Sildenafil: Instructions for use, dosage for men and women, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, duration of admission. Sildenafil: How long does it start to act and how many hours does the tablet work, how is it combined with alcohol?

Sildenafil: Instructions for use, dosage for men and women, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, duration of admission. Sildenafil: How long does it start to act and how many hours does the tablet work, how is it combined with alcohol?

Indications and instructions for the use of Sildenafil.

In our age of the modern industry, it has long been not a problem using special drugs to extend male youth and sexual strength. But not everyone knows how to take such medicines as sildenafil, whether they harm the body and what their real purpose is. We will talk about this and much more in our article.

Sildenafil: The composition, what does it help from, heals?

  • The medication is a potent vasodilator, which is used:
  1. For the treatment of problems with an erection in male and optimizing a natural response to sexual arousal
  2. For the treatment of patients with pulmonary hypertension
  • The main active substance is sildenafil citrate
  • Auxiliary components:
  1. Gipromellose
  2. Lactose
  3. Tiacetin
  4. Dioxide titanium
  5. Indigo carmine
  6. Microcrystalline cellulose
  7. Povidon
  8. Magnesium stearat

Sildenafil - Viagra substitute: Indications and instructions for use for men

  • Shown:
  1. With various types of genesis
  2. With the failure of an erection
  • The tablet is taken 50-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. Dosage - from 25 to 100 mg in 24 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient

Sildenafil - Viagra substitute: Indications and instructions for use for women

  1. Apply to enhance sexual activity during menopause or subsequently surgery related to the removal of the uterus
  2. Positively acts on natural sexual activity with an increase in libido
  3. Makes the sensations of intimacy and caresses more sensual
  4. Reduces the period of normal sexual arousal
  5. Increases vaginal lubricant
  6. Causes with frigidity

Video: How does Sildenafil (Viagra) work?

Sildenafil - Viagra substitute: Indications and instructions for use for women

  • The amount and daily dose of administration is similar to the drug intended for men

How to take sildenafil tablets blue and pink for men and women?

  • There are no strong differences in male and female generics
  • When taking the drug, you should take into account:
  1. Using tablets on an empty stomach accelerates its time of action by 20-30 minutes
  2. The presence of pathologies in the kidneys and liver provides for a reduction in the dose of the drug to 25 mg per day
  3. Detection of side effects, such as a decrease in vision and hearing, gives a signal about the instant termination of taking the drug
  4. It is forbidden to combine tablets with similar medicines aimed at increasing erection
  5. Follow your own condition when driving a car, since the product can lower pressure, cloud the review and violate color perception
  6. Excess dosage can lead to non -predictable consequences

Sildenafil: How much does the tablet start to act and how many hours?

  • The effect of the drug begins depending on many factors. In particular, if it is taken before meals - after half an hour, after eating - after 50 minutes.
  • The duration of action depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the action that constitutes the means on his body. It can last from 4 to 12 hours.

Sildenafil: Is an overdose terrible, is there any addiction?

  • Exceeding the maximum daily dose can lead to the following negative symptoms:
    1. Fever
    2. Dizziness
    3. A sharp decrease in blood pressure
    4. Digestive problems
    5. Congestion of the nasal sinuses
    6. Blood flow to the face
    7. Headache
    8. Deterioration in the state of the visual organs
  • The manifestation of symptoms increases in proportion to the excess of the accepted dose over the established norm.
  • The medication does not apply to drugs causing, since its effect does not apply to the nervous system, including the brain. This is confirmed by various scientific research.
  • It can be purchased in pharmacies without a medical prescription. Psychological dependence sometimes occurs in men with low self -esteem. But it is in no way connected with addiction.

Sildenafil: Contraindications, side effects

Taking the drug is strictly prohibited in the case of the following diseases:

  1. Angina pectoris
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver
  3. Aortic stenosis
  4. Cardiomyopathy
  5. Hypotension
  6. Heart failure
  7. Heart attack or stroke, transferred for 6 months before admission
  8. Some pathologies of the retina of the eyes

As well as:

  1. Children who have not reached 18 years of age
  2. In the presence of intolerance to the medication and an allergic reaction to its components

The use of a medication requires a preliminary consultation of a doctor with available ailments, such as:

  1. Leukemia
  2. Anomalies in the form and injury of penis
  3. Anemia of a sickle-cell type
  4. Myeloma
  5. Low composition of platelets in the blood
  6. Ventricular extrasystole

Throughout therapy, the product does not cause adverse reactions in a healthy person.

Sildenafil: How many days can you take for a course of treatment?

Wrap the tablets with water
  • For effective treatment, the product must be taken at least two months.

Is it possible to take sildenafil every day and what are the consequences of a long -term trick?

  • It is advisable after a one-time daily reception to pause for 1-2 days
  • The proper intake of Viagra does not harm a healthy organism
  • Abuse is a guarantor of problems with the state of health, instead of pleasant long -term sex. The rejection of the drug in this case leads to the fact that a member can no longer show its activity without taking pills. In addition, taking several tablets per day, further infertility can be provoked.

Sildenafil: Alcohol compatibility

  • In moderate doses, alcohol, when using the means under consideration, is not contraindicated

What is the difference between female sildenafil and male?

  • In their content, female and men's tablets to improve orgasm during sexual contact are practically no different and are generics of each other.
  • The difference lies in the direction of the drug associated with their physiological characteristics of female and male organisms. Indications for use are discussed above.

