A fairy tale in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for children in roles is the best selection

A fairy tale in a new way

A collection of original alterations is a fairy tale in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Fairy Tale in the New Lad "Scarlet Flower" - a scene for children

Fairy Tale in a new fret Anky Flower- a scene for children
Fairy Tale in the New Lad "Scarlet Flower" - a scene for children

A fairy tale in a new way "Scarlet Flower" is a scene for children:

Fei dance with magic sticks

Fairy 1: Girlfriends, fairies of a fabulous country,
Even evening, the edge of the moon is visible,
Evening fairy tale time comes.

Fairy 2: We know fairy tales will all over
Which of them are our guys
Are we going to tell you at the evening at the evening?

Fairy 3: About Cinderella?

Fairy 4: No, no, about Nesmeyan!

Fairy 5: Better a fairy tale about King Saltan.

Fairy 1: Let me tell me, girlfriends,
Which fairy tale is nicer for me.
There are so many affection, kindness and light in it!
About the scarlet flower this fairy tale.

Fairytale music sounds

Fairy 2: "Angky flower?" -
Well, so be it.
It's time for the guys to give a fairy tale.
In a certain kingdom-state
The famous merchant lived.

Fairy 4: Lived in contentment and wealth,
Only there was, alas, a widower.
Only one thing was a joy,
Comfort in sorrow -
Three of his native daughters
His heart warmed.

Nanny: Nastenka! Barvarushka! Proud!

Nastenka: Nanny calls,
Say goodbye to the priest

The merchant comes out.

Merchant: Beloved daughters,
I have to go.
Far roads are waiting
From early morning
Sales of goods all - I will turn immediately.
Do not be sad, Nastenka,
Away of longing and sadness!
What are my beauties to bring daughters?

Gordia: Bring me a father ...

Barbara: Gordia, shut up!
I'm the sister here is the eldest
I say.

Merchant: I listen, Barbarushka,
So be it.

Barbara: They say here, father,
What is in the world
Marvelous necklace -
It is not to count the stones in it
Sparks are magical
They all burn.
It has red rubies
And a big diamond.

Merchant: I will find, Barbarushka,
I heard about this.
What do you, proud?
Your turn has come.

Gordia: There is in the world, father,
Carved casket:
Birds, patterns, painted flowers.

Merchant: For you, Gordyushka, I will try.
And now, Nastyushka, your line.

Nastya: I don't need, father, velvet and brocade,
Not the caskets are marvelous, gold, pearls.
Bring, darling, I am a scarlet flower,
Like a scarlet dawn every petal.
So that the flower of scarlet is more beautiful does not find.

Gordia: I could order something more intelligently.

Merchant: I will try, Nastya, I will find the flower.
How to find out that there is no more beautiful - I won’t know.
Goodbye, dear, in the world and in Lada
Without me, live here, with God, I will go.

The noise of the waves sounds

Fairy 1: And the next morning, equipping the ship better,
He goes on the road to meet the waves and clouds.

Fairy 5: The road was long,
The merchant found a marvelous necklace and a painted box.
Only for Nastya, for my beloved daughter,
Where is the same scarlet to find a flower?
It turned out to be our merchant in the reserved forest.

Dance of trees

Trees begin to move, voices are heard.
- Who violates our peace?
- Who walks here in the forest?
- Get away from here!
- But it will not have to be bad!

Merchant: No, you won’t scare me, I saw a lot of miracles!
You subside, an evil storm, part, dense forest!

Singing birds, rustling leaves

Merchant: Ah, what a wonderful palace,
Bird voices ringing
And there are so many different colors-
Right Word - Garden Garden!
Here it is, a scarlet flower!
What a wonderful aroma!
Request to fulfill all daughters
Managed. Wow, how glad I am!

The sounds of thunder. (Tears a flower, thunder thunders)

Monster: What did you do? How dare you
Tore the scarlet flower?
Know, a merchant, what a fierce death
You can’t pass it.

Merchant: Do not destroy me, the owner, did not lead me to execute!
You let me say the word, I can explain everything.
I ordered me a flower daughter beloved, smaller,
How much gold will you order, I will pay with you in full.

Monster: I don't need your board
I'll let you go home
For a day with daughters say goodbye
Do not joke, merchant, with me.
And if you don't want to death
Only one thing will save you.
Let one of your daughters
It will come to live here.

Merchant: If suddenly does not agree
None of the daughters ...

Monster: I must return then
Death to expect your own.
Scarlet wave a flower
And turn three times.
At the same moment you will return to your daughters
Well, merchant, hurry up!

Fairytale music sounds
(The house of the merchant, the daughters are sitting on the bench. Near the chest.)

Barbara: Marvelous necklace! The cherished dream!

Gordia: The box is painted! What a beauty!

Merchant: Well, so, Light, Nastenka, please you?

Nastya: Yes, the scarlet flower I dreamed in a dream!
What is sad, father, or what is the trouble?

Barbara and Gordia: Maybe he lost the money

Merchant: The news is bad.
In an enchanted forest, I tore off a flower
And the owner of those lands was very noisy.
He said that the death of fierce
I can’t pass it now.
I let you say goodbye to you.
And back. He will wait.

Barbara: Father, what a grief!

Gordia: Maybe what is the output?

Merchant: Gave a merchant word, and guarantee is my honor.
He is ready to give me freedom, only the price is great:
One daughter should return to the palace instead of me.

Nastya: Father, my darling, bless me on a long journey,
For me, you tore off the flower, my daughter is stupid sorry.
I am ready to the owner faithfully, to serve the truth,
Maybe he will thaw and allow him to return.
Goodbye, darling father, my dear sisters!
I will remember the house beloved even on the edge of the earth!

Russian folk music sounds
(Waves a flower and ends up in the garden of a monster)

Nastya: Hey, invisible master!
You hear, I came to you.
You are my dear lord
Here the flower brought.

Monster: I am not a gentleman, on the contrary, I am your devoted servant.
What you order - I will fulfill everything, I will never offend.
You enter my house in my house - everything belongs to you.
Tell me without hiding everything that lies on my heart.

(Nastya dresses up in a beautiful dress, then comes out with a saucer in her hands)
Magic music sounds

Nastya: Everything here is fabulous, beautiful
Yes, and my outfit for marvelous.
Oh, what a saucer!

Monster: Turn - the secret will reveal.
You wish and answer
What is where it is done in the light.

Nastya: Here flowers are blooming around.
Oh, and there they throw snow.
All houses are in snow caps -
Real winter!

Nastya: I will turn a little saucer a bit
And I will direct the east:
Oh, on that edge of the earth
Waves, sea, ships!

Nastya: Show me a saucer, dear side,
Does rain pouring at home, or is the sun shining?
Where are my girlfriends, are they missing me?
Do round dances drive, do the songs sing?

Monster: Nastenka, what are you burning about? I'll fulfill everything now.

Nastya: Show me, a kind friend.
So dreary here alone

Monster: Your slave is faithful. Don't ask about that.

Nastenka: Wait! Are they so important for friendship
Appearance, beauty?
I have been known to me for a long time
Your affection, kindness.

Monster: As you wish. Look,
How ugly is, I am terrible.

