Fairy tales for the anniversary are the best options for the holiday

Fairy tales for the anniversary are the best options for the holiday

The anniversary is a special holiday that all the culprits of the celebration strive to spend as fun and positive as possible. And if you are striving to pleasantly surprise a loved one, congratulate him with a tale-reducing for an anniversary. You will find ideas for such a surprise in our article.

Fairy tales for the anniversary are the best options for the holiday

Fairy tales for the anniversary are the best options for the holiday
Fairy tales for the anniversary are the best options for the holiday

Fairy tales for the anniversary are the best options for the holiday:

Fairytale miniature for the anniversary of the lovely lady
The king had a general. He collected information
He will hide the face in a beard, and - a step around the city.
And at seven in exactly, to the king for the report.

You have heard that in our city there is Kralya, that you can’t take your eyes off!
She is 20 years old, the extreme case is 22.
You are molds for me Vincets! I even slept from my face!
As I saw ———, and I rattled from the porch!
Both blush and white, as if Pava swam!

The bitch went around me! But I knew that I was a widower!
Well, in an instant, I stole me to deliver to the palace!
Come on, nanny, bring the courts! Give it up for the labors!
Rub from the number of will, those who are gray!

You, my friend, are of those husbands who are harmless!
They are it, not bite, not even dick!
To get such a woman, you need to have a fervor and passion,
And your task is now - you can’t get into the cemetery!

Duck, after all, Babi is the courts about men are always thin!
Do not doubt in yourself, you are a lover at least kuda!

We somehow stole the end of Enth!
And in return, whisper to the people - that, they say we give the nanny!

All day, General’s mind was collected in a fist.
I remembered at my leisure about an old girlfriend - Baba Yaga Bone Leg

Baba Yaga:
You are not in yourself, there and a pimple on the lip!
Oh, you will shoot health in the political struggle!

Full, grandmother, I'm not ail! We will leave for the hill!
In short, o ————- There is a serious conversation!
Advise how to be, how to fall in love with it?
Take away from home, so the rumor will begin to trumpet.

Baba Yaga:
Salming a woman, conjure, grandfather, three from the side, there are no yours!
Make a riddle to people, and let them find the answer!
And they can neither horseradish, then this is their fault!
Take it then ———, at work, they say!

Ay, yes grandmother! Ah yes special! That's the end of the end!
At least take you out of the stupa, and the minister to the palace!

Only the dawn took up, the general is already from the king.

It’s good, is the news bad, report everything as it is for me!
Better bitter, but true than pleasant, but flattery.

I report that the whole people gathered at the gate!
In general, the matter accepts social circulation!
They do not want, your mother, we ———– give!
So that the trick will have to stole Entu!

Tsar (addresses guests):
What are you brothers, I am calm. What order and law!
Guess the riddle, and consider the issue resolved!
And do not find out the answer - there are no guilty in Ent!
And then lead- ---- I am in a separate office!

What works do you know about the birthday girl - songs, poems? (Guests answer: "")

Okay, brothers, I give up! I remain unmarried!
I can’t manage such a beauty, I'm afraid!
And since for me my people are my relatives,
I give all the guests for the next three days.

For ———- Day of birth, you and we pour us Vinca!
And then in our hearts it will immediately become more fun!

Here and the fairy tale is the end! And who listened - well done!

Congratulatory fairy tale-a day for the anniversary of Baba Yaga

It is necessary to dress up under a woman-yaga and tie a scarf.

Oh, my broom, broom!
Where did you bring me?
That's because I got transport!
The navigator has broken?!
Oh, tell me honest people -
The anniversary is not here?
(Guests answer - here)

I see ______
Only a strange look!
Pale, red nose,
And does not torment the diarrhea?
Here in the closet the Slomonal
Yes, I collected medicines!
Search all the white light,
Better there are no drugs!

My first advice is
To stay young,
Smear your face with manure -
It will be smooth, like an egg!
(Face cream)

Find the figure
Drive less - all go!
So that the forms do not sag
Especially in front!
To have a waist,
Fat, so as not to swim
At night, only horseradish and radish,
Yes, love business!
(Horseradish in a tube and radish)

To support the tone -
Learn to fly on a broomstick!
Equilibrium on a broomstick,
Not the same as in the saddle!
You will obey the advice,
Everything will benefit it!
You will be a symbol,
(stress on - scrap)
And in abundance there will be a house!
Here you have a modern half -mechanized broom
(Venik or mop with a clamp)

Here is from mold jelly!
Didn't drink his dossel?
So drink it when it starts
In the body is a carousel!
(Bag of dry jelly)
It tastes not so good
But it takes off trembling!

And a cold is not a trouble!
Eat a bug from a pond!
No more reliable medicine
Than the natural environment!
(Bag of dried squids)

If the heart is sick,
And in the chest it burns with fire,
This is Encephalitis!
Eat aspen bark,
And you will cheer up for the time being!
Tea is not chemistry!
Tea natural gifts!
(Raisins or figs)

And the pressure fucks,
Do the hare of pray!
He is much more healing than honey,
At least in color like honey
It tastes of course cool,
It happens from him!
Only those who survive
Everyone lives to old age!

And blums in the back,
Do not sit on the ballot!
Nagish Sigay in nettles,
And roll at the moon!
And when you are a friend
Not to sleep at night
Drink a decoction of flein legs!
You will snatch like a groundhog!
(Green tea bag)

That's all my order!
How did you have fun?
Jubilee! Happy Birthday!
Until the morning you are fun!
Finally I will grind the cup,
And I will die on the road!

Fairy Tale-transmission for the anniversary of King Gorokha

In the anniversary kingdom, in a table state
There was a king in one country in the atmosphere of the “Peshof”
The king is not at all bad the title - King Peas
His Majesty is a man,
Looking for everything, that would be the reason
I would turn out secretly
To be at the table.
It hurt the king to drink love
And taste a lot of dishes.
Congratulations read
And lift a governing toast.
- Dry the glass to the bottom
That's the mission here.
The king stands here at the door
I arrived to celebrate the anniversary
But the king has doubt, he is waiting for a special invitation
Let's call the king
And we will start the fun again.
Today our reason is not bad
Come to the hall, king of peas.

