The fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in a new way for holidays at school, kindergarten - the best selection

The fairy tale

Looking for interesting ideas for children's holidays? In our article you will find options for the fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" in a new way in roles.

The fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in a new way is the script of the graduation "A thousand and one night"

Fairy tale magic lamp Aladdin for a new
The fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" for a new

The fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" is new:

Voice behind the scene: The sultan is preparing for sleep,
Scheherazada with a fairy tale
On the night goes to him.

When dancing, Scheherazada comes out and sits at the feet of the Sultan.

Sultan: I heard a lot of fairy tales from you.
I could tell about people about people,
About girls of heavenly beauty,
You interpreted about omnipotent magicians.
But I heard that somewhere nearby,
The kids are in crowds at the threshold,
And this is marvelous and today it is worth
Then there is a school, tradition is.

Scheherazada: Indeed, there is such a miracle,
And all the embellishment of him in the night cannot be counted.
I'll tell you one thing tonight,
Listen, you are carefully of him.
Once from time immemorial
From afar, people are strict that law:
How children reach seven years old,
Then their studies overshadow the light.
The granite of sciences is not easy
Today everything that is given to you is given.

Sultan: Oh no! Not worth it from me
So quickly slip away!
I also want to know something.
Continue you to interpret my fairy tale.

Scheherazada: Well, well, I'll tell you:
Vladyka is in that fabulous country,
His name is the director,
And in the lobotryas, he will cause fright.
Only Allah will compare with his beauty.
Director - he is a kind of magician,
I can call him a wizard
Listen, then you are my story
For nine years old children have been spent at the school of the one
And for each other there they are always a mountain.
Then it comes to them
Test exams,
And then - receive the time of certificates.
All elegant come
Parents are preparing graduation.
But the certificates are not so easy to get,
First you need to go through the test.

Sultan: Continue!

Scheherazada: Yes, yes, of course, my sultan,
Only I will ask a question.

Sultan: Which? Tell me. Not Tom!

Scheherazada: You know what about love
In all centuries, poems have been composed?
Wrote a lot and beautifully,
And no matter what a verse is definitely marvelous.
And at school children are waiting for a lesson,
Which will be exactly for future use.
And in the lessons, children aloud
Read this way - breathtaking
Listen, Oh, my sultan.
Now I will give them a task.

Task in literature: Read the poem, replacing the letter p the letter l.

Frost and sun; Wonderful day!
You will also doze off, a lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open the eyes of the eyes of the eyes
Towards the northern authors,
Star of the North come!

Sultan: Oh yes, your story touched my soul,
My beautiful!

Scheherazada: Now I will tell you about
How to calculate
To build a house.
This science helps calculate
You have managed to owe how many servants
And how much money do you have
And how much sweet kvass costs today.
And in this digital adventure
Mathematics calls us teaching.

Mathematics task:
Vitya with younger brother Sasha
They catch crayfish in our river,
Smile cunningly -
Cancer is a whole bucket!
They filled the bucket to the brim,
But they forgot to count
What is there, confused directly:
Look, three cancer for mom,
Four for dad,
Five crayfish for grandfather,
For the grandmother of the cap
Six crayfish for dinner,
They did not forget yourself
Pair for brother.
And how much did the guys catch up? (22)

Sultan: Advise me, dear,
I will complain to you
What to do with the war,
How to protect the country?

Scheherazada: There were many wars in the world,
You can tell a lot
How they fought, how they put up,
How they learned to fight,
How kings came to the throne
And the rivals were destroyed,
How the laws were adopted
The wives of the overseas were chosen.
How the uprisings were noisy
Revolutions rattled.
And history lesson
It will undoubtedly go to you for the future.
Graduates will help us,
That's why they are here today.

History Task:
Previously, merchant unions were called guilds, and what was the name of the merchant expelled from the guild in Russia? (Sloppy)

Scheherazada: Oh, my sultan, I'll tell you now
And I will even prove with a scientific word,
Biologists teach us all that
That you never weld the soup with the cat
That the ostrich will never fly
Hind legs
Will not start walking.
That a person descended from monkeys
And, by the way, look at everything yourself.

Assignment on biology: what mammal is the most slow and sleepy of all living on land. In a hurry in 1 minute, he manages to pass only 3 meters. And only after hearing the piercing cry of her cub, his mother “rushes” to him at a speed of 4 meters per minute. (Sloth)

Scheherazada: Want to listen to my story further?

Sultan: Oh yeah! Of course!

Scheherazada: Once this decree came out at school,
To stay in your health in the wretches with health
And so that it does not crash,
You need to attend these lessons,
And it is worth starting right in the evening.

Sultan: What, right now?

Scheherazada: Preferably now.

Raises the sultan and makes him do physical exercises.

Scheherazada: Tilt forward, backward,
Turn the rope,
Fell, squeezed, got up again,
And you ran along the tent.

Sultan: Blimey! How heavy this work is!
How to call? What's his name?

Scheherazada: So this is physical education, my sultan.
Where everyone strengthens the body himself.
And rests from lessons for the mind,
In physical education, your life is bright.

Physical education task: Two teams participate. Participants, taking a step, the heel of one leg should be close to the toe of the other. That is, with every step, the participants will move forward to the length of the sole of their shoes. Whose team is faster.

Scheherazada: I'll start telling you now
I am my new story.
This subject is called
And who does not know, smiles.
However, this subject is important,
Listen, you are the answer to the children.

OBZH task: Provide first medical care when wounding the thumb of the right hand.

Scheherazada: Oh, my great sultan, of course,
In this world we are not alone.
This is a gift, probably, divine
You, listening to me, judge me.
I halved in overseas countries,
Everyone in different languages \u200b\u200bspeak.
I asked many foreigners,
How do they live, what they eat and where they sleep?
How will it be “beloved” in their own way,
How will it be “love” in any way?
Everyone answers with different persons,
For example, in England "Y Love You".

Task in German: Read the poem and answer the question tum, tum, tummi,
Ich Heibe Bummi.
Ich Heibe Sascha.
Tum, tum, tu
Wie Heibt du?
Tum, tum, tu
Wie Heibt du?

Scheherazada: How many in the world of states,
Seas and islands,
Strait, rivers, lakes, deserts,
Rocky mountains, ports.
I'll tell you about them today
I am a little.
Perhaps something in their life
Touch you too.

Geography task: Of the proposed letters, make a word - the name of the capital of any state of the world.

Scheherazada: So as not to lag behind the whole world,
You have to find out something
That there is a wonderful car,
Her "computer" to dignify.
There you can draw
And make tables,
If there is no more urine,
You can go to the Internet.
Information there is a sea,
You will figure it out soon.
You can make a web page
Share something with someone.

