Fairy tale-transmission for adults “Cat in boots”-the best selection for funny pastime

Fairy tale-transmission for adults “Cat in boots”-the best selection for funny pastime

A large selection of fairy tales for adults based on the work “Cat in Boots”.

"Cat in boots" - a fairy tale in a new way to adults

Cat in boots fairy tale for a new way for adults
"Cat in boots" - a fairy tale in a new way to adults

"Cat in boots" - a fairy tale in a new way to adults:

Lived a miller in a settlement alone,
Had three sons, property of all-
A collapsed mill, and a donkey with a cat,
He lived, lived, then took it, for some reason.

While the older donkey and the room were divided -
Less, seem to have been caught by grasshoppers ...,
Therefore, his missing was
That the cat inherited him.

He tried to get to justice,
Rally, the neighbors called to help,
But quickly received a kick from the brothers -
Cat armpit and aid on the road ...

The path is long, the fairy tale did not last stop,
Therefore, I will tell you ahead and secret -
Was the youngest lazy and impudent,
Those who are no more in the world.

The cat, on the contrary, is red, cunning, clever!
He did not see to the muzzle, on the dish ...
Along the way, he was a rope from the grass - -
Like, we sing, and there will be a dinner to Karabas.

So the first day passed, and the cat without a break,
I caught quail and rabbits,
The owner filled the belly, and the cat tasted the mouse
And I realized that he would not have enough strength for a long time.

Therefore, he made the owner to take off his boots
Put them on and, saying - I in an instant, an hour later,
I directed all the plans to execute -
Waving his hand, Karabas fell to sleep ...

Our redhead to the court, in the royal chambers,
And he gave the king two rabbits respectfully,
Clamped, purred very flattering -
Like, the marquise-host himself caught!

So the partridges were presented after -
The king also enthusiastically tasted them,
The cat realized, now everything will be in order
And he invited the ruler to dinner ...

He ran ahead, drove a lazy person into the river,
Then let's vote urine:
- The trouble was shaking, oh, help a person!
They robbed the owner, wanted to drown! ..

The king, meanwhile, drove up, but with the princess,
And the servants in the river, so that the marquise is caught -
He appeared without everything - so, naughty, a jail!
The princess already forgot that you have to be modest.

While the Miller's son Ikal and pulled out -
He was torn in a chic suit,
The king himself will follow, lunch to take place,
And after the young, leaving, will create an idyll ...

And what about the redhead? Where did he go?
Spicked forward everyone to find the answer -
Recently, his palace was caught in the way of his palace,
But there is a problem, the cannibal does not rent in him.

While the motorcade is on the road - the game went to the cards,
How a sucker was blown up in them a lover of human
With shame, he turned into a plain gray mouse,
And the cat was in the cage and stuffed it for the stove ...

Well, is it short, for a long time, what is the conversations for -
It came to the court - the palace, the cat and the marquise ...
The princess agreed, played the wedding soon,
But the cat was waiting for another surprise.

The daughter of the royal leader hit the tail -
I set the condition - away from the redhead from eyes!
Scandalized, fought, squealed and sprinkled,
Like, - fleas, allergies, lichen and cat nobody ...

The Marquis did not agree, lazy, Rochlya - Rochlya,
Then, he took a fool, told her the truth ...
The princess was enraged - kill him, let him die!
And then, let's talk, then a scandal awaits us!

What to do, taking the rope and the stone harder,
The marquise with a cat went as if fishing, as if
And he goes, sobs, and all the cat regrets ...,
- Oh, I am a fool, a redhead! Oh, I would know how sorry ...

The cat quickly took out the whole truth in the thread ...
- Master, you are a cattle! - So directly said. -
I tried for you, ran everything and bent my back,
And you talked and almost drowned ...

No, Karabas, we will have to part with you,
And this stone is thrown away, it is no longer what,
Not sweet. Well - you have to stay with your wife,
You are worthless Gerasim, I'm sorry, I am not mu-mu.

Since then, a belief is that the red cat is to wealth,
But only grateful and generous should be,
And to pull the fool, empty - to break ...,
Such as our karabas, it is pointless to teach.

Tale about "Cat in boots" - funny alteration

Tale about the cat in boots - funny alteration
Tale about "Cat in boots" - funny alteration

A fairy tale about "Cat in boots" - a cheerful alteration:

