Alterations of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way in roles - the best selection for children

Alterations of the fairy tale

We bring to your attention several options for the converted fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”. Alterations are suitable for children's holidays - birthday, New Year's matinee, release from kindergarten, younger school.

Scenario of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way - musical alteration

The script of the tale of Alice in Wonderland in a new way is a musical alteration
Scenario of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way - musical alteration

The script of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way is a musical alteration:

Leading: The mathematician wrote a fairy tale
For Alice, the girls lovely.
This whole world learned this whole world
The fairy tale has become widely known.

Mathematician in the heart is the image
Liddell's little Alice.
Admiration for a girl from dreams
Everyone understood who saw her.

The fairy tale began underground.
The girl was looking for a luxurious garden.
Was a beautiful garden with her dream,
It was impossible to live without a dream.

Alice and white rabbit

White Rabbit.
I wear a watch with me
And the fan and gloves!
Oh, a girl of unearthly beauty,
Time is sweet with you!

Let's go with me, Mary-Enn!
Ah, or are you Alice?
But, by the way, it does not matter to me with whom
I will have fun!

We will play with you in the croquet,
We will live a single day!
What will you answer - yes or no?
Throw your pride!

Alice's song.
I want to come to a beautiful garden
Where flower beds, fountains.
You are glad to miserable entertainment
But I will not live like that.

You have lost yourself for a long time
Among your wanderings,
And I am destined to be on the way
After all, there are no other desires

Only I want to come to the garden,
Admire the flowers,
What they managed to bloom there,
Enjoy the spring.

And now there is my dream
There is my aspiration.
There was only darkness in the soul,
And now - insight.

Alice and the mouse

For the English crown
There was a war, and here are two branches
Royal, like a vepon,
They fought in a fight furious.

On one family coat of arms
Rosa red alla,
And the drawing of the white rose -
On another. The battle, right,

Lasted thirty years, but roses
Henry covered a single in the coat of arms.
So the color of snow and karmina
The war and tears brought us.

Alice's song.
White roses, scarlet roses
We should not blame for anything.
We cannot condemn us false
The color of the fog and coral.

We do all the wars ourselves
And they were friends in a fairy tale gently
The alcohol is an alcohol.
Roses of all praise are worthy.

I’ll go to the garden where I went.
There are many white, red roses.
No, the flowers are not dangerous to us,
Only the soul is dangerous evil.

Alice and blue caterpillar

Song of the blue caterpillar.
Evening ringing again announces
Those protected places.
But the heart knows, the heart knows
That the bed is fifth empty.

With happiness, everyone is friends with us,
With grief, there are no friends.
Having covered insomnia with dreams
She would not attract an eye.

Wound will not overgrow on the heart
From the May roses and nymphs of river.
How painful, honey, how strange:
I met you in my dreams.

Alice's song.
There are a lot of words in this song,
There is only a little little here,
More valuable than any treasures of any -
Her harmony is called.

I'm going to the garden and I hope
There to get all the wealth:
Violet - modesty, lily of the valley - charm,
Lilac - Harmony Rays,

Tulip - freedom, rose - strength,
And wisdom - hyacinth color.
I always carried it with me
Such a magic bouquet.

Alice and the Duchess.


I will not wait for love to be pure
And I'll marry the minister.

We will live with the spouse together
In the old family estate.

I will become the first lady of the ball.
I, a social lady, did not fit
Break with love, but I need
The ringing of gold and the sparkle of pearls.

I dream to become rich
Wear five carats.
And to fulfill the dream quickly,
I will marry the minister.

Alice's song.
I want to fall in love with Menstrel,
So that souls burn with tenderness,
So that we are everywhere together,
So that he devotes all the songs to me.

I will become faithful to him.
I am waiting for my love tirelessly.
Now I live lonely.
I'm in the garden for a distant

I'm going to my desired goal.
When I meet Menstrel,
I will appoint him a date
In the garden, that all are love of dream.

Alice and Cheshire Cat

Cheshire Cat.
You go to the wonderful garden
For your dream.
Wouldn't you go back?
It's not too late.

The garden is beautiful and large -
The top of my desires.
I'll rest there my soul
From human suffering.

Cheshire Cat.
You are subject to dreams.
You will come to the garden soon.
You are sure that there
Joy, not grief?

There are luxurious flowers
Pure fountains.
Where is the kingdom of beauty,
There is no place for deception.

Cheshire Cat.
Still, you go to the garden
Nothing advice.
There is no paradise - pitch hell,
You remember that.

Crazy tea party

Sonya fairy tale.
Three sisters lived in a waffle house,

The house stood in a jelly well.
Sisters ate sweets, and besides -
Marmelad, marshmallow - what will have to be.

The candies bloomed in their garden,
In the garden - gingerbread, sugar.
There was a fence of almond cakes.
So the sisters lived without fear.

And sorrows. Their life was in joy,
And she flowed in chocolate.
Everyone would like to have only sweetness.
All dream about such a reward.

Alice's song.
Three sisters only ate sweets,
Not dreaming of anything else.
It’s sad that without an elevated goal
Young life flows.

It will become boring in the well of Kiselny,
Although it is made of marmalade.
You can’t live in the vegetation aimless,
Not looking for a magic garden.

Young girls are crowded and stuffy
Live in a prison of chocolate cells,
And dreams of air castles
There are princesses and grids in the hearts.

We leave to wander around the light
From its cozy captivity.
I will find a beautiful garden, at least a planet
I will manage, tormented by pain.


Four kings are wonderful in the world.
Chervonny - strong, peak - cruel,

The King of the Diamond is cunning and dishonest,
The Crusade is granted deep mind.

And there are four ladies in the world of miracles.
In chervonnaya - pride, in peak - coquetry,
Diamonds are lying beautifully
The crusade is not smarter in the kingdom.

Valets - four squires.
Chervon - tender, peak - lyrical,
There is no more beautiful towering
The crusade is a romantic artist.

Alice, Griffin and Turtle Quasi

My dream is trampled in dust!

Oh, like wretched ladies, kings,
Valets - in a word, maps of all the earth!

Consolate, dance with us a quadrille.
Yes, beauty, harmony - only dust,
Yes, honor and courage are a fairy tale, meanness is a past.

To find the garden, I went around the whole world.
The swamp is your royal cricket!
A bush of white roses here is painted red!

Close -tortoise quasi.
Consider and try the soup with us,
He is from sea cabbage and from cereals.
It doesn’t matter, you are smart or stupid.

Deception dominates the world of miracles.
In some here is meanness, and in others - a flaw.
How to live with many heart wounds?

The trial of Alice

Why did she sing?

The singing is prohibited here!
How dare she
Commit this crime?
Why did she start speech about love?
Head off the shoulders!

I'm not scared - you are playing cards,
I stand above you, high.
But for a long time I will be sad
For a long time the thought of you is bitter.

I used to pull my hands to everyone
Who passed with me nearby.
More environment does not matter to me.
The one who is stupid is ridiculous to the one who is sweet.

They will never meet with me again
Those who could stop purity.
I will close my heart from everyone,
Live evil from me in the distance.