So, really, miracles,
Eyes scatter.
How many dishes and wines I see
I have one question.
What a holiday here you have
This evening hour?
Who is the culprit of the occasion
Report everything here!
In the meantime, I'll start bypassing
Greetings I am!
I saw a lot in the world
Countries, peoples, cities ...
I never sat at the table beautiful at the table.
Let me tell me
How to call me among the people:
I am a man, not bad myself,
I wear the title of king peas!
For girls young
Just an uncle, king.
I want to raise a glass here
As expected, the got up.
But, there is only one problem
This topic was not discussed.
On the agenda in the wards.
What do you note today?
You call the anniversary!

The king received a denunciation,
And in the denunciation, Tom is a question.
It is not clear to the king at all:
What are all guests doing here?
Do not regret the words in the answer
Tell me about the anniversary!
I would find a girl here
White -faced young man
Ready to go with me
And become a faithful wife!
Here, I see one person -
I look at you in both.
Look, it's not bad at all -
King is our father peas!

Jubileesh: Sorry, mistaken, honey, even if you are good, and not frail,
I cannot leave with you. I wait for the anniversary with friends!

TSAR: So the news, so yes,
My eyes lit up!
I need this to the kingdom,
So that the administration is adjusted there.

Congratulations from King Gorokh:
You are pity on me
Let's meet the anniversary together!
Anniversary to meet on time,out of the way to give you a quitter:
I give you compliments
From the guests - applause.
Well, and personally from myself
I give you two chests.
One chest cooked for you,
To keep the past years there.
All that was in your life:
Accomplishments, victories, failures
Beloved support, and in addition,
The warmth of the family, native hearth,
The warmth of those people love you!
Moments of meetings and joy of date
You save here in the chest under the secret.
Here is my advice: don't forget at all,
It is necessary that - get it bolder!
The second chest is empty for now at the bottom,
But you, dear, believe friends and me!
There were many words and wishes
Reach the heights, and new dares to you.
Success, love and respect,
You will certainly save
In this glorious miracle - a chest!
The moment has come here at the table and me
Hold the healthy speech,
Congratulate on the anniversary

Fairy Tale-a woman's anniversary-text in verses

Fairy Tale - a woman's anniversary - text in verses
Fairy Tale-a woman's anniversary-text in verses

Fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary of a woman-text in verses:

Fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary with the participation of Baba Yaga to congratulate a woman

Baba Yaga:
Yaga came to you from a fairy tale
To congratulate, - - -, you!
In a bag, I brought a gift from the forest today,
For a long time I gathered, dressed up,
At night with dear, she was chatting, kissing.

(Gives the birthday to the main gift.)

Our water is completely crazy.
The trade was famously turned around
He sent tinctures to you
He called a live water.

(Baba Yaga takes out a bottle of champagne.)

And tortilla, then tortilla
I forgot everything in old age
Instead of the key, she
Oldey sent here.

(Gives hygienic gaskets.)

And the wild boar is, and the wild
He dug potatoes
Maybe in our garden,
Maybe I stole it in yours!

(Baba Yaga presents a package of potato chips.)

Cursed water
He created what with me
Says: "Saught"
This item, I got it.

(Gives the birthday man a remedy.)

The wolf lifted a sheep for you
But nature is as
Only the skin from the sheep
You got only one.

(Gives a woolen scarf.)

The spider weeded a web
So that the tears do not drip from the eyes.

(Gives a handkerchief.)

Further, Baba Yaga offers to drink for the health of the birthday girl.

Fairy tale-drive for the anniversary "Three girls under the window ..."

Three maidens by the window
They sang late in the evening!
You all ask about who
Did they sing the three of them?
About a friend about her
They sang songs on the anniversary!

(Three girls come out, each song for the birthday girl sing)

First girl:
(Name), dear friend,
You are my idol, my favorite!
Tell me, well, how can it be without each other
Tell me, well, how can you do without each other
We are with you!

You are drawn after me,
You put your hands on my shoulders,
When I feel bad - you are with me
You, if, bad - I'm with you,
You won’t spill us with water in the end!

Second girl:
I must honestly tell you
I need such a friend!
She, like the sun, friendly, sweet
And my kindness drove me crazy!

(Name), my dear friend,
After all, everything around is delighted!
So stay so always,
I wish you happiness for many years! (Repeat the entire verse)

Third girl:
No you, nit is better for you
There is no more beautiful you and smarter and kinder!
No you, nyou are cooler!
I am happy that you are called my friend!

All girls together:
We all love you, dear,
And we love you!
The most kind, very beautiful,
I repeat, loving!
Let you ince succeeds!
Let all dreams and desires come true!
Happiness Let N.e will turn away!
Joy, love protects your home threshold!

Fairy tale-drive for the anniversary of the Bremen Musicians motive to raise the mood of guests

Actors: Princess, Trubadur, King, Detective (host)

We are an amazing fairy tale
We want to show today -
It has intrigue and denouement.
So let me start.

Once upon a time there was one princess
She was a student.
And for some reason, it is not known
I went to my friends in the room.

And there, Brench with his guitar,
The hero spent our time ...
But this moment for our couple
The moment of truth did not.

Princess with his nose turned back,
But our hero did not lose heart -
He was calm and silently
She helped her housework.

And since the dinner was joint
Always in the company of friends,
That is gradually interesting
It became her to communicate.

Then the books are discussing together,
(Then still read the people),
Then they think about high ...
So the days flew by, and here

They are already together all the time
And things are moving to the wedding,
But the mother of the future bride
I could not come to terms with this.

Princess and king:
(sing on the motive "Oh you, my poor trumpeter!")
- Oh, you are my pretty daughter,
I would have looked closely at anyone more likely -
To the diplomat, for example, or a doctor ...
- I will do what I want!

