, without water
Crans will quickly come.

Yaga: Oh, how you reasoned everything!
Dry - you need power!
And the frogs, and the izm?
You are completely without a soul!

Yes, but herself water
Will he agree with you?
With water, we have a world.
Or God Mars is an idol?

For such things,
Did you come to substitute me?
Because of the goblin prodigal
Do you take a lot of yourself?

Kikimora: Fool, I'm a fool. Sorry.
Only the ways lead to you.
Not smart for your head, so what
Will you take from Kikimora?

Yaga: Okay. Stop up.
I will help you.
I will not say about the mermaid.
I will be a spell of the goblin.

Will run after you
Like a goat behind a goat.
You will be an embodiment
The hidden dreams.

Lovery here is an infusion.
On, take it with you.
You drop the goblin on the crown,
How good will be time.

Everything, go out of sight.
Cover the door properly.
I was tired a little,
It would be necessary to take a bit slightly.

Leading: Kikimor's door covered
And she hurried to the den.
Imagining how together
We will heal sweetly with gobly.

So fled that she stumbled,
The forehead on the Christmas tree sat down.
The bubble broke it,
That is how the devilish power!

Forehead, scratched with annoyance,
Yes, and to hell, I sent everything.
I trudged to my home.
On the path along the forest.

Yaga from the club turned back
Where Machito all drank.
The cruiser puts at the gate,
And there the goblin is already waiting.

Goblin: Yaga, for the sake of old friendship,
And for the sake of the right service ...
Yaga: Listen, Leshiy, leave me alone!
You see, Sinai is like drunk.

To the bed to get to me.
Wow, it was so to get drunk!
I'll sleep, another, another
And I will appear before you.

And you stand, over the windows
The steres are my sweet dream.
Goblin: I will stand. Any evil
I can cripple.

If only hell
He will encroach on your peace.
Yaga: Well, okay! I went.
I will sleep for an hour and all things.

Leading: An hour passes or two
Finally there is a yaga.
Yaga: Listen, goblin, climb into the swamp
The toad wants something.

This is true from Mojito
The liquid is painfully poisonous.
Well, the toads, the light is clear,
There is no better hangover from a hangover.

Leading: I managed to sit on the porch,
Leshy with a toad is already here.
Yaga swallowed a toad
Then she let her go.

Yaga: Well, what did you want?
And a bunch of things still.
Goblin: Here with Kikimora trouble.
Here's what nonsense.

Says: "You are not a husband to me."
"You want hacks of me."
“I will dry now on the Christmas tree.
My needles are dear to me. "

Yaga: Well, tell me, tell me mercy.
How did it happen?
Goblin: Yes, and I don't understand
From what and why.
The bump glows on the forehead.
Maybe she moved to the mind?
Well, I don't feel sorry for her.
Miles from me from the pond mermaid.

And Kikimora - damn it,
Let him live with his pine.
If-b is only water
I took it, approved my choice.

If-b you would find strength
I talked with Vodyanoy.
I will be your slave
And an assistant in everything.

Yaga: What will I help a friend,
But the service for the service.
It is necessary to lure into the thicket,
Yes, and enclose the potion.

I will point out to whom
The stripper of one.
In Red Vepra, he performs
Everyone calls the centaur.

I will direct the spell on him,
I will send for mushrooms to the forest.
Well, don't yawn
Yes, meet him in the forest.

Take the potion. How will it sip -
Then the same will take him a dream.
You put him in a tub
And drag in my hut.

Only so that he does not see who.
Little, you roll something like that.
Goblin: I will fulfill everything, in my mouth to me turnip,
I know this firmly.

Yaga: That's glorious, I look.
I’ll talk to the water.
Well, come on soon
Do not stomp here at the door.

Leading: Goblin washed off, and Yaga
I locked the pantry
And the potions welded the potions.
To be fresh.

Yaga: My potion is power
How Kikimoru cut down!
Damn the devil
The lapel is impossible.

Very soon my desired
The husband will become the long -awaited!
With him in the set and good people,
And in bed will be needed!

Glorious with dear together
We will heal in the hut!
It’s not ashamed to go out with him,
There is no better gentleman!

Leading: Yaga quickly gathered in the club,
Well, you're sorted out.
It is necessary to do it before
And then you will be glad.

In the club, so that it was more convenient,
The cute honeycomb lured.
And whispered in the ear
The word is fascinated:

Yaga: “How to take this bill,
You go to the white light,
Behind the fields, behind the valleys
Right in the thicket behind mushrooms. "

Leading: Here the centaur was straightened all
And he retired to the dressing room.
The yaga was gathered here
And he rushed into the hut.

I turned into a hut
And he settled down to the window,
Waiting for him
His narrowed.

It seems that a year has passed
Look, a goblin packet rushing.
Yaga: Glory to the devil, Propper.
I really thought.

Goblin: Almost died, it is.
After all, the silicons cannot be counted in it!
Moreover, it’s healthy.
Weighs like half a fire!

Yaga: Put it in a hut
Place on the couch,
Outside, wait.
Someone would not have come.

Hello, a narrowed friend.
Soon you will be my husband.
Wake up from dreams.
A drop of a drop I am on the crown.

And then souls will merge
You will be obedient like a puppy.
You will not leave me
Until the grave day.