Sultan: Are you joking?

Scheherazada: No, of course, I'm not joking
There is such a miracle.
All his advantages
During the night, do not count.
Cut, copies,
He will remove everything himself.
You can write programs on it,
Electronic letters to friends send,
You can play any games in any games
Or just in the chat for a long time to "freeze".

Informatics Task: From the proposed geometric shapes, make a drawing.

Scheherazada: So it comes to the end
My fairy tale.
Well, how? Did you like her?

Sultan: Oh yeah! My beautiful!
And how are the certificates?
Did they go through all the trials?!
Now, I understand, certificates must receive!

Scheherazada:You are right, my great sultan.
Now the director I will give a word.

Protecting certificates.

The converted fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in a new way in roles

Reduced Fairy Tale Magic Aladdin lamp in a new way in roles
The converted fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in a new way in roles

The converted fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in a new way in roles:

Eastern music sounds, against her background, the voice of the leading frame is heard

Far from the snowy blue mountains
The tent suddenly swung open.
You will be transferred to the magical kingdom
You will plunge into the world of desires!
After all, in our tent there are beauties,
Who are famous for wonderful dances!

Padishah: And where is the way Scheherazada?
In my opinion, it's time for another fairy tale.
Scheherazada! Where are you? (Scheherazada appears)

Scheherazada: I am glad to see you a great lord.

Padishah: I won’t wait for your new fairy tale and amazing, otherwise something is boring to me.

Today the fairy tale is again visiting us,
Listen to my fairy tale, about the great padisha.
He rushed a stream in a ravine,
Ptashka arrived from the south,
In the spring, nature wakes up,
And birds are flooded with trill
Warms the sun in the morning
It's time to continue the fairy tale
Outside the mountains, behind the forests lived in the world
And his name was ALLADIN
He did not possess wealth
Only a magical lamp.
In the lamp of that gin lived,
He fulfilled three desires
And Aleladin promised to let him out
But he lost this lamp or maybe someone stole?
And he went on the road to find that lamp.
Padishah: Oh, the light of my eyes, what awaits him ahead?

Alladin is coming

Without thinking twice, he set off on the road.
And the people met him that the round dance was in together

ALLADIN, wandering, meets a girl

We cheerful we are the people
We drive boredom from the gate!
If only we want
We will cheer you all up to all!
Hey boys, we ask you:
Start dancing!

Dance "Varenka"

ALLADIN: This is all, of course, wonderful
But I need to find a lamp!
Girl: You will go to the magic forest-
Maybe you will find a lamp there? (The girl leaves)

For a long time Alladin had to go (sounds of rain)
But suddenly the rain found him in the way.

Dance with umbrellas (they give one umbrella, and he sits on stage)

Scheherazada: ALELADIN was tired, crouched on the grass and sunbathed. But then he saw a colored rainbow in the sky.

Dance "Rainbow"

ALLADIN: Oh you are a rainbow-fool, you decorate the meadows
You are in blue in the sky, you rush a bridge
Would you see from heights, lamps of marvelous beauty?

Girl from the dance "Rainbow":
I saw your lamp, you run soon to the stream
Water there is like music pouring
And luck will smile at you

You just need to carefully look around.
And you will hear the music everywhere suddenly.
She will sound in the murmur of a stream.
In the rustle of the forest and petals of the flower.

Song "Chamomile"
(ALLADIN is coming, meets the bear)

ALLADIN: (Turns to the bear)
Hello, Bear! Where are you going?

Bear: Hello ALLADIN! How where? For honey?
(ALLADIN and the bear watch dance)

Dance "Bee"

ALLADIN: I want to ask you? Did you find my magic lamp in your way?

Bear: Here I have not seen anywhere, but I did not look in Raspberry. You can look for a lamp in raspberry bushes.

Dance "Malinka"

Scheherazada: The dreams of ALLADINA did not come true.
He did not find a lamp in the clearing.
Further, the forest is dense in the way.
And here is the house - go there soon.
Dwarves there are funny live
The song is permanent.
Maybe the lamp will be here?

Song "Dwarf"

Padishah: Well, why is it Alyhadina DOLD WILL? When will he find a lamp?

Take a hurry, my lord! Time is suitable.
The guests arrived for a long time.

Padishah: So call them soon! As we take them, you will continue your story, my khanum, the light of my eyes!

Dance Polka

Padishah: That's the miracle! That's so wondrous! So many countries at once! This is just a miracle! Oh!

Dance "Tango"

Padishah: Well, what will we continue our tale? Where is Aleladin now?

Scheherazada: My gentleman, in the cave of Dzhomauyyz Kampir,
Dwarves indicated the road to him.
How to go to her in detail.

Aleladin goes and hears laughter, towards the Delmauyyz Kempir;

DROMAUYZ KAMPIR: For a long time the human spirit has not been here.
Why granted here?

ALLADIN: Return to me a lamp evil di -Mauzyz campsur!
I can’t lose time in vain!
I need to release Gina.

DROMAUYZ KAMPIR: There is no one here, although
In the cave there in the mountains high
Your lamp lies is completely lonely
And the entrance to it has long been clogged
You can’t get your own

(laughter of Kempir)

Scheherazada: Alladin approached the gorge and began to think how to move the stone rubble from the place. He was so tired that he did not notice how he fell asleep. And he had a wonderful dream ...

Peri dance (choreography dolls)

Girl from dance:
Do not be sad, oh, dear Aldarin,
You are not alone in this world
Believe the dreams everyone will come true
The sorrows will be forgotten

Song "Dream"
Dance "Beautiful far"

Padishah: And that no one helped him so?

Scheherazada: Do not be sad, my Mr. The world is not without good people.

The batyrs made a campaign there and helped him open the entrance to the cave.
Dance: "Batyrov"

ALLADIN: Everything worked out! That's the miracle! Now I am ready to let Gina be ready!

(music sounds) ALLADIN takes a lamp and rubs it

Gin: I am an omnipotent and most influential genie, why did you call me, my young master?

Ready to release you
But then you are a desire for me

Gin: Rather your desire to say - give me freedom
(against the background of magical music)

I wish people on our land,
They lived in peace, harmony, good.
So that they never know grief
Smiles to all children
The immense sea!

Song "My region"

Padishah and Scheherazada:
We wish peace and happiness to the people of our country!
So that difficulties, they did not know grief!
And next year,
Our palace, waiting for you again!

The fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" for school holidays - alteration in a new way "Arab night"

Fairy Tale of Aladdin's magic lamp for school holidays - Alteration in the New Lad
The fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" for school holidays - alteration in a new way "Arab night"

The fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" for school holidays - alteration in a new way "Arab Night":

The vizier asks Sultan:
O Great Sultan, something became boring!
Does your Majesty want to listen to a fairy tale?