If you ever want
Call me out of peace
Still leave alone-
Do better for yourself.

Cheshire Cat.
You came to the garden with distant road.
I know who you met.
Many were sad and suffered here,
But please do not blame the flowers.

You remember the lilies of the valley, not sorrows,
You remember asters, it doesn’t matter.
I believe that you will forget the spikes soon
You will only remember roses in the gardens.

The fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" is in roles for a children's holiday

The tale of Alice in Wonderland in Roles for a children's holiday
The fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" is in roles for a children's holiday

The fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" is in roles for the children's holiday:

Leading: Live in the world of miracles:
Good, warm, smile!
Here are the fairy tales of the wonderful forest,
There is a goldfish!

Evil did not take root here -
He is very tedious here -
A smile wakes up a trembling
It's hard to do with good here.

Live in the world of miracles:
Love, good, smile!
For happiness there are many places -
Major plays a violin!

The melody flies -
Love on the pedestal!
And tenderness, like a magnet,
Everyone is happy to caress!

Live in the world of miracles:
Love, with her joy, passion!
Their common interest,
To give all people happiness!

1. Competition "New words"

Alice and white rabbit:
We came to you for a reason
Look at us!
Around magical places
The coveted hour has come!
The clock is on the contrary,
The world is ready for miracles.
Reality is cheese, in it the mouse
The chain of moves will be through!
And many will not be aware of
How much reason bread,
How squeezing was Shorek
And Brandashmyg Svirp.

You catch the tail of the word
There are no acquaintances in them?
And if you can hardly -
A neighbor will help you!

2. Quiz "opposites"

Presenter: Blue caterpillar

When carefully to the world
We look through the hookah
We will not take on the landmark
Reality of the flaw.

And if the difficulty is ahead
And instead of “peace” - “Rome”,
Rushing hookah
We will repeat the experience!

Habits - nonsense and rubbish,
They must be overcome!
Sometimes there is a black day
There is a white night.

Believe me, this is not garbage!
Perhaps it will be
When to change in places
Your gender and ceiling!

3. Competition "Fairy Tales-Pesnya-Pereshevysh"

Presenter: Cheshire Cat

Now I am sure of only one
I'm exactly to the top -
We put the house upside down,
And this is good!

Full to the edge of the treasury
Stories and poems,
They will not be recognized soon
Quite joy to everyone!

Recipe: shake properly,
Shake, turn over -
And the result will sparkle
Their fabulous essence!

Fantasy Keys will score
Sparkle sparkle with lights -
You just have to connect

4. Game "Tea Party in a circle"

Presenters: Bolvanchik and March Hare

You are all solid crickets,
What do they know their names?
It's time to score glasses
From a change in places!

Put any eat yourself
And in a cup of levy liquid,
But the neighbor will try
All the food of the kings

Or maybe even the gods!
Having respect our initiative
All along the tables
Download the frog!

Do not be surprised if suddenly
Will be honored
Return to yourself by making a circle
To drink everything and eat!

5. Competition "Red Roses"

Presenter: Chervovy Queen and Valet

The right boot would be a lion
I would have reigned longing
When would the will of the queen
I did not move the troops!

Stand all, bowing your heads,
Keep your noses down!
It is time for everyone to understand:
My order is not a whim!

In order to avoid lightning, thunderstorms,
Tsunami, other troubles
Hurry a hundred white roses
Colorize a scarlet color!

Well, start fussing
Taking big brushes
Not that - immediately execution,
You can’t have mercy!

6. Competition "Color Shali-Boltya"

Presenter: Shaltai-Boltai

The magnificence of Palmyry,
Notre Dame and Parthenon ...
Oh, how fragment is this world
And how beautiful he is!

Guessing, in the end,
What is the root of our dreams
We know that the egg lies
At the heart of all foundations.

It is by no means liliput,
Although sometimes funny.
Perceive the shell
Like a canvas and a canvas!

Perhaps they still knew
You are Gzhel and Khokhlom
But draw a pattern here
To your taste!

7. Quiz "Who is this?"

Presenter: White Queen

Your world is so complicated, they say
And ours is even more complicated ...
I miss me.
Both maiden and pages!

Amid the pawns and horses in the coat,
Among the cards of dense rows
It is possible to remember firmly
What is coming in the future?

There is loneliness in the crowd,
And the ford is invisible,
When the so -called, etc., etc. -
And again, on the contrary!

So as not to get confused at all
To avoid losses,
Determine who was who,
And who is who now!

8. A strange dance

Presenters: Alice and the Worm Queen

Our world is not a farce, not decadence
And complete nonsense barely.
Leaving the "Decow", we are "Dance"
We will teach you how to dance!

And let his movements
They will seem strange
Imagine you are a reindeer herder
Mysterious country!

In the name of the highest beauty
Let the fuss is a fuss
After all, you need ears and tails
How to knead!

Move in a circle soon
Hooves and horns,
And queen of all worms
There will be no strict to you!

A fairy tale scenal in a new way for children "Alice in Wonderland" for graduation from kindergarten

A fairy tale scenal in a new way for children Alice in Wonderland for graduation from kindergarten
A fairy tale scenal in a new way for children "Alice in Wonderland" for graduation from kindergarten

A fairy tale scenal in a new way for children "Alice in Wonderland" for graduation from kindergarten:

A country where everything is possible!
You can’t read about her in newspapers,
But you can go there!

Children run out to the music center of the hall to show the huts to show

Girl 1: Oh guys dear
We became completely large.
And now very soon
We will go to study at school.

Alice: Well, what else to study!
I'm not used to working.
I don't want and I can't
Better I go for a walk.

Girl 2: You all walk idle
I would have sat down for a moment.
You're right, not baby,
Read at least a book.

Alice: I don't want to take a book
I don't know how to read!

Girl 3: Well, take at least paints,
Draw a picture for a fairy tale!

Alice: Get your hands?! Take paints!?
I don't want to draw!

Girl 4: But you don't want to draw
You can sing or dance.
Show us what
You learned in the garden.

Alice: Reluctance, I can’t, I don’t want, I don’t want to!

Girl 1: Cocking at least, here is a comb ...

Alice: All, leave me alone!

Girl 2: What will you do alone?

Alice: I want to be a queen!

Girl 3: To become a queen,
You need to know a lot!
Do not be rude or lazy.
And carefully study.

Girl 4: And then, maybe true
You can become a queen!

Alice: Well, it was done again
“We need to learn a lot,
I have to learn a lot! ",
I'm not used to working!
Only two words I love: "I can’t and want!"

Girl 1: Well, let the miracle happen
We will leave here now.
Just take it with you
Our gift is simple! (holds out a mirror)
Everything can happen in a fairy tale
Suddenly, help will come in handy!


Now we must leave for a short while
And you open this book and read!

A girlfriend seals Alice on a bench, gives her a thick book and leaves.

Alice opens the book and leafs through it:
But there are absolutely no pictures in it!
Read more interesting old boots!
If I would become the queen of land,
And Books B were burned in the stove!
The people would have rejoiced, the people have fun
And praised his queen Alice!
Where to find such a place
To get to my kingdom?