Goblin: Listen, grandmother, damn it!
Yaga: What a demon carries him!
A step here. He will come to himself -
Bay right away here.

So that he does not come to himself,
Only so that he was alive.
Hold on the bubble
Just do not break your brother!

Well, I'll take soot,
I will quickly run the devil.
Goblin: Well, good, I can do that -
Moves - I’ll flaunt once!

Yaga Damn:
- Well, what a self -power power
Did you bring you to us?
Crap: All drag on the table!
I came to get married!

Yaga: I told you everything:
I sent you to the goblin!
Yes, don't even think.
Right now I smear soot!

Damn: what am I black and so,
It’s not shameful to hell!
Or who did you find?
I feel dark things!

Yaga: You would go with your flair
Straight to the city of Kogaly!
There are like you in bulk
You will be lubricated with black fat!

Or call the goblin,
Acceleration to give?
Crap: Okay, okay, I went.
It was just a joke.

Yaga: Well, dumped at the end,
And I need a crown.
I will turn on the hut rather
And the goblin really flaunts.

(Yaga Lesemi)
- Well, dear friend, how are you?
Goblin: Yes, we can do it!
He came to himself,
But there is a stake for this!

I gave three to four times.
Doesn't take it. Healthy infection!
I did not endure then
Thy bubble was fluffed.

Since then he shines all
And it rotates with his eyes.
True, I would apologize.
After all, your bubble crashed.

  Yaga: What? On the forehead? The whole bubble?
What are you standing a brother?
In your place I would
I ran away by the seas!

Well, I got a fate!
Well, I contacted the family!
Probably from your hand
Beat other people's bubbles?

Goblin: So what? And what will happen?
Yaga: He must fall in love with you!
So that you are incinerated!
There was a love spell!

He loves you now.
You do not waste time in vain.
He will go away now
And it will begin to love you.

Only once will you see you.
You will not come out of you!
He's well done in this!
Here and the fairy tale is the end ...

Tale in a new way about Baba Yaga instructive

A fairy tale in a new way about Baba Yaga and King Matvey
Tale in a new way about Baba Yaga instructive

A fairy tale in a new way about Baba Yaga instructive:

There was a good king Matvey.
He loved horses.
For a bay stallion
The king and father could sell.

That king had three sons.
The eldest is smart, medium - gay,
Well, and the younger youth,
He was brewing endlessly.

Here I made it out of Koschey,
In a stall of royal horses
And abducted the king
His best horse.

As I learned about this Matvey,
He called for children
And issued such a decree,
Return the horse at once!

The brothers gathered at the road at once,
Follow the king an order.
They harnessed three horses
And we went soon.

Long long, briefly jumped,
The priests in the saddles tired.
Younger son: “Would relax just right,” -
He suggested Brother Pedorast.

The eldest did not solve for a long time:
"Here we will make a halt!"
The youngest agreed with his brother
I did not dare to argue with the smart.

They straightened their horses
And sat down at the stones.
On one of them was
The inscription is strange alone.

“If you go to the right -
You will find a lot of money there,
Directly - I wilted a woman,
To the left - I’m glory to the removal. ”

Brothers together:
“There is no other way here
We will have to disperse
On different sides "

Smart: - “I will go straight
I will find a woman there for myself
Let us be a father-father
It escorts to the aisle. "

Average: - “Well, I will go
To the left - I will find fame there,
There will be my fellows
Sow poems about me. ”

The youngest got the way
To turn the horse to the right.
“Kohl is not fame, not a wife -
I will find money for myself! "

The brothers did not say goodbye for a long time,
We promised to meet
In a month the king,
Kohl will get a horse.

The youngest kept a long way
Eight days without sleep galloped
And he got into the country of miracles,
The forest suddenly grew up in front of him.

Jr: “There is nothing to do, go
I will have part of the journey.
And he wandered along the path,
Directly to the grandmother-yaga. "

The old one found out about that
The Russian spirit was planted.
At the stones, because on a halt
The brothers drank vodka.

The yaga prepared
Wait for the hero to visit.
Everything that was in the cellars,
It turned out on the tables.

An hour passes to the old woman,
Waiting in the hut,
The one whom she is, enters
I have been waiting for her hundred years.

Grandma immediately to him.
He sits up to the table,
Take it to treat him
And the prince remains.

The day approached the end
Heals fellow to bed.
The grandmother is taken to seduce
And he clings to him closer.

Well, good fellow
Was deprived of the end
And old women leprosy
I understood because not immediately.

And Yaga started up so
She undertook to undress him.
But only I saw
What in vain molested.

Even though she was known as a yaga
It was a good butter.
I decided to regret it,
The chest gave money.

And the prince is young
He began to keep his way home.
He returned to the palace
Like a successful merchant.

To the right of the middle turned.
Only the horse of the river was fingered,
Like a wall across
The forest rose from the ground.

The son of the king was surprised
He had to get off his horse.
At least twist - at least not twist
I myself had to go.

Making your way through the bushes
He sprinkled his pants into a shame.
For a long time our gay wing,
White light and all people.