The Sultan thinks and answers:
And the truth! Give Scheherazade.


Scheherazada goes and begins to say:
Bugs the lush city of Baghdad in the gardens,
We will lead our magical story about him.
Here the emirs are looking into the water surface,
From the treasures their mind is easy to lose.
Only a poverty reigns next to wealth,
And with difficulty getting his bread poor.
At least forty sweat spills Fellah,
Who is rich and who is poor, Allah decides!
And by the will he lived in Baghdad alone
The poor boy, the son of the poor people Aladdin.

You would take it, son, this canvas to the bazaar,
At least a non -casist, but he is still a product!
I'm old, spin and we’re already hard for me, it is already hard for me,
You would rather choose a craft.

I have not decided yet who I want to become!

Mother Aladdin:
Become a tailor like a father!

Aladdin (indignantly):
To patch holes?
Life without money live and die without them,
Look from the bottom up for merchants and sultans?

Mother Aladdin:
To open the shop, my son, you need a product,
And the merchant without him laughs the whole bazaar.
You are an adult already, you have to help me.
You were born a tailor, which means that you have to become it!

Is it not you, my boy, the name is Aladdin
And aren't you a tailor only son?

Aladdin (surprised):
Yes, but only my father by the will of Allah
In the best world for a long time.

We are all just a handful of dust!
Rosa foamed in the heart, fell silent of the nightingale,
And the leaves crumbled with dried branches,
I dreamed of a meeting, I strove for him,
And he died. Tell me, Allah, why?

I don’t understand, sir, what sadden you?

I am for my boy, I curse myself
That he wandered in distant desert edges, (shows to the dunes)
And, returning, I did not find my brother alive!
Lead me to the house where your mother lives,
I want to press her to my heart as soon as possible!
I am in debt forever in my brother,
I see, you live poorly, I will help you!


But it was not an uncle, but Jafar,
Let him burn in hell for a lie after death,

He wondered in the sand and read the stars,
And he learned a secret, he learned a secret
And what to take those treasures alone
In the world, the boy is the son of poor people Aladdin.

Jafar (hugging Aladdin):
I will give him a caravan rich
And I will teach everything that I can!
I promise, he will return back to the merchant,
I must fulfill the duty before his father.

Mother Aladdin:
For you, I am grateful to my fate,
Everything that he gave to us will return to you,
Let Allah protect you on the way from trouble,
Let him guard your caravan from thieves!

Aladdin's mother leaves for the house, Aladdin and Jafar go to the cranes.

I see only this velvet ahead! (shows)
Uncle, where is your promised caravan?

Do not rush, Aladdin, my caravan is not here,
I have an insignificant request for you.
Glory puts forward the plate. Light on the cave.

For you everything you want, I am ready!

See this plate among sultry sands? (shows)
The underground move under it, he leads to the cave,
But the terrible death is waiting for everyone there,
Who touches gold and silver.

So why go if I die there?

You better remember what I say
If you fulfill it, I will give you a king!
You will pass forty rooms, and in the last, in the corner,
The old lamp will lie on the floor.
Here is her, my boy, you will bring me,
And do not dare to return until you find it!
Well, raise the stove!

Aladdin (scared):
I can’t alone!

Jafar (menacingly):
You can! Name your name!


The roar, immediately the stove rises, and Aladdin goes to the stage.

What do you see?

Aladdin's voice:
I can see the coins,
And they blind like sunlight.

Now what do you see?

Aladdin's voice:
Rubinov cannot be counted!
I did not know that there was similar in the world!

You don't put it on, my boy, and then go,
For your favorite uncle, find a lamp!

Aladdin's voice:
There she is. Oh Allah, how much dust is on her,
Apparently, the lamp was not cleaned a thousand days.
It's hard to get out, give me a hand soon. (Pulls a hand)

Come on a lamp quickly, I don't like jokes!
I want, like a boat, I will crush you!
What did you imagine there, I don’t dare to argue!

Aladdin's voice:
I will not give the lamp! Though scream, at least kill!

Let the Ifrites will fry you at the stake!
I swear that you will die in this hole!

A roar is heard, the stove is lowered, light turns off, and Jafar goes beyond the screen to the sultan. The genie hides under the curtain. Disappears. It gets dark.

And then Aladdin cried about himself,
The entrance is closed, he was left alone underground.
If there is a way out here, you cannot find in the dark,
Yes, and it is unlikely that someone will come to save him!

Aladdin (comes out with a lamp, says doomed):
How could my uncle doom my uncle to doom?
Maybe the lamp finally light it up.
After all, in the light and then it is more fun to die,
It was necessary to give the villain to the villain!
Dupilly somehow burns. It is necessary to leave dust
Maybe then the flame will burn brighter then!

Aladdin rubs the lamp. Music. Light on the cave. A genie appears.

I am an omnipotent and most influential genie!
Why did you call me, my young master?

Aladdin (trembling with fear):
No, I didn't call you! You came to me yourself!

I obey! (Hiding behind the stage)

And really left.
Looking at this, you can die!
It is better to be alone than sitting with a nightmare!
Aladdin again rubs the lamp. A genie appears.

I am an omnipotent and most influential genie!
Why did you call me again, Aladdin?

He appeared again on my mountain!

You are rubbed with a lamp, and I am a genie out of it!
I am a lamp slave, and you are my master now.
And if so, I obey you, Aladdin!

So, we will sit together in this pit.
Can you, genie, are you doll or sing a song?

I obey! What to sing? About love? About fate?

Better sing me, genie, something about yourself!

(Music. Dance of the genie)

Well, you can take me home
And from the death of hungry and terrible to save?

Music "Arab Night". The light goes out.

I obey! But the mortal is not given to the mortal,
Which may not be darker where it is dark!

Full light.

Aladdin's mother (crying):
Aladdin, how could you do this to me?
You left your uncle, but we have nothing to live on!
But he could become a merchant, he could become a man!
Well, why didn’t you obey your mother again?

Aladdin (hugging her):
This uncle-colle almost killed me,
In the dungeon, deaf imprisoned me.
Miraculously escaped and barely reached home,
And after everything you speak this to me!

Mother Aladdin:
I'm sorry to give you a sorcerer,
I am not lucky for us all my life, I don’t understand why,
But all the same all the same great Allah,
If we are on earth, not in heaven!

Aladdin's mother holds out the canvas:
You would take it, son, this canvas to the bazaar,
At least a non -casist, but he is still a product!

Aladdin's mother goes into the house. Aladdin throws out the canvas and begins to rub the lamp. A genie appears.

I am an omnipotent and most influential genie!
Why did you call me again, Aladdin?