(Nastenka screams, turns away, groans and backs in).

Nastya: I'm sorry, my cordial friend,
I could not restrain myself.
But believe me, I will not be afraid
Never you again.
Now let's play
You are Zhmurka, start looking for!.

  Monster: Yeah, Nastya, got caught! Your turn is now to drive.

Nastya: I’ll rest a little, tired (sighs).

Monster: Tell me what you are sighing,
I will give what you want.

Nastya: I would look with one eye
On the side of my.
And I don’t need gifts.
I should hug a priest!
At least to stay with him,
Sisters, see a nanny.

Monster: Nastenka, do not cry,
I will fulfill your request
Stuck in his father's house,
Be in the native land.
Here, take, wave a flower -
He will move home instantly!
But come back with sunset
And not that your friend will die.

(Waves a flower, the screen closes)

Magic music sounds

(The house of the merchant, the sisters are sitting on the bench and gnawing seeds. Nastenka appears)

Nastya: Hello, my sisters!
How glad I am to hug you!
How many long days I dreamed
House darling to see.

(A merchant, a nanny, kiss Nastenka come out)

Nanny: Our Nastenka is back!

Gordia: Ha, look, showed up!

Barbara: And what an outfit on her! What a sundress! Kokoshnik!

Gordia: In precious all stones!

Merchant: God is righteous, thank you
See a smaller daughter
I am funny and happy
Finally happened.
Like a young princess,
So slim! So good!

Gordia: Well, tell us, sister,
Have you brought gifts?

(Nastya in confusion. A chest appears. The sisters open it).

Barbara: Ah, what darks!
Velvet, gold, brocade!

Gordia: And the kokoshnik - what a miracle!

Barbara: Beads are just beauty!

Merchant: How glad I am that she is at home again.

Nastya: Father, not forever!
To the palace to return again, the true word gave.
If I can’t return with the sunset,
My dear friend will die.

Barbara: Love friend!

Gordia: Ec pity!

Nastya: He loves me and is waiting for me.

Merchant: You, wretches, are silent. You have no heart at all!
In honor of the Great Event to have fun for everyone, all-all!

Barbara: Look, driving what! In the Hole, luxury lives.
Like the princess young. Everything that he wants to eat and drinks.

Gordia: In the expensive, the chambers live,
Zlato everywhere, silver
There is no need to return to her.

Barbara: We were so unlucky!

Gordia: Since Nastasya will be here while the sun comes in,
The miracle of Yudo, not waiting, will die in his palace.

Barbara: It is necessary to detain the sister so that she does not see the sunset.
We will close the shutters in the house, turn the arrows back. (Whisper.)

(Go away, Nastya with a merchant come out).

Nastya: Father, it's time to say goodbye
So anxious in the soul.
God! The sun is sitting!
Who wants to be burning?
Ah, for what, for what, sisters?
What did I offend you?
I will not have time to return.
The sun will go now!
Goodbye, father!

Alarming music sounds

Prince: Do not scare, Nastya, it's me - your friend.
The good prince was a monster - look around!
Evil-prey wizard many years ago
I turned into a monster, a garden is enchanted.
I saved me with affection, you saved yours,
Now become the desired bride of mine.

Fairy 2: So they played the wedding
And we must tell you:
Nastya was the queen
Amazing country.
The prince - the king became a removal.
Wisely ruled that country.

A fairy tale in the new Lad "Scarlet Flower" for New Year's holidays, events

A fairy tale in a new fret of a scarlet flower for children's holidays, events
A fairy tale in the new Lad "Scarlet Flower" for New Year's holidays, events

A fairy tale in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for New Year's holidays, events:

The words of the merchant:
Daughters, what to bring you?

Author's words:
Well, Nastya squeezed her lips.

Nastya's words:
Skirts, hairpins, no sense from them.
There is one on the island, but I don't know what
In general, a scarlet flower.
Bring at least a petal.

(Daughters bow to the merchant, leave the stage)

Author's words:
The merchant quickly went out of the gate,
And he ordered the fleet to gather,
And set sail on a long way
To crank up the delays.
He sailed eight long days
Now, he saw a marvelous rose in the garden ...
He came up, tore off the flower, he suddenly heard ....

The words of the author:
But he did not see anyone, only his voice hears him.

The words of the merchant:
Maybe all these are glitches?
Who are you? Where are you? Show yourself! On a flower!

Author's words:
And he answered:

Words of Chudsh:
Once tore off, there is no return.
I give you the ring, you put it on yourself.
Give Nastyukha, I understood yes?
Let it twist here.

Author's words:
The merchant twisted the ring.
And hit ...

The words of the red cap:
Opanka, these are guests.

The words of the merchant:
Who? I?

The words of the red cap:
Yes you. And who are you at all?

The words of the merchant:
I am a merchant, I was driving my daughters for gifts and for unknown reasons was here ...

The words of the red cap:
So it's good!

The words of the merchant:
What is good that I got here?

The words of the red cap:
The fact that you will save me!

The words of the merchant:
From whom should I save you?

The words of the red cap:
How is it from whom? From the wolf, of course.
Wait ... What, have you never read my fairy tale?

The words of the merchant:
-No, I didn’t read ... You see, commercial affairs, home care ...

Author's words:
And then the wolf came running ...

Wolf words:
I am an evil and terrible gray wolf
I know a lot about red hats.
And here is also red ....
Here I will have lunch today!

(Hunters run up)

Words 1 hunter:
F-oo-u, well, finally we caught up with a gray robber,
I was completely insolent, dragged all the chickens and roosters.

Words 2 hunters:
How will we celebrate the New Year?
Where will we get the symbol of the year?

(Run after a wolf, a wolf behind a red cap and a merchant, music from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!"

Author's words:
-And the hunters for the wolf ran, and the wolf behind a red cap.
Tired of this to the merchant, he twisted the ring, and all hit the 21st century.

On stage, Santa Claus gives out gifts to children. The song "Russian Santa Claus."

The words of the red cap:
-Well, where are we?

Wolf words:
-How is it? In a fairy tale.

The words of the red cap:
-It seems like this is a fairy tale!

1 student:
Hello, guests are overseas!

2 Pupil:
- Have you studied well? (Guests wave their heads, agree)

3 Pupil:
-You were active? (Guests agree)

Words of Santa Claus:
-Then and I will give you gifts.

The words of the merchant:
- Oh, how interesting!
And no monsters
I call my daughters to visit you.

(twists the ring, daughter appears)

1 student:
What beauties! Stay with us to celebrate the New Year.

Words of Santa Claus:
So the New Year has come,
We are waiting for miracles, we believe in a fairy tale,
We are friends, love, we do ...
And on this good winter holiday,
When the lights burn around
When the Christmas tree shines elegantly,
Burnts are thundered every hour,
Let happiness come to us for a long time,
May the joy leave us
Let everyone come true,
The sadness will leave without a trace
Love, warmth, charm,
Miracles of the magic for centuries!
In conclusion, the dance "Do not dance!".

Fairy Tale-transmission in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for children in roles

Fairy Tale-transmission in a new fret of a scarlet flower for children in roles
Fairy Tale-transmission in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for children in roles

Fairy Tale-transmission in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for children in roles:

The first picture

Girlfriends: Nastya, Gordyushka, Lyubavushka! Stop sewing and spinning.
Come to us rather songs to sing, dance!