Melnik died and left his sons in the inheritance,
He is by will, these are what means:
The eldest is damn it, the mill, the middle is a donkey,
Well, the youngest fate, the cat presented.
The cat says: “Not a sen, the owner, and not three brains,
Better give a larger bag, but at the time of boots. "
The owner gave him a bag, boots in shit,
Maybe in truth than, he will help me.
Put cabbage in a bag, jumped into boots
And he leaned into the forest of a kitty, and not in the yard.
He opened the bag wider, hid in the bushes.
Rabbit came out into the bag, despite fear.
The cat is a bag on the knot - what a fine fellow I am!
And with dawn straight, immediately to the palace.
The cat went to the gate: "Hey you!!! Ulya!
If you can quickly, I need to the king! ”
The king tells him: “What did you want, animal?
My stomach hurts, I take vomit. "
Cat and tells him: “I brought a rabbit!
If you cut it off, diarrhea will end.
I know one hundred percent, for sure, Polybas,
And the gift will send you - the Marquis de Carabas. "
Well, the king, of course, thanked the cat.
We sat, Potryndeli, well, the cat dumped.
Another month or two, the cat went to him
Kuropatka, fish, lard, to the yard.
And Tryndel of course, at a meeting every time,
What is this gift, Karabas made.
Since the king went, take a walk along the river,
And the cat is already the owner, forced to swim there.
Just caught up, see the cat runs
And throughout the district, shouts loudly like that:
- Help, dear people! I beg you!
My owner is sinking, Marquis de Carabas!
The king of the cat saw, and immediately found out
And to save the Marquis, ordered the servants.
The cat approaches the king, leads to him,
That the clothes at the Marquis were stuck thieves.
Gave the King of the Marquis, the best of the outfits
He speaks: "Sit down in the carriage, you are with me!"
And opposite the king, his daughter was sitting,
And the princess from the Marquis, immediately stunned.
The cat runs forward of carriages, sees kosari:
- Do not want a grief, say so!
If someone asks, say right away:
“That the meadows belong to the Marquis of Karabas!”
The cat runs forward again, in the path of the Reapers,
The cat tells them: "Hi. Good well done!
Do not want adventure, I assure you
Say that the owner, here is the Marquis de Karabas! ”
And who would not meet the cat, he insured everyone
Finally, he ran to the castle steep.
And in the castle, the cannibal lived, rich in the world.
And the cat came to him, with a smile of the face wider.
Find out, they say, about health, respectable owner,
And with a show-off, he has some business there.
Of course, the cannibal invited him to the castle
And at the table in a huge hall, he seated it nearby.
The cannibal says: “Come on, they say. Vodka il cognac? "
The cat says: I am a cat, I don’t drink, dude.
I heard among the people, well, there is a rumor,
You can turn, well, for example, into a lion ...
And the cannibal said: “Yes, damn it, it’s easy! Look!
You only here, please, do not care the carpets ... "
And now there is a huge terrible beast in front of a cat,
At least he did not crap, but he climbed the door.
And the wool stood on end, and he became wet, he became wet,
And the lion became a man, and laughed for a long time.
The cat says: The people still go, such rumors, hear?
What you can turn, you are into a rat or mouse.
I can’t believe something in kind, do not understand ...
The cat did not have time to come to his senses, he only heard: "Little!"
The mouse runs on the floor, and the cat burst out laughing
He remembered how recently, he almost grew up.
Of course, he ate a mouse, there can be no speech,
And he ran out into the street, he to meet the king.
The king is again surprised, for the umpteenth time:
The king says: What a rich Marquis de Carabas you are!
They enter the castle, and there is a set table
And the booze began here, and after that the dance floor.
They thumped for three days, and so already in the process,
Marquis de Karabas, married the princess.
And the cat has become very important, it no longer eats mice
Only for a variety, when he takes longing.
The owner loves him, he blossomed his soul.
And nafig needs a mill, especially a donkey.

"Cat in boots"-a fairy tale-drive: cool text

Cat in boots fairy tale -transmission - cool text
"Cat in boots"-a fairy tale-drive: cool text

"Cat in boots", a fairy tale-a cool text:

Lived by the river, behind meadows,
Old miller with sons.
All that the miller has made -
Mill, donkey and cat.

Before death, except for the building,
Was recorded in the testament
Large all and small cattle.
Or more precisely: a donkey and a cat.

The miller was buried
And the inheritance was divided
Without ships and without costs:
The elder brother took the mill

The middle donkey got
Well, he remained the youngest
How his turn came
Just a domestic cat.

The younger brother said: "I have since childhood
Part of the inheritance was due.
There is no truth, there is only hunger!
And you have to eat Murka. ”

The cat, having heard these speeches,
Groaned, jumped withstoves
And the owner said:
- In vain you began to grieve!

Give me a bag and legs
It is necessary to put in the boots.
But it will not work, so then ...
And then - at least soup with a cat!

How to believe a “cat in a bag”?
The younger brother decided to check:
“Well, take them and run.”
Here - a bag, here - boots!

Frowning goodbye,
In an unusual robe
Rushing to the forest in a hurry
The mischievous cat in boots.

It was not a lot in that bag
Only hare cabbage.
The monitor cat is not without reason
The cord pulled from behind the bush:

Where it happened,
A lot of rabbits were found.
Once! And a new simpleton
For cabbage - jump into a bag.

Proud of glorious prey,
To the king in the chambers personally
Rushed at his own peril
The cat in luxurious boots.

In the palace, weighing the words all,
Removing his hat, bowing,
As if he lived in the palaces,
The cat said in boots:

- Get it, sire, a gift!
Rabbits of fleshy pair
My owner sends for you -
The Marquis de Carabas itself.

The king answers: Give, cat, karabas
Gratitude for supplies
With the heart of the monarch of all
And from my daughter.

In the days of the heels, not more,
The cat rushed into a pure field.
He set up his bag there -
Parts were added.

Though gifts - that the cat cried,
The cook of them was concocted.
A surprise was sent for a surprise
In the palace, the rich man Marquis.

The cat found out: about a forest
The king himself, and with him, is a daughter,
Leave from longing
Walk by the river.

The cat says: Hey master! Where are you? Where are you?
If you listen to advice
Happiness - in your hands!
The cat screamed in boots.

- All that is needed: not nearby
Sit a little in the river.
New marquis
Completed the cat whim.

Appeared because of the forest
The king himself is the princess with him.
The cat jumped up to the carriage,
He screamed that there was strength:

- Save the marquise,
Marquisa Karabas!
It will drown now
Marquis de Karabas!

And the king, having heard this,
The door opening the carriage,
Sent the guard to the river down:
The king says: Is an expensive marquise alive?

The cat said: "I was scared.
After all, while the Marquis was bathed,
Thieves - arrogant ignorants,
They dragged all the clothes. ”

The king commanded the nobles:
- The marquis should not be naked!
Share a dress with him -
Our friend dear!

And the outfit to the marquis is just right -
Do not take the princess's eyes.
The king was honored by the honor:
He invited to sit in the carriage.

So the son of a miller without connections
I got out of the mud to the bunch!
Well, and the cat, lifted up his nose,
He ran to the haymaking.

The cat says: Hey, cosques,
Remanent well done!
I will surprise you with a surprise:
All meadows now - the marquise!

If you say wrong
The marquis will hold you into a fist,
Will break into a hundred pieces
For filling pies!

Appeared because of the forest
The king himself, Marquis, Princess.
And the king asked Kostsov:
- Whose mowing from the river meadows?

