Schungit cream balm for joints-composition, side effects, reviews: how to use the product?

Schungit cream balm for joints-composition, side effects, reviews: how to use the product?

The article has detailed information on how to use shungite cream-balm if joints hurt. You will also find out what side effect the drug can have.

The unknown name of the cream-balm-shungite, causes immediately the desire to find out what this word means. Shungite is a mineral (carbon -containing). Outwardly, it is a black stone. For the first time it was found in Prionezhie in Karelia. Then the mineral was called an aspid stone.

People noticed that the mineral has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. And Peter the Great built a resort called Martial Water at the location of Shungit. Basically, there I lived all to know. By the end of the nineteenth century, the mineral was renamed to Shungit, thanks to the name of the village of Shunga, where it was discovered.

Schungit cream-balsam for joints-a composition, when is effective?

The joint cream for joints is a finely dispersed shungite, mixed with a number of other natural components that have a beneficial effect on cartilage, joints, bone material. The action of the cream is based on the influence of full -tires on these fabrics. These molecules are powerful antioxidants that are able to suppress the process of oxidation of the body building material with their free radicals.

There are different substances in cream-balmage, among them:

  1. Eucalyptus oil - This product has an anti -inflammatory, analgesic effect on the joints and has an antiseptic, antibacterial effect. Most often, the extract of eucalyptus is used to combat rheumatism and arthritis with bright-erected pain syndrome. Eucalyptus is able to regenerate damaged joint and cartilage.
  2. Availability vitamin e leads to a slowdown in the aging of bones and joints. Thanks to it, the antioxidant effect of the cream increases.
  3. The warming effect after using the balm occurs due to the presence of the drug red pepper extract. It also contributes to the stimulation of blood circulation in muscle tissues, etc.
  4. To enhance the positive dynamics of the drug, hawthorn, thyme, nettles, St. John's wort are used.
  5. Besides - nettle It is the most direct source of organic silicon. This component is important for the restoration of joint material and for the production of collagen.
  6. A st. John's wort - This is an antiseptic that can not allow harmful bacteria that can destroy the structure of the balm.
Balm cream shungite. How to treat joints?
Balm cream shungite. How to treat joints?

Schungit for joints significantly affects the normalization of metabolic reactions, enhances the blood flow of oxygen, blood in the zones of the application of the balm. That is why the restoration process of the building material of bone tissues, joints, and cartilage tissues improves.

Therefore, the joints after the use of cream-balsam are more resistant to destructive factors of various kinds. And excipients improve the positive effect of shungite on the joints by eliminating pain, warming, reducing inflammatory processes. After the use of the drug, patients feel relief of the condition and the restoration of motor functions of the articular material.

IMPORTANT: If you want to use shungite cream-balsa, then without fail, test it before its first use. To do this, take a little balm and apply your hand on the outside of the hand. If there are no irritations for twenty minutes, then feel free to use the product.

Schungit cream balsam for joints-how to use?

It is recommended to use the ointment according to this scheme:clean the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflamed joint tissue. Then, squeeze out a small pea of \u200b\u200bcream-balmus into the hands and rub it with massaging movements in the site of the inflamed joint. It is advisable to rub the ointment until it is absorbed inside. To calm the pain, wrap the sore spot with a woolen scarf.

For the best effect, use the cream three times a day, and make a warming bandage at night. Improving the patient's condition occurs quickly. But do not stop using the balm immediately after the pain sank. The course of therapy should be three to five weeks.

Shungite -based ointments
Shungite -based ointments

Side effect of shungite cream-balm

Almost none of the users complained about the side effects of shungite. After all, it does not have toxic substances in its composition, consists completely of natural components. It is very rare to irritate the skin. Basically, people with increased skin sensitivity suffer from them. Irritation on the epidermis is manifested due to the presence of red pepper in the cream.

Shungite balsam cream for joints-reviews

After monitoring the reviews about the shungite cream-balm, it was established that this tool copes with the pathologies of the joints perfectly. It is recommended by many specialists and patients themselves.

Sinelnikova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Neuropathologist, 44 years old:

Treatment of joint pathologies, ligaments are comprehensively. As a warming cream for anesthesia and removal of inflammation, I often prescribe a shungite balm. This drug is effective for various diseases of the joints, spine.

Mikhailovsky Viktor Ivanovich, Manual Therapist, 52 years old:

Patients with different pathologies of joints, bone tissues often contact me. Basically, the root cause of many of them is age -related changes. After all, the older the patient, the worse his well -being. Affected joints need additional care. Balm cream is ideal for this purpose. The cream perfectly relieves inflammation, relieves pain. Thanks to natural natural substances, the condition of the articular tissues improves, and stiffness passes.

How to treat joints?
How to treat joints?


Reviews of patients about this drug are mainly positive, further in more detail.

Maria, 38 years old:

I often have swelling of the legs, and my knees hurt. That is why I bought at the pharmacy on the advice of the pharmacist Shungit. The effect of the drug is manifested quickly. Already after the first use of the pain almost passed. Also, the next morning was sleeping swelling. Good remedy and not very expensive.

Valentina, 48 years old:

After forty years, she noticed that the joints began to hurt. The doctor recommended comprehensive treatment. It is also bad that I have varicose veins, it is difficult to choose an ointment. The surgeon advised in addition to pills to use shungite. The tool really helps from pain, rubbing into my knees twice a day. If you want to quickly relieve inflammation, then try the balm, at the same time get rid of pain.

Natalia, 37 years old:

Joint diseases haunt our family. My grandmother’s knees were sick, my mother’s hurt, and now with me. It is good that the pharmacy has many creams, gels, from these pathologies. I decided to try natural shungite. He has all the ingredients harmless because it is natural. Using the product is very simple, and convenient. Only a minus is a specific aroma. But this drawback is blocked by its effectiveness. It quickly suppresses pain, contributes to a general improvement in condition.

Maria 64 years old:

My doctor advised me. The cream-balsam has a low price and has enough for a long time. It is not very difficult to use the product, it is enough to apply it to the sore joint and wait until it is absorbed. After several times the use of the cream, I noticed significant relief. The joints stopped hurting, and it was better to feel. I definitely advise you to try it.

Video: Shungit - what is it?

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