Ginny, make me a prince.

The genie puts the Sultan's hat with Alladin, takes the other to the stage.

Aladdin (approaches the Sultan):
Your Majesty has come to you to ask your daughter's hands!

Prince Ali-a-Babva of course! Welcome! This is my main vizier - Jafar, he is also very happy.

As by the way, but I'm afraid of a prince Abubu!
You came here in vain with the whole parade! (

Sultan: What a representative young man! And the prince is also! Now Jafar you will not have to marry a jasmine. This guy will like jasmine.

And I think the princess will like it too.

Jafar (gets up, menacingly):
Your Majesty, I have to intervene in the interests of Jasmine.
This young man is no better than others!
And why did you decide that you like jasmine?

Your Majesty, I'm a prince, introduce us, and I am sure that I will win your daughter's heart!

How dare you! You all!
Who gave you the right to decide my fate!
I am not a prize for which they are fighting!

And Jasmine goes proudly into the room. The light goes out. Scene with a balcony. Jasmine sits and combs.

A: Princess Jasmine
J: Who is there? (surprised)
And this is me! Prince Ala.
J: I don't want to see you!
A: Give me a chance!
J: Leave me!
Spray from the balcony!
A: Okay, okay. You're right!
J: What?
A: You are not a prize for the winner at all! You have the right to choose yourself! I'm leaving!

Aladdin jumps from the balcony, leaves the stage. The tiger goes beyond the scene. Full light.

Sultan and Jafar with a parrot come out.
Jasmine ... You will become Jafar's wife!

Jafar approaches Jasmine and kisses her hands. Jasmine pulls out his hands and runs to his father.

J: I have already chosen my husband. I chose Prince Ali.

D: Prince Ali is far away! I enchanted him and sent him to the desert.

The evil wizard did not sleep for many days and nights,
In the sand he wondered and read the stars.
So he found out that Aladdin was alive and well,
That he got everything: both the lamp and the genie!
And with rage he became blacker than his face,
And he vowed to deal with the insolent.
And he rushed back to the city of Kalkas,
And this magical story continued.

Jafar leaves the door from the door below. Mother because of the scene with Aladdin's lamp.

D: I need your lamps that you do not need,
Instead of the old one, I will give two new ladies!

Mother (peering out):
He is a stupid man, was hurt by his mind,
We now take our old lamp
And let's see if the old man is lying to us.
Hey merchant, here, I'll give you a lamp!

Jafar throws his lamps on the stage, grabs Aldarin’s lamp and runs away at the door, puts on a cloak.

Mother: (surprised)
For one he paid with me three -
Crazy and is! He ran like a plague.

Mother takes the lamps, leaves for the screen.

Jafar with a lamp enters the stage. Tarows her.

D: Finally, she fell into my hands,
And now Aladdin fate has been decided!
Come on, genie, come out! I know what you are there!

General (because of the scene): I have a lunch break! Ny! Ny! Ny!

D (irritably): What nonsense?! Well, let's get out quickly!

Genie: I’ll take it and I won’t go out, you crawl yourself!

Jafar (in rage):
How dare you rude? I am your gentleman!

I do not want! Mr. Aladdin for me!

Jafar begins to pound a lamp on the ground.

D.: Will you obey me, finally?
I want my first desire! I want to become a sultan!
A genie appears.

General (come out with a hat):
I obey! But you, an evil sorcerer, will regret
About the fact that you are someone else's lamp!

And in Baghdad the princess is sad in the palace,
Remembering his husband and father.
Her tears pouring bitter tears day and night,
Accusing of the misfortunes of his sorcerer!

J: Be damn, villain! Let the great Allah
It will not help you in your black deeds!
Let the eyes blind and the tongue shall be blind
If you call my name, old man!

Full light. Jafar appears with a lamp.

D: Where are you, my rose, yours came to the nightingale,
Do not volume me, open me soon!
Your Aladdin died and your father died,
Love, jasmine, you finally!

J: Never! Leave! Hate you!
What is yours to be, I’d better kill myself!

Jafar takes out a lamp and begins to rub. A genie appears.

D: You see how powerful I am, how great and strong,
Even a genie will obey me! Even he!
Well, and you turned your face from me,
Look at me! Well, what kind of old man am I?

What was the princess? She doesn't like you!

D: I want you to make me young!

Princess Jasmine (malicious):
About forty years younger, not evil, not gray!

D: Do everything, stupid genie, as she said!

I obey, but there is one problem here -
I can fly, quickly build palaces,
I instantly make ends with ends,
I can give you an acne ointment, (pulls out the ointment)
But, alas, I cannot change the essence of things!

The genie disappears. Jafar begins to pound a lamp on the ground.

Jafar (in rage):
I don't need palaces, night darkness and light of the day,
I want Budur to love me!
The voice of the genie (because of the scene)
I say, I can't! At least you twist everything
With magic, do not wash your black soul!

The light goes out. Jafar, along with the lamp, goes after the screen. Aladdin's mother peers her son.

This sultry desert is not visible!
Whether the Mirage or do I see the dome of the palace?

Aladdin falls without feelings from fatigue. Aladdin's mother peeps out of the palace window.

Mother Aladdin:
Oh, Princess Jasmine, our Savior came!
He found us, everything will be fine now!

Aladdin's mother runs out of the palace and helps her son rise. Mother goes beyond the screen.

Princess Jasmine:
Oh my beloved, I was waiting for you so
I knew that you were alive and only lived with this.
Evil Jafar, not spider strength,
I achieved me! Oh, beloved, save!

You can’t help with force here, you need a trick here,
Do everything, as I say, dear wife!

Suddenly, a jafar with a bouquet of roses appears in front of the palace.

D: Whoever sees you will lose peace!
Wow, my rose! Wow, you are my tulip!
Princess Budur looks out the window.

J: Yes, I'm your rose, my dear nightingale,
Arrive in my shady garden as soon as possible!

D (with enthusiasm):
I'm runing! I'm flying!
J: Do not rush, wait.
Our custom, stored for centuries, follow!

Princess Jasmine leaves the palace with a cup of wine.

J: You are to the bottom of this bowl, beloved, run out,
And then, finally, I will become yours!

Jafar drinks the bowl to the bottom and falls asleep. Aladdin comes out of the screen and takes a lamp from him. He is trembling, and the genie appears. Full light.

So that he does not think of replacing harm,
You sharpen you in the cave forever!

I obey! After all, the one who documents others,
The earthly path of its own ahead of schedule and poorly ends!

The genie leads Jafar, and then again appears without him.

Aladdin (hugging the genie)
I wouldn't have lived in the world for a long time, without you,
You are my friend and deserve your freedom!