Kossets respond: Marquise, Marquise,
Marquisa Karabas!
The owner with us -
Marquis de Karabas.

The king says: here, Marquis, my Minjan:
Right, glorious estate!
And the meadows are so beautiful
Just chic! - said the king.

Cat, hurrying to the rye field,
In the boots wiped the corns.
He turned to the Reapers,
Working daring:

The cat says: Hey, workers-zhnets,
Remanent well done!
I will surprise you with a surprise:
All fields are now the marquise.

If you say wrong
The marquis will hold you into a fist,
Will break into a hundred pieces
For filling pies!

Appeared because of the forest
The king himself, Marquis, Princess.
And the King of the Reaper asked:
- Whose fields of rye bread?

Reaper respond: Marquise, Marquise,
Marquisa Karabas!
The owner with us -
Marquis de Karabas.

Says the king: Here, Marquis, my Minjan:
Glorily rule it!
And the fields are so beautiful,
Just chic! - said the king.

The cat tried to run faster,
I rushed to the castle of the sorcerer,
Where, having repaired everyone only harm,
There was a huge cannibal.

Accepted the cat himself
A cannibal, the sorcerer boasted.
At dinner, the cat says:
- The people live in fairy tales!

Is it true that you can
Turn into a crocodile,
In a tiger or in a lion?
Truth or rumor?

The giant suddenly twisted -
And now it has turned
In the overgrown lion.
The cat was scared first, but decided to ask.

- Start emptys:
You knew how to turn
Also in tiny animals.
Really in mice?

The giant only grinned -
In an instant, he turned into a mouse.
The cat caught up with her, grabbed -
And swallowed instantly.

Appeared because of the forest
The king himself, Marquis, Princess.
They see: the castle, the servants along ...
- Whose castle? The king asked.

Servants answer: Marquise, Marquise,
Marquisa Karabas!
The owner with us -
Marquis de Karabas.

Playing the play until the end
Invited the Marquis to the princess
With the king to the huge hall,
Where he arranged a magnificent ball.

I fell in love with the king’s daughter,
On the same day he married her
The younger miller is a son.
That's how the cat helped him!

The cat became important in the castle too.
He became imposing the nobleman
And hunting mice
He rarely indulged friends.

Russian fairy tale "Cat in Boots" for the company of friends

Russian fairy tale cat in boots for the company of friends
Russian fairy tale "Cat in Boots" for the company of friends

Russian fairy tale "Cat in boots" for the company of friends:

A candle is smoked. Mourning in the house.
Sons said goodbye to his father.
And there was no left in the house except three,
Not the time for whining.
After all, life is a cruel friend,
And someone there, and someone here.
And tears wiping each other
Brothers desired the Brothers: Brothers:
“As a senior house I will take. And the horse,
You, the average will be cooked.
Ivan, do you love cats?
So take your cat! "

Vanya the beast threw into the pile of
Outside the tail was sticking out
“Sit quietly, not impudent,
You will go in a bag, on your shoulders. "

The mustachioed purred in justification:
"There will be no problems, everything is the way."
On a campaign, they set off distant,
Once a clear summer day.

In the forest once spent the night
And they burned the bonfire all night.
Kotyara slept at Vanya's feet,
After all, he, an infection, was a cunning.

And in the morning the path, looking for a short
Through the Boyshelles and gully,
Stumbled upon a chest with a note,
Where were: trash and trifles.

Some boots lay there,
Not skin - pure dermantine,
In addition, two colored shawls,
Yes, sable steamer.

He climbed into the Kotyar's boot by chance,
Magic, suddenly spoke:
“My beloved owner, Vanya,
You would give me boots. ”

Ivan was taken aback in two moments,
Not knowing what to say in response
Suddenly an insight occurred:
"Outponed the bog at lunch."

And the cat continued without hesitation:
“Don't be afraid, Vanya, then not nonsense,
How I repent to you in spirit,
There are no such people like me.

The chest is probably unusual,
And these things are not trifling ...
We’ll say goodbye with a miserable life,
Now you are a prince, not a fool.

Now I am your faithful comrade,
At least I look like an ordinary cat.
Well, what - will you give me boots?
Or maybe you, like brothers, are a jerk? ”

Marveling with such a strange phenomenon
Everything was accepted by Vanya as an order.
And the cat, in a good mood:
The boots were just right.

Cat words: “Now we will start a different life,
Do not work, master, I'm cunning.
We will find the princess young,
Imagine that you are a baron.

We find sweet creation,
We will drive her arrogance from the girl.
Well, Vanya, take the task,
And without hesitation, climb into the river.

When I give a cat a sign,
Shout: "drown" in your whole mouth,
And very quickly, like a dog
Swim to land, through a ford.

A noble carriage will pass,
They will help you and save you.
Dress in a dress, sandals
And they will not leave here in the forest.

And you admit, boldly, proudly,
What a stranger and a baron.
That I met with the Russian thief,
And the decency became ridiculous.

Meanwhile I will get
A decent document to you
Where would all be said to all,
That you are Baron de Simulent.

And now they waited. The carriage rushes.
The cat was meowed - to Ivan the sign:
He jumped into the water unequal
(or more simply - in shorts)

Ivan shouts: "Time, tape"
"Hey, is there anyone on the shore?"
The cat watches the driftwood
The new plan has ripened in the brain ...

The nobleman looked out the window
Carriages: “What kind of wild OR?
Hey, help the poor, Proshka.
The thief offended the guy tightly. "

They gave clothes, fed,
The night was also lucky.
And the cat has already passed three miles,
(Such a god gave a craft).

Our cunning is from God,
And do not see what is the Usat!
The road leads to the edges
Where the cannibal is how Krez is rich.

In the head red-striped
A very reasonable plan has matured.
And the cat, meeting all the heralds
He said: “Baron de Simulyant!