- You see, the family has a student
There is no human life,
I will fly your head ...
- I will do what I want!

- With a troubadour with your own, you are getting
You will remember mom - you naughty!
I will teach you the mind ...
- I will do what I want!

The princess lasted steadily -
Although it was very difficult
She did not refuse the groom ...
Well, what happened - it passed!

Now our hero is undoubtedly
For mother -in -law, the best son -in -law,
And in this fairy tale modern
A happy marriage - neither give nor take!

Princess and Trubadur come out:
(sing on the motive "There is nothing better in the world")

There is nothing better in the world,
How to ride a white light for us
There are many difficult roads on the ground,
But we can go around the whole world together!

The king comes out:
There is no better one in the world,
Than my son -in -law, I will tell you secretly
And all the years we live with him together -
I don’t need the best son -in -law!

We congratulate you with this fairy tale
And we wish you good health,
It doesn’t matter that the years are racing quickly,
With you forever love and happiness!
With you forever love and happiness!

Tales-transfers for the anniversary of a man-text in verses

Tales -transfers for the anniversary of a man - text in verses
Tales-transfers for the anniversary of a man-text in verses

Tales-transfers for the anniversary of a man-text in verses:

Fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary of a man-withthe price of "Red Red Riding Hood"

Requisites -A mask of a red cap or a red hat on the head, apron-fart, basket, bake pies with different fillings in advance.
A red hat comes in under the song of a red hat "If for a long time for a long time ..."

You (name) I came
Congratulate from the heart
And on birthday to wish
Warmth and kindness!

I came in it is not casual
I brought the hotels.
And the hotels are not simple
They are magical
In my small basket
With prediction pies!

Take the pie bolder
Bite him first,
What she managed to get a pie with
I'll tell you what awaits you!
(takes out a pie)

The rest of the pies
Treat your guests
I'll tell them the fate of me
To be more fun!
(take pies, and the red hat reads the meaning)

With cabbage: It remains a little to wait,
Soon your joy will look into your house!
With raisins: if you will not pour tears
There will be a whole WHO!
With potato: wisdom, health will be with you
Although this year is not easy for you!
With rice: Oh miracle! Fate will prepare a surprise
Pack your suitcases will go to the cruise!
With meat: Your destiny is not so simple
Career growth is waiting for you!
From an empty dough: If you want to become a bride
You will rush about in the search
So that one does not stay!
Cottage cheese: The year will be very expensive
It leaks a lot of money
The lodges are better than them at the expense.
From beets: You suddenly become a star you
Just ask, don't bend
Great and smile with everyone!
Cranberry: To great luck
Buy a lottery ticket!
Let the anniversary on this holiday
Magic comes true
Everything is mysterious again
Immediately performed!

Scene for the anniversary of a man with Baba Yaga - Congratulation

Baba Yaga:
TPRU, broom, stop!
I arrived, it seems
The Russian spirit smells here
Everyone around is chewing and drinking.
Pour me too
Do not regret it more fully.
Do not look at the yaga
I can still drink!

(Baba Yaga poured a glass of champagne or wine.)

Give a place in your circle
I came to congratulate -!
What good he is
Like a cucumber from the bed.

So that you are always like that
Energetic young
Then Koshchi sent an egg
And punished
Store the egg in the duck
You will live a very long time.

(Baba Yaga gives the Kiner Surprise egg to the birthday man.)

And I swam in the closet
I was collecting a potion
To be strong in love
Take the carrot.
Grate her, you grate,
With milk boil
Then take it more often
And at least open a harem.

(Gives the birthday man carrots.)

So that the pressure does not torment
Here is such an instruction.
Eat more often you grapefruit

(Gives grapefruit)

You will be like this fruit.
If he is very shibat
You will eat chicken.

(Takes out a bag of crackers.)

He loves a cucumber
And you will be well done.
And the back so as not to hurt
You dive into the nettle boldly
Since she is not in the country
Plant - here is my advice
So that the cold does not torture
Eating onions is not at all bad.

(Gives a bulb.)

It is useful and good
And takes off the ailment and trembling.
So that the vessels are cleaner
Drink a decoction of spruce cones

(Gives the birthday a pack of tea.)

So that there is no plaque in them
Here is a package of Kozhi porridge.

(Gives peanuts in chocolate.)

Helps effectively
Become healthy and active.
So as not to torment heartburn
Eat frog your leg.

(Gives dried squids.)

Learn to Franzetsov
They eat frogs all their lives.
It seems to have told you everything.
If you are not enough advice,
You write to me for soap.
Tell me about the problems
In Skype Il in ICQ, knock,
Well, for now, my friend, hold on!
I lingered a bit
Drink on the staff.
(Drinks the glass to the bottom.)

Fairy tale-passage for the anniversary of the man "If I was the president ..."

Leading: Three men with beer
We sat down somehow under the window.
It was about this ...
We will listen to what ....

1st: If I was the president
I would have adopted a law, probably
So that the birthday is
During the day, of course, a weekend,
To collect a relatives at the table
And call friends to yourself,
Drink in moderation, treat,
Talk about everything.

2nd: I would not be greedy
He even accepted a couple of days.
If you start a banquet,
Day - you are walking, day - leave.
Suddenly you will not calculate the strength -
Will you drink more than you contain?
The body will then bury
And the next morning it will bewitch!
Here you need a second day -
The body is reserve.

3rd: Are you Russian friends?
You can’t break traditions!
In Russia, everything is triplingly -
Everything is simple and clear here.
Therefore, there is no dispute:
Three days, and hello everyone!

1st: I thought it became clear:
Really, brothers, there are few three days!
I would be for the birthday for sure
Vacation would give a vacation!
Who does not drink - to that,
And otherwise - whoever wants!

Leading: Who does one agree for the day?
Vote by a glass for the holiday!
Two who will arrange days?
I do not see your hands.
Who is ready to walk for three days?
We will raise glasses!
And who will arrange a vacation?
We ask you to raise your glasses!
And now we drink everything
Congratulations on the anniversary!