I soon went out to the edge
And I saw a hut there,
Three hundred years in the hut lived
The old grandmother is one.
The body had a decrepit
But her soul was in full swing.
Long grandmother Yaga
There was only one without men.
And at the sight of a fellow
She wanted ...
She did not wait long
And she called him into the hut.

Fed, drunk,
I put it on the bed
The house was removed and herself
She lay down next to him.

Seductively sighed
And she pushed him with her foot.
Despite rheumatism
I set about climbing.

Well done started up here.
From sleep, he suddenly woke up.
It became vile to him.
He threw off his yagu.

Grandma fell on the floor.
She cried out, groaned.
Baba Yaga: “What are you doing, villain?
To gobble up you to Koschey!
Didn't I drink you?
Didn't I drink you?
There should be grateful
And love me all night! "

Medium son: “What did you, grandmother, foolishly?
Has the head flew?
Where did you see gay
I slept with us with a woman?! "

Baba Yaga: The yaga agreed with him.
“Sorry, I did not know
You forgive me everything to my old woman
Flitting here in a hut. "

Our prince is young,
Possessed such a soul
That the old woman regretted
And I already wanted to go.

Here he is rather a yaga
I gave the sword as a gift.
To be a good fellow
Glory got the crown.

And the prince is young
Returned like a hero
Right right to the palace,
Where the father was waiting for the father.

Choosing the path to yourself a straight line
Past the golden grove.
The eldest son did not rush.
Quickly the horse is not tired.

Long - short on the way
They were with a horse,
The day began to stick in the evening
The horse is afraid to go at night.

There was nothing to do, I had to
Rely at random.
The king’s son crossed himself
And he immediately went down from the horse.

In meadows and fields
The prince himself walked further
I decided to go through the forest,
And he got lost in the thicket.

Having stooped a little there,
He found one road.
And walking forward on it
He went to the house at the swamps.

Looking at the edge of the edge
He knocked on the door of that hut.
The door was not locked
She opened in vigor.

And the prince is young
He was met inside the yaga.
Grandmother did not get angry
And on the table, I soon collected.

Having treated the fellow
Drink into sweetness gave Vincets.
Sweet song sang
And of course it was open.

The eldest, the brothers were smarter.
And he is not an eunuch, not gay.
Well done did not
And he fell into the bed with Yaga.

And in the morning, suddenly, old woman,
Like a princess that frog
She immediately became young
Do not find one more.

As the royal son saw,
He fell in love with her instantly.
And he decided to pick up to his father,
To go there with her to the crown.

On the way to the palace
I met Kosh well done.
The royal son did not fight,
I just took off the footcloth.

In general, our eldest hero,
He got this way as his wife.
And for the priest-king
He got his horse.

And for the joy of Matvey
The feast convened for all people.
There were many people there,
They drank all not just water.

With the return of sons
Less than eight days have passed.
Like their royal father
I took everything to my hands completely.

He deprived the brothers of life,
He put gold into the treasury,
I hung a sword on the wall
To his son, he frequented the widow.

Soon the wedding was abroad.
But they did not feast for a long time.
My husband’s wife did not like.
That night he ruined him.

And the moral here is as follows:
If a woman is a yaga,
Let it not at least her miles
And the destruction is waiting for people!

Tales about Baba Yaga in a new way short

Tales about Baba Yaga in a new way short
Tales about Baba Yaga in a new way short

Tales about Baba Yaga in a new way short:

Bukha were somehow: the snake is three-headed,
Baba Yaga, Koschey, and demon.
And here is himself, considering the right,
On the snake, in a fight, the demon climbed.
They will get drunk all the time,
They don’t give each other a descent.
Get drunk in the trash, and so, fight,
From morning to night, the muzzles beat.

Of course, demon is interesting
Beat the snake, three in one.
I, so for the demon, to be honest,
But, business, you see, that.
All this fell on the day
Gorbata grandmother Yaga.
Why, the demon offended the old woman?
So, do more, do not graze.

Well, demon, of course I apologized,
Her to the dance, invited her
And for a long time in a waltz circled with her,
So far, she didn’t break her leg.
Screaming a fool with a snake,
Four voices yell.
And what do we have in the end?
Doils to good, they will not lead!

Somehow grandmother Yaga wanted to marry ...
Choosing grooms, set to work:
The characters were included in the list of candidates ...
Against everyone in the line is the result of the debate!
Here it is, a list of poems
About possible grooms:
Dragon - He is a freak ...
Day and night in three muzzles eat!
The jerk of Koschey over the gold is waving ...
And it smells bad for a long time!
Leshy, as a shoemaker drinks,
Songs stupid yelling!
Water The beer swollen ...
He is pot -bellied, ugly!
Well, Ivan - Quite a fool,
He does not marry in any way!
And Emele - All would lie ...
How to give birth to children from them?
In a word, if you look,
It’s better to die in girls!
But one evening in a stroller
The royal offspring returned ...
The horses were very tired
And they stopped in the forest ...!
Then Yaga realized at once:
Finally struck an hour!
I began to invite,
Hello and appease ...!
The degree did his job:
The grandmother took possession of the guy!
The royal son covered his eyes ...
In the morning - his trace caught a cold!
Kohl from fear of blood, blood is crushed
What kind of love is there!
And these are, brother, things:
The grandmother gave birth to a son!
Cool at life turn ...
Whoever believes in fairy tales will understand!
Since then, Yaga is not alone ...
Keeps the lamb more than an eye!
The child is growing on the currently,
And the chest sucks withered ...!
And right away ... (That's what it is!)
Mother was younger from worries!
Her sides recovered ...
A brush was filled with a blush!
The hut put in order:
I washed the pipe,
All the windows glazed,
Flowering flower beds planted
I washed the walls, shut up,
I removed the whole web
Lives with a baby in a light
Not a woman, the king is a young man!
Tsarevich walks sad, gloomy,
The son of an illegitimate son grows in a thicket.
You look - a spilled father!
Do not call a woman down the aisle!
Well, and Yaga lives careless
And "all the beam" in the hearts of the heart!
And there is no broom, and there is no stup
And instead of them - a convertible!
Here's a lesson for you: Do not wait for old age
Kohl of the husband - the prince did not get
Let it be a husband for an hour -
The child will make you happy!
Close, girls,
In the "Odnoklassniki" page!
And do not believe on the Internet!
Grooms there definitely - no!