The baron is beautiful, rich and single,
In the region, everyone is known and all,
Still has a wonderful voice
Sings more beautiful nightingale ... "


In one edge, in one country,
The princess Lyubomir lived,
Loved with a nanny under the moon
Read the Aglitsky Shakespeare.

I also loved before going to bed
Enjoy the overseas tale,
And to French
Pages were written.

But somehow she was unlucky,
The old nanny stumbled,
Princess, taking Charles Perrault,
Stories read the beginning:

What somewhere in the boots are a cat,
And even a speaker like
“I will add to the priest of worries:
The cat speaking is now in fashion! ”


And the cat, without wasting a fairy tale,
The cannibal was visiting.
He sorted out the villain masks:
“I don't believe it, this is a trifle.

Well, to be a little honor with a lion,
It’s not the first time to be afraid of him,
And you could, without unnecessary flattery,
Become a mouse, such a little one? "

The cannibal has a lot of strength,
But God gave little mind,
He thought for a long time, bad
In, spat on the floor and became the mouse.

Why a cat in the soul of doubt?
He is a mouse of the DAC and right in his mouth.
This is the final of the performance.
Already quite sharp.

Now the owner in the castle is new,
Ivan - Baron de Simulat.
It's time to change my horseshoe boots
And take the princess in marriage.

Kitty hurries like in a foam,
Lucky gifts whole WHO:
Diamonds, gold, stones,
Puffing like an old steam locomotive.

He caught his breath at the walls of the palace,
He brought himself a decent look.
At the gate, the guard appeared
And the cat says to him:

“With gifts, I am an overseas guest,
He came to the princess as an ambassador
I was sent by Ksyusha Robsky,
Hello and other nonsense from her. ”

The cat was silently missed,
And who would stop him?
The princess instantly reported
That the cat spoke in the palace.

Lyubomira has tears of happiness:
"Is the dream turned off?"
He continued, a cat's mouth:
“Tsarevna, don't judge the cat,

I'm just a messenger from the baron,
My gentleman, beautiful, rich,
He wants to go into marriage legally,
He will be happy with your hand.

I brought you a gift
And the owner is waiting for my answer. "
The princess was immediately hot,
And he darkened around the whole world.

But dad-tsar, having heard speeches,
Seeing generous gifts,
Shook his daughter by the shoulders
And he gave the go -ahead to walk the feasts.

How much an hour ran
Ivan and his wife live in Lada.
There are a lot of time boots
And on the furnace, the cat is dried up.

And only stories for children new
They broadcast a fairy tale or past.
Those boots took the dwarves,
To clear the dust for centuries ...

Tales at night - "Cat in boots" for adults

Tales at night - cat in adult boots
Tales at night - "Cat in boots" for adults

Tales at night - "Cat in boots" for adults:

In that year, in the inheritance from the father;
I got my son - a mill
Second - only a donkey,
And the youngest son, - left with the cat.

How to live with a cat - the soul hurts,
Where are the roads? ..
Suddenly the cat says to him:
- In vain anxieties!
I need a hat and a pen;
Pants, and boots, -
Everything was invented for a long time,
And you, help me!

Then a bunny, I'll go, I will,
That, birds, in that forest.
And, having applied, the king,
I will take it as a gift. -

And he says to the king:
- Gifts are all for you,
With a bow, tells it,
Marquis de Karabas! -

The king, that day still decided
With a retinue, take a walk.
And the cat is in a hurry to the owner:
- Now, it's time to swim!

You will see a motorcade, - you are in the river,
Shout, "We are robbed!"
I'll hide the clothes in the bushes
To give us a new one. -

Everything worked out. And "Marquis" -
In the carriage, with the king.
The road goes up and down
Fields, forests around.

The cat ran to warn, peasants,
Kohl will be asked suddenly;
That all possessions, say -
Marquis, around.

A huge castle on the mountain, -
Marquizov, speak.
And the giant, in the castle, - to me,
We'll have to win ...

Here the cat runs to the castle,
Knocking at the gate.
The evil giant goes to him,
But the cat said ahead:

You are so rich and strong,
Yes, there is rumor
What if you want, -
Then turn into a lion! -

And the giant laughed:
- Well, I can! -
- And to the mouse? - The cat told him.
He answered, - "Yeah."

- Yes, I will not believe it! Stop lying!
You show me! ..
He became the mouse. Cat mouse!
And I eaten in silence.

Then he ordered there,
About lunch, cooks.
Yes, and it seems that it is not in vain -
The motorcade is already visible to the king ...

The king is surprised by wealth.
The luxurious castle is amazed.
The marquise praises for a reason
Him, and a smart cat.

Here everything is like the king:
- Marquis! How I love you a son!
And if you yourself are not averse, -
I will give the princess for you! -

Of course, it was possible to glorify.
At the wedding, everyone found a place.
And young then couple, pridwood, made,
Cat! ..

Adventure "Cat in Boots" - Fairy Tale

Adventure Cat in Boots - Fairy Tale
Adventure "Cat in Boots" - Fairy Tale

Adventure "Cat in Boots" - Fairy Tale:

No one is eternal in this world,
He lives in the castle il in the apartment,
Or lives in the mill -
Someday he will die.

He left the miller after death,
Want to Verti Il do not turn:
Cat, donkey and mill,
The inheritance is divided into three.

Three sons were grieved for a long time ...
Then they began to divide the inheritance.
The son of the elder possessed a mill,
The middle son wanted to take a donkey

And the younger took a kitten:
“Find a job with a cat!
Go to the mill with a donkey,
Download bags with flour,
Take a fair in the capital,
And you want, even abroad,
Selling flour, my middle brother,
Of course it will be full and glad.

Do I need to cook hot from a cat?
What do you think of something else?
Sew from the skin of the mitten,
And then how will I live? "

The cat from the words of these is insulting:
“Do not cry, the owner, it will be seen
I would give a bag and boots
In wealth you will, wait. "

The owner looks at the inheritance:
"Well, take it, where should I go?"
Put on boots deftly a cat,
In the bag cabbage and go.
Where the forest is noisy, dense,
Trees propagate clouds.
Where rabbits live where
And they chew juicy grass.