On the screen of the projector door (animation)

Door: Khe! Khe!
Khe! Khe! Khe!
Yes, you are deaf, what - whether?
You were not taught to say hello at school?

Alice: Sorry, but I did not notice you!

Door: Me? Have you really lost your eyes?
How can you go and not see me?

Alice makes another polite squat.

Alice: Excuse me, I didn't want to offend you!

Door: Well, okay, I’m forgiven, listen, my friend,
Here in this basket there is a pie.
And if you bite it now
You can go into the magic door.

Alice bites the pie and "becomes small", looks around

Alice: Flowers are growing here, like a forest!
Everything is strange and entertaining!
I got into the country of miracles,
Where everything is not clear to me!
Tra-la-la-la! Tra-la-la-la!
This is an adventure!
Where will I bring me
Cookie path?

There are a bad thing and weakness slide

NH: I am a minister of a bad
NM: I am the Minister of the Sild!
And for ours for the country,
We are looking for the queen!

Alice: I want to the queen
I'll go to your country.
Is it called like a country?

NX and NM: Zadaker!
NM: Close your eyes and wait, once, two, three, now look!
NH: Here you are, queen, throne,
You will sit on it.
Do not study, do not work,
Neither dance nor songs to sing!
You will be on this throne,
You have been sitting your whole life!

They plant Alice on the throne, put a crown on it.

Alice: Something is quiet here with you
Sing a song at least now!

NM: I can't sing songs!
NH: I don't want to sing songs!
Together: We are used to living idle
Sing yourself, you are the queen!

Alice: So the news, herself!
I don't know how to sing alone! ..
It’s a pity the guys ran away ... Oh!
They gave me a mirror. (Looking for)
Well, I'll look in the mirror
Maybe I will find a song in it?
Oh ..., I see the guys in him,
They want to sing a song!

Song at the discretion of the musical director

Alice: Ah, how wonderful they sang a song!
With the song, however, more interesting.
Wake up, you lazy people
I wish to dance now!

NM: I do not want, queen,
I love to sit idle!

NM: I can’t stand your dances
I love to be capricious!

Alice: So you can get old!
And die out of boredom!
Well, mirror, soon
Show my friends!

Any dance "Dance of Friends"

Alice: Ah, the guys can do everything,
Songs sing and dance.
Well, I just stay
To miss the zerkali!
All your life in this chair you will have to sit,
Miss and sob, and then die!
No, I can't sit in the chair anymore!
Perhaps I will run away from this country.

NH: What are you, what are you! And don't think!
Well, why do you need to study? ...

NM: You listen to the queen
Someone in the door is knocking on us!

A white rabbit runs out in a vest, cylinder and with a clock on a long chain and a letter in his hands. He looks at his watch and jumps on the stage, not noticing, Alice.

White Rabbit: They are waiting for me everywhere and everywhere!
And, without blinking an eye,
I have to be there and here
Yesterday and tomorrow right away!
I am all the diligence of itself
I'm running faster than light
Not easy letter
Deliver last summer!

White Rabbit: Here, take, you - a letter!
(gives a letter)

Alice: We are a letter, ... and from whom?

White Rabbit: This is not a question for me
They gave me - I brought. (jumps to the place)

Alice: (Opens a letter, tries to read)
Eh, you can’t read the letter in any way (turns the letter),
I don’t know letters, I have to do it! (thinks)
We need to run away to Lukomorye.
A scientist cat lives there,
He certainly reads everything.

Cheshire Cat: Meow! Did you call me?
How I was waiting for such a day!

Alice: So you are a cat!

Cheshire Cat: Well, of course - I'm a cat,
Which does everything, on the contrary!
Do not think that it is so simple!
I studied ninety years old!
Otherwise, it is so difficult to avoid mistakes!

The Cheshire cat "disappears" (closes with a mask). One luminous smile remains. (slide on the animation screen)

Alice: I saw before cats without smiles,
But to make a smile completely without a cat
I have never seen this!
Could you completely appear again?
The head begins to spin from you!

The cat "appears" (stops near Alice)

Alice: We will give you royal honor.
You please read this letter!

Cat: At least a fairy tale, at least a song - I can even now,
And to read letters - I am not more likely!

Alice: Ah, here's how ... but maybe ...?

Cat: (demanding) I ask you ... Hush!
You see? The cats went out onto the roof.

Dance of cats

Cat: We have a friend - Emelya.
Let's call him now
Maybe he will help you?
Here he is ... goes just.

Emelya comes out

Alice: Ah, Emelyushka, my light,
There is no salvation without you.
The letter came to us by mail,
And we are not very literate ... (Emelya yawns)

Cat: Why are you silent like a stump?
Help, Emelya!

Emelya: Laziness! You understand not hunting
So I came up with a job!

Cat: Well, to whom, if not for you, to help always in trouble!

Emelya: You see, I don't let you know.
Maybe to Cinderella!
Turn as soon as possible.

Fairy comes out to the music

Fairy: In French, I can
And in Russian, not gu-gu!
I will turn the pumpkin into a carriage,
The mouse is in the horse, well, this ...
Sorry, my dear, Kisa!
Here is a neighbor Vasilisa ...
They say that there is no wise.
Shoots is better to her!

Vasilisa comes out

Cat: Vasilisa, I disappear!

Vasilisa: Hello cat! I know everything,
Show me a letter. The cat gives a letter to Vasilisa

Cat: Oh sure! Here it is!

Vasilisa: (considers the letter)
Everything is in Russian, but I'm afraid
I won’t figure it out to the end.
Something letters are strange ...
Let the guys help us!

Cat: And where are we guys?

Vasilisa: Yes, here they are sitting just! (claps his hands)

1.2, 3 - Preschool come out!

All children go to the center of the hall. They get up scattering, facing the audience.

Cat: First-graders-exactly!
We will ask them to help!
Help us guys
Can you read?

Children: Yes, we can now
We can teach you ...

Fleha-mob "Help"

Presenter: (Turning to the characters)
Well, here you have helpers. And the task will be this:

The attraction of the job with the letters .............. when the task is completed, the characters stand in a semicircle at the central wall. Alice in the center, NH and NM along the edges.

Alice: What's going on here?

NH: Oh my God! (grabs the head)

NM: Oh my God! (grabs the head)

Alice: (with surprise) Look! ... It seems that someone can read!

White Rabbit: The one who will win such a task,
Alice herself will award something!

Alice: (objecting) but ... rabbit! Wait!

White Rabbit: Do not buy, Alice!
You must hand over the players to the prize!

Alice: But where will I get all these awards?

Alice rummages in the pocket of the apron and takes out a box with marmalades.

Alice: Perhaps you want marmalade?

White Rabbit: We wish you!

Cat, Emelya: Yes! Yes!

Vasilisa: Why not!

Everyone takes one marmalade, and the box is empty. Taste to taste.

Cat: So here it is, the taste of great victories! Cherry!

White Rabbit: (corrects him) Raspberry!

Emelya: (affirmatively) Apple!

Fairy: (indecisively) mint!