Tale about Baba Yaga in a new way funny

Tales about Baba Yaga in a new way cool
Tale about Baba Yaga in a new way funny

A fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way is funny:

I lived a yaga in the forest for a hundred years,
Cooked hares for lunch,
For a holiday to the house called guests,
Well, in general, everything is like people.
And it is necessary for the new year,
Appeared in the forest of this discord,
What did Ivan look in the forest
Well, is it a fox hat?
But he was lost visible,
Look, there is a house in a clearing,
So not in Russian the house is worth
He looks at the forest one window.
A fool beats the door of the door,
He tore off her loops, dude.
Burst into the house, and brazenly tries,
Yaga is sleeping on the Russian stove.

The terrible Yaga woke up
And asked a fool in her forehead:
“Why did you get into the house to me,
What kind of demon knocked on this?
Or maybe the goblin made fun of
I lured you to the thicket
He himself cannot do anything
So maybe you will help him out?
I have been living for thirty years,
In a dream I see a member and roar
Where can I get a man in the forest?
What would he be able to calm my passion. ”
The old woman was experienced
No wonder she lived in the forest for a hundred years,
Whom God deprived with the mind,
In return, he handed the mind to the mind.

Granny looks affectionately,
And gently Vanka says:
“You live with me, my friend,
I will give you a bag.
And if you can please
I will cook the infusion to live forever ",
He climbed onto the stove to the yaga fool,
What to do, since I got into a mess.
And so he began to live with the yaga,
To wool her with your element,

The trouble happened somehow:
The younger yaga appeared.
Sister from only fifty years,
I rolled, bitch, for lunch,
And let's wag the hip,
The moron to visit yourself.
Here he is going to evil spirits,
Without taking a fool with him,
Sister, said after: "Cat",
She undertook to show striptease.
Then the skirt will pull the navel,
Otherwise it will unfasten the jacket
Ivan - the fool looked, looked,
Suddenly all shook and sweated.
He grabbed the younger yagu
And at the table he bent into the arc,
He planted Elda to her to the mude,
Already the dirt climbed from the ears.
Since then, they went with them,
As soon as the Yaga threshold,
Ivan and his sister - on the bed,
And immediately clean the ears.
I learned somewhere, then Yaga:
The fool instructed her horns
The old woman boiled blood,
“Oh, I will avenge them for love”!
The old infusion was welded,
The infusion is magical, not simple
And poured pigeons into tea,
May the vengeance come true plan!
How the ears will lie down,
They will immediately become spiders,
And let, as usual, over centuries,
The sister of a dude will devour.
So I ate the fool,
A spider spider,
If you started your yagu
Then to the young, not gu-gu!

The fairy tale about Baba Yaga is modern - alteration in a new way for the host

Tales about Baba Yaga Modern - Alteration for a new for the host
The fairy tale about Baba Yaga is modern - alteration in a new way for the host

A fairy tale about Baba Yaga is modern - alteration in a new way for the host:

In the threshold, in an antediluvian hut
The century lives a lame old woman.
Stupa with a broom, bone leg ...
In appearance and in essence, - Baba Yaga.

There is no radio, no Internet in the house,
Baba Yaga does not know about it.
So he lives: neither friends nor children,
And from friends - only greedy Koschey.

And in the swamp of Kikimor, he is hanging.
None of the "unclean" is friends with her.
Skinny greens on a bump sits,
Early eyes follow everyone ...

I like Kike for a long time water
But he has an interest in young.
Swims in a river with tailed sofas:
Young, stately, very beautiful.

Goblin was going to walk,
But he failed to please.
He was tired of her poems and songs,
Yes, and stinks of mice and mold!

In a word, their personal life at zero:
Kika on a bump, yaga on a broomstick.
Goblin with an accordion staggering through the forest,
Well, Koschey is only announced for tea.

Celebrates Baba Yaga Anniversary.
In KOI, he has been waiting for the called guests.
The table was covered by an old woman on occasion.
Of the wrappers - all the best!

Guests at the festival ate and drank,
Baba Yaga was presented with a laptop.
So to the old woman in old age
The Internet itself came to visit!

Forest's evil spirits are such pranks,
Immediately hit the site "Odnoklassniki"!

