Magnesia or magnesium is the same or is there a difference?

Magnesia or magnesium is the same or is there a difference?

In this article we will tell you what magnesia is and, what is magnesium in tablets. How these drugs differ from each other.

Magnesium and magnesia - the same thing or not? This question is often asked by pregnant women, and sometimes not only them. It turns out irritability, insomnia and many other troubles - can also be caused by a deficiency of magnesium.

Magnesia and magnesium

We will immediately answer the question from the title of this article: magnesium and magnesia - the same thing or not?

Tablet magnesium and magnesia contain the same substance necessary for the body - macroelent Magnesium. But magnesia is the magnesium that is administered intravenously, through a dropper. Speaking with a scientific language, then magnesia is magnesium sulfate. And there are still tablets with magnesium, which include other magnesium compounds.

The substance is one, but the effect of magnesia and magnesium in tablets is very different. How much magnesium will receive the body very depends on the form of administration. Magnesia, unlike tablet magnesium, can cause severe side effects. How to avoid this, and how to take such a necessary magnesium we will tell in this article.

Who and why do you need magnesium at all?

Magnesia is what many of us associate with the maternity hospital and droppers. But magnesium deficiency can occur in any person, not only in pregnant women. Magnesium and magnesia are the same thing in terms of active substance. But magnesia is dripped only in a hospital and with special precautions, and magnesium in tablets is a mineral supplement, which may be needed by pregnant women and everyone else.

Signs of magnesium deficiency:

  • Cramps in the legs. If you feel that your calf muscles are twitched, then this means not only that your legs are tired. Convulsions are a characteristic sign of magnesium deficiency. However, fatigue and deficiency of magnesium are essentially synonyms. Here, doctors will make a remark that cramps can talk about thrombophlebitis and other problems with veins. Such cases really occur. But by 90% in convulsions, a deficiency of magnesium is still to blame.
Some packages even indicate what problems the magnesium fights with
Some packages even indicate what problems the magnesium fights with
  • Anxiety, nervousness and insomnia - These are also obvious signs that your reserves of magnesium are running out. There is also a reverse pattern: the more you are nervous, the more you need magnesium. And vice versa, if you get not enough magnesium with food, then you will definitely have anxiety and insomnia. Stress depletes magnesium reserves.
  • Tachycardia for no apparent reason. Or even, tachycardia has a reason, but too strong. Tachycardia is not a disease, it is just a condition when the heart often beats. For example, if you ran along the steps, and you have pounding in your chest, then you have tachycardia. When tachycardia occurs for no reason or it is too strong - this indicates a deficiency of magnesium.
  • Premenstrual syndrome - This is also sometimes the result of magnesium deficiency.
  • Preeclampsia - a formidable condition during pregnancy, and one of the few drugs that helps with him are drugs with magnesium.
Sometimes magnesium deficiency looks like this
Sometimes magnesium deficiency looks like this

Magnesium cannot be taken with dairy products

Magnesia and magnesium B6 are the same, in the sense that they cannot be taken simultaneously with calcium. Calcium and magnesium are antagonists. Calcium increases the tone of blood vessels and cell membranes, and magnesium, on the contrary, relaxes them.

Between the intake of calcium and magnesium, a break should be taken at least 2-3 hours. Otherwise, none of the substances will be able to absorb normally.

  • If you are lying in the hospital on support and you were put a dropper with magnesia, you do not need to bite at this moment with yogurt or sweet cheese. Cottage cheese is generally a champion among dairy products in the content of calcium.
  • If you came to relatives in the village, and you were offered a salad with fresh green vegetables (they have a lot of magnesium) and cottage cheese, then it is better to eat these products separately, with an interval of three hours or more.

Magnesium content products are brown algae (the same kelp from the supermarket), bran, pumpkin seeds and cocoa. Perhaps that is why chocolate treats sadness so well. But it is believed that of these products, magnesium may not be as well absorbed as from fresh greenery and legumes.

Modern people often have a magnesium deficiency. Because in our usual food - bread, potatoes, dairy products, magnesium is very small.