Vasilisa: (confidently) lemon! And very, very pleasant!

NH and NM got alarmed.

NH: You need to urgently do something!
We instantly lose the queen!

NM: And tell me, child, where are you from?

Children in chorus: From kindergarten!

NH: (bewildered) What is a kindergarten?
Why do they say that?

NM: Are children growing on the beds there?
Tanya, Dasha, Vova, Petit?

NH: Do you need to water them with water?
And tell me together.
What is E-I-I-K-T?
Someone knows-or not?

Alice: Well, what does etiquette have to do with it?
If there is no knowledge at all?
Well, read it soon.

NM: I am glad to read, but I don’t know how!

Alice: Well, then, for you now
I will make such a decree:
“All the inhabitants of a fairy -tale country are now obliged to study at school!
(Signature) Queen! " (transfers a scroll of nx and nm)

NH and NM are trying to read, hold upside down

Alice: Not properly! You confused everything!
What an ignoramus!
Alas to you! Alas!
To teach fools is a very heavy burden!
I am losing time with you here!
Enough to sit like carrots in the garden?
So in vain years and time passes.

Cat: I agree! A terribly neglected case!
Vasilisa: But at school they will quickly teach you all.
And so that you do not stray out of the way again
You see the path? Go and go for it.

Hands Alice Rolon-path Alice runs along the path, rolling her in front of her with a sock shoe.

Alice: There is little joy in such a journey!

The path finally unfolds and ends

Alice: Well, here, I won it to the end ...
Ouch! Where am I? And where did everything disappear?
It is not at all clear where the top is and where the bottom is!

Girl: (Runes to Alice)
So she - she has not disappeared.
Alice! Alice! Alice! Wake up! (shakes her shoulder)

Alice: Ah, if you knew where I was!

Girl: Is not tired of the fiction of stupid yet?
Big already! It would be time to understand
That nonsense does not bring people to good!

Alice: Of course of course! Everything became clear to me:
That life without learning is just in vain!
And I will certainly improve today,
And I will go to school with you in the fall!
All children go to the song:

Song at the discretion of the musical director

Presenter: Wonderland! Wonderland!
We live in it as long as we live
We suddenly don't get tired of ourselves
Dream and believe in a miracle!
- This is how our journey through the country of childhood ended.
And ahead of us is a new country - a country of knowledge.

The final music sounds. All children go to the central wall.

Presenter: But what was in that letter, who will read us?
Child: (reads a letter)

“We invite all the inhabitants of the fabulous country of the preschool of knowledge to the country of knowledge! In the 1st grade. (signature) School. "

The fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way for the New Year's matinee

Alice's Tale in Wonderland in a new way for the New Year's matinee
The fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way for the New Year's matinee

The fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way for the New Year's matinee:

The host comes into solemn music

Multi -colored lights
This hall sparkles,
And invites all friends
On the New Year's ball!
So let the music sings,
We start the ball!
And he calls to dance everyone in a circle
Merry carnival!

Dance composition "New Year"

The song "K A r n a v a l"
1st child:
Winter will tame with white snow
Houses, trees and bushes.
And there comes the holiday after
I know about it and you!
2nd child:
The holiday is called New Year,
His more wonderful in the world is not!
He is very dear to us since childhood,
He gives people happiness light!
3rd child:
New Year is a magical holiday,
So much laughter, so much noise!
He put on all of us, a prankster,
In carnival costumes!
4th child:
Garlands and lights burn,
Bizarre masks.
Today we are all - me and you -
Heroes of a marvelous fairy tale!
5th child:
And today a wonderful day
We will start a round dance!
We bind together a song,
Hello, Hello, New Year!
The song "New Year has come again"
6th child:
Tell us, Christmas tree fairy tale,
Magic dream, Christmas tree, Naive,
About the palaces, about forests and salads,
About wizards and kings!
7th child:
We start, start
Presenting your own!
We will play all the roles in it,
And we dance and sing!
8th child:
The fairy tale is unknown
But very interesting!
Light lights on the Christmas tree
We’ll get into the fairy tale right away.

Do you want to get into a fairy tale?
Well, sit quietly,
There are magical words-
Repeat, children
A miracle, a miracle, appeared ....
Fairy tale, tale respond.
Our Christmas tree light up.

Children repeat 3 times, the Christmas tree lights up

The song "How beautiful is our Christmas tree"

Rabbit: (takes out a big watch)
“Tik-so, tick-so!”-the clock is knocking, and the arrow rush forward.
There are several minutes left, the clock will pierce 12 times.
Let's count together. But why are the clock silent?
And our arrows do not go. But what happened here?

Alice's song sounds

Stop rabbit, do not rush
What happened, wait?
The rabbit is frightened

Ah, Alice is you.
Where, you are gone.
What happened, I'll tell you!
There are no more gifts.
The queen is red
She deceived her grandfather.
I took all the gifts
I took it to the surroundings.

Alice: What to do now?

Rabbit: And our grandfather Frost
I went to look for gifts
To return them to children on time
And give for the New Year.

Alice: Oh my God! He got lost in the after -the -grin!

Leading: Guys, you heard what happened to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. How can we help Santa Claus.

White Queen:
I flew on the wings of the wind for many thousands of kilometers.
I heard, you have trouble, I came to help you here!

Leading: The holiday is in full swing, but we are not up to jokes.
Red Queen kidnapped gifts,
Santa Claus went to look for them and got lost in the after -grinder.

White Queen:
Come on, children, hurry.
I'll lead you!
After all, I can go to any gave
I can go where my eyes look:
To the right, left, forward or back.
We will take hands tightly
And we’ll transfer to the surroundings.

Hatter: Welcome to the surroundings, my dear!

What a wonderful country
I have never been here.

All in squares - white, black -
Wooden plank,
And the ranks of the chiseled figures -
Wooden troops.

People move them,
The evenings are short
People play chess -
Brilliant game!
You, my friend, are without fear
Enterly embarrassed
As if into the world of a wonderful fairy tale,
This land is black and white.

Children - chess line up in the chess field

Alice: Oh, who is this?
Yes, they are alive!

Hatter: Chess figures live in this country.
So, a white detachment, a black detachment -
Two troops are standing against each other.
Strict order in the detachment of one,
Exactly the same - in the detachment another.
In every detachment, you yourself look -
Both corners occupy boats.
Near the boats, the horses are visible,
Elephants stood next to the horses.
Who is in the middle?
Ferge with the king -
The most important in their army.

White pawn:
The pawn is a small soldier
Only the teams are waiting
So that from a square to a square
Move forward.

I stand on the very edge
Let them open - I'll go
I just go straight
As the name is, I will not say.
All elephants (chorus):
When we get into operation,
Anyone will confuse us.
But only the battle will begin,
Each has its own path.

The step of the Fergie is wide.
Ferge can walk like a rook and like an elephant -
And straight and obliquely.
To the right, left, forward and back ...
And I beat in the distance and point blank.
And it seems like it is crowded to me
Black and white shows.

The horse jumps, the horseshoe calls!
Extremely every step:
The letter "g" and so and Syak.
It turns out a zigzag.