Tales-transfers for a drunk company for the anniversary

Tales-transfers for a drunk company for the anniversary
Tales-transfers for a drunk company for the anniversary

Fairy tales for a drunk company for the anniversary:

Festive congratulations from the king

Stop noise and din
The king came to visit you!
Stop eating and drinking
Give me a word to speak!
They reported to me of course,
That you are all quite successful,
Yes, in form and all over
Celebrating the anniversary!
Then I came to you,
Only the trips were late ...
Babarikh where is mine?
What is behind the king?
Who will pass on my hands
My anniversary order?
I’m always all myself ...
Why pay secretaries?
Babariha, Suyuy!
Yes, bring holy water!
I reported to me, of course,
Our birthday is sinless.
No matter how many years I lived
And everything is beautiful and sweet.
I ran to the household
A bunch of shoes stopped,
No one could count
How much you demolished the boot!
And the family did not forget:
Babarich don't yawn,
Drink water with holy!
Sprinkle his frisky legs,
To carry him along the path,
So that he always has time everywhere,
Everywhere the first, as I sang!
And the head is bright
Do not color you ...
To be considered at work in the best,
His brains will come in handy!
Sprinkle his hands
So that he does not know boredom!
They did not shake so that the handles,
Pouring into glasses!
Sprinkle his nose
So that he holds in the wind,
What and where - so that you know everything,
Yes, more often we convened us!
To live a full life -
We’ll sprinkle it too!
(pour a glass, ask to drink)
To live - he bloomed,
In life did not know in life!
So that your wife loves you,
On my hands to wear!
And now everything is the way
We expect a kiss from you!
There is little happiness in this life ...
And pour us on a glass!
Well, ka guests as soon as possible
We take for the anniversary!
You don't yawn Babarikh,
Spend the guests rather
Live a full cup
We drink for ______ ours!
E-e-ey! Do not get carried away!
Gather on the road!
All of you good walks,
And we are leaving. Goodbye

Fairy Tale-transmission for the anniversary of the man-"Winnie the Pooh"

Winnie the Pooh: Who often walks around the guests
He acts wisely
Then there are one hundred grams, then there is a hundred grams
Wake up - morning again!
Piglet: Come on, hurry
K - we are on the anniversary
I know there are many guests here
It came to her, run soon!
Winnie the Pooh: And we will call the bees with us
To make a sneak together!
There will be an anniversary with friends
Much more interesting!

(Bee in shorts and masks run up)

Winnie the Pooh: So the bees flew in
They also wanted to drink!
Piglet: Just give it to this
Our anniversary, pour it!
The first bee: We flew in vain to these distant lands
Judge for yourself, not with empty hands ...
The second bee: We scored a lot of honey
He was handed over in the bazaar
The money was quickly counted
They ran for the gift.
The first bee: Just got up with us a question
Well, not on the forehead, but right in the nose!
How to surprise a colleague?
What do we need to give?
The second bee: It works like a bee
Without resting, he is tortured,
Everyone will be sore, feed, understand,
He will take any care on the shoulders.
The first bee: We wish him
It was always healthy
Belolitz, Kololitz
And so well done ...
The second bee: To keep the figure
And did not lose health
Bely protected his hands
I would not spend strength in vain.
Winnie the Pooh: In this glorious anniversary
There will be- all miles
Both elegant and beautiful.
And just very happy.

Tales-transfers in roles in the anniversary

Tales-transfers in roles in the anniversary
Tales-transfers in roles in the anniversary

Tales-transfers in roles in the anniversary:

Fairy Tale-transmission by roles on the anniversary "My Light is my mirror"

The queen, page, mirror participate.

Queen's text:
I'm more beautiful in the world
Page, I want to know I am your answer.

PAGA text:
There is no more beautiful you in the world
You are the best on the whole planet.

Queen's text:
After all, you are probably lying a bald?
Drash the mirror here.

The text of the queen:
Well, tell me the mirror
Only report the truth
I'm the sweetest in the world?
Well, blush there, whiter?

Mirror text:
Well, there are reasons for excitement,
Wrinkles are already visible.

Queen's text:
Do not take it to no avail
I’ll break, damn it, to fragments!

Mirror text:
Woman, please forgive
And do not beat me in the face!
You are beautiful, there are no words ...
But I'm not ready to lie ...
There is a lady here is nicer
All more beautiful, more fun!
(Name of the birthday girl) Her name
And now she's right here
Here (shows) she is miles to you
And today is the anniversary.

Queen's text:
Well, since it's an anniversary
Pour me soon:
Congratulations on the anniversary
I drink my glass to the bottom
I wish you happiness, beauty
And they gave the flowers
The one who stood behind the frame leaves her and gives a bouquet to the anniversary.

Fairy tale-transmission from roles on the anniversary of the "Golden Key"
Well - ka, dolls, more fun,
With a step march on the anniversary. (Dolls and Karabas are approaching the festive table.)
Birthday, hello! (Turns to the anniversary.)
How many winters and how many years
We have not seen you.
Do you find out who am I? (Anniversary answers.)
Well, of course, Karabas!
I probably waited for us?
I do not like, girlfriend, cunning
We came to congratulate you (shows your hand to dolls)
Drink, snack tightly
And hang out a little.

Congratulations on the anniversary
And how I wish the boss
It always keep your nose up,
Never lose heart.
Competitors to all for evil,
Let the loot float to you.
Do not regret subordinates
They were guilty - beat with a whip.
Life is Beautiful. Do not begging.
Here, hold the gift.

Dad Carlo:
Will you recognize me? (Turns to the anniversary, she answers.)
Well, of course, this is me!
Everyone knows me very well
Dad Carlo is called.

To make the tone in order
Here you have a vegetable right from the garden. (Gives zucchini, cabbage, and steps aside.)

Your beauty is submitted.
Gav! Gav! Gav! Gav! I, Artemon.

You are a leader, lady boss, an intake.
I give you a collar as a gift. (Beads from pasta or berries of mountain ash.)
No need to get angry with me
The farm may come in handy. (Gives and steps aside.)