General (clicking on a lamp):
You can't, Aladdin! The lamp is my house!
I'm very used to her, I like to live in her,
And I want to serve you until the end of days!

Final music. Everyone is gradually being built on stage


Bugs the lush city of Baghdad in the gardens,
We will finish our magical story now.
The evil Jafar under the huge remained a stove.
Aladdin with his young wife
We lived for a long time, not knowing grief and troubles.
Their happiness was a simple secret.
Everyone should remember, although this is not new,
In this world, love always wins!

Everyone stands on stage, bow.

The fairy tale "Aladdin Adventures" for children in roles

Fairy Tale Magic Aladdin lamp for children in roles
The fairy tale "Aladdin Adventures" for children in roles

The fairy tale "The Adventures of Aladdin" for children in roles:

1 Fairy:

2 Fairy:

1 Fairy:
Are you here?

2 Fairy:
I'm here.

They fly up to each other. They look around.

1 Fairy:
Ah, where did we get?

2 Fairy:
We are in a large spacious hall.
Remember, you and I flew -
Past pines, past the fir trees.
This is Grandfather Frost
You and I brought here.

1 Fairy:
So this is a kindergarten?
Only there are no guys here ...

2 Fairy:
Everything is ready, what are we waiting for?
We will call them here,
Let's say that Santa Claus
Bring a Christmas tree to kindergarten.

Both fairies:
Louder music play,
Christmas tree, meet the guests!
Lighting is turned on. Children go to the hall to the music.

Time runs everything forward and forward
Here is on the threshold the new year!
It's time for us to start a holiday, friends
All have fun, we can’t miss us!

Let this year be kind for everyone,
Louder than links cheerful laughter,
Guests will come to us with an open soul,
Everyone will gather for a big holiday!

I was going to us for a whole year for the holiday
Green beauty of forests
Then she dressed up quietly,
And now her outfit is ready!

We all admire the Christmas tree today
She gives us a delicate aroma
And the best holiday New Year
Comes with her to kindergarten!

Reb: Guys, our Christmas tree does not sparkle with lights.
Let's all say magical words together.

Children together:
Christmas tree, Christmas tree wake up
And light up with lights. \\ The Christmas tree lights up with lights

When Bengal lights shine,
Когда хлопушек раздается гром,
Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness Congratulations
And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the holiday!

Time rushes in full swing
Under the frosty ringing of winter

All children:
"Happy New Year! Happy New Year!"
We are talking to each other!

Song "Hello, Hello New Year"

After the song, the children sit down, the one who dances with the lanterns run away for the scenes. Fairytale music sounds. A boy and a girl come out.

Boy: In the evening winter
Stars fall,
They fall from the sky
To the city is frosty.
Stars fall
To the house and paths,
Melt in children
On warm palms.

Girl: melt inaudibly
Fluffing stars
And on the palm
Shine like snowflakes.
Children with a walk
They returned home.
The tale of snowflakes
They dreamed at night ....
"Dance with flashlights"
Eastern music sounds.

Voice: Princess Jasmine and her friend Aleladin lived in one fairy -tale eastern country. The New Year was coming, and Jasmine wanted to meet it where winter sheltered with her snow blanket at home, the tree is decorated with colorful lights and toys. Jasmine shared her dream with Alladin, and together they recovered on a long journey. And so our heroes were with us, but what happened to them, we will see now ....

To the music on the carpet of the plane, jasmine and ALLADIN are flying.

ALLADIN: Thank you, a carpet-moth!

Jasmine: ALLADIN! How beautiful here! What Christmas trees around
And all are covered with snow!
In the forest of snowflakes, a whole swarm,
The ground is covered with snow,
Christmas trees in fur coats dress up!

ALLADIN: Not in vain, we have traveled a long way jasmine.
I think our dream has come true, and we will celebrate the New Year here.

Jasmine: Yes! Yes! And how to celebrate the New Year, I do not know!
New Year's fairies appear

1 Fairy: Hello, dear guests!

2 Fairy: Welcome!

1 Fairy: We heard that they came to us for a holiday!

2 Fairy: But nothing will come of it! Our Santa Claus disappeared, and the New Year will not come without him.

1 Fairy: That's just the staff remained!

2 Fairy: We only know that he went to visit the hot countries

Jasmine: You must definitely find a wizard.

ALLADIN: Guys, are you ready to go through all the difficulties?
Takes a magic tree lamp.

Children: Yes!

ALLADIN: For magic to happen
The lamp is strongly sweat, and the song is together.

The song "New Year signs" or "New Year's Eve"

Gin: We are jinn from the lamp
We live a hundred years
We give people happiness and practical advice.
That they do not wish - we perform everything in the moment
We always wish goodness and justice.

"Dance of the Ginov" (on the steppes)

Child: Santa Claus disappeared, the wizard of the New Year. Help us find him.
Where is Santa Claus tell me?
Point us the way!

Gin: So you can’t say right away where your wizard is. A modern tool will help us - Jipies Navigator. \\ takes out a tablet \\

Gin: Grandfather Frost in the sandy kingdom among tall pyramids and great pharaohs.

Gin: Well, well, friends, we fly,
And we will visit Egypt.

On the carpet, Aldin, Jasmine, Fairies, performing certain movements to the music, go on the carpet, and sit in their places.

Egyptian 1: Hello my friends.
We were waiting for you all here for nothing.

Egyptian 2: We command Egypt,
And we know about everything in the world.

Child 1: Hello, residents of Egypt. Our grandfather went to the countries of the country, since then we have not seen him.

Child 2: Only now the New Year is approaching, we are afraid that he is late!

Egyptian 2: The wizard arrived, he was very happy, he congratulated everyone on the New Year and went to Baghdad.

Jasmine runs out with Alladin

Jasmine: In Baghdad? Have you confused anything? Baghdad is our hometown.

ALLADIN: Then we will definitely find Santa Claus and return him a magical staff.

Child 1: Would you like to go on a trip with us?

Egyptian: We would be happy, but how to leave the country unattended?

"Smoking game"

Egyptian: Thanks a lot!
We are setting on the road with you,
To return Santa Claus.

Alladin, jasmine, fairies, Egyptians, performing certain movements to the music, set off, and sit in their places. Children get to Baghdad.

Dance "East"

East. Kras 1: We are glad to welcome you to the lands of Baghdad!

East. Kras 2: What brought you here we really need to find out!

Reb: Santa Claus rushed into your country
I forgot the staff and was completely lost
New Year is coming soon,
Who will return to grandfather with gifts?

East. Red: Saw him not so long ago
The new year lamp, he should seek
Maybe he went on a carpet on the carpet?
No guys, you hear it seems to go.