And of course the cat tried
As soon as the rabbit climbed into the bag,
The cat jumped on top of the bag
In the bag prey, here is the result.

Immediately for more than a minute,
The cat in a palace is in a hurry.
And asks a meeting with the king,
This minute on a hot day.

The king poured such mercy
And the meeting with the king happened.
The cat is trembling with joy:
“You are a rabbit, he lies in a bag,
Present of the Marquis of Karabas,
From its personal stock. "

The cat called the owner so
And why, he himself did not know.
The king accepted the gift delicious.
He said in Korolevsky, with a feeling:
“Give the marquise hello,
There is no better guest in the world. "

The cat bowed low to the belt,
He backed away and retired.
And again on the hunt is a cat.
He could not sit idle.
This time he lay in the field,
Such is the cat's share -
The owner in trouble is helped
The cat in boots is always not averse to.

And at this time partridges
They climbed into the bag without looking back.
The cat jumped on top of the bag
There were two, the result is good.

Immediately for more than a minute,
The cat in a palace is in a hurry.
And asks a meeting with the king,
This minute on a hot day.

The king poured such mercy
And the meeting with the king happened.
Cat of partridges to the king,
To the dining, they say, the table:
“Present of the Marquis of Karabas,
From its personal stock. "

The king was very happy again,
And the cat did not require awards.
The king accepted the gift delicious,
He said in Korolevsky with feeling:
“Give the marquise hello,
There is no better guest in the world. "

The cat bowed low to the belt,
He backed away and retired.
And so for three months in a row,
The cat carried without requiring rewards,
Game from the marquise of Karabas,
Like everything is from the personal stock.
On the table for the joy of the king
A variety of menu.

Somehow the king and daughter in the carriage
We decided to take a walk in the summer
On the river bank through the bridge ...
Upon learning, the cat fluffed his tail,
And before the owner appeared.
The owner on the cat was angry:
“He took boots, a cunning demon,
And for three months disappeared.
Golden mountains promised me
I knew that cats are all thieves.
And then risen, the insolent, stands,
Mysteriously twirls the tail,
And he asks me to go swimming,
A little what to refer to him.
Kohl I will obey in everything
I will get a rich house,
And life, there is no more beautiful
The cat knows about it in advance. "

In the water, the owner wet his legs,
The carriage rushes along the road.
The cat arrived at the lesson hour:
“Save! Carbas drown! ”
The king was glad to help the Marquis,
The cat bore surprises from him:
On the table for the joy of the king
A variety of menu.
Game from the marquise of Karabas,
Like everything is from the personal stock.

Karabas got out of the river,
And everyone heard the story:
“Thieves stole all the clothes,
Now the king is hope. "
In truth, a cat, a well -known rogue,
The owner is in the water, what's the right thing,
I hid the clothes under the cobblestone,
And the chapel sketched on top.

The king gave his best outfit,
The Marquis was surprised and glad.
He became beautiful to any eye,
The king’s daughter fell in love right away.

While everything went like a cat wanted
The marquis with the princess sat nearby,
And the carriage set off on the road
Behind the bend she disappeared somewhere.

And the cat rushed straight
And soon he achieved mowers.
The cat is kosari and says:
“From your shoulders will fly off your head
You will not live an hour
Kohl this meadow is not Karabas.
And if you say so,
The marquise will give each nickel. "

Here the carriage drives up,
King of workers tortures:
"Whose meadow, am I asking you?"
In response: "The owner of Karabas."

King Marquis: "Dear friend,
I see you a wonderful meadow. "
“Yes, this is not a secret at all
There is no better in the Luga district. "

And then the carriage started,
Behind the bend she disappeared somewhere.
And the cat rushed straight
And soon he reached the reapers.
The reapers the cat says loudly:
“From your shoulders will fly off your head
You will not live an hour
Since all the fields are not Karabas.
And if you say so,
The marquise will give each nickel. "

Here the carriage drives up,
King of workers tortures:
"Whose field, I ask you?"
In response: "The owner of Karabas."

King Marquis: “Collects
You have a wonderful wheat. "
“Yes, this is not a secret at all
There are no better fields in the district. "

The carriage moved further again,
The cat loomed ahead somewhere,
And all whom I met on the way
Warned: “How not to twist,
You will not live an hour
Since everything around is not Karabas. "

And all whom the king met,
All questions answered:
"The owner here is the marquis in the district."
The king did not dream of a friend
The Marquis was noble and rich,
The king is happy for such a friend.

Between pines, poplars, birch,
That castle as if in the ground has grown up.
And in red stone was a great
I gained such fame:
In that castle, the cannibal lives
It is unlikely that anyone will find richer.

And those fields that are injected,
Meadows, those that are crowded between the mountains,
He had a rich cannibal.
We are silent about this, the secret.
That cannibal could turn ...
No one wanted to meet him.
Our cat was aware of these cases,
And yet he dared to come.

A cat came to the castle to the cannibal,
Just hit after lunch.
The cat was given a chair to sit down
And they offered a hare to eat.

But the cat refused the treats,
He did not ate Zaichatina.
But he asked the cannibal:
“Is the people really read
That you can turn into a lion,
And return to the previous look? "
“Yes, this is a trifle for me,
Watch an unbeliever eccentric. "

And the cannibal waved his hands
Talled on the floor with his feet
Suddenly he was spinning like Yula,
And turned into an evil lion.

From fear in a corner, the cat clogged,
Then he started to run to the window,
On the curtains to the ceiling climbed ...
Then the lion finally disappeared.

He became an ordinary cannibal.
The cat of tears, sat down in a chair.
Again, the cannibal cat asked:
“Is the people really read
That you can turn into a mouse
And return to the previous look? "
“Yes, this is a trifle for me,
Watch an unbelieving eccentric. "

And the cannibal waved his hands
Talled on the floor with his feet
Suddenly he was spinning like Yula,
Where was the cannibal, the mouse was.