King: Be on the alert, royal army -
She must protect the king.
After all, if the King of the defenseless died,
Figures could not continue the struggle b!

Remember, the king is more important, more importantly,
No in the chess army more important than leaders!

Dance of chess figures of kings of the night Verona

Alice: (takes an elephant)
What a strange figure?
Does not live in a menagerie,
Does not take the hotels
He walks along the oblique
He leads his trunk.

All children: Elephant.

Leading: This is an elephant, the birthplace of the elephant of India, and lo and lo and about a miracle, the homeland of chess is also India, which means that all roads lead there! Rather in India, look for grandfather Frost!

Indian dance "Jimi-Jimi"

Leading: How warm in India! Tell me, did you see Santa Claus he really needs it?

Well, why do we need it
This grandfather Frost?
We will show the path
How to find it, we will not say.

Roses turn, they are going to leave music.

Leading: Stand, but if we do not find Santa Claus and gifts that the Red Queen hid.

Roses: What is such a holiday?

Leading: Guys, let's tell the flowers, what is New Year?

The song "What is New Year"
1 rose:
Let's tell you one secret
There is a house in the clearing.
The gnomes in it live together,
Very cute and hardworking
Every night they carry something
And they put in a deep cave underground.

Hatter: I know this cave is located in the country of the mountain king, and it is located almost in the center of the earth.
Leading: A white horse will help us to get to the country of the mountain king - it is the most frisky. Game of jumps

Alice: Why did it suddenly become so dark? Oh, how scary!

Leading: Without panic, to get into the cave, we need flashlights, it is dark there and you can get lost.

Dance with flashlights. Song "Dwarves - Liliputics"

Here is a cave on the way
I'll try to enter.
Enters the cave takes a bag
Hooray! We found gifts!
Looks into the bag, the sounds of the steps of the mountain king

Leading: But it seems that these are not our gifts, these are the treasures of the mountain king. Rather, we run from here.

Leading: Rabbit, what do you have?
Rabbit: Dairy River,
Jelly shores,
Cream waves,
Fish from loafers.
Take us to the island of Sakharin.

Dance of sweets. Song "We are sweets of sweet tooth"

Candy 1:
We are the girls' girls,
We live cheerfully
And on New Year's holiday
We dance and sing!

Candy 2:
Beautiful candy wrapper is new
Candy outfit,
Funny frills
They rustled quietly! ..

Candy 3:
Bars, iris,
Drage and Marmelad -
Fands delicious with this
Everyone is glad!
Princess Candy:
Hello, guests are sweet tooth!
Do you like my country?

Children: Yes!

Princess Candy:
Well ! I'm happy about it.
Do you know that:
Who came to our palace,
He will receive a lollip!

Presenter: No, we did not know that. But we didn’t come here for this, you have not seen Santa Claus with our gifts? Well, again we got there.

Hatter: I’m afraid that without the White Queen can not cope for us, midnight, and we have not yet found Santa Claus.

Snow Waltz

White Queen:
I wear a white hat,
I'm breathing white air
Bely my eyelashes, coats and mittens.
Do not distinguish me in the cold
Among whitening birches.

Hatter: Greet you at the edge of the afterlife! We are so glad to see you, the White Queen.

Leading: It turns out that the Red Queen was bewitched by Santa Claus and he turned into a cold ice floe in order to spell on the most incendiary dance for her.

White Queen:
What will we dance?
To say this here.
We will dance what is fashionable
We will move freely.
Shocked at first,
Belly ... and head ...
And then you need ears?
What will we try, guys?
Hey girls, go out
Have all the guests!

Chunga dance - Changa
After the dance, Santa Claus is dancing

DM: Oh! Thank you kids
I thought I would remain an ice forever.
Hello my dear,
Both small and large.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy.
Look, the Christmas tree is marvelous!
And all around everything is so beautiful!

Snow Maiden:
I was born in a good fairy tale
From snowflakes, from ice.
And magic sleds
They brought me here.
I love frost and hoar
I can’t live without a cold.
Santa Claus chose a name for me,
I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

DM: Hello guys! How you grew up this year!
What are you all adults and beautiful!

Hatter: Santa Claus, and gifts where

DM: Yes, do not worry they thaw!

Round dance "Hello, grandfather Frost"

Dm. How fun you danced!
And not at all tired
With you I play a mastic!
I will play like that with you.
Well, guys, do not timid
We will play hockey!
I need two teams
You should be dexterous.
(Relay game "Hockey")
- 2 teams; 2 clubs; 2 snowballs; 2 landmarks;

Girls sing "Christmas tree is not cold in winter"

D.M.: Feast of the Christmas tree of the New Year -
The best holiday of winter days.
Let the poems sound today,
I will listen to the children.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, I would come up with a game
I am affected by the kid!
The game "Snowballs in a spoon" "Get sweets"

Leading: Santa Claus, and your gifts have already thawed! Maybe it's time to give them the kids.

DM: We give you gifts,
And we give you the order,
So that you are all healthy,
Good every day!
Snow Maiden: So that in your life there is
And fun and laughter.

The song "Big round dance"

DM: I want the world in the whole world
In every house and apartment
There were guests and fun
Songs, weddings, housewarming.
To better draw
Those who want to draw.
To be better dancing
Those who want to dance.

Snow Maiden:
I want even grandfathers
We sat on bicycles.

DM: To better sing
Those who want to sing.
To better than a ledge
Those who want to perform.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Alice Alice in Wonderland's Tales in a New Lad in Roles

Alice's remodeling in the world of miracles in a new way in roles
Alice Alice in Wonderland's Tales in a New Lad in Roles

Alice of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way in roles:

The curtain opens, the children run out onto the music.

Dance "Magic Country"

Presenter: (Voice behind the scenes)
Wizards live in the world
They bring joy to us
They are waiting for them with enthusiasm
And they know everyone by name.
Wizards live and believe
That childhood is a holiday endlessly,
Where the truth is all opened doors
Where all the hearts are open!

Leaders come out from different sides, inspect (the light changes).

ALICE: Oh, how beautiful, how fabulous around! Where did we get it?

Presenter: And we got into a magical country.

ALICE: What is this magic country?

Presenter: A magic country is a country of childhood, joy and laughter
Where miracles occur, where dolls come to life

ALICE: In the city a fairy tale, in the city of childhood the light muffles, in
We want to get into a darling always come out
And you just have to look at the dancers
How miracles come to life

Presenter: It seems that the miracle begins - look, look, Alice, the dolls come to life!

Dance "Kaleidoscope"

Presenter: Well, Alissa, here we are in a magical country. And our fabulous journey begins.

ALICE: But what about our guests?

Presenter: Do not worry. Our dear guests will travel with us.

ALICE: We ask you - smile
Amusive, wonder,
Fantasize and argue
Dance, clap and sing!

Dance "Disco"

Presenter: Alice today has a holiday - a holiday of childhood, a festival of dance and I prepared a gift.

ALICE: That's lovely! I love surprises so much! What is this gift?