These products are better to eat separately
These products are better to eat separately

Why is magnesia dangerous?

There are girls who were bad from magnesia. You may have blood pressure, starting to dizzy. But the worst thing is not that, the child in the stomach begins to pound with his hands and legs. He is clearly bad. The fact is that magnesium penetrates very well through the placental barrier.

It can only be bad after the dropper of magnesia if the dropper drips too fast. Make sure that Magnesia drips slowly, and even very slowly.

The pregnant woman complains that she is bad from magnesia, and unskilled midwife and doctors only shrug. Well, that you are dear, Magnesia is a drug that is allowed to pregnant women, it cannot be bad.

Do not listen to such exhortations if your child behaves restlessly or you feel that you are dizzy, ask you to be introduced more slowly. You can screw the wheel on the dropper yourself. Magnesia, if you introduce it in jet, can lead to loss of consciousness, and to severe pathologies in a child.

Pregnant women are bad from magnesia, but if you use it correctly, then it is indispensable
Pregnant women are bad from magnesia, but if you use it correctly, then it is indispensable

The optimal time for which is a dropper with magnesia - as long as 6 hours.

Magnesium and magnesia - what is the difference between these two substances? From magnesium in tablets, you will never have an overdose. Unlike magnesia. Your body simply will not learn excess magnesium from the intestines. And if you are pregnant and you are dripping magnesia, then you probably missed something. And you had to take magnesium before you started to feel bad.

Magnesium in preparation for pregnancy

Preparations with magnesium can be taken during pregnancy. But it is better to start taking them 3 months before pregnancy. Now they talk a lot about folic acid and its benefits for pregnant women. Magnesium should also be included in this list.

Magnesium is the prevention of neurological disorders in a child. Including cerebral palsy. It is scientifically proven that in women who took magnesium, children with this violation were born less often. Even in the case of premature birth.

And magnesium and magnesia are the prevention of many problems of pregnant women. These means help prevent insomnia and relieve anxiety. They give a slight laxative effect. Pregnant women who take magnesium are not so scattered and forgetful. They are less likely to have tachycardia and shortness of breath, swelling does not appear so much.

Magnesia and magnesium b6

Vitamin B6 is the substance that helps magnesium to absorb. That is why manufacturers often offer just such a vitamin-mineral complex. Magnesia and magnesium B6 are useful for pregnant women. Magnesium B6 is also advised to many other categories of people:

  • Children over six years old, if they behave nervously and they are hard to cope with huge loads at school.
  • Athletes who experience increased physical activity.
  • People whose lives have happened in the life of a stressful situation.

In a word, all those who experience heavy loads and are engaged in intensive work.

Magnesium and vitamin B6
Magnesium and vitamin B6

Reviews about drugs with magnesium

Kseniya: I took Magne B6 from depression. It turns out that some vitaminchik is able to cope with depression no worse than antidepressants and psychotherapy. I felt the effect literally on the second day. The depression and bad mood receded. From what I did not like - the price. Magne B6 is a French drug, and given that the dosage is large, it turns out quite expensive. There are cheaper analogues of Magnefar B6 and B6 magnelis.

Elena: With Magnesia I had to face the hospital. And it left me terrible memories. From a dropper with magnesia, my child began to jump, I got the impression that he was just suffocating. And my head began to spin. I asked me to cancel this drug, and no longer returned to Magnesia until the very birth.

Marina: Magnesia was prescribed to me in the hospital. At the very beginning of pregnancy, I was appointed in the form of injections. After these injections, my head was dizzy and a dream The injections were intramuscular and quite painful. Then I was appointed magnesia in the form of droppers. And I also did not feel very much. I asked the nurse to speed up the dropper - and it got worse. Then we did the opposite, so that Magnesia dripped slowly, and my poor health will go away.

Olga: I took vitamins with magnesium when I started a nervous tick. Helped quickly. The effect of magnesium is as if you had drank 4 tablets of valerian and washed down with a motherwort.

Video: Features of the use of magnesium and magnesia

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