The cat jumped, lightning flashed,
Thunder struck, there was so much noise
The cat ate a mouse, and at this hour
I drove in a carriage just
King with the Marquis. Seeing the castle,
The king said: “The air is sweet here,
And we all need to rest,
Yes, and look at the castle. "

Here it is important from the gate to meet
The cat in the boots is brave:
“The owner of the castle is Karabas,
He invites you to visit
Lunch to taste from the Marquis,
It will not do without a surprise. "

King Marquis: "I am glad."
The princess went into the winter garden.
Flowers, any bird, beast,
Unprecedented all the dossel
They fascinated, surprised
They lived here according to their laws.
And this paradise
The princess helped rest.

In a huge hall, oak table,
The gold service shines like a new one,
Food from overseas distant countries,
Lunch in honor of the king was given.
King, amazed wealth
Said: “Marquis, my close,
Since my daughter is loved,
I will bless right now. "

The marquise was courteously bowed,
Of course, I immediately agreed
He was grateful for honor
And the princess informed the princess.
The young people were waiting
They did not pull with the wedding,
They received blessings
And together healed happily.

And the cat has become an important one
He was obliged to remove the test
With a variety of menu,
What was served to the king.
He does not cook for himself,
Only catches mice from boredom,
He remembers about the cannibal
There is no more wonderful life.
This year, this year is going on
And the children of new fairy tales are waiting.

"Cat in boots"-a folk tale-drive

Cat in boots - folk tale - transition
"Cat in boots"-a folk tale-drive

“Cat in boots”-folk tale-transition:

Behind the seas, behind the valleys
Once upon a time there was a miller with his sons.
Life has passed. By the end of the days
He gathered all sons
And he said goodbye to them:
Here is my testament to you.
The eldest son is now and henceforth
Will own a mill.
The middle son is a donkey with a tail,
Well, the youngest son is a cat.

The younger brother bent:
- Well, father ... well, made friends ...
“Don't grieve,” the cat shouted suddenly,
Whoever with me will not disappear!
You better help me
Give me a bag and boots,
And I will arrange you
Royal Feast of the city!
Soon you will be with us
Um ... Marquis de Karabas!

Continued and disappeared!
I ran to the neighboring forest
I caught a bunny in a bag
And with the prey under the arm
The cunning is directed
To the royal in the palace.
You have a gift from the marquis, -
The king said to the king, -
And let me know:
Do not be pleased to accept?
These hares have the Marquis, -
A lot, - he bent his sublima, - -
Get deep into the forest -
They themselves jump into the bag! -

Smiling gradually
The king tells him:
- Although I am noble and rich
And the gift is very happy!
From that moment the cat is nimble
He became his own court.
Wrapped in, promised
He made friends with the king ...

Once a king with a princess
Just for the sake of interest
They had such a whim,
They gathered for a walk,
To make fun of the heart,
Look at the forest, at the river ...
The cat to the owner runs:
- The hour has come! - He shouts to him, -
Without clothes, light,
Sit in the river yet ...
Immediately I said goodbye to the guy,
He rushed to the king:
- The Marquis, here is a curse!
The dress disappeared on the river.
And now de karabas
Asks for help from you!
Asks for help? Please! -
The king answers him.
I am glad to help the Marquis
Give me the best outfit!
And say that at the same time,
I call him in the carriage ...

... And in the meantime, one
The cat rushed ahead.
Where someone will not meet,
Everyone scares at once:
- Good people, look,
You want to live, say:
What is the owner of you
The Marquis de Carabas itself!
The king’s carriage rings:
- Hey, tell me, whose fields?

Guys, bow, bass:
- All the lands of Karabas.
- Whose meadow is kosari kosari?
- The meadow of the Marquis!
- You look ...
Well, whose windmills are in the distance?
- Karabas!
- So ...

That sometimes the Kit-Kiterets
Racing to the palace
Where he lives in a long time
The cannibal is a terrible sorcerer.
Asks a question to him:
- Your Highness! I don't understand ...
Back everything about you
Like, and you damn and the evil eye
Put on anyone.
And in the animal at least what
Turn right there, at once.
To judge firsthand,
Can you see you with a mouse?

The cannibal was not indignant
OP! And turned into a mouse
The cat to him in one jump:
- Well, now you are mine, my friend!
His claw forged him,
I chopped it, to curse - and ate!
- So we have a castle,
My Marquis de Karabas!

A cat comes to the gate,
The King of the Bow is beating:
- First time, good hour,
Be a guest of Karabas!
Here the king is in surprise
Declared his decision:
- I feel good in my son -in -law!
I am not averse to intermarring with him!

Immediately praised the wedding
And they went a walk.
And for the whole baptized world
There was indeed a feast of a feast.
The cat laughed in his mustache,
Admired the spouses.
Calling glasses, shine of rings ...
Here and the fairy tale is the end!

Tale for adults "Cat in boots" - cool alteration

A fairy tale for adults cats in boots - cool alteration
Tale for adults "Cat in boots" - cool alteration

A fairy tale for adults "Cat in boots" - cool alteration:

The miller had glorious three sons.
But such a picture happened to him
Suddenly in the night he decided to die
And we must leave the inheritance to the sons.
And it was only all that the miller
Only a donkey and a mill and a red cat.
Logically, sons divided the good.
The senior mill, but what's from that.
The middle donkey has a help in the household.
And the youngest with a cat was sad here a little.

Well, I eat a cat, well, I look like it,
And what's the point? I will die of hunger ...
Then the cat tells him a soft voice
Give me the owner of your bag and slippers.
Although ... Instead of slippers, bring your boots!
It will be comfortable in them.
And you do not be sad, we will see what will happen.
You look, I will help you get into people!

The owner estimated that the cat was a sly,
Smart, and piercing, an excellent catcher,
Or maybe it will come out that it is worthwhile,
Good luck, my cat! Let's see.