Cat Basilio:
Let me go ahead. (Pushes dolls.)
Madame, before you Moore, Moore, - Cat! (Makes a bow.)
You struck with beauty.
Not even sorry for the gold.
(Suddenly a fox appears, grabs a golden cat from the clutches and says.)

Lisa Alice:
And I, Alison - a fox!
I look, miracles are happening.
Will you wait, rubbish, womanizer, (turns to the cat)
How the movement hurts between the eyes.
Are you not friends, or something with your head?
I decided to shift the gold.
It will come in handy for ourselves.
And we want to wish you: (Turns to the anniversary.)
Health, happiness, long years
And a lot of gold coins. (Go aside.)

Madame, my name is Malvina. (Turns to the anniversary.)
A sad picture.
But we will not condemn them. (Shows his hand towards the cat and fox.)
They are not given, alas, to fly.
Brush a tear, my friend,
Here you are in a gift - a handkerchief. (Gives the anniversary paper scarves and steps aside.)

And I, Pierrot. Kohl spore fell silent
Then I will read you my verse. (Shows his hand to the anniversary.)
Oh, the queen! Queen!
Today is your birthday.
I am subdued by your smile
And kind, gentle soul.
Beautiful boss, leader.
Always friendly with people.
Charming lady
Beloved by husband and children.

I, Pinocchio! E-hea-gay!
I want to congratulate you soon. (Turns to the anniversary.)
Such a wonderful day
Accept the “golden key”.
So that without problems and without losses
They were able to open any door. (Gives Iris "Golden Key".)

We love you everything, respect
And on the anniversary ... Congratulations! (In chorus.)

Fairy Tale-transmission from roles in the anniversary "by the Lukomorye ..."

In the Lukomorye oak green;
Golden chain on oak Tom:
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around.

No wonder that cat was known to scientists,
Not a fairy tale - the case says.
Now listen to what a cat
Tells you to tell you.

Let on unknown paths -
Traces of unseen beasts.
Your leg struck your leg
Where Paris and Coliseum!

Let the salary be magical,
Lambs - like kings
Health - like together taken
Thirty -three heroes!

He also tells - as in a Russian fairy tale,
Do not live, drink medical dedication,
For happiness, joy, peace and affection
To thank you with love.

Above the gold, like Koschey, is not to flow.
But among many bills -
To the joy, we bloom and smell like
Shine in outfits from couture!

Let the immodest success be enough for success
You energy and strength to you
To make sure - the cat is a scientist
Not just spoke fairy tales!

Fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary cool

Tales-transfers for the anniversary cool
Fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary cool

Fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary cool:

Fairy Tale-Road on Roles on the anniversary of superheroes

Fairy tale is a nap
Description of movements for the heroes of a fairy tale

The text of the fairy tale about superheroes:
Stands in the Teremok-Noboskreb field
Flies past a spider-man \u003d web from hands
He flies by and asks: "Teremok-neboscrebe, who lives in a skyscraper?"
No one responds, Spider-Man flew there, began to live there ...

And then it soars past
Batman - "Man Bat \u003d Gloomy Fuckers"
He flies by and asks: "Teremok-neboscrebe, who lives in a skyscraper?"
I am a spider-man \u003d web from the hands, and who are you?
I am Batman - "The Bat Man \u003d Gloomy Fuckers"
Go to live with me! .. And they began to live together ...

And then an iron man walks past \u003d in a helmet forever,
He walks by and asks:
Teremok-Noboskreb, who lives in a skyscraper?
I am a spider-man \u003d web from hands,
I am Batman -“The Bat Man \u003d Gloomy Hotes”, and who are you?
And I am an iron man \u003d in a helmet forever,
Go to live with us! They began to live the three of them ...

Here it falls from the sky superman \u003d cloak to the knees
He falls and asks: "Teremok-neboscrebe, who lives in a skyscraper?"
I am a spider-man \u003d web from hands,
I am Batman - "The Black Man \u003d Gloomy Fuckers",
I am an iron man \u003d in a helmet forever, and who are you?
And I'm Superman \u003d cloak to the knees ...
Go to live with us! They began to live four of them ...

And then he jumps past the murals \u003d unshaven slut
He jumps and asks: "Teremok-Nobskreb, who lives in a skyscraper?"
I am a spider-man \u003d web from hands,
I am Batman - "The Black Man \u003d Gloomy Fuckers",
I am an iron man \u003d in a helmet forever,
I am Superman \u003d cloak to the knees ... And who are you?
And I am Wolverine \u003d unshaven slut ... Let's live with us!

And then Captain America ran past \u003d all tantrums
He asks: "Teremok-Nobskreb, who lives in a skyscraper?"
I am a spider-man \u003d web from hands,
I am a Batman-human bat \u003d gloomy strength ",
I am an iron man \u003d in a helmet forever,
I am supermen \u003d cloak to knees
I am Wolverine \u003d unshaven slut, ... who are you?
And I am captain America \u003d all hysteria
Go to live with us! And they began to live and live ...

And then Ilya-Muromets wanders past ... got lost ...
Says: “Here's what Domina! Who lives here? "
I am a spider-man \u003d web from hands,
I am Batman -"The Blake Mumen \u003d Gloomy Fuckers",
I am an iron man \u003d in a helmet forever,
I am supermen \u003d cloak to knees
I am Wolverine \u003d unshaven slurry,
And I am Captain America \u003d all tantrums ... And who are you?

And I am Ilya Muromets, I have a Claudin sword,
So all you guys are the end! ..
Ilya-Muromets waved his sword and ruined the whole skyscraper
And the heroes were scared and flew in different directions - to save the world ...
And here everything is fine!

Comic fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary in verses

Comic fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary in verses
Comic fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary in verses

Comic fairy tale is a day for the anniversary in verses:

The king is going on an anniversary-a staging-congratulation

Tsar, grandmother, minister, ambassador, devil

Between heaven and earth,
In the middle of the country alone,
Where is this house worth
We gathered at the table.
Not far away here, in a forest,
(Not on the map of this point),
Built once
Tsarevs are chambers.
The lord-cage lives there,
Local fairy tale sovereign.
Grandma lives there -
Then the princess secretary.