Presenter: I will give you a box. But not simple, but magical. Let's say together: “One, two, three! Give us magic! "

Together: “One, two, three! Give us magic! "

The light muffles, dancers come out in the dimming.

Presenter: You open the box,
Open as soon as possible.
Eastern music myths
Give for all guests.

Dance "Myths"

Presenter: Well, Alice, did you like my gift?

ALICE: I liked it very much!

Presenter: The box opens, and the fairy tale begins.

Alice looks into the box.

ALICE: Here I see a magical garden
It has a palace of rose leaves,
He breathes the aroma of herbs
Filling with tender sound
In a whirlwind dance drowned.

Dance "Magic Garden" leaders change into

Presenter: (Voice behind the scenes)
The wind sings a little audibly
Linden sighs at the garden
Sensitive music lives everywhere,
You just have to listen!

Large flowing a stream. Children run out onto the stage. Thunder falls from the sky during the words of the host

This is an eternal melody
The world is filled with nature!

Dance "Steals"

Presenter: (Voice behind the scenes)
Let the birds sing joyfully
And streams ring cheerfully
Let the children dream of dreams
Unprecedented beauty!

Dance "Pups"

Leading, dressed in fairies of fairies.

Presenter: Ah, how beautiful this fabulous country is a childhood country, where miracles take place, where even you and I became fabulous fairies! I am a fairy of music!

ALICE: And I am a fairy of dance! (dizzy)

Presenter: We welcome you, friends,
Ancient fairy tales and legends
Miracles await you
And the fulfillment of desires!

ALICE: We invite you to the ball
We own secret magic
Hour of magic has already come

Together: Fairies will lead you into the world of fairy tales!

Dance "Angel flies" (Solo)

Presenter: My dear fairy of dance! Take a magic wand from me! You will wave it, and any of your desires will be fulfilled.

ALICE: Thank you, dear Fairy of Music! I'll try now:
Only a magical wand
I will wave, at the same hour
Funny harlequins
Will appear with us.

Dance "Harlequin"

Presenter: (Voice behind the scenes)
With summer warm rain,
And after him suddenly because of the clouds
The sun appeared.
He jumped a bunny on the beds
And plays with us hide and seek
Among the thickets, where densely
Lush cabbage is growing.

Dance "cabbage"

Presenter: How many dances, that you can’t count!
Is there a fashion for dancing?

ALICE: What attracted everyone yesterday
Now it is time to hand over to the museum!
I will wave it again with a wand
I will invite stylish ladies,
They dance cool
And they look great!

Dance "Britney Spears"

Presenter: Thank you, dear Fairy Dance. And so you want me to fulfill me?

ALICE: Oh, I have long dreamed of seeing real penguins. I wish they were in our solar clearing.

Presenter: There is nothing possible in the magical country. Look how funny they are - small penguins.

Dance "Penguins"

ALICE: I thought that the penguins did not know that they could dance so fun!

Presenter: This music makes them graceful and beautiful.

ALICE: And I know that circling to the music, you can tell about your feelings, tell about your mood. This is also magic, a miracle and the charm of dance. Look!

Dance "On the wings of youth" (Solo)

ALICE: I understood everything! A miracle is when dance and music are inseparable, like us - a fairy of dance and a fairy of music, always together.

Presenter: And a miracle is also impossible without bright colors - look around how much colorful, sunny, beautiful. And even the words are similar: “beauty” and “paints”.

ALICE: Yes, I really like to draw! And I am always so happy when I suddenly appear on a white sheet, to which I touch a brush, a new, magical world appears!

ALICE: Once a smear and two strokes -
A flower blossomed on the sheet!
Yellow, red, blue -
They attract paints behind them.
This is a miracle without doubt -
My miracle of creation!

Dance "Color Peas"

Presenter: This is a miracle! The real kingdom of flowers.
And the breeze was spinning, playing with leaves
And the flower swayed to the beat,
Your green stalk
Slender tilting.

Dance "Vasilkovaya Polyan a"

Presenter: These flowers whispered to me that a new miracle awaits us. It seems to me that I see a magic bird that flies and sings wonderful songs!

ALICE: I know - this is a bird of happiness, it will bring us good luck. Let's make a desire as soon as possible to certainly come true.

Dance "Bird" (Solo)

ALICE: (with a blue feather in your hands)
The bird flew to the far edges,
The bird of happiness, where are you? I ask.
But in response only a blue feather is silent,
Turning a little
It went to my palm.
And suddenly it became clear that, flying away
I gave me a miracle, and dreams will come true!

Dance "Tango"

ALICE: It can be seen that this bird of happiness is really magical, since my most secret dreams guessed.

Presenter: When you grow up, will you dance just as beautifully?

Now I'm a fairy
But I love and shoulder step,
I can instantly adults
Return to childhood.
A wand with a magic wave
And at the same hour
Funny mischievous
Let them dance for us!

Dance "Misors"

Presenter: The world of childhood is full of kind, wise, bright fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?

ALICE: Of course I love it very much!

Leading: There are many fairy tales around
Both sad and funny,
And live in a white world
We cannot without them.
Let not everything work out in life,
But the fairy tale turns into the past!

ALICE: Quietly, quietly sit next to ...
Music enters our house
In an amazing outfit -
Multi -colored, painted.

Dance "Round dance"

ALICE: Yes, old fairy tales are good, but even now miracles are no less! For example, the Internet is also like a mighty wizard, he will instantly transfer at any time and to any country, fulfill any of my desires!

Presenter: Yes, the Internet really became "everything can." Only the wizard of them manage. And before going on a journey through unknown networks of the World Wide Web, it would be nice to be able to distinguish, where is the truth and where is a lie, where is good and where is evil. But this is precisely the wise fairy tales.

Alice: We will not argue, dear fairy. Let's better see if different times can get along well, at least in one dance?

Dance "Rep-class"


Black -eyed girl
So harmonious and good,
So the Russian is dancing loudly,
What does everyone have a shower!

Dance "shines a month" (Solo)

ALICE: The charm of antiquity will remain in books,
About a clear month, let the babies read about the goat.
And we have other rhythms,
And we have other dances!
We are young today
We write new pages!

Dance "Funk"

Presenter: (It turns out and sees Dasha dressed in an oriental suit)

What do I see what kind of miracles?

Alice: Yes, I decided that you and I will no longer argue. Each generation has its own fairy tales, their dancing, and they are beautiful in their own way.

Presenter: Of course! And I think that in a magical country everyone should live in peace and harmony.

Alice: And as a sign of reconciliation, I want, as a fabulous Scheherazad, to give you all the oriental fairy tale.

Vostochny dance (performs Alice)

The waltz is said important
He is in the songs and poetry
But how many dancing would it be unprecedented,
Better a waltz, right, no!

Dance "Waltz"

Presenter: And at any ball, in the whirlwind of a waltz, a fairy -tale prince meets his princess.

Dance "Inspiration" (duet)

The presenters go dressed in initial costumes.

Presenter: What a wonderful journey we got!

ALICE: Thank you, box, for giving us this fabulous journey to the magical country - the country of childhood. Only I am a little sad that it ends so quickly.