Lyubavushka. Oh, the girlfriends looked around, I will then a handkerchief.

Proud. Oh, I'm so tired, but I broke the needle.

The sisters run away for the scenes.

Children perform the dance of the "balalaika". Nastenka does not participate in the dance, sits in a sucking. Two girls run up to her.

1st girlfriend: What are you, Nastya, sad, what are you sad?

2nd girlfriend: About what, the girl-beautiful are you killed?

Nastenka: The priest leaves to the distant lands ...

3rd girlfriend: So it will return soon, it doesn’t matter!

The back of the nanny is due to the curtains.

Nanny: Nastenka, Gardia, Lyubavushka!

Nastenka: We have to go, girlfriends, the nanny calls.
Time is coming to say goodbye to the priest.

Merchant (affectionate): My daughter is beloved, I have to go.
Far Russian merchants are waiting for the roads.
What do my beauties bring daughters to my beauties?

Gardia: Lyubava, shut up!
I am the sister here is the eldest, I say!

Merchant: I'm listening, Gardia, so be it!

Gordia: They say here, father, what is in the world
The golden crown is wonderful, the stones cannot be counted in it.
The magic sparks are all burning.
It has red rubies and a large diamond ...

Merchant: I will find, Gardiah, I heard about this.
What do you, Lyubavushka, your turn has come.

Lyubava: Bring me, father, carved mirror
With birds, patterns, flowers painted.

Merchant: For you Lyubavushka, I will try
And now, Nastasushka, your line.

Nastya: I don't need, father, velvet and brocade,
Not the caskets are marvelous, gold, pearls.
Bring, darling, I am a scarlet flower,
Like a clear dawn every petal.
So that the flower of scarlet is more beautiful does not find.

Lyubava: Something sensible could order ...

Merchant: I’ll try, Nastya, I will look for a flower.
How to find out what is more beautiful than everyone, I won’t know the mind!
Goodbye, dear, in the world and Lada
Live without me here. With God. I will go.

Fairytops come out. Girls with fans dance dance.

1 storyteller: And the next morning, equipping the ship better,
He goes on the road to meet the waves, clouds.
2 fairytale: You, wave, carry the merchant through the Blue Seas,
Through the Terrible Ocean to the shores of distant countries.
3 fairytale: And the wave obeyed, so the earth is visible.
That Persian country, jewelry is full.

The scene of the eastern bazaar

1 merchant: Overseas bazaar, wonderful bazaar,
Anyone in the bazaar will find a product!
For a hundred gold and for a ruble, and for a penny,
What do you want will see what you want to take!

2 merchant: Here is Lavash, but Halva, here is Shcherbet and Brand!
Honey, nuts and raisins, basket, Rahat-lukum!

1 merchant: Grab, fly, try on, put on,
Let's not yawn, get your wallet!

3 merchant: Hurry up here, our dear guests!
Here are ivory white bone decorations
Raji Ring and ALLADINA lamp!
And the fan is a real peacock tail!
The merchant gives the merchant a crown with stones

Merchant: There is a gift for my pride here -
The golden crown of the wonderful stones in it cannot be counted!

4. The merchant. Eastern beauties - Miracle are good!
In the east, dancing is given from the heart!
You get here soon!
On the beauties, marvel at!

Girls perform an oriental dance.

Merchant: Thanks to the girl-beautiful
You danced wonderful
And about the mirror magical
Have you heard anything?

East. Beauties. What is this mirror?
With gilding il crooked?

East. gorgeous. We have a lot of mirrors
What have you heard about?

East. gorgeous. There is such that it laughs
There is such that it does not beat

East. gorgeous. The truth will tell you everything
The wondrous will show.

Merchant. Magic mirror with a sign with a handle!
I found a present for the second!

East. gorgeous. We don't feel sorry to take it
Hello to your daughters.

Only for Nastya, for my beloved daughter,
Where is the same scarlet to find a flower?

1 storyteller: The merchant went around all the lands,
And I did not find a flower!
To the shores of the native land
Directs ships.

2 fairytale: The storm at sea is such,
How he survived, we do not know!

The third picture. Reserved forest.

Baba Yaga: I feel the human spirit ...

Goblin: What are you saying?

Baba Yaga: That gusts are all around. You snore all day.
Someone, I hear, wandered into the protected forest.

Kikimora: Looking for a scarlet flower with a troot merchant.

Baba Yaga: It will be necessary to lure, scare and twist into the thicket.

Kikimora: I will click him
And I will drag it into the swamp.

Goblin: I will never let me go to the magic flower.

I traveled many countries, sold the goods.
Mirror, the crown bought his daughters as a gift.
And the flower is scarlet, which is more beautiful than all,
I did not find a sin for Nastya and return.

1st employee: You, master-father, do not be sad!
We still have time to find a flower!

2nd employee: Look what a protected forest is around.
Maybe we will find the scarlet flower here?

Nice in turn:
Who violates our peace?
Does the noise in the forest raise here?
Get away from here!
Otherwise it will have to be bad!

2nd employee: Guard, I was killed.
1st employee: Bring your feet faster!

Both run away.

Merchant: No, you will not scare me. I saw a lot of miracles.
Distributed rather, unclean strength. Undermine, dense forest!

The music sounds, the trees part, the fairy palace is visible and the scarlet flower is visible in front of it on the hillock.

Merchant. Ah, what a wonderful palace,
Bird voices ring.
And how many different colors!
Right Word, Garden!
Here it is, a scarlet flower,
What a marvelous aroma.
Requests to fulfill all daughters
Managed. Ah, how glad I am!

Blows a flower. Thunder. Music sounds.

What did you do? How dare you
Tore the scarlet flower?
Know, a merchant, what a fierce death
You can’t pass it.

Merchant: Do not destroy me, master,
Do not execute me!
You let me say a word
I can explain everything.
I ordered me a flower
My beloved daughter.
I didn't want to offend you
I will pay the gold in full.

Monster: I don't need your board.
I'll let you go home
For a day, goodbye to say goodbye.
Do not joke, a merchant with me.
If you don't want to die
Then let
Any daughter will return
To save the father.

Merchant: If suddenly does not agree
None of the daughters?

Monster: Must then return
Death to expect your own.
Scarlet wave a flower
And turn three times.
At the same moment you will return to your daughters.
Well, merchant, hurry up!

Music sounds.

The fourth picture.

Workers take out a chest, run away. Sisters to the chest.

Gardia: Here is the crown of a wonderful, cherished dream.

Lyubava: Magical mirror, what a beauty!

Merchant: Well, my light, Nastya, please you?

Nastya: Yes, I dreamed of this flower in a dream.
(Swowns a flower, looks at his father.)
What is sad, father, what trouble?

Merchant: Daughters are loved
The news is bad.
In an enchanted forest
I tore off the flower, and the owner of those lands
He sustained strongly. He said that the death of fierce
I can’t pass it now. I let you say goodbye to you -
And back. He will wait.

Sisters (crying): Father, what a grief!

Lyubava: Maybe what is the output?