I was called for the anniversary
I need a rhyme soon!
Jubilee to congratulate
So that I sang like a nightingale.
I have long issued a decree
So that everyone who could disperses
To the anniversary of congratulations.
Well, where are they now?
I’m going to a buffet where
Well, there is no congratulations.
I’ll send everyone to hell
So as not to harm!

What a buffet to you
After all, you are already a hundred years old?
For you than to sleep on the stove,
Nothing is nicer.

You are not nonsense here for me
And don't look maliciously,
You remember your place
I sat in a corner, so sit.
And let's, don't yawn,
Congratulations compose.
You can't think of at least a line -
Foam then!

My king, father! Wait!
Pity! The Lord is with you!
I have from longevity
It became bad with the head.
I will invite the minister,
I'm already in a hurry for him,
He is already producing
I will be awarded!

Tsar-father, I'm already going!
I will scout Kruchin.
I want, I will play the button accordion
Gypsy choir will I give?

I was going to a banquet,
Only here is not with
Congratulations. Well, but me
All the disgrace is not a trace!
How to congratulate? Climb on the stall
And take the primer.
I can't face in the mud, because
I am the whole sovereign.

Why don't you fold the rhyme?
Anto is not chopping firewood!
Now I am fast for you,
How all this should be.
Tsar, write: “Well, that means so!
I arrived, so-grown,
I congratulate the anniversary
I complain to him a nickel!
Maybe he drink him,
Il put in a piggy bank,
And to live all the sweeter for him,
And all thicker to be! "

Are you completely stupefied?
Did you sing me here?
If anyone had praised me so much
I would be - under execution!
Look, what a verse came up with
Get out of my eyes! ..
You look, our wise guy escaped,
Shmyg behind the door - and calmed down.

And anyone would run away.
You squealed like a cut!
Why did you get a break?
As he managed, so wrote!

And I'm going to you,
So I am very angry.
Who came to us there yesterday,
Is he an ambassador or a baron?
You call here the ambassador
If he is not weak with a head,
Let him write congratulations -
And sits at the table.

Hu IS ZIS, and what is rubbish here?
I am very drunk.
Belie Gut in Russia
Vodka, beer and ram!

Before you, the king is still
Not a local sewage man.
Don't you express you here,
And on the room is not a ball.
Helpings deserve
Fold for me a rhyme.
Yes, let's make it better
Link lines with rhyme!

I come to you from Inland,
Hapy Blessed Its Tu Yu,
Belie Hood, May Name Is George.
Its Yu Life, as it were, in paradise.
Aim ITS Armor Ambassador.
Our Inland Vei Small.
I bow to Roshen
Believe Hood in the morning brine!
We are waiting for the tour of all of you in Ingland,
Beutiful that you are with us.
Belief Hood, Salam Aleikum!
Vodka! Salo! Youst Das!

You carry me a bell here,
What throws me into trembling?
How will I read Ento?
Here you can’t turn the tongue!
Hey you, imported ambassador,
You go out of here!
You fuck in the kitchen -
And roll for your cordon!

You, heart, do not be angry
Come on sour.
And quietly climb the stove,
It's time for everyone to Bai-Bay!

You, Grandma, don't work me,
You are not tormented by the water!
You come up with a congratulation
I have to be on the way.
Toko, that's what a mustache:
You have to think with your head!
You call here at least a feature
If only what a sense came out!

I have been waiting for an order for a long time,
And I will fulfill, this hour.
Tsar, let's stenograph,
I only dictate once:
“Glory, Glory!
He is good! Bravo, bravo!
He is such that he could, right,
The royal throne is rightfully occupied.
I would go to the monastery ... "
Okay, okay, king! Cool!

Grandma, old carga!
Where is my poker here?
I'm entom poet now
I will break off all the horns!
Look, what has you thought, the enemy,
I thought I was such a mattress?
You will breed sedition
So you will find out who is a fool!
Tired! I can not!
Exactly, I'll run away from you
At least in America,
At least on a rainbow-fool!
Oh, I want to go to the okiyan
Straight to the island, on Buyan!
And with me to be only
TV and sofa.

Do not dream, old grunt!
Well, okay, you don't whine!
Wish happiness, health.
Only do not poke a finger in the nose!
Well, I will say, perhaps, like this:
Let the darkness leave the heart,
So that the songs are sung loudly,
So that it laughs all of us loudly,
Let the anniversary today
All Vincets will pour it soon
Yes, according to a complete glass,
To be more fun!
So that the culprit of the celebration
There was a head above everyone,
Us to lead,
And he was healthy and happy!

Musical fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary

Musical fairy tales-transfers for the anniversary
Musical fairy tale-transmission for the anniversary

Musical fairy tale is a day for the anniversary:

Fairy tale-drive for the anniversary for the motive of the work "Winter" ("At the forest on the edge")


At the forest on the edge
In a straw hut
Lived cute, gray bunny
Bunny is a jump.

Ears on the top of the head
Tail, like a pampushka.
He was wonderful, he is a runner
And the excellent jump.

He took friendship with a horse.
The horse has a mane of a smooth
The tail of a huge long is
The legs are fast and slim.

She was friends with a hare,
She loved to run with him very much.
And the horse lived
From the edge of the forest near the village.

And one day on Sunday,
On a horseman birthday
The bunny was going
Bunny is a jump.

He took with him carrots,
He took new horseshoes
I took the clover with me
And of course, sugar.

On the road - he was going to the road,
He rushed through the forest,
To catch birthday
And taste the treats.

Scary to a bunny in the forest,
Suddenly he will meet a fox there,
Or a wolf. Or with a gun
Someone hid behind the stump.

Suddenly to the hare through the forest
The wolf runs across.
The wolf is toothy, the wolf is terrible,
Gray, scary and dangerous.

