Repressed people: search by last name, name, patronymic. How to find a repressed relative by the name of the name and patronymic?

Repressed people: search by last name, name, patronymic. How to find a repressed relative by the name of the name and patronymic?

Victims of political terror in the USSR in the 30s, 1937: How to find lists of repressed relatives?

Soviet repressions won more than one fate in their millstones. Now the search for repressed people is being conducted, information is gathering grains that helps relatives find at least some information about the fate of a native person.

Is it possible to independently find a repressed person in an existing database, how to use a memory book and from whom to look for help? This will be our article.

Where to look for lists of repressed people: databases, memory book

If you are trying to find information about an unfairly convicted relative, then the first thing you will need, except for his last name and name, it will be the date and place of birth of the victim of political terror.

Local archives of registry offices have materials regarding biological data about a person. If you need information about a relative convicted under a political article and living at the time of conviction in Moscow, then you should contact the State Archive of Moscow.

For information about the repressed relative living in Moscow, you should contact the State Archive of Moscow

The search for documents of the victim of political repressions is better to start with the World Wide Web. There are resources where all information from the KGB archives is collected. The opportunity to get acquainted with the preserved materials and affairs of prisoners appeared since the 1990s. It was then that the affairs of the prisoners opened access.

Where else to look for information?

  • In the archival base of the Society "Memorial"
  • On the Open List service (produces a collection of data available for familiarization from “memory books” produced by region)

Services have materials regarding the date of condemnation, the articles on which the person was attracted. If you are lucky, then here you can find data on the number of the criminal case for the specific name of the convict.

Information about the ancestors can also be “getting” with those who are engaged in genealogy (searching for information about the ancestors). It will be easier to take the process of searching for the desired archive with them, it will be possible to immediately correctly form the text of the request. And if there is at least some information about a relative concluded during a large terror, then it will be easier for such a specialist to search for the necessary documents.

The Memorial International Historical and Educational Society also provides assistance to everyone who turns for help in searching for information. His tasks include collecting and storing historical data on concluded during the years of repressions in the post -Soviet space, other information about the great terror. Information support on the resource is provided for free.

The starting point of searches on the resource "Memorial" - the section "Personal business of everyone"

Here's what you can find out about the victims of political repression through the Memorial society:

  • Why a repressed person was shot
  • The number of the article on which the person was sent to the camp or sent to exile
  • The reason for the wheels of a repressive machine

The form of circulation on the resource has not been established. You can write a letter to society and send it by mail, you can leave a request in search by phone, or you can come and find out all the necessary information personally.

The algorithm for selecting data on a relative - a victim of political terror on the resource "Memorial":

  • Search start with the Memorial special project.
  • The starting point of searches on the Memorial service is the section "Personal business of everyone."

The resource provides an online designer. He “displays” the archive from which the search search should be started. After it becomes known, which department to contact, you can send a request there.

The section “Personal business of everyone” is a kind of storage of searching stories and comments about possible ways to receive victims of large terror of access to business.

Video: Information about the 1937 repressed ones became available on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

How to write requests to the archive to receive information about a repressed person?

The collection of materials about relatives whose fate was broken by the crucible of repression occurs at open databases, the forum of the All -Russian Directic Drevta. There are also forums that collect materials about victims of political repressions in specific camps, places of links, and deported peoples.

The archives of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSIN could also tell a lot about the repressed. However, all regional services have not have data on the repressed for a long time, since all cases of those arrested under political articles were transferred to regional information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The gloom of ignorance of a large terror scatters gradually

GARF (State Archive of the Russian Federation) can also have materials about repressed. Here you can find:

  • cases regarding the revolutionary tribunal
  • during the so-called “red terror” in the 1920s, emergency commissions were created, documents on which are now stored in the archive of the Saratov region.

The darkness of ignorance of terror is scattered gradually. Information about many materials and data were silent. That is why the results of work on perpetuating the memory of the victims, which lasts for two decades, are extremely not comforting.

One of the main areas of such work, in addition to the resurrection of the true appearance of our history, was to erect monuments in the regions to all victims of political repressions. However, in reality, now we can only talk about the installation at the turn of the 1980-1990s of embedded stones.