Merchant: He is ready to give me freedom, only the price is great.
One daughter should return to the palace instead of me.

Nastya: Father! Bless me, darling on a long journey,
For me, you tore off the flower, my daughter is stupid sorry.
Farewell! (Waves a flower)

The picture is fifth. Garden at the Palace of Conduct. Music sounds. Nastya enters.

Nastya: Hey, invisible master, you see, I came to you;
You are my dear lord, here you brought a flower.
(Plants a flower in place)

Monster: I am not a gentleman, on the contrary, I am your devoted servant.
What you order - I will fulfill everything, I will never offend.
You enter my house in my house, everything belongs to you.
Tell me without hiding, everything that lies in my heart.

Nastya leaves and changes into a beautiful sundress. Music sounds. Paradise birds dance.

Nastya: Everything here is fabulous, beautiful
Yes, and my outfit for marvelous.
Oh, what a saucer!

Monster: Turn - the secret will reveal.
You wish and answer
What is where it is done in the light.

Nastya: Here flowers are blooming around.
Oh, and there they throw snow.
All houses are in snow caps -
Real winter!

I will turn a little saucer a bit
And I will direct the east:
Oh, on that edge of the earth
Waves, sea, ships!
Show me a saucer, dear side,
Does rain pouring at home, or is the sun shining?
Where are my girlfriends, are they missing me?
Do round dances drive, do the songs sing?

Monster: Nastenka, what are you burning about? I will fulfill everything at once.

Nastya: Show me, my friend is kind, so dreary here alone.

Monstere: Your faithful friend is ugly, do not ask about that ...

Nastya: Wait! Are the appearance, beauty, beauty for friendship?

I have long known your affection, kindness.

Monster: As you wish. Look how ugly is, I'm terrible!

Nastenka screams, turns away. The monster groans and backs back. Music.

Nastya: Sorry, my heartfelt friend! I could not restrain myself.

But, believe me, I will never be afraid of you again.

Now let's play, you are Zhmurka, start to look!

Nastya with a monster playing in the backwges. Music.

Monster: Yeah, Nastya, got caught! Your turn is now to drive!

Nastya: I’ll rest a little, tired (sits down, sighs)

Monster: I will not let me be sad. Tell me, what are you sighing about?
I will give everything you want.

Nastya: I would look at the side of my side with one eye.
And I don’t need gifts, I would have to hug a priest.
At least to stay with him; Sisters, see a nanny.

Monster: Nastenka, do not cry. I will fulfill your request
To stay in the father’s house, to visit their native land.
Here, take it, wave a flower - he will move home instantly.
But return with the sunset, otherwise your friend will die.

Nastya: Do not worry, my dear friend, I'm afraid to lose you.
Only the sun to sunset, I will return to the palace.

(Waves a flower)

Music sounds.

The picture is sixth

Music sounds. The court of the merchant. Sisters play the crafts of Nastya in a beautiful outfit. A merchant and a nanny come out.

Nastya: Hello father beloved
My beloved darling.
Hello, my sisters! How glad I am to hug you.
How many long days did the house have a darling house.

Hug, kiss. Look at Nastenka.

Proud: Ah, what a murderer, velvet, gold, brocade!

Lyubava: And the kokoshnik - what a miracle!

Proud: Beads - just beauty!

Merchant: How glad I am that you are at home again

Nastya: Father, not forever.
To the palace to return again, the true word gave.
If I will not return with sunset, my dear friend will die

Proud. Oh, sister you listen. We will give you advice.

Lyubava. Do not return to him, stay in your home.

Nanny: You, scoundrels, be silent, you have no heart at all!
In honor of the Great Event to have fun for everyone, all-all!

Proud. Look, lucky what, in the hall, luxury lives.
As a young queen, everything that he wants, eats and drinks.

Lyubava: In the expensive, the chambers live, everywhere gold, silver.
She would return to anything ... We were so unlucky!

Gordia: Kolya Nastya will be here while the sun comes in,
Miracle Yudo, not waiting, will die in his palace.

Lyubava. It is necessary to detain the sister so that she does not see the sunset.
We’ll close the shutters in the house; We turn the arrows back.

Leaving. Nastya and the merchant come out. Music sounds.

Nastya: Father, it's time to say goodbye. So anxious in the soul.
God, the sun sits down ... Who wants to be burning?
Ah, for what, for what, sisters? What did I offend you?
I will not have time to return, the sunset is approaching!
Goodbye, father!

Wakes a flower. Music sounds.

The picture is seventh

Garden at the palace. Music sounds. The monster lies on the hill.

Where are you, my heartfelt friend? Are you not happy to meet a meeting?
I returned in a minute; The sunset has not yet died out.
Get up, my master's master! You open your eyes soon!
A friend, my friend, my tender friend, your Nastya came.

Thunder. Music sounds. The monster gets up with a good fellow.

Well done:
Do not scare, Nastya, it's me, your friend.
There was a prince of a monster, look around.
Evil Babia - Yaga many years ago
I turned into a monster, a garden is enchanted.
From the spell of the terrible you saved me;
To the monster was terrible so good.
Evil defeated, love, love;
Finally, happiness came to this house!

The converted fairy tale in a new way - "Scarlet Flower" for children

A newly -made fairy tale in a new way - a scarlet flower for children
The converted fairy tale in a new way - "Scarlet Flower" for children

A converted fairy tale in a new way - "Scarlet Flower" for children:

Merchant (affectionately).
My daughter is beloved, I have to go.
What do my beauties bring daughters to my beauties?

They say here, father, what is in the world
The necklace is marvelous, the stones cannot be counted in it.

I will find, Lyubavushka! I heard about this.
What do you ask, proud? Your turn has come.

Bring me, father, from overseas countries
Pearls embroidered all blue sundress.

I remember this, someone said about this ...
Be sure to, Gordyushka, I will find one. (Nastya.)
Now let's listen to my daughter Nastenka.

I don't need, father, velvet and brocade,
Bring, darling, I am a scarlet flower,
Like a clear dawn, every petal.

I could order something more intelligently.

I’ll try, Nastya, I will look for a flower. (
Goodbye, dear!

Music sounds. Baba Yaga appears on a broomstick, goblin, kikimora.

Baba Yaga. It will be necessary to lure, scare and twist into the thicket.

Kikimora. I will click him and drag him into the swamp.

Goblin. I will never let me go to the magic flower.


1 buffoon:
Come in, honest people,
Here the extravaganza is coming
Come as soon as possible
And do not regret the money!

2 buffoon:
Hey, people, move, fuss.
Come, not the crowd, have fun.
Flone on the goods, move,
Don't think that as a gift
Break off!

3 buffoons:
The fair opens,
The audience is going
Get everything here,
Resented gentlemen!

Oh people gathered!
Someone together, someone-apart,
Who is in the case, who is walking,
Someone does not sing songs
Buy a product from us.
Come on, choose!
All you need to buy!

We are mischievous guys!
We are daring guys!
We call everyone to the fair,
We sell toys!

You have a necklace, sundress.
I really need my daughters.

Of course there is, choose any product.

Merchant: Thank you.
I traveled a lot of countries, sold all my goods.
A necklace, a sundress I bought my daughters as a gift.
And the scarlet flower, I did not find it for Nastya.