The bunny of the wolf saw
I immediately sat down and trembled.
The wolf ran to the bunny.
Bunny said to the hare:

I'm a hungry, gray wolf
I would have been able to eat a bull now.
Well, what are you carrying there?
Maybe you’ll go my hunger?

Bunny: I am on birthday
For the horse, treats.
Zainka wolf said
His knot showed.

There are horseshoes in the knot
For horse and carrots,
Fresh, delicious clover
And, of course, sugar.

The wolf exclaimed: What are you?
I do not eat anything here!
Wolves do not eat clover
And they eat bay!

Bunny threw a knot
And he rushed off.
He rushed off with all his feet
And followed by a hungry wolf.

Here is the swamp in front
And the wolf behind.
The bunny shouted: Nothing!
Let's see now whom!

And he jumped on the bumps,
In snags and foams.
The gray wolf wanted him,
I just did not know how to jump.

The wolf failed into the swamp
And he found himself in a quagmire.
And in the quagmire of this vein
A three -meter crocodile.

The crocodile is so huge!
Very angry and all green.
And of course a crocodile
The wolf swallowed in an instant.

Bunny on the edge of the swamp
Sat, cried, hears someone
He jumps quietly to him
Quietly croaks to him:

Hello, a gray bunny.
I am a green frog.
Why are you crying? What are you sobbing?
There is no more wolf, you know.

Bunny: I do not cry on the wolf
Lost gifts for
Horses. How could I
Lose your knot?

Frog: This, brother does not matter!
Look here soon!
The frog said
And he showed a hare

To the swamp. There are flowers here
Unprecedented beauty.
I will tear them for a horse
Everything will be in order then.

You will not grieve
You will jump and jump.
The bunny says in response:
Thanks for the bouquet!

Maybe we will be friends
Jump and walk together
I will visit you
Well, you come to me.

Give me a paw as soon as
And jumped faster
On a horseman birthday,
To have time for refreshments.

Finally they came
And they brought the horse
Congratulations and flowers
Unprecedented beauty.

And the horse in response:
This miracle is not a bouquet.
Thank you, bunny,
Bunny is a jump.

Bunny says: no no!
The frog is the bouquet
Collected in the swamp,
When I sat, sobbed!

And now we are friends with him.
I am a gift for you
He lost, did not save.
The gray wolf is to blame.

But now he is not.
Crocodile for lunch
He went to the swamp.
That's my whole story, like.

And the horse told them:
Well, let's go soon, guys.
We will eat reflection
There are oatmeal cookies.

We will walk together
We will jump, dance.
And then I am in the evening
I will pump you with a breeze.

I will not take home at home
To make you more in the forest
There were no passions
Passion and horror.

That was the day of birth
The horse on Sunday.
Here and the fairy tale is the end
And who listened - well done!

The fairy tale "Three pigs" - alteration for the anniversary

Tale three piglets - alteration for the anniversary
The fairy tale "Three pigs" - alteration for the anniversary

The fairy tale "Three Pigs" - alteration for the anniversary:

Sino-congratulations three pigs:

1. Open as soon as possible! Who has an anniversary here?
2. Who is the queen? Snacks here? Who (name) is called?
3. We are from a fairy tale, as you know. How interesting here is!

1. (name) creates at the stove, as it soars on the wings here
2. Everything is seething around, wow! The kitchen is her forge.
3. Each of her creation is just a fairy tale, an overallness!

1. Thoughts, creativity flight! The one who tried will understand.
2. Give (name) you products: poultry meat, herbs, fruits
3. Rice, potatoes ... And then delicious food awaits you!

1. Well, we clean all the ears to listen to the wishes
You, (name), from pigs in your golden anniversary!
2. So that you are always full, prails a complete trough,
3. Money was scooped up with a net, and not just a heel.

1. Let the bad passes pass you, if you grunt, then from happiness!
2. Our trio of piglets want to clock with you.
3. We will wave with handkerchiefs, drink with you and dance!
And a cheerful dance under the name "We are not afraid of a gray wolf."

The tale "Teremok" - alteration for the anniversary

Tale of Teremok - Alteration for the anniversary
The tale "Teremok" - alteration for the anniversary

The tale "Teremok" - alteration for the anniversary:

Actors and their replicas:
Fungus - "Ek was smashed!",
Fly - “I am a fly. Who to sit in the ear? ",
Mouse - “I'm a mouse. I am looking for a house all day ",
Frog -"I am a frog-tritter",
Bunny -"I am a bunny, pour me faster!",
Top - “I am a top. My best friend is a hamster ",
Hamper - “I am a hamster. I have a big pod. "

Forest grew up in the clean field,
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
The rain has passed, and in the right time
The fungus grew in damp.
We will continue the fairy tale.
The rain suddenly went again.
Cooked in Fungus ...
Flying, and then
I decided to live under Fungus
I sat ours Fly…
She is good and dry!
I just fell asleep, hear,
Suddenly came running Mouse ...
The tail is completely wet.
He also wants to Fungus…
I woke up instantly Fly
She looked at Mouse
Well, it’s a pity to drive away -
Together began to live.
Ralls through the forest Frog…
The stump jumped up
Ralls right under Fungus…
Started Fly
I was squealing Mouse ...
It is important to them in response Frog…
Like, let the three of them live -
The paws are freezing in the rain.
And everyone settled under Fungus ...
The fairy tale is folding
Well, the rain pours stronger.
On a forest on a lawn
The wet gray jumps Bunny…
I saw everyone, I was stunned
I also wanted to live here.
Not very happy Fly…
A little more likely Mouse ...
And cheerful Frog…
What Bunny?
Skok immediately -
And he sat down under Fungus…
Tramply heads and belly,
But it is warm and dry.
(We will not spoil the hare beauty,
We will skip in this place about the fox.)
Suddenly the animals are all silent -
The gray is running Top ...
Ground gloomy Fly…
Whispers in alarm Mouse ...
Do not worry funny Frog…
Poster with fright Bunny…
To him brazenly under the barrel
Grits climb Top ...
From the guests.
This is white Fungus…
And how is it not to puff -
Not a bear is approaching, but Hamster ...
Everyone involuntarily squeezed,
But they looked displeased.
The meeting is happy alone Top ...
Suddenly he saw a pod!
What is the catch of our fairy tale,
He only knows Hamster ...
The pod opens -
There is a pea juice in it.