On the avatar, where the main photo is, -
Jennifer Lopez, Kutunia Toto ...
Hundreds of girlfriends in white light ...
Well, fans - I will keep it!

Virtual life tightly rallied
Forest, unclean power.
The house was rebuilt, the walls were placed,
Two pairs were added to the chicken legs.

The house created comfort and coziness,
And the hostel live together.
They play games, they talk on Skype,
And online - they call themselves a club.

In the evening, songs are singing in karaoke,
There are no sad and no lonely.
There are no envious, harmful here.
Glory to you and respect, Internet!

Musical fairy tale about Baba Yaga for adults

Musical fairy tale about Baba Yaga for adults
Musical fairy tale about Baba Yaga for adults

Musical fairy tale about Baba Yaga for adults:

To the music for the song "Do you remember ..." from the operetta "Silva"

Baba Yaga: They forgot the way for us
Rotosai-Real Trade:
Mushroom pickers and schoolchildren.

Goblin: I am amused the premium
They carried away their legs ...
And now not to the game

Baba Yaga: Time flew by
The past is like a wonderful dream.
They began to live in the forest invisible, you and I ...
You and I are a dream.

Goblin: I won't forget these days
Turn back years ...

Baba Yaga: Do not send hardships now - everything has passed ...
I will become sore at night,
I once flew in a mortar ...

Goblin: Maliciously mouse
I drove to the village of impudent ...

Baba Yaga: Chewing the potion,
She turned people into monsters ...

Goblin:"Do you remember
Our dreams?"

Baba Yaga: I will get a nervous breakdown ...
Goblin, cool

Goblin: They gained each other with you
My kind wife
We forever be together

Baba Yaga: He took the heart, dear, place,
I am uncomfortable without you
I boiled again

Goblin: The fairy tale will find the beginning
We will be on a horse again.
We will do a lot of only. Do you believe?
Do you believe me?

Baba Yaga: I don't have a rash for salt you wound
I'm tired of waiting long ...

Goblin: Do not live with memory, then it has passed ...
Life is ahead.

Baba Yaga: "Do you remember"
Mermaid and water?
The pool is stored
They did not spare themselves at all.

Goblin: "Do you remember"
Haughty brownie?
The enemy is idle
A friend of purity ...

Baba Yaga: The past suddenly became a dream ...
"He is dear to me"

If the miracle is an obstacle
"The heart hurts!"
Grafoman writes fairy tales?
All! Enough!
Watch me now,
Man, I'm dangerous
Not a sheep!
You can't run away from me-
I will instantly catch even a mouse-
I will catch you on the network
And you know ...

Goblin: "Do you remember?"

Baba Yaga: "I remember?"

Together: Let all the past sleep
He is in the hand!

Tale about Baba Yaga and the Internet for adults - alteration in a new way

A fairy tale about Baba Yaga and Lesha for adults - alteration in a new way
Tale about Baba Yaga and the Internet for adults - alteration in a new way

A fairy tale about Baba Yaga and the Internet for adults - alteration in a new way:

Once in the evening, the bad time-the goblin came to my grandmother,
He showed her a suitcase that he found on a stump in the forest.
Like, he does not know what to do with him, nothing is clear,
Only some buttons are there, the rest for what?

And Yagusha offered the cup to the guest, poured,
But herself, to be reasonable, the potion did not drink it,
Only the goblin turned off - the grandmother of the hedgehog poked the "Network"
And with knowledge of art - well, hanging in your networks.

Downloaded all pages: ""Classes ", peace" and "Story",
On Facebook, she lit up, he listens to the songs in Lira.
I scored a dating site, I registered myself there,
Vasilisa loaded the avatar with the nickname.

The grandmother of the hedgehog votes Choose "Mr. March",
And only her excitement is sorted by the witchcraft,
Looks, old, in the pictures-everything-well, miracle-Khoroshi,
Grandmother thinks for himself: "Glory were Belyashi!"
Would she make an appointment with her, but in the forests to lure,
You look there - more, handsome, will be able to please the grandmother.

About me - laconic, wrote that the widow
And the dreams of love are only big, she is alive.
Writes lines with inspiration - you get poems,
Whatever they post on the site - the Druzyaks write: "This is a hit!"

Either the spell of witchcraft, or her soul is pure, or
But the granny only wants not Belyash at all!
Want cute yagusha pure and great love,
Well, and the choice on the Internet is only to catch your moment.

Write letters, messages, ask for Skype and phone,
Yagun hooked everyone, but she only needs him.
So that he loved her and walked, was not lazy and not stupid,
If the house suddenly does not have meat to eat ordinary soup.
So that Vanya was also called, but the hero was handsome
Well, so that the ghoul did not suddenly hide behind the avatar.

For a long time, grandmother will have to hang in her networks,
Because this happens only in fairy tales or dreams.
And hiding his face for a wonderful avatar -
They doomed someone to take a cat in a bag, like a gift.

A converted fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way - in roles for a feast

A converted fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way - in roles for a feast
A converted fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way - in roles for a feast

A converted fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way - in roles for a feast:

Presenter: The night crawled into the forest dense,
The amber dawn grew like a coloss.
Yaga in the window with her longing
She looked and sobbed into her voice:

Yaga: “Oh, there is no mock to sit
In the hut on my legs!
I want to go to the people, ditties to sing!
I want to put on an outfit, earrings! "

Leading: That's a woman sorted out!
She lived in the forest for centuries.
Only one thing - forever unlucky
With Ivan the fools.