Presenter: Yes, Alice, it's time to close our magic box. But you will not be sad, I will give you another dance.

Dance "Ballerina" (Solo)

ALICE: I will not be sad, because I realized that the magical country is always with us, while we know how to be surprised to be surprised, rejoice at everything new, make amazing discoveries every day. And let childhood never end!

Presenter: We have a lot to go through the planet.
Fortunately, the path is open to us,
The dream of a star shines!

ALICE: The calendar leaflets are carried away by the wind of childhood,
The eternal land is inherited to us!

Final "Road to the Sun"

Fairy Tale “Alice in Wonderland” in a new way for graduation in elementary school

Fairy Tale Alice in Wonderland in a new way for graduation in elementary school
Fairy Tale “Alice in Wonderland” in a new way for graduation in elementary school

Fairy Tale-transmission "Alice in Wonderland" in a new way for graduation in elementary school:

Poems in the record sound.

Not marked with a red number
This day is on the calendar.
And not colored with flags
Near the house in the yard.
One simple
We will find out this day.
For children going to school
Cities and villages.
By cheerful wave
On the face of the students,
By special embarrassment
Graduate schools.
And let a lot of glorious
It will fly through the life of days.
The last ball is from the main ones,
Of all the holidays, more importantly.

1st elf.
Today we have graduates -
A significant day,
And we gathered here for not in vain,
To show everyone knowledge!

2nd elf.
Songs to sing and congratulate you
All with our holiday, friends!

3rd elf.
So that someone baked a delicious pie,
And someone brought a gift!

4th elf.
But where are the gifts, surprises, friends?
This question torments everyone!

5th elf.
Let's not rush and guess,
Everything will open to us!

6th elf.
Let the heroes of this celebration
Imagine immediately to you!

White Rabbit.
Friends, did you see Alice from the country of miracles?
Children and spectators. Not!

White Rabbit. It's a pity! Then please help me, friends! Then we start! Three four! Alice, come!

Children speak with a white rabbit. Alice appears from behind the curtains.

Hello guys and guests!
Good afternoon, dear sir white rabbit!

White Rabbit.
Wow! Finally!
Finally I found you!

Alice. What happened?

White Rabbit.
Horror! Here! Hold on! Read!

Alice (opens an invitation and reads). “Dear Alice, white rabbit, fairy -tale heroes! You are invited to the graduation ball to the School of Wizards. Come, let's wait! " Signed: young wizards, sorceresses and their mentors! Oh, how great!

White rabbit (indignantly).
Great? Why are you so happy?

Alice (surprised). I don’t understand something, dear Sir White Rabbit, we are invited to visit!

White Rabbit. Not! It is necessary! She does not understand! We have nothing to go to, we will be late!

Alice. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So this is the reason! Believe me, this is not a problem.

White rabbit (in horror). No problem!

Alice (confidently). Of course! (Claps his hands.)

A smiling tram “leaves” on the stage.

Have you heard about the wizards school?
Have you even seen her at all?
Probably, they didn’t hear about her at all?
You did not even know that trams were going to her.
Trams fly, large trams, funny trams.
Trams are being taken to school!

White Rabbit. Now everything became clear to me! Well, guys, let's go? I can not hear? (Children answer.) Very good!

Alice. The main thing in the tram is a bell! So that everyone knows that we are going to the School of Wizards, and gave way to us!

White Rabbit. Alice, Chur, these guys will be bells! (Shows a certain part of the guys.)

Alice. And the calls are ringing like this: Ding-Din-Din! And we swing all together with the heads to the right, to the left. Well, let's try!

Children. Din-Din-Din! (Shake their heads from side to side.)

White Rabbit. Great, gentlemen bells! I still need a tram of doors. These guys will portray the doors! (Separates another part of the guys.) We lean right and right with the whole corps and help our voice: "Ch-sh!"

Children. "H-sh-sh!" (Work as a corps.)

Alice (with her hands with her hands). Have you forgotten about the wheels?!

White Rabbit. Yes, without them, fabulous trams do not go!

Alice. And they will knock the wheels like this-we all stomp with our legs and say: “Tuk-tuk-tuk!” Let's practice!

Children. "Knock-Knock!" (Stomp legs.)

White Rabbit. Faster, even faster! Stop! It feels like you were born tram! Let's hit the road!

Alice. Attention! Let's hit the road! Doors are closing! Ch-sh-sh! (Children repeat.)

Alice. Very well! Bells! Din-Din-Din! (Children repeat.)

White Rabbit. And now the wheels! Knock-Knock! (Children repeat.)

Alice and white rabbit (together). Stop! The doors open! Ch-sh-sh! (Children repeat the game.)

Alice. Stop first!

Elves run out onto the stage and the contribution with the name of the stop.

Elves (together). Stop poetry and a meeting with a sorcerer of kind words and actions! (Elves leave.)

Alice. We invite graduates to read poetry about the school loudly and expressively.

Readers are suitable for microphones. Cento.

1st reader.
From year to year, 7 years in a row
There were preschoolers.
But those days passed
Today we are graduates!

2nd reader.
Soon to school for the first time,
Soon to school in first grade.
Everyone will call everything soon

3rd reader.
Very joyful, cheerful,
Feast of transition to school.
We wish everyone to learn
On "4" and on "5"!

4th reader.
After all, without knowledge as without light,
As without good advice.
We are without a book like without hands.
The book is the best friend!

5th reader.
To find your way,
So as not to lag behind life.
To keep up with everyone.
You must become competent!

6th reader.
You are a honest word,
Be persistent, strong, brave.
If you gave it - hold it!
And what said, then do it!

If you are polite
That, sitting in the lesson.
You will not be with a comrade
Crack like two forty.
And if you are polite
You will help mom.
And offer her help
Without a request - that is, themselves.
And if you are polite
To the one who is weaker
You will be a defender
Before strong is not a shirt!

Uncle Sasha.
I saw Nastya-Doshkolenka
I'm on the street now.
Nastya is a glorious girl,
Nastya wants to first grade!
But ... for a long time from Nastya
I don't hear a word ...

Children. Hello!

Sorcerer and Uncle Sasha.
And what a word!
Very expensive!

The boy comes out onto the stage, limping.

Boy (complains).
I met Vitya a neighbor ...
The meeting was sad.
He is like a torpedo on me
I flew around the corner!
But - imagine! - In vain from Viti
I was waiting for the words ...

Children. Sorry!

Sorcerer and boy.
And what a word!
Very expensive!

Sorcerer. And now, my little friends, I will introduce you to my young assistant school etiquette.

School etiquette.
The desk is not a bed,
And you can't lie on it!
(Everyone sits right.)
You sit at the desk exactly,
And behave worthy.
The teacher will ask - you have to get up!
(Everyone gets up.)
When he allows you to sit down - sit down!
(Everyone sits down.)
You want to answer, don't make noise
And just raise your hand!
(Children raise their hand.)

Sorcerer (after the song). Well done boys!

All heroes (together). See you at the birthday!

The sorcerer with the assistant leaves the stage. Because of the curtains, a white rabbit and Alice appear.