(He takes out a bottle from the pod.)

All the animals ran
Ryumki grabbed right there.
The first to rush with a glass Fly…
Following her rushes Mouse ...
Within Temptation Frog…
The impatience is gray Bunny
Happy the most Top ...
Hey friends, forgot about Fungus…
Completely lined up in a row -
Hamster ... so glad.
Now you need to drink together
For love! For friendship!

Fairy tales for adults for adults at the festive table

Fairy tales for adults for adults at the festive table
Fairy tales for adults for adults at the festive table

Fairy tales, adults for adults at the festive table:

Phrases for characters:
Bear (anniversary): "Friends, thank you for coming!"
Fox: "Here are those on!"
Hare: "We are so cool, friends!"
Hedgehog: "Well, so -so walk!"
Boar: "Will you treat me with a cigarette?"

Addition: In the process of reading congratulations, all the characters will shout “Happy Birthday” in chorus, which should be warned in advance.

Once on a forest edge
The beast gathered in the hut,
To celebrate the day of birth together
And to congratulate the birthday man.
Settled by the animals at the table,
Talk about this.
And in chorus, everything is in a moment
Suddenly shouted - "Happy Birthday!"
Fox, already a little drunk,
She said in surprise "Here are those on!"
And Zainka is a gray coward
I looked out of the table timidly
And he spoke openly without melting:
"We are so cool, friends!"
Only the hedgehog was not in the mood.
He, seeing a general embarrassment,
Imposingly fell apart on the couch
And he said loudly: "Well, so -so walking".
But the animals on himthey did not pay attention
And again in chorus
"Happy Birthday!" Shouted.
And a bear-jubilee,
Opening his arms,
He whispered embarrassedly:
Fox, pouring the wine to Mishenka,
Suddenly shouted sharply: "Here are those on!"
Here Zainka, noticeably bolder,
I said, as if a chant:
"We are so cool, friends!"
A pig assented him.
And her husband is a forest boar
It was already a fairly drunk.
He approached everyone with the question:
"Will you treat me with a cigarette?"
Only the hedgehog was lying on the couch
And quietly repeated: "Well, so -so walk."
But, being from the holidayin impressive,
All guests were buzzing again:
"Happy Birthday!"
Suddenly a bear-jubular
Throwing away all his doubts,
Confidently said:
"Friends, thank you for coming."
Here the animals were all amused,
They ate, apparently, already got drunk.
All the ones were set off to dance
And invite the birthday man to the dance.
Fox from fatigue
A little pale
In the process of dance
Repeated often: "Here are those on!"
Well, the wild boar jumped to the ceiling,
He beat off the hooves,
And again he molested everyone with the question:
"Will you treat me with a cigarette?"
And the hedgehog is all
From the smoke of cigarettes in the fog
He muttered under his breath:
"Well, so -so walk."
But all forest residents are satisfied.
Everyone drinks, dance - they are cool.
And endlessly shout at their surprise
Medistan-Yubilyar: "Happy Birthday!"

Cripk-transfers for the anniversary "Freebie"

Participants show what the host reads.

A small gray bunny
I jumped briskly throughout the forest
And on his hemp, boy,
A glorious surprise expected.
He suddenly noticed a bottle
The glass at the same moment saw
I poured a soul mate
He drank and immediately fell.
Two butterflies flew here,
Subtle, like fire,
They sat on the bunny,
They were covered by love.
Suddenly because of the bush is lively
The fox jumped out
I frightened my butterflies in love
I found a bunny in a shutdown.
She saw a bottle
See: "I will dig" obliquely ",
But only the glass drained -
She fell asleep, because quietly in the forest!
Two butterflies flew here,
Again they have love:
They frolic on the fox,
Until they scared them again.
Suddenly a wolf appeared -
Tightened, curly tail.
Sees a bottle, hare, fox,
Immediately shifts what to do to him:
“I will drink a glass, I will buy oblique,
I rape the fox, I’ll go further. ”
Everything is good gray wolf made up
But he drank a glass and immediately fell.
Bold butterflies are right there,
They sat on the wolf, they would think of his sides,
They kiss each other here and here
Forgetting that the people gathered around.
The bear suddenly frightened the butterfly,
In the forest, he is not averse to bending.
I saw Mishutka a bottle, fox,
Wolf and Hare: “I will dig around the oblique
The fox is raped, the wolf too,
Then I'll look at the wolf erys
I drank a glass and immediately fell,
He probably did not know his dose.
Two butterflies flew again,
Something is eager for them again:
The bear was very convenient,
To play love.
But here to the pen, led by an instinct,
A hunter with a huge gun comes out.
He saw all this picture,
With happiness, I almost fell into fainting.
I thought: “I will sew a hat from the hare,
And others, of course, go to the fur coat ...
And there is vodka! Wow!
I will drink it for free. ”
The hunter drank and immediately fell,
Maybe there was a self -packing in a bottle?
A gray bunny woke up here,
He jumped up and ran away,
Kohl would know that it would be so bad
He would not drink vodka!
And soon a fox woke up,
I jumped up and also run,
The wolf, who had a free halave,
He did not continue to wait.
I woke up and run a bear
Begd in another place.
And the butterflies flew there,
Where they do not interfere with playing without shame.
The hunter woke up, realized that how much:
Remained, poor thing, he has nothing to do with it.
There is no sheepskin coat, no cap, no fur coat,
It only hurts in the head and stomach.
The moral of representation was as follows:
A lot of freebies is trouble!
If I saw something, I noticed, I found it,
Grab and run until you leave.

Video: Tale for the anniversary "Three Piglets"

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  1. Thanks for the selection, we will definitely beat in the company !!!

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