1st employee. You, master-father, do not be sad!
2nd worker. We still have time to find a flower!
1st. Look what a protected forest is around.
2nd. Maybe we will find the scarlet flower here?

Ah, what a wonderful palace!
Wonderful birds fly ...
What do I see? Scarlet flower!
The requests to fulfill all the daughters managed to fulfill.

Thunder thunders, lightning. Music sounds. A monster appears

Woe to me, I didn’t look!
What did you do? How dared
My protected flower
Scarlet gentle petal,
Drive? Why tore off?

It’s to blame, the flower tore off.
Let me take a flower with me!
I will hand the youngest daughter.

The laughter of the beast beast:
You give an honest word
What will you send a daughter here?
If you don't send your daughter,
You yourself will return! You will die here!
This ring is golden,
He is magical, not simple
He will instead you
Just order where!
Just put on the little finger ...

Fourth action

My dear doves, finally waited
Your father, merchant, returned with gifts.

The necklace is a marvelous, cherished dream.

Sarafan with stars. Well, beauty!

Well, my light, Nastya, please you?

Yes, I dreamed this flower in a dream
What is sad, father, what trouble?

Maybe a small young lady?

I tore off the flower, and the owner
He sustained strongly. He said that the death of fierce
I can’t pass it now. I let you go to say goodbye -
And back. He will wait.

Sisters (crying) together.
Father, what a grief!

Maybe what is the output?

One daughter should return to the palace instead of me.

For me, you tore off the flower, my daughter is stupid sorry.
Goodbye, darling father, my dear sisters!

Garden at the Palace of Conduct. Music sounds. Nastya enters.

Hey, invisible owner, you hear
I came to you;
Here the flower brought.

Hello, Nastenka
What you order - I will fulfill everything, I will never offend.

Show me, a kind friend, so dreary here alone.

I will fulfill your request
I will show my face and my terrible body.

Come to me, I will not be afraid.

The monster comes out to the music.

I frightened you, and you will not want to hear me now.
No, it’s not a fate to see me. The cherished ring is on your hand, you are free.

What are you, what are you, I can’t.
For your affection, for your kindness, for the trust of a hearty black evil to pay.

Thank you, Nastenka

Music sounds, Baba Yaga, goblin, kikimora appear

The monsters were not scared ... Look how brave!

Baba Yaga.
Did I try badly? Apparently, she became old.

If Nastya loves a miracle-yudo with all his heart.
The witchcraft spell will collapse, and he will return his appearance.

Baba Yaga.
We will have to leave the protected forest forever.

We will lose our power ...

Woe to us! Trouble, trouble!


The seventh action. The court of the merchant. Nastenka appears in a beautiful outfit.

Hello, my sisters! How glad I am to hug you.

Ha, look, showed up!

And what an outfit on her! What a sundress! Kokoshnik!

In precious, all stones.

Like the princess young, so slim, so good!

Well, tell us, sister, did you bring gifts?

Present? (A chest appears).

Ah, what darks, velvet, gold, brocade!

And the kokoshnik - what a miracle!

Beads are just beauty!

How glad I am that you are at home again.

Father, not forever.
If I can’t return with sunset, my dear friend will die.

Eka pity, let him die!

He loves me and is waiting for me!

You, scoundrels, be silent, stinging your soul.
Let's go to the room, dove.

Come on, my daughter.
Go to the house.

Look, lucky what, in the hall, luxury lives.

There is no need to return to her ...

We were so unlucky!

Kolya Nastya will be here while the sun comes in,
Miracle Yudo, not waiting, will die in his palace.

It is necessary to detain the sister so that she does not see the sunset.
We will close the shutters in the house; We turn the arrows back

Father, it's time to say goodbye. So anxious in the soul.
God, the sun sits down ... Who wants to be burning?
Ah, for what, for what, sisters? What did I offend you?
I will not have time to return, the sunset is approaching!
Goodbye, father! Music sounds.

The eighth action. The monster lies on the hill. Baba Yaga, Leshy, Kikimora.

Five minutes left.

She should not be able to return.

Baba Yaga.
Soon we will own the whole palace and garden alone.

Where are you, where is my heartfelt friend? I returned in a minute; Not yet extinguished sunset

Well done.
Do not scare, Nastya, it's me, your friend.
From the spell of the terrible you saved him;
To the monster was terrible so good.
Evil defeated, love, love;
Finally, happiness came to this house!

Fairy Tale Association in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for schoolchildren

Fairy Tale Scenes in a new fret of a scarlet flower for schoolchildren
Fairy Tale Association in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for schoolchildren

A fairy tale scena in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for schoolchildren:

Children. one. Friends, girlfriends lovely!
Even evening, the edge of the moon is visible.
Evening fairy tale time comes.

Children 2. We know the fairy tales will change everything.
Which of them ...
Are we going to tell you at the evening at the evening? Scarlet flower? "
Well, so be it.

The house of the merchant with the porch. Near him on a bench, Nastya and the sisters are embroidered, sing.

1st girl. What are you, Nastya, sad, what are you sad?

2nd girl. What, girl-beauty, are you killed?

Nastenka. The priest leaves to the distant lands ...

Merchant (affectionate). My daughter is beloved, I have to go.
Far Russian merchants are waiting for the roads.
Sales of goods everything, I will turn immediately. (Nastya)
Do not be sad, Nastenka, from longing and sadness!
What can my beauties bring to my beauties?

Proud. They say here, father, what is in the world
The necklace is marvelous, the stones cannot be counted in it.
The magic sparks are all burning.
It has red rubies and a large diamond ...

Merchant. I will find, proud! I heard about this
What will you ask, Lyubavushka? Your turn has come.

Lyubava. Bring me, father, from overseas countries
Pearls embroidered all blue sundress.
To be decorated with stars of sundress.

Merchant. I remember this, someone said about this ...
Perhaps, Lyubavushka, I will find one. (Nastya.)
Now let's listen to my daughter Nastenka.

Nastya. I don't need, father, velvet and brocade,
Miraculous sundresses, gold, pearls ...
Bring, darling, I am a scarlet flower,
Like a clear dawn, every petal.
So that the flower of scarlet is more beautiful not to find ...

Gordia (Firing). Something more intelligently could order ...

Merchant. I’ll try, Nastya, I will look for a flower.
How to find out that the most beautiful of all, I won’t know!

(Leaves. Everyone waved after him. The curtain closes.)

Music sounds. Reserved forest

Baba Yaga.
Someone, I see, is very carefully walking through the reserved forest.

Kikimora. I will beat him and drag him into the green slurry.

Goblin. I will never let me go to the magic flower.

Merchant. I traveled a lot of countries, sold all my goods.
A necklace, a sundress I bought my daughters as a gift.
And the flower is scarlet, which is more beautiful than all,
I did not find for Nastya, and return - sin.

1st employee. You, master-father, do not be sad!

2nd worker. We still have time to find a flower!

1st. Look what a protected forest is around.

2nd. Maybe we will find the scarlet flower here?

Music, wind, trees begin to move. Baba Yaga beats an employee with a broom.

