Where to find a dream man: 14 of the most successful places

Where to find a dream man: 14 of the most successful places

Most girls dream of an ideal husband, a large family and a complete bowl. Since ancient times, the girls were guessed on the narrowed, but these fortune -telling remained in the past, as part of our culture, the Internet, of course, is rich in stories when they got into the guys, but they did not become narrowed - so where to meet a man - let's find out .

Currently, acquaintance can happen at any time, Cupid can shoot from his bow and on a walk in the park, and at a disco, and even in the queue for coffee. Below we will analyze successful places to meet the man of our dreams.

Where to find a dream man: a list of successful places

Public transport

  • The purpose of buses is not only the movement of people, but also unification of hearts. After all, the route may be long, and the battery on the phone will sit faster than the destination will be achieved.
  • And an unobtrusive conversation will help to somehow avoid boredom-this is one of the most successful places where you can meet a dream men.
You can get acquainted on the way to work
You can get acquainted on the way to work

The story of the girl Katya, who successfully met in transport.She rode along her daily route to study, and caught the gaze of a pretty guy who examined her and smiled. Going out at her stop, Katya hurried to work, and returning home received an SMS on a social network from friends with text: "Are they looking for you?" It turns out that the guy was embarrassed to speak with her right away, but the thoughts of a wonderful stranger did not leave him. And he resolutely moved to action by writing in the group of the social network of his hometown, that he was looking for a girl, describing her appearance, tattoo and even the shape of earrings in detail. On that day, many acquaintances wrote to her and transmitted the contacts of the guy. Their story has a great continuation, their son Miron, will soon be a year.


  • A place with such a high concentration of beautiful pumped bodies is simply ideal for dating. After all, sport is also care for health, correct habits and discipline.
  • Tip to find a dream man:ask for helping you like the guy to remove the pancakes from the simulator, or to show how to do the exercise for triceps. It is important to remember that you need to look as natural as possible. You came first to play sports, not flirt. On the other hand, healthy competition will make you work on yourself and become more sports, and this is no doubt a plus.
Sport combines hearts
Sport combines hearts

Business lunch

  • After the gym, you can look in a cafe on a business lunch, which usually go to idle leaders, directors, businessmen, as well as other employees.
  • Advice to find a dream man: Try to smile a lot, and do not stare at a certain man. Be friendly, smiling, create an aura around which everything blooms next to you. Believe me, when men are focused on work for a long time, they will not miss the opportunity to flirt with a beautiful girl over a cup of coffee. In addition, he will be pleased to talk about something other than work. Choose cafe next to business centers, large holdings, banks, Still, it is there that most men who go to business lunch work.
You can find a successful businessman on a business lunch
You can find a successful businessman on a business lunch

Shopping center

  • Of course, there are too many people in the shopping center, and all of them can be busy with their own business, but take a closer look if your hero chooses himself now shirt, shoes or belt.
  • We girls are big fans of shopping, so why not combine the pleasant with useful and not to meet a guy from a neighboring fitting room? Take the initiative in your own hands, make a sincere compliment, and you will not notice how you exchange phone numbers yourself.
  • And also pay attention to men in supermarkets, only not those who go with a list, or with diapers in a basket, we are interested in others. By the way, you can also read it as an open book by looking at the contents of his purchases.
  • Tip how to find a dream man: Ask to recommend a good rum or whiskey, make a reservation that you don’t know anything about it, and you want to make a gift to the boss. Any man will devote time to demonstrate his knowledge in this category of drinks. And then, if sympathy has occurred between you, you can always invite him to tasting the chosen drink. After all, you need to make sure that the gift is good!

car showroom

  • This place is undoubtedly concentrated by a large number of men, because They usually come for themselves with friends, colleagues and relatives, less often with wives or friends, because women will not be able to give advice of a technical nature.
  • Visit car dealership of your favorite brand Cars, and look at the men who choose a car. After all, an option is possible when, when purchasing a car, a man will already know who he will roll around the night city.
  • FROMfairy, how to find a man: check out in advance with the history of the selected brand of cars, the manufacturer, interesting facts, models, complete set and its advantages. After all, not many people know that the brand of the Mercedes-Benz car was called the name of the daughter (Mercedes) of one of the designers, and this is a very interesting fact.
Great place for dating
Great place for dating

Internet forums

  • You will be surprised, but men, like women read forums, chats, and quite often ask for advice or give their comments on topics that concern them.
  • In the era of information technology, we all want to keep abreast of events, news, incidents and innovations, and undoubtedly want to express our opinion whatever it may be.
  • Choose a forum or group on social networks of a specialized format, for example, financial, legal assistance, or auto/motorcycle amateurs. Pay your attention to the section in which you could give advice or share knowledge, read comments and answer them, make acquaintances.
  • Remember the main thing - "He who owns the information he owns the world." Having once prompted someone on the forum to resolve the issue, this person will surely thank you, and most likely he will ask your advice in the future. And this is wonderful to have many acquaintances who later become friends, partners.