Then they will turn his head with a joke
Then they are seriously worried.
And then they strive to offend:
Ivan: "You have no skin, no face!"

And trembling a woman pessimism:
Yaga: “Why am I such a terrible?!
The life was somehow crooked!
But sometimes I dream about otherwise! "

Leading:Yaga, grunting, raised
And the mirror wiped the mirror.
She looked at him - True, passion!
Wrinkles - like waves during a storm!

The scarf was removed from gray hair,
She shook it, flashed in plenty.
The nose was lost to redness.
Tired. And a little naughty.

Then an hour passed, then for five minutes,
There was a knock. She asked: "Who is there?"
Koschey: “Yaga! Koschey immortal here! "
Opened b. Mother nature!

Leading:Koschey, as if, is not him!
Washed, combed, with a suit!
And used cologne!
The breath was spent from the perfume!

Yaga: "Something you, Koschey, that ..."
Koschey: “Yes, Yaga, he was dressed up.
Otherwise what - I do not remember the year
As it should, he didn’t wash. ”

Yaga: "Why is this?" "For you!"
The yaga was felt right away.
But, remembering yourself in the mirror,
Cooked the phrase with a tear:

“You are a gentleman! Nursery - I!
Come on, find yourself another! "
Koschey: “What are you, my swallow!
I only love you, this ... "

Leading:Rubing the mouth of the mouth,
Yaga looked at Koshchei.
And melting in the heart of a woman ice,
And the woman turned into a fairy.

In the gaze of a faded blue
The heavens of the wide were reflected.
A gray hair went somewhere
Yaga turned into a brown -haired woman.

Yaga: "Now!" - and disappeared behind the doors,
In a chest ducked with her head.
And there - from nowhere -
Green sundress with kaimia.

Koschey: “Oh, wow, Yaga!
But how did you transform!
And where is the bone? "
"Why is she, say to mercy?"

Leading:Koschey with his only
He ran on the grass of emerald,
Gave daisies tenderness to her.
And in a hot day the morning changed.

The sun was burning. Ray danced
In the earrings, the gluing of summer.
And I watched with touching
Huge oak for this couple.

And the evening the sun covered -
Yaga and Koshchei came to the village.
A month over the earth sailed,
And they all sang all under the accordion!

Yaga: “Look at me, am I not a beauty?
I am from the fellows of Koschey - a brave guy - like it! "

Koschey: “Ah, my yaga, Yaga! Kiss on the cheek!
I will take you to my wife! You will give birth to my daughter!

Leading:Have been living among people for a long time
Koschey, Yaga and their baby.
They love each other more and more.
So, in general, about love and a book!

Funny fairy tales-transfers about Baba Yaga in a new way in verses

Merry fairy tale alteration about Baba Yaga in a new way in verses
Funny fairy tales-transfers about Baba Yaga in a new way in verses

Funny fairy tales-transfers about Baba Yaga in a new way in verses

Once our Tolyan,
Know him to the demon,
Either foolishly, or with drunk
He brought into a neighboring forest.

In general, he found himself often
Winter late sometimes
And, of course, got lost,
The case is the city.

Look, wretched hut
Smokes from the pipe
And a hunchbacked old woman
It stands on the porch.

Without teeth, with only one eye,
And prosthetic leg,
Krivobok, ugly ...
In general - grandmother Yaga.

Then he collapsed to his knees
I almost put it in my pants,
And from the horror of Beleya,
Frowned with fright:

“Oh, you are goye granny,
I feel came to me "Hrindows",
I'm not good for food
Tokmo only for jelly.

I am not enough alcohol
Pour vodka under the kadyk,
Eat mine and right there
There will be, grandmother, Kirdyk.

And also, I admit honestly
I read a lot of fairy tales
And the yagu, which is interesting,
I respected more than others. ”

The old woman tells him
Whispering language:
“Oh well done, you are cunning
With courtesy is familiar.

Although I am hungry, right,
But I will spare you
It hurts me so much
Maybe even reward.

Say what they need,
Frankly, not cunning.
Fuck with you, I will not be greedy
Let there be three desires. ”

Then he scratched his head
Stimulating the process,
And he said in a fit in an ardor:
“I wish Mercedes!

On Rublevka would an apartment
Helped me to buy,
And I also want Ira
Finally gave me. "

This list is not huge
Apparently laughed Yaga:
“Oh, well done, you're modest
All you ask - I can.

No, I asked the grandmother
Diamond palace,
Or invisible step,
Il Tsarevna ... at the end.

Neither immortality nor half
You don't ask me
No Koshcheeva ...
What you want is all garbage.

But you still have to, dear
For desires to serve
And with his peasant force
Granddowed the grandmother. ”

From such a proposal
Everything in his brain boils.
To get out of the position?
So he says to her:

“Have you been stunned at all?
Conscience completely, no, no?
Eka invented the case!
Yes, you are a hundred years old at lunch. ”

Yaga: “I don’t have to count the year,
It doesn't matter how old
Sex and girls delight
And the old women are not harmful. "

Here, collecting his whole courage,
He decided to objectb:
“You at least looked in the mirror,
To offer this?