And the cat strode in a protected forest.
Hide behind the bush, he was waiting for an hour
And now a glorious rabbit is sitting in a bag
And it moves delicious ears.

The cat quickly tied the laces on the bag
And he ran to the king in the palace.
I expressed respect, low bow
I wilted and said that he was supposedly
Messenger of the Marquis de Carabas
Who ordered the king to demolish meat
From the best surrounding marquis of forests
And convey to the king kind words.

The king was surprised, thanked
With respect to the cat, they let go home.
A couple of days passed, the cat brought partridges.
The king on their meat was a very paddock.
He was delighted and ordered to pay.
And now the owner has something to live on!

For two months the cat brought the king
Either the beast, then the bird, and the large all!
And once he accidentally found out
The king called the princess for a walk.
Go around the estates, see the light,
And then they were tired of sitting at home.
Princess, I note was good!
Beautiful, like a rose and a good all!

The owner, said the breathless cat,
If you do everything like I will, then about
Happiness will overtake us on their own.
What should be done?
- Go to the river.
Dress the river and swim in his underpants
I will do everything else myself.

There was nothing to lose, and he went
And the cat at this time is his clothes
He collected a heap, hid under a stone
And the royal banner began to expect.

The king drove into the river road
The carriage is rushing, hold the crown)
And the cat from all urine suddenly screams:
Save, he drowning, rather, doctors!

The king takes his nose out of the window
Kota Karabas will already find out!
And urgently sent the whole guard to save,
Not knowing that there is his future son -in -law

Meanwhile, the cat told the king
That thieves have stolen all, all!
Marquis Karabas will not be left,
There are only underpants from clothes now.

The king ordered to bring from the palace
Your best outfit to cover fellow
The outfit turned out to be the marquise to the face
And he came out with a handsome man to the king.

The princess looked, I realized that she was gone
Amur arrow immediately fell into the heart
The marquise gazed at her gently
And also in her eyes, he drowned in a moment.

And then the sovereign suggested ride
A walk with the princess and enjoy him.
Everyone got into the carriage, pleased and the cat,
It all goes on oil, without unnecessary trouble.

The cat runs forward, reaches to the meadow
The peasants there mow the grass one after another.
This is the meadow of Karabas, to answer the king
Otherwise, I will cut everyone for pieces.

The peasants were taken aback, horror stood
When the king drove closer to them closer.
- Whose meadow is the glorious, the sovereign asked
- Marquis Karabas gave us work.

- The most beautiful meadow, I will tell you the marquise
- Oh yes, my king, this meadow is my whim!

And the cat in the meantime sees the reapers
And they say a couple of affectionate words.
Bread that you eat - everything is Karabas.
I will not cut off the pieces of all at once.

A minute has passed and the king from the carriage
- Whose bread you are here, the answer is Il no?
- All field of the Marquis deKarabas
- Marquis, you have a very good base.

So the cat ran ahead of the map,
And the Marquis and that is and this
Mill, garden, house and fields,
And all that is rich in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth!

The king believed everything, laughed carelessly,
He joked with the Marquis, he had fun in a word.
The marquise at the princess sternly looked
From the oncoming gaze, quietly trample.

So far, the court is the case, and the cat is all forward.
Already to the cannibal he goes to the castle.
I found out everything about him in advance
He suddenly wished to express respect.

The cannibal met him very courteously
And he offered a cat Aperitiv.
The cat did not pull and asked a question
Which he carried him to meet with him.

- Tell me, dear, they told me here
That you are in your life earned
And you can even in a huge lion,
So that the mane was, and the head.

I can, - the cannibal barked in response
There is no impossible for me in essence.
And he turned into a huge lion,
Frightening a cunning cat to the goosebumps.

The cat on the pipe on the roof, and almost fell
In boots, he rode the roof for the first time.
Here the moment passed, the cannibal became as it was.
The cat went down to the ground. And again asked.

They say that you can at once in a tiny
Turn. In the mouse for example, now.
But you can’t believe it, right, you are such an athlete.
Place in the mouse, I do not believe you, no.

How dare you not believe me, you are a miserable cat,
Look, the transformation will begin about.
Turned into a big cannibal mouse
And he got the cat just for lunch.

Before the cat’s cat was chewed,
As he heard the carriages, he knocking on the bridge.
The king wanted to roll up to the castle
To get acquainted with the owner to drink the cup.

The cat to meet the carriage comes out
- Friends, I am glad to welcome you to the Marquis house.
- How? And the castle, he too? Do you own them?
- Well, it turns out that so. Yes, oh, my lord.

There is no end to surprise or the edge ...
- How beautiful the structure is! Yes honey?
And inside you would see the chambers all these
I have not seen more beautiful than the castle in the world!

All entered, admiring a dozen
In the main hall of the big, the dinner was set.
True, all the cannibals are friends
They did not come to feast with the king.

And the king, intoxicated by acquaintance
Forgetting what is the guest
He speaksAnd let's the marquise you decide
Do not want to become my son -in -law?

Well, of course, of course he wants
Looks at the clearing of Princessa eyes
On the same day, he was married to the princess
She admitted her love endlessly.

The cat of the noble nobleman became
I forgot about the mice endlessly.
Very rarely chasing them in the garden
Enjoying the sunset in the royal pond.

And chased after them somewhere in six months
Enjoying their lazy hunt.

Fairy tale-transmission for adults “Cat in boots”-a version for a fun pastime

Fairy Tale -transmission for adults cats in boots - version for funny pastime
Fairy tale-transmission for adults “Cat in boots”-a version for a fun pastime

Fairy tale-transmission for adults “Cat in boots”-a version for a fun pastime:

The miller lived in a village,
He raised three sons.
All the good that has accumulated
Between them I divided.

The eldest, with a mill, stayed,
Middle, the donkey got it.
The youngest son sits, roars -
He only has a cat.