The priority tasks included work to create a Russian national museum dedicated to prisoners for political reasons. Only this vector, upon the return of the names of the repressed, contains pitfalls: exhibitions of regional historical and local history museums of relatively large terror provide negligible information.

The existing memorial plaques installed in memory of those who died from repressions do not contain mention of how tragic the death of our fellow citizens was.

  • In places of mass burials of those who underwent unreasonable persecution of the authorities, commemorative signs are established, but this is only a small share of what has been revealed today. Information about existing cemeteries near camps and labor settlements cannot be restored. But they are calculated by thousands!
  • Some cemeteries became wastelands, others have long been plowed or thickets. Residential massifs appeared on the territory of many of them, others became territories of industrial complexes. The fellow citizens who have lost their relatives until this time do not know where their parents, grandfathers, great -grandfathers buried their parents.
  • Far from execution is another task - the return of the names of those killed during the years of terror.
  • Biographical certificates of prisoners during terror deported in labor -speakers or mobilized in the labor are stored in the books of memory arrested under a political article during the terror period.
  • Books are in small circulations in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Millions of people in different countries of the world find information about the fate of relatives, whose fate has broken a large terror, thanks to these certificates. Historians, local historians, teachers, journalists also find a lot of data necessary for work. It’s just that you cannot get a book of memory in a bookstore or on the site. And not every library has a full set of martyrologists published.
All the names of the victims of political terror are not yet named

The Memorial Society, founded in 1998, is a resource on which information from local memory books is collected, which is a single database.

The details of the investigation over the arrested for political reasons can be found in the FSB archive of a particular area (where a relative was concluded) by writing a request. In the archives of the Federal Security Service are the investigative cases of prisoners during the terror period.

Information centers have such information about the repressions concluded during the period:

  • when he was in the camp
  • whether he had complaints, whether he wrote statements
  • the date of death and the place where it was buried

Therefore, you need to send a request here if you are interested in the above information. There are also data on special settlers - dispossessed and evicted, about deported peoples.

A request to the archive of the prosecutor’s office can be submitted if you are looking for documents about a person rehabilitated after a large terror. Regional courts contain data on rehabilitated in the 1950s. Some cases can be duplicated by the FSB archive. But in some regions this was not.

It is necessary to start a search for data from the victim of terror from the FSB archives, while duplicating appeals by the organs that at one time repressions.

How to write requests to the archive to receive information about a repressed person?

  • The essence of the request can be stated arbitrarily, in writing. You can formulate the text in free form. It is necessary to indicate: who you are, for what purpose are you looking for data on the victim of political repressions and why you need access to business.
  • You can send a request to e -mail if a specific archive has a valid electronic box.
  • On the website of the State Services there is an opportunity to draw up a request and send it to the FSB archive. It can also be done through a web acceptance. The mechanism for applying for archival information is also described here.
  • Archival information about the repressed is provided at the request for free.
  • It usually takes one or two months to process the request and preparation of the answer. In some cases, the response reports that the request was redirected to the archive of another department.
You need to start a search for information about the repressed from the FSB archives

Video: Search for repressed

What to do in case of refusal for a request?

  • A refusal of a request for repressed can be obtained in such cases:
    In the absence of information about a person
  • If the case of repressed contains information of state importance that constitute a state secret. Such information may be in the case of a repressed person who held a high position.
  • Sometimes relatives receive a refusal to access the case of repressed or some of the preserved documents. This is due to the law on personal data. The applicant retains the possibility of appealing the resulting failure.
  • You can contact such departments: FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSIN in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or to the court. However, a positive gathering of the case is unlikely. One of the arguments of the received refusal can serve as the fact that repressed, witnesses in the case, scammers have long been no living. The law of personal data refers to the living, the dead are not mentioned in it.
Benefits for relatives of repressed
Benefits for relatives of repressed

What to do if your relative is rehabilitated?

In the case of a repressed relatives, the archives send an archival certificate. What should be spelled out in the certificate?

  • basic information about the repressed
  • detailed information about the article
  • term
  • sentence

After receiving the archival certificate, the closest relatives of the repressed (children) can count on obtaining social benefits, provided that the relative followed through the rehabilitation court.
Rehabilitates a person through the court. This happens after a revision of the decision of the body that suffered the victim to criminal prosecution, repression.