Santa Claus comes out

Hello, here I am! Have you been looking for me, friends?
I was in a hurry to you, in a hurry and was a little late.
As you have matured in a year, you can’t recognize you now!
Are everyone ready to sing, play, dance around the Christmas tree? (Yes)

Child: Grandpa, we were looking for you everywhere, where did you disappear? New Year's staff brought you a staff! Here you are!

D. M.:
I visited many hot countries
And what miracles I have not seen ...
I want to surprise everyone for everyone
Miraculously to the New Year to give.

Father Frost: I look, everything is assembled and my magical fairies, and guests from Egypt, are eastern beauties. I invite you all to Russia for the New Year holiday.
In the country is snowy, frosty.
And everything is faster, spin faster
Snowflakes are a white round dance.
On the branches it is laid down
In the frosty Russian New Year!
Well, guys, we go to Russia.

Alladin, jasmine, fairies, Egyptians and oriental beauties set off, performing certain movements to the music. Upon arrival, the children get into a round dance, in the center of Santa Claus.

D. M.:
Hooray! We are in Russia - traditions are full.
Our powerful, glorious country.

Songs of round dance, games, snowballs,
Slides and sledges, skates skies.
Become, guys,
Hurry in a cheerful round dance!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

The song "Winter Tale". Final "New Year's dance"

Father Frost:
I have a lot of magic items.
Every time I am surprising in a new way, friends.
Star to wear gifts in a heavy bag.
The magic lamp of the New Year belongs only to me.
They roll out a magic lamp in which gifts lie.
If you pour water into it,
Then she will give gifts to everyone.

Distribution of gifts

Santa Claus: I had fun, and I am amused myself.
You are a holiday, I hope, guys, did you like it? (Yes)
Before you say goodbye to all here, “goodbye” here!
We need to take a photo for the kids and guests.

The fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in a new day New Year's

Fairy tale magic lamp Aladdin in a new year of New Year's
The fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in a new day New Year's

The fairy tale "Aladdin's magic lamp" in the New Year's Lada:

Top to cakes:
Hey passerby, fly in!
Buy cakes with honey!

Fruit merchant:
Buy the sweetest watermelon,
He has a wonderful taste!

Fabric merchant:
Persian fabrics, Indian shawls -
You have not seen such beauty anywhere!
Aquarrower: spring, fresh water!
Who is exhausted by thirst, come here.

Buy a camel, a bunch of fleas on it.
Come up soon until he died!
Gossipers gather in the center of Bazarny Square.

1st gossip:
Girlfriends, I found out the news!

2nd gossip:
Well, say what I heard about.

1st gossip:
Our sultan, keep him Allah,
From longing, everyone says, obscenities.
He needs entertainment:
Boredom was overcome by the ruler.

2nd gossip:
And the vizier Jafar is all in business,
And let Allah save him.
He now runs in all Baghdad,
It will force many to fork out.

3rd gossip:
I don't know how it or not,
I just heard, our vizier is a black magician.
Dark forces are subordinated to him -
The vague days have come for the whole country.

1st gossip:
How does the Sultan allows all this?!

3rd gossip:
Yes, our Sultan knows nothing!

Fabric merchant:
Hey beauty, go here,
For the soul, choose outfits!

(Gossipers diverge to the trays. Aladdin appears, he takes turns approaching merchants.)

Aladdin: Let the tired traveler get drunk
The bowl, a sip or a drop of water.

Aquarrower: First pay the gold coin,
And after at least a jug, take it all with you.

Aladdin: He heard, sir, about your generosity!
Pour me with a tortilla and honey.

Top to cakes:
Charity is not in fashion here with us.
Get out, Allah will give you!

Aladdin: Listen, good gentleman,
Tired, exhausted Aladdin.
For two months I was on the way -
I had to go from Bukhara.

Fruit merchant:
Stay away from the tray
If you want to keep your sides.

Aladdin: The blessed city is our Baghdad,
Now I see how you are glad to be guests!

Do not commit, oh, traveler, grave sin!
Three donkeys cannot be judged by everyone.
I am glad to share with you:
Water and bread just ....

Aladdin: Everything will fit.

Successfully, I solved the task today:
I had a camel with the fleas in addition to the addition.
I am a sign here with almost the whole bazaar.

Aladdin: What do you sell?..

I trade in an old product.
Allah is merciful to me today,
I sold all the goods at a double price.
Only the old lamp remained of copper,
I recently stole it with my neighbors.
Take my lamp as a gift.
Yes, there is no money, take it - give it.

Aladdin: Thanks for the lamp, but only
There is no use in it at all - not at all.

You will sell to someone. You see,
You will save a little money.
I lingered. I have to go,
The wife is waiting for at home, children.

Aladdin: Well, friend, thanks and goodbye!

Do not forget about the lamp.

Aladdin: I met a strange man.

Top to cakes:
Hold the thief! He stole Cheburek!
(Guards run, grab Aladdin.)

Aladdin: The mistake came out! I am not a thief!

1st guard:
Insolent! Who are you with a dispute with?
Ah, well, turn your pockets!
There is nothing? .. Let's go to the Sultan!

The Palace of the Sultan.

Sultan: Almighty, oh, what a flour!
Boredom was overlooking me again.
I can't sleep and badly eat,
I have already lost weight at all.
Hey, Leila, what are you standing there?!
Bring Sherbet, Halva, Kishmish.
(The servant Leila enters with a tray in her hands.)

LEILA: My gentleman, tire a sweet melon,
It is tasty, there are a lot of vitamins in it.
Here are oranges with vitamin C,
In the garden, we broke them in the palace.
There is also a fragrant persimmon ....

Sultan: From these vitamins I will go crazy!
I asked only to halva, and here is Sherbet.

LEILA: But the doctor imposed a sweet ban on a sweet ban.
From sweets, you got boredom,
And he was ordered to all vitamins.

Sultan: So eat to health - I do not forbid,
And leave me a halva, I beg you!
(Vizier Jafar enters.)

Sultan: Jafar! Well, where does it wear you all the time?
They tell me, you are building something ...
I remembered, intrigues.

Jafar: A lot of evil tongues chat!
I was looking for a medicine for longing.

LEILA: Will the sultan recover? Oh, how glad I am!

Jafar: Tsyts, woman! You would have to be silent.

Sultan: Well, where is the medicine? Get it!

Jafar: Here, just do not open your mouth!
I brought a host of beautiful prisoners.
Look, but don't come close!
(Dance of the eastern beauties.)

Sultan: Well, well, the girls are good,
They dance glorious, from the heart.
But you know, Leila is no worse for me:
Sings, dances and prepares dinner.

Jafar: May Allah save your monastery!
You became picky, my lord,
But I still have gifts for you.
Rejoice at the art of a brilliant game
On this marvelous tool!