1st employee. Holy, holy, holy, unclean power!
Lord, save me!

2nd. Guard, I was killed!
1st. Bring your feet faster!

Both run away.

Merchant. No, you will not scare me. I saw a lot of miracles.
Distributed rather, unclean strength. Undermine, dense forest!

Merchant. What do I see? Flower!
Gently scarlet petal, all of it shines with a glow,
He captivates with his beauty, rings the bell,
As if he was saying something. The sweet aroma of the flower ...
He will drink me slightly! Not a flower, but magic!
What I'm looking for, probably, then! ..
The requests to fulfill all the daughters managed to fulfill.

Blows a flower. Thunder thunders, lightning. Music sounds. A monster appears.

Woe to me, I didn’t look! What did you do?
How my protected flower dared,
Run the scarlet tender petal?
Why tore off? I protected him!
And he trusted his fate only to him!
Every day he comforted, without him I would disappear!
This is my palace and garden. I was very happy for you:
I sat and fed, put it on the night!
For cruel guilt, I will behave you!

It’s to blame, the flower tore off. Forgive me!
I did not know that he was so dear to you,
It is important in life and fate!
I left my three daughters in my homeland.
All beauties, smart and sincere, and visible!
The hotels promised them and sent a part of gifts.
The youngest daughter is a lesson - red to give a flower,
So that there is nothing more beautiful in the world.
Wherever I have been! And I did not see the flower.
And now in your garden I see this beauty,
This scarlet flower ... I realized that this
That for so long I have been looking for, therefore I did not sleep.
Let me go home! Let me take a flower with me!
I will hand the youngest daughter. I cry the golden treasury.

The laughter of the monster.
Monster. Your treasury is not needed - I have my own full.
There is one salvation, choose while given.
I'll let you go home
I will reward a large treasury.
I give you a term for three days.
Will you deceive me?
You give an honest word
What will you send a daughter here?
I will not offend your daughter,
My good guest.
It became sad to live:
I want to be friends with someone.
I'm not looking for slaves
Voluntarily ... so I want.
If you don't send your daughter,

You’ll be back yourself, you will die here! Fierce death I execute
For cruel blame! This ring is gold - it is magical,
Not simple, he will instantly deliver you, just order where,
This is a night or a day, just put on a little finger ...

The court of the merchant. The mountaingear of Gordia, Lyubava and Nastya sit and embroider. A nanny quickly leaves the house.

Nanny. My dear doves, finally waited
Your father, merchant, returned with gifts.
Workers take out a chest, leave. Sisters approach the chest.

Gordia (takes out a necklace, with admiration).
The necklace is marvelous ... the cherished dream!

Lyubava (takes out a sundress, with admiration).
Sarafan with stars ... Well, beauty!

Nastya takes out a flower.
Merchant. Well, my light, Nastya, please you?

Nastya. Yes, I dreamed of this flower in a dream.
What is sad, father, what trouble?

Proud. Maybe a small young lady?

Merchant. The news is bad. In an enchanted forest
I tore off the flower, and the owner of those lands
He sustained strongly. He said that the death of fierce
I can’t pass it now. I let you go to say goodbye -
And back. He will wait.

Sisters (crying) together.
Father, what a grief!

Lyubava. Maybe what is the output?

Merchant. He gave a merchant word, and my honor is guaranteed.
But it is possible to save me. Only the price is great:
One daughter should return to the palace instead of me.

Nastya. Father! Bless me, darling, bless me on a long journey!
For me, you tore the flower, a stupid daughter forgive me!
I am ready to the owner faithfully, to serve the truth.

Maybe he will thaw and allow him to return.
He gets up, raises a flower.
Goodbye, darling father, my dear sisters!
I will remember the house beloved even on the edge of the earth!

Leaving. Curtain.

Garden at the Palace of Conduct. Nastya enters.

Nastya. Hey, invisible master, you hear, I came to you;
You are my dear lord, here you brought a flower.

Monster. I am not a gentleman, a dove, I am your devoted servant.
What you order - I will fulfill everything, I will never offend.

Nastya. Hey, rather to me, all the birds, I brought you grain.
Maybe you flew where my homeland is.
I live here in good, wealth, I eat and drink what I want,
And the owner is affectionate with me, performs what I ask.
Only everything here is non -native, and the beauty does not amuse the eye.

1. At this time, in the native side of the sun, the sun is clear early,
Even a small bird Solovushka sings more fun and more loudly! 2 p.

2. Often I dream of the groves in our bright favorite land.
Do not need a grocery pearl, to see your side! 2 p.

Monster. Nastenka, what are you burning about? I will fulfill everything at once.

Birds, starting, "fly away."

Nastya. Show me, a kind friend, so dreary here alone.

Monster. I will fulfill your request. For the reason that I love
I will show my face and my terrible body.

The monster leaves the castle. Nastenka screams, turns away. The monster backs back, groans.

Nastya. Forgive me, my heartfelt friend!

Monster. I frightened you, and you will not want to hear me now.
No, it’s not a fate to see me.
The cherished ring is on your hand, you are free.
You fly away, you won’t turn back, but I will die with longing for me.

Nastenka. What are you, what are you, I can't like that -
For your affection, for your kindness,
For confidence in hearty black evil, pay.

Monster. Thank you, Nastenka ...

Music sounds, Baba Yaga, goblin, Kikimora appear.

Goblin. The monsters were not afraid ... Look, how brave!
If Nastya loves a miracle-yudo with all my heart,
The witchcraft spell will collapse, and he will return his appearance.
We will have to leave the protected forest forever.

Goblin. We will lose our power ...
Woe to us! Trouble, trouble! (Curtain.)

Music sounds. The court of the merchant. Nastenka appears in a beautiful outfit.

Nastya. Hello, my sisters! How glad I am to hug you.
How many long days did the house have a darling house.

A merchant and a nanny come out. Hug, kiss.

Merchant. God is righteous, thank you! See a smaller daughter
I finally succeeded cheerful and happy.
Like the princess young, so slim, so good!
How glad I am that you are at home again.

Nastya. Father, not forever.
To the palace to return again, the true word gave.
If I can’t return with sunset, my dear friend will die.

Lyubava. Eka pity, let this freak die!

Nastya. He loves me and is waiting for me!

Nanny. You, scoundrels, be silent, stinging your soul.
Let's go to the room, dove.

Merchant. Come on, my daughter.

Go to the house.

Proud. It is necessary to detain the sister so that she does not see the sunset.
We will close the shutters in the house; We turn the arrows back.

Leaving. Nastya with a merchant, a nanny, then sisters come out. Sit down at the table.

Nastya. Father, it's time to say goodbye. So anxious in the soul.
God, the sun sits down ... Who wants to be burning?
Ah, for what, for what, sisters? What did I offend you?
I will not have time to return, the sunset is approaching!

Goodbye, father! (Music sounds, Nastya leaves. Curtain.)

Garden at the palace. Music sounds

Nastya (a frame from the cartoon "The monster lies on the hill").
Where are you, where is my heartfelt friend?
Are you not happy to meet a meeting? I returned in a minute;
The sunset has not yet died out.
Get up, my master's master! You open your eyes soon!
Farm friend, my friend's friend,
Your Nastenka came.