Alice. Guys, went on!

The game is repeated: "Doors, bells, wheels and again doors!"

White rabbit (solemn). Stop second! Courtiers appear, they unfold the tape with the next inscription.

Court (together).
The sorceress of the dance,
He calls everyone to visit!

The sorceress of the dance (after the number).
I will give a magical dance to everyone,
On stage I flutter and in the dance is hovering!
Padkatr and Pa-de-de,
Balance and Grand Batman!
And now Zhete, tandyu!
Leg to the leg,
Pen to the handle,
We will learn the new dance!
The sorceress of dance welcomes you
We will see the art of movement now!
What will the guys dance to us?
All Alice, tell us
The world is beautiful dance
Enter us as soon as possible!

Alice. With great pleasure! But for starters, dear sorceress, can you ask you a magic wand for a while?

The sorceress of the dance. Please take and start quickly!

Gives Alice a magic wand.

Alice (waves a magic wand).
Monalized everyone many times
Dance dancing!
How much delay, enthusiasm,
How much joy is in your gaze!
Come down bolder, friend,
Dance is waiting for you a circle!
For you, dear sorceress of dance ...

White Rabbit. For you, our guests, graduates of our elementary school dance.

Alice and the White Rabbit take turns announcing dance numbers. There is a choreographic block.

The sorceress of the dance (after the block). Well done, students!

Alice. Our tram went again!

Children repeat the game with the leading. On the stage there are courtiers with a ribbon. They announce the following stop.

Court. Stop "Meeting with the wizard of the exact sciences and the messengers of the mathematical kingdom-cyfras!"

To drive ships,
To fly into the sky,
You need to learn a lot.
You have to be able to do a lot!
And in everything you need -
You notice-
Very important science ...

(Together). Maths!

Why are the ships do not get aground,
And go on the course
Through the fog and blizzard?
Because, you notice,
Captains helps

(Together). Maths!

The wizard.
I know mathematics!
I will make riddles!
If you do it, guys,
So, knowledge is a lot!
Be careful, think first, and then answer
They sat in the feeder
Only three birds only
But they flew to them
Two more tits.
So how many birds
Here in the feeder with us,
Will tell me soon
Each of you.

Children. Five!

The wizard. Excellent! We continue!

Stage with bright balls.

Ani's two goals,
Two goals of Vanya.
Two goals and two ... Baby!
How many are there? Will you realize?

Children. Four!

The wizard.
And now comparisons!
Who is more: an elephant or a horse?
Who is higher: giraffe or hippo?
Who is older: mom or you?
Now show me the right side, left!
The pencil case has five mushrooms
And there are three under the Christmas tree.
How many mushrooms will be?
Well, say!

Children. Eight!

The wizard.
And now for you
Superblitz! Questions class!
How many legs do the table have? (Four.)
And at two tables? (Eight.)
You, yes, yes you and me.
How many of us? (Two.)
When the goat is 7 years old,
What will happen next? (Will go the eighth year.)
Irinka conceived the number
When to take away from him 4,
It will remain the same.
What number did Irinka conceive? (Eight.)

Numbers. Well done!

The wizard. See you at the birthday of wizards!

Numbers. Bye! Bye!

It sounds funny music. The heroes of Bala disappear behind the scenes.

Alice and white rabbit.
The tram leaves,
Hey passerby, don't yawn!

Wizard Tararam (after number). Well, everything, kids, arrived!

The retinue of the wizard. Do you know who we are? Horror!

Hooligan. Trembling, approximate students, Lovers of order!

Bully. Before you the ruler of the country of disorder.

Damn. His hedging Majesty, the wizard himself.

All. Tararam Tararamovich!

The recording sounds the musical accent "Fate knocks on the door."

Wizard Tarara. And these are my faithful assistants: hooligan, bastard and wreck.

The retinue of the wizard. We will be familiar!
White Rabbit. Something I do not recall you in the lists of invitees put on a birth to a wizard school.

The retinue of the wizard. Here! Here! Here!

Wizard Tarara. This is the true reason for our appearance here! We are deeply offended by the fact that no one invited us to this holiday!

Bully. And so we decided a little to you ...

Damn. To prevent you from getting to the holiday!

Alice (stops the retinue of the wizard Tararam). Wait at least a second!

The retinue of the wizard. We can wait a second.

Wizard Tarara. We listen to you carefully.

Alice. Really, dear wizard Tarara, you can’t agree with you?

Wizard Tararam (unexpectedly). You think that we will tell you now: “No! We are terrible villains and want your holiday not to take place?! "

The retinue of the wizard. O-shi-ba-you!

White Rabbit. Are we mistaken? Very well! So what should we do?

Wizard Tarara. Very little! Play with us!

Alice. Play? So we are with pleasure. (To the children.) Really guys?

Children. Yes!

Svita of the Wizard (delighted). Hooray! We want to play!

Wizard Tarara. After that, we will completely correct and will never harm anyone again!

The retinue of the wizard. Yes! Yes! Yes!

White Rabbit. Well, let's play, friends!

The wizard of the Tararam waves a cloak, his assistants take a large picture with illustrations and inscriptions on stage.

Wizard Tarara. Read!

White rabbit (reads).
Evil boar - sat on a branch,
Steamer - languished in a cage,
Nightingale - sharpened thorns,
Porcupine - gave beeps.

Alice (continues).
Cat - taught physics,
The boy - caught his tail,
Tailor - flew under the clouds,
Cancer - sewed his pants,
Chizh - moved a mustache.

Wizard Tarara. I order you to destroy the jerk!

White Rabbit. Guys, let's together!

Children select the phrase necessary for the end.

Evil boar ... (languished in a cage).
The steamer ... (gave beeps).
Nightingale ... (sat on a branch).
Porcupine ... (sharpened thorns).

Alice. Guys, continue!
A cat ... (I caught my tail).
Boy ... (physics taught).
Tailor ... (sewed his pants).
Cancer ... (pushed a mustache).
Chizh ... (flew under the clouds).

The retinue of the wizard Tararam applauds.

Wizard Tarara. Brilliantly! Your path is open!

Alice, white rabbit, children. Ura-ah !!!

Alice. Dear wizard Tararam, we invite you at the end of our way to put on your birth to our wonderful school.

The retinue of the wizard (delighted). Great!

Wizard Tarara. Be sure to come! And now a happy way to you!

White Rabbit. Go! Doors, bells, wheels, doors!

Children with leading repeat the game.

Alice. The next stop "Musical and artistic meadow".

1st breeze.
Rays race
Rum the colored winds.

2nd breeze.
Pink - cats,
White - according to daisies.

3rd breeze.
Yellow, red, blue,
Do not catch them with you with you.

4th breeze.
Everyone on the envy of the breeze
Blue - rushes along the cornflowers,
Green rinses on the grass.

5th breeze.
And the comrades shouts:
“For nothing to you, brothers,
Do not keep up with me! "

The music sounds louder. Breaks take their places.

Alice. We invite all guests to our graduation vernissage!

Video: “Alice in the after -grinder” - a fairy tale. theatrical performance

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