The cat purrs: - Wait,
Luck is waiting ahead.
Do not be sad, do not be sad,
And let go of the feat.

Help on the road to get together
Give a hat and boots.
People fall with laughter:
- The cat is in boots, here is a fun!

It is not easy to walk all day,
The cat decided to remove the boots.
But while he was resting,
Someone took those boots.

The cat went to the river.
Sees the old cancer in the sand
Rushes the mink. Cat with a question:
- Did you take the boots without demand?

Cancer said: - What's question?
I'll grab you by the nose.
The cat meowed - I identified!
And rather, he rushed into the forest.

The protein rides on the pine.
The cat asks: -Tell me
Did you drag the boots?
The squirrel launched a bump.

The cat, reaching the edge
He knocked on the door of the hut:
- Open as soon as possible,
Give my boots!

Looks at the house through the window.
There: frog, mouse-crush,
Gray Hedgehog, Cockerel:
- We have not seen the boots!

We live in our tower,
Pies in the stove bake.
But noisy and angry,
The door is closed in the tower!

Then the cat went faster.
The forest is thicker, it's darker.
The cat saw a light
And the legs started from everyone.

Decomposing a fire at the spruce,
Three robbers were sitting
The cat's boots were divided,
A little in the boiler was not dropped.

On the villains, hissing,
The cat rushed away like a lion.
Thieves scattered in fear.
Cat boots got.

The cat got early in the morning
To the cannibal in a magnificent castle.
He speaks: - I want to check!
I heard, in any beast

It is not difficult for you to turn.
Even in the mouse. - It's possible -
The cannibal said - look:
Reduce, one, two, three!

Only the sorcerer became a mouse
The cunning cat caught him.
And he came home with a victory.
All the wealth of the cannibal
He gave the miller to his son.
The promise was held!

Fairy Tale-transmission for adults "Cat in boots"-a monologue of a cat

Fairy Tale -transmission for adults Cat in boots - cat monologue
Fairy Tale-transmission for adults "Cat in boots"-a monologue of a cat

Fairy Tale-transmission for adults “Cat in boots”-a cat monologue:

And my master is not a penny in his pocket,
And life is long ... around it is not a zgi.
The owner was generous and ordered me
With spurs of leather boots.
He is very cute, affectionate ... not a jerk,
But the boots are still squeezing my claws.

I caught hares, also partridges.
And the king took all this game.
And it seemed to everyone that I was rich
Like a karabas-Marcise, my lord.
The king was stupid and polite, ahi-ohi,
But he did not ask: “Do your legs hurt?”

My owner was naked in the pond,
He shouted the “tone” in which my mother gave birth.
The Princess of Eye lowered the Dol.
I fell in love with him - that's all things!
Then my owner is in a front dress
It was represented by both her and the king.
He was invited to luxurious chambers.
And I was glad, I do not crooked my soul.
But it was indifferent to everyone, believe me,
How I sweated in my shaggy wool.

Then the peasants lied shamelessly,
Depicting eternal serfs.
Princess is still easier to be in love
In the master of the open spaces of all earthly.
While the fun lasted incessantly,
Everything was drunk at once and to the bottom,
I penetrated the castle surrounded by a secret,
Famous in the district of the sorcerer.
I decided to check it for a trick,
And he also worked his head.
At first there was a sorcerer with a huge beast,
Then - the mouse ... I gobbled up him.
The whole yard was delighted with my paws.
It hurt me, I almost cried.

They played a wedding. Everyone went with a gift
They carried pots, forks and knives.
A couple of lovers today in the same castle
He lives, where the evil wizard had previously lived.
And I live, I'm not so careless,
I'm walking in boots ... without a coat.
But no one asked if the liver hurts
Ever since I ate the hell.

Tales-transfers for adults "Cat in boots"-original versions

Tales -transfers for adults Cat in boots - original version
Tales-transfers for adults "Cat in boots"-original versions

Tales-transfers for adults "Cat in boots"-original versions:

The cat overheard the tale of the house,
When he pretended to be asleep
How the antennas arched ears:
Grandfather read the book to his grandson
About the cat, with boots
Was able to become famous for centuries,
They even wrote a fairy tale
In prose, and then in verses.

The cat thought: “I wish I would
Also fame to find
Brought the mistress B bread,
I would be in honor.

I always ate a fish
And he lived very much " -
In a word - dreamed,
I decided to act right away.

That evening he is in the hallway
The shoes stole a different
And shoe, but even cats
He laughed on the roof.

Those were at first confused
Having bulging his eyes,
And then they laughed all night,
And the cat from the whole family

In the morning it got tight,
The whole family shook
And all the shoes on the clues.
Sons were indignant:

“There were pure boots
And now there is only one in the mud "
Grandfather said: “Cat Vasily
I went to shoes yesterday.

I saw him on the roof
But I decided that it was a dream -
In the evening in this outfit
He walked along the roof of the house ... "

Vaska got all of all
Instead of fish - a slap in the face.
It didn’t seem enough
It was ashamed of friends ...

“I was in vain for a fairy tale,”
He repented later-
Better to warm the back in the sun
And be ordinary a cat. "

"White cat in burgundy boots"

In a noisy store on a window
He sat like an important padishah, -
White cat in lilac pelerin,
In plush burgundy boots ...

That was a cat from a real fairy tale.
What comes with a clatter in a dream.
And not for nothing that parents are cautious
In a whisper did the price.

And when a man with a sad look
Silently the saleswoman filed a check
Everyone was laughed: - Well!
Apparently, a very generous person!

But maybe the cat had the meaning
To calm down the heart,
Maybe give a big guarantee
The man wanted that cat.

Maybe taking the hero of fairy tales in his hands,
He said: “You listen, brother,
You tell your son that in separation
His father was not to blame ... "

Maybe he said: “Cat Kotovich,
Don't fall asleep tonight
You sit down at the head of the head,
Explain everything to him as it should ... "

Video: “Cat in boots” - cartoon for adults

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