Thunder. The light goes out. Music sounds. The monster gets up with a good fellow.

Well done.
Do not scare, Nastya, it's me, your friend.
Well done was a monster, look around.
Black anger, evil spirits many years ago
I turned into a monster, a garden is enchanted.
From the spell of the terrible you saved me.
To the monster was terrible so good.
Fidelity, love defeated evil.
Finally, happiness came to this house!

Brings Nastya to the center by the hand. All participants in the play come out.

Song "Scarlet Flower"

1. The youngest of her daughters told Father
And she looked with an affectionate look at him:
“Bring me, father, a scarlet flower,
Angky, small, nothing more! "

In Russia, in the northern, bright light
Lush flowers do not come,
But there are so many alenushki
Fabulous, fabulous beauty!

2. The countries of foreigner proceeded, led,
I found a gift to her in the far side!
And it stands at the daughter of a scarlet flower,
Angky, small in a light on the window!

The performance of the heroes.

Fairy Tale in the New Lad "Scarlet Flower" for the autumn matinee in kindergarten

A fairy tale in a new fret of a scarlet flower for the autumn matinee in kindergarten
Fairy Tale in the New Lad "Scarlet Flower" for the autumn matinee in kindergarten

A fairy tale in a new way "Scarlet Flower" for the autumn matinee in kindergarten:

Reading poetry:

1. p Autumn on the edge of the paints made the colors,
On the folia, she spent quietly with a brush, Arseny
Zhiltel Oreshnik flashed maples,
Red aspen, only green oak.

Vedas. Do not spare summer. Look at the rush with gold!
The forest was empty, not cheerful.
There are no more wonderful songs of the nightingale and cranes.
And the cuckoo does not doll, the heart of autumn is yearning.
Look, children, here is autumn! How thoughtful she is.
But on the holiday, she called her beautiful all the guys.

Input autumn to music

Vedas. Autumn, dear, how glad we are!
In bright golden decoration, our forests, fields with gifts of crop. We are you, autumn
We will delight with poems, songs, dancing.

2. p. Autumn is a festival of withering of groves, fields, meadows, gardens.
This is a parting in the summer, the expectation of cold weather. Leva
In a dress with a motley-golden autumn, I came to us in the hall.
Like a wonderful queen that opens the ball!

3. p. Autumn grove is gold. Gold, blue.
And a flock of crane flies over the grove. Vlada
High under the clouds of geese respond,
With a distant lake, with fields until spring they say goodbye.

Song "Autumn Color"

Autumn: I came to you with a sprig of viburnum,
Come on what is in my basket
Full basket miracles with leaves, vegetables and colored pencils
I have work, oh how many, you guys invite you to help.

Pencil game

3. p. Autumn, a red rogue, decided to play hide and seek:
In the bread field very deftly hid-
But everything is in order.
Only bread ears immediately became gold.
Everyone decided - this autumn made them in an instant.

4. p. Cold rain fills puddles,
Hungry sparrows ask for dinner.
And on the twig, the whole piece to the thread is wet

Autumn: Thank you guys, you meet me well,
And you play so fun with me,
You praised me for glory, so I will pay you good.
Like guys, I liked your poems, songs!
And I will please you too, I came to you not alone, I brought a fairy tale with me.

The fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower begins"!

In a low light, the light burns,
The young spin is sitting by the window.
Young is beautiful, brown eyes,
A brown braid is developed on the shoulders.

Girls-girlfriends, go out, hide.

Song "spinning"

And so we are in the house of the merchant. His daughters are sitting at the table.

Varya: What, Nastya, is sad, what are you sad?
What is the girl beauty about, are you killing?

Nastya: The priest leaves to the distant lands ...

Varya: So it will return soon for trouble!

Merchant: My daughter is beloved, I have to go.
Far Russian merchants are waiting for the roads. )
Do not be sad Nastenka, away longing and sadness!
With glorious gifts I will return soon ..

I am the sister here is the eldest, I say.
They say here, father, what is in the world
The necklace is marvelous, the stones cannot be counted in it.
The magic sparks are all burning,
It has red rubies and a large diamond.

Mouth guard: Bring me, father, from overseas countries
Pearls embroidered red sundress,
To be decorated with stars of sundress.

Merchant: I remember this, someone said about this.
Be sure to, a duck, I will find one.
Now let's listen to my Nastya.

Nastya: I don't need, father, velvet and brocade,
Miraculous sundresses, gold, pearls.
Bring, darling, I am a scarlet flower,
Like a clear dawn every petal.

Merchant: I’ll try, Nastya, I will look for a flower ...
Without me, live here in the world and Lada.

Merchant: Ah, what a wonderful garden here!
Bird voices ring.
And how many different flowers,
Right Word, Garden of Paradise.
Here it is, a scarlet flower,
What a marvelous aroma!
Requests fulfilled all the daughters
Managed! Ah, how glad I am!


Beast (to the microphone):
What did you do?
How dare you to tear off a scarlet flower?
Know, the merchant, that you can’t avoid fierce death!
I ordered me a flower daughter my beloved.
I didn't want to offend you
I will pay the gold in full!

Monster: If you don't want to die, then let
Any daughter will return to save his father.

Merchant: If suddenly not one of the daughters does not agree?

Monster: They must then return, to expect his death to his own.

(The wind rises, the merchant resists him and hides behind the scenes)

Vedas. And again we are in the house of the merchant.
(The music sounds at the table sits and drink tea.)
The spindle came to amuse the sisters.

Playing on the spoons

Nastya: My dear sisters, finally waited!
Our father-father returned with gifts.

Mouth guard: Oh, and what a chest!

Varya: (takes out)
The necklace is a marvelous, cherished dream.

Mouth guard: Sarafan with stars, well, beauty!

Merchant: (takes out a flower and approaches Nastya):
Well, my light Nastya, please you?

Nastya: Yes, I dreamed of a flower in a dream.
What is sad, father, what trouble?

Merchant: The news is bad
In an enchanted forest, I tore off a flower,
And the owner of those lands was very noisy.
He said that the death of fierce now I could not be avoided.
I let you say goodbye to you, and back. He will wait.

Sisters (crying):
Father, what a grief!
Maybe there is still a way out?

Merchant: He gave a merchant word, and my honor is guaranteed.
But it is possible to save me
One daughter should return to the palace instead of me ...

(Sad music sounds, everyone leaves.)

Autumn: And Nastya went to the monster to save his father and return the flower.

(Actions in the garden, birds sing.)

Nastya: Hey, invisible owner, you hear, I came to you!
Mr. You are my beloved, here you brought a flower.
Show me a kind friend, so dreary here alone.

Beast (to the microphone):
Your slave is ugly ugly,
Don't ask about that ...

Nastya: Wait! Are the appearance, beauty, beauty for friendship?

Monster: If you think, look as ugly, I am terrible.

(Thunder rattles. The monster is shown. Nastya jumps up, runs away. He sits down. The monster leaves.)

Nastya (gets up):
You forgive my heartfelt friend
I could not restrain myself.
But, believe me, I will not be afraid
Never you again.

Vedas: Nastenka lived for a long time at the monster. The monster realized that the girl was sad about the house, and let Nastya stay to the priest and sisters.