Do not core me, granny,
But such a garbage
Very, so to speak, I'm fighting
That it will not get up with me.

And in the response of the old woman, the quokhchchet:
“From such, stsuka, tin,
Yeah you want something
You, Milenok ... strain.

And let's, don't be shy,
Do not go away, Mother is a nuclear
Try for the grandmother ...
Well, quickly, march in the bed! "

He tried fame,
Clean eyes closed,
I remembered Schifarov to Klava
And he revived himself.

A gate from a grandmother's face,
Tighten, God sees,
An hour and a half obedient
I pleased her as best he could.

And when she disappeared
Almost letting go of the spirit
She was a lot of years,
The guy dreamed out loud:

“Thank you, granny,
I'm expensive with an apartment!
I’m dragging myself from myself
How cool I am!

I am amazed to myself
I have a Mercedes.
Wow, I will ride today,
Just to leave the forest.

I will fly to Irke right away
Let me give me a blowjob ... "
And the old woman, here is the infection,
Giggled back.

He says, gritting a face:
“How old are you, son?
You seem to be an adult, but still
You believe in fairy tales, fool ... "

Grandma Yezhka is a dream - a dream -
Beauty salon.
Here is peeling and massage,
Manicure for fingers, even!
And the grandmother woke up - Won:
Not massage, not a salon!
So yes, the vigor is vigorous!
I'll do what you want!

Sharped the grandmother of the bathhouse,
I dragged a sleigh there -
That is a lie, it’s clear to you!
And not a bathhouse, but to hammam!

Flawed, opened,
Ten times, already hung up!
The legs of the earnest of the birch bark -
Cool peeling, hell of a scythe!

All is steamed, washed.
The spirit of herbs comes from the trough!
There is only a bathrobe,
Only rags and patch.

She walked into the hut like Pava!
But hesitated and fell. -
She shook off and so
The spa is continued again:

To become tender erysipelas -
The mold will put on it.
To give the Cosmas style,
She began to whip their broom.

I drunk my eyebrows,
The lips are smeared with beetroot.
Mud from a puddle - hand cream. -
Well this is all a natural product!

I found a bottle in the middle of the dishes,
I looked - just a miracle!
Her soul went to the dance:
How good the grandmother is!

It will not look at itself. -
Straight, not a grandmother, but a girl!
Laughed: “Ha ha ha!
Now you need a groom! ”

I looked into the window of the cat,
Shouted: “Meow !!!”, open your mouth,
“What is wrong with Yaga now?!
Her a attic was demolished? ”

And don't laugh at the grandmother! -
Everyone wants a sweet life. -
Do not be a yaga, but Pavoy! -
Everyone has such a right!

It makes no sense to argue with this!
And it doesn't matter how much you are!
I tell you, loving:
Ladies, pamper yourself!

Original fairy tales in a new way about Baba Yaga

Original fairy tales in a new way about Baba Yaga
Original fairy tales in a new way about Baba Yaga

Original tales in a new way about Baba Yaga:

The yaga is burning on the threshold of the hut:
How bored in the thicket to live a poor old woman.

I dream of good guests day and night,
In a dream, I even see how they are inhabited by tea.

Decoction with healing grass and flowers,
I cook a ruddy pie with mushrooms.

There will be no casualties and snake poisons,
I will now be the yaga by the bakery.

Hey, owl, plug the gentlemen and ladies.
Flying caviar get two hundred grams.

You will find another punish under the shelf,
Lightly, conveniently, call the guests.

Wow! Come to us both horse and walking!
Kikimore appeared from darkness, goblin,

The eternal friend of the grandmother of the hedgehog Koshchi came,
He fell, as if from the sky, still Barmaley.

All the decoctions drank, ate caviar,
The gambling began the game.

Then they fought: Here is a deceiver of Koschey.
Koshchei was driven by the company.

Kikimora tormented her grandmother with a stump,
And the goblin in the basement all the pickles broke.

One Barmaley was calm, like an elephant,
All evening he poked his fingers into a smartphone.

And in the morning, Yaga said the hut:
From these guests - straight a baldness on the top of the head.

Where to get with intellect, serious people?
For a smart conversation, I want guests.

Count Dracula called me in the last century,
The tour promised to me for two days ...

Hut: "" Sit, listen to the music of the forest,
Around the Russian spirit, not Dracula Bes.

Elena Wise visit, call
Here with her what you want, Yaga, talk.

Or maybe call me the girl Sybchak?
The hut hut and fainted Bryak.

Then she whispered: “You will go, Yaga,
To the Guzeev Lara to look for the groom. "

Yaga yelled: "I want a husband!"
She jumped into the stupa: “See you! Bye!"

The grandmother-Yaga was sad: now:
I live in the world alone.
No one takes a woman to marry me.
Not even a stupa-emit.

That I did not come out with a face, they say.
Not blown, but my eyes burn,
Only when I see the gold-serebly,
Then the face is blurry and white.

It was as if a hundred years flies immediately from his shoulders.
Only it is difficult for me to save this image.
No one shakes me with silver today
Without him, I am worthless.