Sultan: Wait, wait! Are you talking about flute?

Jafar: For a flute, the tool is too big,
But sounds are no less rich.
They will crumble before you trill.

Sultan: What is the instrument called? ..

Jafar: Oh cello.
(Musical number for cello.)

Sultan: No, I can't hear this trill
On the instrument, like him ...

Jafar: ... cello.

Sultan: I get bored even more with him,

The scene is night.

Jafar: How quickly the poor man got used to it,
But he did not take into account that he has an enemy.
In vain, young man, you contacted Jafar,
After all, the black sorcerer’s name is not for nothing.
And no one can stop my charms,
The witch Fatim will help me with this.
(Fatima enters.)

Fatima: Why did you send, the vizier, after me?
You are something pale, my dear.

Jafar: I turned white with rage, you see
And now I can’t eat nor sleep.
We got fun alone
From Bukhara, the name is Aladdin.
Our sultan does not have a soul in him,
Jasmine does not notice me at all.

Fatima: And that the Sultan stopped missing?
After all, you sent the spell.

Jafar: Then all the tricks of Aladdin,
He cheered the Lord.
What should I do, I won’t know the mind?

Fatima: Well, my dear, I'll tell you.
In the mountains, in the cave lonely
Lies the diamond "Star of the East."
And who will take possession of this diamond,
He will be able to command everyone with the world.
Kohl Aladdin in life is so lucky,
Let him bring a magic diamond.
And it will disappear - then luck!

Jafar: And if not?..

Fatima: You will get a diamond with a jasmine in addition.

Jafar: How much is hidden in you mind,
Oh, Lunolic Fatima!

Fatima: Goodbye! Already the sun I see a sunrise
The Baghdad people will go out into the streets.
And if again I will be needed,
You will find me everywhere. (Leaving.)

Jafar: Well, Aladdin, how not to twist,
You can't get away from me.

The scene is a desert.
(Aladdin comes out with a lamp in his hands.)

Aladdin: Who drove the idea to the Sultan,
What am I can get a diamond?!
Vizier, of course! This is definitely him -
Insidious, cunning, black scorpion.
You need to think about how to be next
How can I get a magic diamond.
I must certainly find it,
And the old lamp on the way can interfere with me.
(Throws the lamp to the side, Santa Claus appears from it.)

SANTA CLAUS: Where I got, I won’t figure it out at all.
How can you stand such and such heat!

Aladdin: Grandfather appeared from the copper lamp!
With a big beard, old and gray.
Tell me, venerable, are you probably a genie?
Let's get acquainted, I am Aladdin.

SANTA CLAUS: How strange you called me.
General - You seem to say?
I have a different name.
Santa Claus was called until now
I lived in the northern forests,
And now - here are miracles! -
In hot countries, I found myself
The old one was clogged into the lamp.

Aladdin: A very cute picture!
Santa Claus is here instead of a genie.
What to do with you?

SANTA CLAUS: And you take me with you.
Just give me water to get drunk
For me, sweat streams.

Aladdin: On, drink, but not all at once!

SANTA CLAUS: Eh, good!

Aladdin: On the road, beyond the diamond!

The scene is a cave.

Aladdin: You strain your strength
Help open the cave.
As soon as we get inside,
We will take the magic diamond magic.

SANTA CLAUS: Here my magic is powerless.
That's only a haze of blue
I can envelop this door.
Nothing will come out, believe me!

Aladdin: Not! What is it to me from you?!
You are not a genie, and not a prophet.
You can't even open the door,
Again you can’t help me with anything.
I must do everything myself!
What is the spell? (Picking up.)
And, open, to the sesam!
(The door to the cave opens. In the center - diamond.)

Aladdin: Everything worked out. That's the miracle!
The words will have to be remembered.
Here it is - the diamond "Star of the East",
Like the water of a pure source!

SANTA CLAUS: Yes, he sparkles like a snowflake,
And it looks, well, like an ice floe!
(He looks around the cave and hides behind the curtain.)
(Royal Cobra appears.)

COBRA: Diamond decided to kidnap, you are a human son!
Tell me your name, despicable.


COBRA: Well, Aladdin, the last hour has come.
And the lights are faded, the bonfire of love faded.

Aladdin: I know, I'm not going to die,
Live as long as possible I will try.
(Cobra wrestling with Aladdin. Aladdin wins. Santa Claus comes out.)

SANTA CLAUS: Why is the snake Gorynych so bony?!
Yes, he is also one -headed!

Aladdin: I was tired of fighting, there is no power at all.
Tell me, grandfather, well, where you were on,
While I was fighting here with the royal cobra?!

SANTA CLAUS: At this time, I ate fruits behind the curtain.
You could call me, of course,
But one you did it successfully.

DIAMOND: Oh, my young lord!
You take me with you.
I have been from time immemorial
The magical power is endowed.
I am called the star of the East
I take the desire to fulfill.

Aladdin: I am glad to express the desire to express:
Return us as soon as possible to Baghdad!

The Palace of the Sultan.
And it's time for us to return to Baghdad
And to the life of the capital to plunge.
Who knows what is waiting for everyone now,
After all, the palace is a coup!
The sultan suddenly had enough blow -
The power was seized by the vizier of Jafar.

(Jasmine comes out, followed by a vizier.)

Jafar: Become my wife, please!
You will save the Sultan and yourself.

JASMINE: Go, Jafar, away from here!

Jafar: You don't want to help your father?!
Or maybe you are waiting for Aladdin?
He disappeared for a long time in the desert.

JASMINE: I do not believe a single one!

Jafar: Well, this is not new for me.
So, my former lord,
Is the dungeon a glorious monastery?

JASMINE: Father, tell me, are you healthy?!

Jafar: Call, perhaps, doctors?

Sultan: Wait a minute, Aladdin will return ....
He is almost like a son to me.

Jafar: Since when did you become so sweet,
What did the poor adopted?
In vain you are waiting for Aladdin,
He will not return, the word of the Lord.
(Enters Aladdin.)

Aladdin: It’s not good to throw words into the wind,
Which you will not be able to hold back!

Jafar: Aladdin?

JASMINE: Aladdin!
(Rushes to Aladdin, but Jafar intercepts the princess.)

Sultan: I will give your daughter to you - jasmine,
Just save us, Aladdin!

Aladdin: Well, well, in war as in war!
Let the magical diamond help me.
(Takes out a diamond.)

Jafar: I didn't lose time for nothing either,
Therefore, he became a black magician.
Any sage would ask -
Almaz is powerless against me.
You are not in a word of hope,
After all, it will never be as before.
Princesses do not see you
You lost in this struggle!