SPA complex

  • This myth that SPA is attended only by girls, it's time to dispel. SPA in which there are hammams, a bathhouse and a pool are chosen for relaxation and relaxation and men.
  • Take a girlfriend and aid in SPA! After all, how good it is in the soul after chocolate wrap, and there the eyes will light up - begin to shoot them at the candidates.
Acquaintance during rest
Acquaintance during rest


  • Your office is the place where you spend as much time as possible, your colleagues become your friends and your support, leaders are mentors, and you share what is happening in your life in a team.
  • Many people work in large organizations, the number of employees of which is much more than 1000, and among them there may be your perfect half. The easiest way to get closer to the man you like is corporatewhich is spent at least once a year, outputs for nature, tea party on the occasion of birth, meetings or briefings, and of course communication in the smoking room.
  • It is not entirely useful to start smoking in order to meet or communicate with the right person, but standing nearby under the guise of a conversation on the phone can be more than ever.


  • This option is easy to implement for autoledia. So, let's assume your driving experience quite large, and you know for sure the sequence of actions at the gas station, but your goal is to attract the attention of a man on a beautiful SUV in front of you.
  • Remember all funny jokes about girls at a gas station, try on the role of a sweet fool, go to a man and ask that what oil He buys for his car. According to legend, you have recently become a driver, and you want to choose only the best for your car, and there is no one to ask for advice.
  • Any man will always help in such a situation, because if you do at the beginning of the conversation at the beginning compliment of the technical characteristics of his machine - This will bribe him more than if the compliment was addressed to him personally.
Clarify the questions about the car
Clarify the questions about the car
  • Council to find a man for a relationship: Ask clarifying questions about the replacement of oil, filters, brake pads, make it clear that you are very serious about the serviceability of your vehicle, but it turned out that in your environment there are no people who are able to help you with the car.
  • Ask for contacts of proven service stations or a man’s phone number for a possible consultation by phone (for brave women who see that contact is established). Tell him that no one has yet presented information to you in detail, in gratitude for the time given, you can treat your hero with a cup of aromatic coffee, which is always sold at gas stations.

Courses and trainings

  • This attracts this if you want the king to be with you, become the queen, otherwise in any way. Having set a goal, we must certainly go forward, implement it. If your goal is to get acquainted with the opposite sex, then choose courses where the male audience will prevail.
  • For example, if you have long thought about changing activities, and you are considering IT direction (This direction prevails by men like no other), then you need to look for the appropriate courses and trainings. You can successfully make new interesting acquaintances, ask questions and consult Not only with teachers, but also your classmates.
  • This method is win -win - you get both knowledge and smart partners.
You can meet a man in the courses
You can meet a man in the courses
  • Council to find a good man: It is better to study with specialists who showed good results in your chosen field, look at the courses and trainings on a topic that is interesting to you. As a result, you get new tools for work, communication in the group of the same purposeful people as you. Among which, there are men with whom you can flirt during a coffee break.

Sports events

  • Park runs, bike rods, volleyball on the beach - all these are excellent ways of pastime and acquaintance.
  • You can look for the company in advance on the Internet, or just come to the stadium, start running and getting to know each other. Thus, you will find a partner close to you in spirit.

Concerts, music festivals

  • The similarity in musical tastes is a plus. Both family men, or idle, come to such events. Take a closer look at the guy you are interested in, make sure that he came alone.
  • It is better to start a conversation with assessment of the work of musicians on stage, any fan will answer you and complement your replica. The main thing here is not to be very intrusive, because everyone came first to the concert.

Places for walking with pets

  • Have you thought that dogs, like cats are endowed with a special gift of rapprochement of people. There are quite a lot of cases when dogs on a walk get acquainted with people they like, and thus introduce their owners.
  • If a cute fluffy dog \u200b\u200bruns to you on the street and licks your hand, you will definitely want to know her name, breed and age. So easy and The conversation is tied And the following meetings are scheduled. After all, maybe your new acquaintance also has a pet at home, then you have countless ones for conversation.
Animal unification
Animal unification

City games

  • Do you remember how in childhood we gathered in the yards and arranged games, doused with water from pistols, and in the evening they told terrible stories, which were often the fruit of our imagination.
  • We grew up, but continued to get ready to play the mafia, hold quests, Brain-scraps, intellectual games. At such events, you will not only have a great time, but also make acquaintances. You can then remember how you met competing with each other. Azart and love want hand in hand.

Dating places, where can you find a man There are quite a lot of dreams, and it doesn’t matter where fate pushed you, on the dating site or on the beach, the essence of dating is the same everywhere: be attractive and smile, you will be brighter from your smile!

Have you already found a guy thanks to our advice? Then read the following articles about the relationship:

Video: Dreams man - wait?

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