If the wife had taken a villain of Koschey,
I would become more beautiful all beauties.
He has so much gold-serebra.
I would have been a blunder with him.

But Kashcheyushka sits in gold,
The hunkerry does not look at me.
He does not want to go down the aisle,
Everything, the immortal painting is waiting, brides.

After all, now the fools are enough young,
Silicone, such fringed.
They don't care that the body is flashed by Koschey,
That under the skin is only a bone of bones.

There was a time when the marios broke,
Good and did not rush to Koshcheevo.
And now only he will shock with a wet one,
And anyone will go for him immediately.

Well, tell me how Yaga is not sad here,
And I can’t pour smelly tears today?
And what if you take to go to the people,
Maybe Vanya there will be selected there?

Then a nightingale sang her on a twig,
And from the trifles of the woman became lightly.
She smiled, sat in a stupa:- Well, go ahead!
Everything, I decided, I fly to the people!

Funny fairy tales new way for adults about Baba Yaga

Funny fairy tales new way for adults about Baba Yaga
Funny fairy tales new way for adults about Baba Yaga

Funny fairy tales new way for adults about Baba Yaga:

In a dark forest on the edge
Grandmother lived in a hut.
The name was grandmother - Yaga. -
Was the old Karga.

Her day was bored, bad:
From the morning I caught flea,
The stove drowned by lichen,
Yes, in a boiler, I cooked mice.

One morning, an instruction,
I looked at the grandmother in a bottle. -
Surrounded, dangling the cat -
Beauty is no longer so! ..

“I'm the princess of the whole forest!
Where is the beauty? What a demon!
I am Yaga, no one!
I need to correct my chest! "

I found old rubber
Poured a quagmire into her.
And then all this dregs
I tied it where the chest! -

I dragged on, but not much:
“How sexy I am now!
I will wag the hips -
Beauty - neither give nor take!

I have not fit me - beauty
Have lips like scraps!
You need to fix the sponges! -
Sexy me, a nuclear on Mother?! ”

To please Koshchei
The grandmother welded glue.
Glue lip with glue,
Wraps it in the pipe.

With delight, she began to stomp -
Lips are just a kurya of the priest!
Horror - no matter how to fall!
But Yaga is happy - passion!

All! Ready lips, chest!
It is necessary to tighten the cheeks! -
She had to pour glue into the basin,
Wet the thread in the gap.

From the effort is slightly breathing
She stuck the thread to her ears.
The cat looked, exclaimed: "Oh!"
Dera gave and immediately died!

In this fairy tale, the meaning is this:
If you don't want to be a yaga
Become an artificial freak -
Do not go against nature!

You are a reasonable individual!
God gave everyone their appearance. -
Be always yourself! -
It is very scary to be a yaga!

On chicken legs
There is a hut in the forest.
Grandmother Yaga lives in her -
A venerable old woman.

Herberry Filin lives with her,
Eyes shake with spruce.
And on the farm - a black cat,
So that the mice are not impudent.

It happens that he will come to my grandmother
Friend is an old goblin.
Yaga calls him to the table,
The forest will be comforted.

Remember past years.
After all, how they were respected!
And in the forests back and forth
They didn’t go in vain.

Now there is no rest in the forests.
Where to get from the noise? -
Then planes in heaven,
Then trains on rails ...

Cikimora sits for a hundred years
Unlucky in the swamp,
Gorynycha was cold and a trace
You will not find Koshcheya ...

But who now remembers them?
Who is afraid of them now?
Honor magicians-columns of strangers,
Those from abroad.

Yaga sighs: “How can we be?
How to cope with poor?
Here are how to enter Hogwarts
We, Leshenka, with you!

Yes, old, what to hide!
But still, it can be
They can accept us for courses

New Year's fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way for a corporate party

New Year's fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way for a corporate party
New Year's fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way for a corporate party

New Year's fairy tale about Baba Yaga in a new way for a corporate party:

Before the New Year, my grandmother Yaga
Pies are blown on the table.
Put in a hut for chicken legs
There are a couple of brand new boots in the closet.

Granny ran to the curlers in the morning:
She cleaned the paths, brought the Christmas tree.
I hung toys, sparkles tinsel,
I lit all the candles in the house - guests would have time ....

Purrs on a bench
Vasily is a red cat:
“Wait, Grandma Hedgehog,
At least someone will come! "

Chu! On the porch, the rustle - granted Koschey
He brought an old woman a heap of worn bast shoes.
“You don't grumble, old woman! I'm old and sick
I can’t get to the market all the more in winter! "

Grandmose, that gift with a smile accepted:
“Come on, old! I was waiting for you! "
“I waited,” Vaska purred - she was dreary alone,
I would go more often, because she’s bored with me! ”

Suddenly they stabbed the door - then the goblin rolled:
“Yagusya, open it! Look that I dragged! "
The most beautiful bouquet extends to the grandmother:
"Accept, dear, because we are friends for many years!"

Here Kikimora to Yaga
I also came running:
“Hello, grandmother!
I'm not late for the table? "

The guests around the Christmas tree drive together.
So dance that needles are pouring.

“If, grandmother, you will always be so sweet,
Then we will not call you we are unclean power! "

Video: Fairytale therapy. Memoirs of Baba Yaga. Tales for adults

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