Sildenafil: Analogs

Separate two types of analogues of this drug:

  • Depending on the active substance:
  1. Viagra
  2. Bastrician
  3. Dynamic
  4. Revasio
  5. Sildenafil Veretex
  6. Sildenafil SZ (Northern Star)
  • According to the therapeutic effect:
  1. Alisat
  2. Borocriptean
  3. Verona
  4. Viardo Forte
  5. Impaz
  6. Carinate Forte
  7. Levitra
  8. Nostpin
  9. Tentex Forte and others

Sildenafil: Is there food in food and in which?

Natural stimulants of potency: coffee and chocolate

Since the drug is completely artificial, it is impossible to find its components in food.

Natural analogues of beneficial effects on sexual function are considered:

  • chocolate
  • olive oil
  • asparagus
  • coffee
  • dates
  • bananas,
  • vanilla
  • nuts
  • citruses
  • grenades
  • figs
  • onion and garlic
  • greens
  • dandelion leaves
  • milk and dairy products
  • low -fat meat
  • fish and seafood

Of course, there will be no such pronounced and quick effect as from the use of sildenafil. But it is recommended to use an alternative.

Sildenafil: Reviews of men and women

  • The opinion of the female half of the population was divided into two camps:
  1. Reception of Viagra for a variety of sensations, enhancing sensitivity, obtaining the desired orgasm causes a good attitude to the drug. Diarrhea, abdominal pain and other side effects reduce female positive to Viagra, but do not force them to categorically refuse.
    But excessively sexual desire within a week after taking the drug, obviously does not like many women.
  2. According to the reviews of women who underwent the operation to remove the uterus, tablets provide effective assistance to remove the psychological barrier. They remove a feeling of uncertainty and shyness, due to the inferiority complex. Like these ladies sildenafil due to an increase in the amount of vaginal lubrication, exacerbation of sensation and activation of sensitivity. They leave most positive reviews about Viagra.
  • Men do not like to share reviews too much, according to some of their words, draw conclusions yourself:

Michael: “Great remedy. My unpleasant problem was that I managed to start action, but to finish - no. I experienced various pills. Helped "Sildenafil." After the first trick, I felt a pleasant feeling of excitement and turned out to be full -fledged sex. I take strictly according to the instructions. I did not notice side effects. ”

Konstantin: “I drink as necessary a couple of times a month, immediately before the performance of marital duties. The quality of sex, thanks to Viagra, both I and the wife are satisfied. But after taking an unpleasant lump in the throat, the head dizzy. In general, I recommend counting on my strength and often not accept. ”

Dmitry:»Vision fell sharply, without pills, completely powerless, pressure problems. Of course, a member is worth it, with its help, how much is needed and everything else. Think that it is more important for you before using these pills. "

Victor: “I bought this miracle according to reviews. Do not believe - all this is nonsense. I had no strong problems. I just wanted to get additional sensations and surprise my lady with a huge number of times a night. Nothing of the kind: two before him, after admission - also two. "

As you can see, there is no unambiguous opinion about the drug. This is clear. Each person is individual: their own characteristics of the body, their own requirements for the desired result. When making decisions on the use of Viagra, consider these circumstances so as not to get disappointment.

Video: quickly about medicines. Sildenafil

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Comments K. article

  1. Good day! Who had problems with the erection? Taken this drug? How is it in effectiveness? Thank you in advance who will answer.

  2. They prescribed me a doctor, they helped me

  3. And I bought another, Viatail. The doctor prescribed it to me, he said financially more affordable than all known analogues. It suits me quite, in bed I am a fire!

  4. There is a means of Vildera, on Sildenafil. It is worth using it when there are problems with potency, well, or when you need to show yourself. But every time it is unlikely. Although Vildera is a cheap tool, about 35 rubles costs one tablet (if you take a large package).

  5. There is a means of Vildera, on Sildenafil. It is worth using it when there are problems with potency, well, or when you need to show yourself. But every time it is unlikely. Although Vildera is a cheap tool, about 35 rubles costs one tablet (if you take a large package).

  6. I take the name "Sildenafil-SZ" for a long time. The effect happens every time. The tolerance is normal.

  7. Greetings, I wanted to ask the same question about Tadalafil. I was discharged Tadalafil 5 mg per day. According to reviews, a good drug, but if I take it for a long time, will I have problems in the future?

  8. Michael, from such a modest dosage of Tadalafil-SZ, no troubles should be expected. Perhaps even avoid prostatitis in the future. And blood circulation will improve. Even the pressure will not rise. So don't worry.

  9. I feel even better from Tadalafil, the pressure drops, usually increased pressure, but sildenafil, on the contrary, gives a lot of side effects

  10. Of the drugs of Sildenafil, the most famous Viagra in the world, in the Russian Federation-Sildenafil-SZ. The dose is from 25 to 100 mg.

  11. Both Sildenafil production "Northern Star", and the Tadalafil-SZ I now taken have an excellent and quick effect. The second has more duration.

  12. Of the drugs of Sildenafil, the most famous Viagra in the world, in the Russian Federation-Sildenafil-SZ. The dose is from 25 to 100 mg.

  13. I was also appointed Tadalafil-SZ when they found out the cause of Ed. The course took 5 mg daily, and when planning intimacy - 20 mg. Before that I drank 50 mg of sildenafil once. I am very pleased with both drugs.

  14. Reception of sildenafil-SZ tablets should be started with 25 milligrams. Very often this dose is enough to achieve a complete effect in a certain respect. With insufficient effect, it is gradually increasing to 50-100 mg. It is not recommended to take more than 100 mg. The product is inexpensive.

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