Video: E. whether the benefits of the victims of political repression

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Comments K. article

  1. Can I find your ancestors? Where to write a request to which address?

  2. Find the Bogdanovich Miron Gomel region of the Ostrozhanka whose was repressed through the NKVD in 1937

  3. Diveev Samoil Nikolaevich Gorky region, Lukoyanovsky district, N. Ivanevo, was repressed through the NKVD B37

  4. Free M.I. Kalinin

  5. The organizer of the Marxian circles. Dispossessing

  6. Bogdanovich Miron Gomel region d Ostrozhinka was repressed along the NKVD line in 37

  7. Bogdanovich Miron Gomelsky about D at the Ostrozhanka repressed along the line in 1937 help me find my grandfather

  8. Real Ivan P. Loboy. Kolyma. Help me find out about my grandfather.

  9. I am looking for information about my grandfather Mikhnevich Joseph Pavlovich is repressed for 10 years with the Vinnitsa region (Pole). Hand you to find information about his place of birth.

  10. find information about Grandfather Isanaleev Sisengali RK, Ural region, Karatyubinsky district, Libischensk. Dispossessed in 30-31 years.

  11. find information about Grandfather Isanaleev Sisengali RK, Ural region, Karatyubinsky district, Libischensk. Dispossessed in 30-31 years.

  12. find the information about my grandmother Vatkerti Alexei Martynovich (with the middle name of doubt) was taken from the house of 1937-1939 (we definitely do not know) Krasnoyarsk Territory, Minusinsky district, p. Znamenka ... .. The family did not receive information about him ....

  13. Find information about the great -grandfather of the wife, the St. George Cavalier Kurochkin Nikita Petrovich repressed in the 30s and serving time in Crimean. He was justified, but where he was buried unknown. Presumably in the Crimea.

  14. Find information about my grandfather, Kornev Sergey Alekseevich, born in 1989 not exactly. Bryansk province.
    1937-1939 from the Donbass, Krasnodonsk district was repressed. He was a miner. There is no more information.

  15. All my life I wanted to know more about my grandfather. There was a time when no one said anything. Yes, and did not really know anything.

  16. I am looking for repressed by s. Konstantinovsky of the Stavropol Territory, and recreate a monument to them. My great -grandfather Tarasov Vladimir Ivanovich, my grandfather Tarasov Dmitry Vladimirovich - are repressed. We recreate the lost ...

  17. It was necessary to think about this earlier and not now ... When the oligarchs and poor people have drew all this ...

  18. my grandfather Pigarev Tikhon Egorovich year of birth of 1879 or 1884 living until March 05, 1938 in the Novosibirsk region of the Horde district, Maly Chick was reinforced in1960. What to find documents

  19. i ask you to help find my grandfather Khlustikov Alexei Stepanovich-1912 born in 1933 at night and is still unknown ... I was a wealthy peasant in the village of Ino-Zhotka Efremovsky district. Tulskiy region

  20. I ask you to help to find grandfather-Kuznetsov Yakov, the middle name is unknown, arrested in 1937, shot. Rehabilitated. lived the village of Adamovskoye, Smolensk region. (until 1944, from 1944, the Kaluga region) is a handyman. Arrested when following work in Kondopog. At that time, there were 4 children alive.

  21. I am looking for my great-grandfather, the grandfather of my mother Belyaev Osip (Joseph), the middle name is unknown about a year of the birth of 1896-1897. The place of residence was the Omsk region, Tarsky district, the village of Teis. We took away from the house more about him, we know nothing. Thank you if there is some kind of clue suddenly.

  22. i ask you to help find grandfather Izbrecht Kuno Reingoldovich born in 1914 . German. m. Shepetovka, Khmelnitsky district, Vinninsky region. Ukrainian SSR. Arrested on 11/17/1937. In the city of Priluki. Ukrainian SSR. Convicted on 12/16/1937. OPE under the NKVD of the USSR for KRD for 10 years. Where did you send? Place of departure of the sentence?. Help.

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