Vedas: Nastya visited at home, gave everyone gifts. But the sisters envied Nastya and decided to play a trick on her, and would be late in the palace

Nastya: Where are you, where are you, a heartfelt friend, aren't you happy to meet?
Get up, my own kind, you open your eyes soon.
A dear friend, my tender friend, your Nastya came.

Vedas: So, thanks to love, friendship and Nastenkina devotion, the monster turned into the good of a fellow, and evil forces were defeated.

Autumn: In autumn, each slice smells of warm bread.
And the earth hid all the power in bread.
Our fields are twisted, bread -lumped people.
We treat you with good punishment.

(Nastya, kapa and Varya come out, take out a tray with a towel and a punishment, give it to the educators.)

Autumn: So that you remember the autumn with a warm-rack and a year later you are waiting for me to visit.

The fairy tale "Scarlet Flower" is an original remake in a new way for children

Fairy Tale Monologist Scarlet Flower - Alteration in a new way for children
The fairy tale "Scarlet Flower" is an original remake in a new way for children

The fairy tale "Scarlet Flower" is an original remake in a new way for children:

Tex is read by the author, the heroes of the fairy tale mainly beat the text.

(On the scene of the scenery of the hut, three sisters and father. The music "Folk - Fabulous Motive" sounds)

In some kingdom,
In some state,
There was a merchant
Well done in a trade business.

And wealth, pearls,
Dear silk
Brought three daughters
Traveling to the edges far away.

He loved his daughters,
But the youngest - Nastasya - to him miles.
Yes, it is better than all
Inspired to success.

That merchant gathered,
Abroad, finally.
He called three daughters
And he said: “Oh light of eyes!

I'm going for distant lands
And how April will end
I'll bring you hotels
If there will be a house in the world, sisters "

The eldest answered immediately:
“I need a crown! And dear atlas! "
The average added after her:
"Dad, precious I want a bracelet"

It was for my father
Remote well done.
Nastya after him:
“No gold, sweets.

I want to be a shallow flower
Not gilded brocade "
Father thought, became silent
He did not give any promises.

(The scenery changes to the forest thicket, the merchant remains)

The merchant is already abroad for a long time,
Two daughters bought gifts deftly.
And the youngest is not like, but everything is like
“Why am I! Yes, maybe I'm a fool! "

Harded, dug up,
He wandered through the dark forest,
Suddenly lost, got lost
And at the palace he found himself.

(A table with dishes appear in front of the merchant)

“What kind of fairy tale? What a miracle?
Who served all these dishes?
Who adorned everything like a core?
Where is the owner? There is no strength to resist! "

And in the morning I went to the garden
And "Oh God, what I found!"
That flower, that scarlet color.
And tore off, not expecting troubles.

(Sounds a pitch of thunder, formidable music)

The sky burst into thunder
The monster shaggy appeared before him.
“To die of a terrible death to you,
In torment, torture, terrible pain! "

And the merchant in response (on the knees)
"Take the gold, do not death, no!"
The beast was laughing terribly
And the merchant was scared more.

“This is my youngest,
Beloved of the very daughters "
That beast fell silent, thought a little:
"Could you deceive me ..."

“Let your younger daughter
Without a pistol, without a gun,
It will come to me, in three days
On the third day, but to dawn "

“Tell me my flower you,
Here is a ring to get here, but do not forget
You will deceive - death to you and shame
You will not hide from me in the corners! "

(The scenery of the hut is returned)

With a flower, the merchant went home,
With sadness in the heart, grief in the soul.
I did not know what to do and what is the best
Say how everything happened.

The senior girls are so happy with gifts,
That they did not notice the sadness of the father,
Only the youngest asked the truth
After all, the wise was a beauty.

And three days later with a ringing ring
She went to the monster,
Although she was afraid, but her fear is inconspicuous
The younger sister tried to do.

(Foreign music sounds, the scenery for a forest thicket changes)

“What a miracle, what a fairy tale?
Whose is kindness and affection?
Who plays music?
Who accepts guests like that? "

Everything around is beautiful and rich,
How much did Zlata around there?
How many chests are good,
The owner was visible there as a king.

“Where is the owner? Apparently!
Show me before me! "
And the monster appeared at the same moment,
Out of fear, Nastya let out a scream ...

“Ah, a forest monster! Ah scared!
Sorry for the fear! Where did you walk?
Come back, I'm sorry, I'm not on purpose
Are you sick of me?

“No, beauty, wait,
Sorry for the disturbed peace.
I want to make friends with you
You can rely on me "

Nastasya made friends with him.
He became very appreciated for her.
Talks, dances, songs,
"I like you! At least crack! "

So the girl got attached to him,
I loved to have fun with him,
Talking days to news
In less than five months have passed.

But Nastya said to the house,
For sisters, in the father of a native,
And I got into a day,
Having promised to return on time.

“Go Nastasya, go!
But in a day you come back.
Otherwise, from longing I will die, because I, I,
A terrible death without you ... "

(The scenery for the hut is changing)

With the ring of Nastasya, she found herself at the porch,
His homeland, father's palace.
“Hello sisters, hello father!
Everything is fine with me, sorrow ending "

They rushed to hug her, kiss,
Stock on the hair, call the pigeon.
To ask how everything, how did you live?
And does not hold evil on them?

“What are you sisters, what are you father!
Everything is fine, the monster is not a scoundrel,
He is cute to my heart, he is sweet to his soul,
With him, at least a paradise in a hut.

The older sisters looked viciously
With envy, the girl's eyes burned.
We decided to do a good deed,
Envy took possession of them completely.

An hour ago, everyone turned in the house,
They cheated on a sweet cute.
The heart has been stabbed by the younger sister,
Sensing something was amiss, turned through the worlds.

(The scenery is changing to the forest thicket)

“Where are you my master?
Why don't you meet?
How are you alone here?
Are you in good health? "

And in response, silence. Not bird singing ...
Fountains did not beat, flocks of tits did not fly ...
There was no music, there was no sun
“Where are you a friend? Sit on the window! "

Nastasya rushed to the clearing with a flower,
With a red handsome man, wiping away tears with a handkerchief.
And he sees that the beast is lying on the ground,
Like dead, barely visible in the darkness ...

Tears more than the same poured out of eyes:
“After all, none of the doctors will help!
Get up! Wake up! My heart is cordial!
I love you for life and forever! "

Only these words flew off the lips,
Suddenly rustling at the river old oak.
The sun rose, the fountains rushed,
"Wake up my friend, wake up the long -awaited ..."

The sky flashed, the monster enveloped the darkness,
Nastasya closed from the light herself,
The young man came out of the puffs of smoke,
“Nastya, Nastya! You are so necessary! "

The young man was beautiful as God,
From head to socks of boots.
Prince from the royal family,
The evil witch turned into a freak.

“Thank you dear for saving from misfortune
Will you be my queen? Nastasya?
On one knee before her he fell,
He soon called her to marry.

A lot immediately began with a cheerful feast and for the wedding.
I myself was there, I drank medical drink. It flowed on the mustache, but didn’t get into the mouth ...

Video: Audio-fairy tale "Scarlet Flower"

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