Aladdin: No, wait a minute! There is a proposal.

Jafar: So say, I'm impatiently.

Aladdin: I change the jasmine to the diamond.

Sultan: For me, the exchange is just right!
And don't forget about me.

Aladdin: Well? Have you thought of anything?
Diamond will fulfill all your desires,
You will become the Lord of the Universe.

Jafar: Jafar agrees to such an exchange.
Give me diamond, take jasmine in return,
Yes, and grab the sultan in addition.
Truly, today is a good day!
With diamond, if I want
I will seize power over the world!

JASMINE: What to do?! By the power of their charms
The world Vizier Jafar will destroy the world!
(Santa Claus comes out.)
SANTA CLAUS: Ah, Aladdin, how beautiful in the palace!
I listened to the peacock, sings so marvelous.
Yes, you got drunk somewhere
Everywhere I was looking for you.

Aladdin: Eh, Santa Claus, we have trouble!
You in a hurry came here in vain.

Jafar: My mind has not yet befell,
Where did you come from, old man?
I command everyone to grab everyone
In Zindan to plant cold!

SANTA CLAUS: Grab?! Yes, I'll show you!
With a snowstorm, I will twist a blizzard.
Hey cold winds!
It’s time for you to fly.
Watch, overtake
And take away the villain
You are to a distant country
Better right on the moon.
(Jafar carries the wind.)

Sultan: Ouch! Yes, this is a white magician!

SANTA CLAUS: Did I do something wrong?

Aladdin: Grandfather, you were anger in anger!
Jafar is now not dangerous to us.
You saved all Baghdad from him,
And I am very happy about this.

Sultan: And I am glad, I don't know!
Again, I rule the country.
Well, well, glorious Aladdin,
You deserve my jasmine.

Aladdin: I will cherish it!

JASMINE: We will live together in agreement.

SANTA CLAUS: I hope no one will mind here?
I called my granddaughter on the carpet, on an airplane.
She is lucky for you my gifts.

Sultan: How good! ..

SANTA CLAUS: That's just very hot.
(Enters the Snow Maiden.)

Well, for the holiday I managed to
I flew on the plane.
Ah, grandfather, I missed so
And where to look for you, I did not know.

SANTA CLAUS: My friends invited me here,
They asked to help a little.

Sultan: Well, if everyone is going here,
So sing, dance and have fun!
Hey, Leila, what are you standing there?
Bring Sherbet, Halva, Kishmish.
Don't forget about vitamins:
Hurmma, nuts, oranges.
Call the people here rather,
We are glad to see all friends!
(Games, dancing, entertainment are held.)

Alteration of the fairy tale in the new Lad “Aleladin's magic lamp for preschoolers -“ Princess Jasmine and Sun ”

Alteration of a fairy tale in a new way of Aldladin's magic lamp for preschoolers - Princess Jasmine and Sun
Alteration of the fairy tale in the new Lad “Aleladin's magic lamp for preschoolers -“ Princess Jasmine and Sun ”

Alteration of a fairy tale in a new way “Aleladin's magic lamp for preschoolers -“ Princess Jasmine and Sun ”:

Presenter: Again nature has awakened
Filled a field, forest, river
And reported the news of the bird
Be jubilant everything, spring has come!

Group of children: Brighter, sun, shine
Warm our land
Grass, grass, green
Come, spring, soon!

Group of children: With delicate leaves
With the first leaflets
With warm joyful rain
Come, spring, we are waiting.

Presenter: I'll take a magical spring flower
I will quietly wave the magic flower
Let the fairy tale come to the holiday today
The story of a wonderful one will bring us

Eastern music sounds

Presenter: Where did we get, children?
Here are palm trees, sea and sand
There is no miraculous place in the world
Just like in a fairy tale, look
I found an old jug
Perhaps a wizard lives in it
The obedient of our will
But what do we hear? How wonderful!
And the music sounds again
Who is dancing so beautifully there
Someone is in a hurry to us for a holiday

Jasmine appears

Jasmine: Greetings, residents of an unknown planet!
I'm glad, precious, that you came to visit
Believe in my country, so boring and dull
There is no one who could be called good, sweet
Princess I'm jasmine, beautiful and sweet
But I will not find rest at night I am not during the day

Presenter: And I have a gift for you (holds a jug for it)

Jasmine: Jug? But why is it black?
As if smoked
Perhaps I will fuck him
And the sparkle of the former will return to him

Jasmine tries a jug, drops it. A genie appears

Genie: What do you want, O powerful mistress?
To fulfill your desires
I, genie, came to you here
I was in a jug for two hundred years
Did not eat, did not drink, but only slept
You freed me
And so I became your slave

Jasmine: I want now, in an instant,
To visit a wonderful field
Both Svetlyachkov and butterflies
I want to meet

The genie claps his hands:
Please, about the princess, if you please!

Dance "Butterflies"

Jasmine: How wonderful! Everyone is dancing lovely!

Genie: Princess, in the world there is no more beautiful you
There are millions of stars in the sky, one moon
What is visible from the window at night
There is still the sun, and it
To the delight of people is given to everyone

Jasmine: To the joy of people, not me!
Let the whole moon rejoice
And I want the sun
I want, I want, I want, I want!
Jin, you hear, I want the sun!

Gin: I obey and obey, mistress
I will take the sun to you here

(brings the sun)

Gin: Oh, Princess Jasmine
The order was executed by the genie

Jasmine: The sun is chopped, tie and not let anyone in it!

Presenter: Guys, how to be?
After all, the sun should glow everything
Otherwise it will be forever night
How can the sun help?

(Children make assumptions)

We will amuse Jasmine
And do not let her miss
The princess will be cheerful
She will let go of the sun

Let's get a cheerful spring round dance!

Presenter: Well, how, princess? We tried our best
Deliver joy to you now

Jasmine: Ah, leave me alone! Joy is the sun
And the sun does not shine for you

Presenter: What to do, children?
How to be?
How do we surprise the princess?
Let's read poetry for her.
Children tell poems.

Jasmine: Oh, I liked your poems so much, well, after all, I have not yet been amused ...

Presenter: A poem about a sunny bunny.
Poem about streams
Song "Hount of Spring"

Jasmine: Thank you children
Genie, let go now

Music sounds and the sun appears

Sun: And here are bird songs
Heard both there and here
And protein like a ladder
Runes through the branches
I know - very joyful
Such as the sun to be
And immediately rain and rainbow
To be easy to give

Children: The sun is red!
Gori, Gori clearly
Flying in the sky
We illuminate our land

Presenter: Dear guests, and listen to how our guys know how to sing

The song "Smile" (all)

Video: Audio ski for children. The magic lamp ALLADINA

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