Shopogolism: bad habit or illness? The causes and signs of shop -generation. Shopogoliki: What are they? How to get rid of shop -Golism?

Shopogolism: bad habit or illness? The causes and signs of shop -generation. Shopogoliki: What are they? How to get rid of shop -Golism?

In the view of the majority, a shopping man is a funny harmless person who simply has some eccentricity. "And who has no weaknesses?" - The one who did not watch for a long time behind the shopaholics shrugs. But is the passion for shopping campaigns so harmless? And how can you fight with her? Let's try to figure it out.

Shopogolism: What is it?

Despite the fact that this phenomenon is known to the layman called “shop -enormous”, the science of such a term does not know. And here is the term "oniomania" She is familiar to her.

Important: “Oniomania” consists of two Greek words - “for sale” and “madness”.

The interpretation itself, as we see, gives out something not entirely sound in this phenomenon. Of course, all people periodically passionately want to purchase this or that thing, purposefully deposit money on it and carefully study options. Sometimes impulsive purchases also happen.

However, shopaholics rarely when they really need In the acquired thing. The word "madness" is not in vain included in the term "oniomania" - a person of this type sometimes even does not matter what to buy. He just must make purchases without analyzing their goals, consequences. Schopogolism is Need, hobby, lifestyle.

Shopoglism is a pathological desire to buy even what is not necessary
Shopoglism is a pathological desire to buy even what is not necessary

But is it possible to call oniomania a disease if it does not harm health? However, if you think about it, it brings: in addition to the devastated wallet of the shopaholic, troubles with others are waiting for and guaranteed problems with the nervous system. And the latter, whatever one may say, can already be considered a breakdown of health.

In addition, it turns out that psychiatry shines began to look closely in the over the year before last! Emil Crapelin and Eigen Blailer - German and Swiss experts - they tried for the first time to seriously talk about the signs of this phenomenon.

Important: they definitely considered the disease to be oniomania.

And she traces a direct parallel between the income level and the amount of buying goods. Of course, it is easier for people with a high level to buy even unnecessary things in exorbitant volume.

In people with a more modest budget, accordingly, shop -enormous accepts not so frightening scale. Although some citizens even manage take loans For purchases that they are not so needed.

A shopaholic with a more or less large income literally floods itself with various purchases
A shopaholic with a more or less large income literally floods itself with various purchases

Signs of shop -Golism

By what signs can be determined that a person is not just sometimes harmless to the impulse, but dependent?

  • As mentioned earlier, shopping for a shopping man is a hobby and even meaning of life. He goes there if possible, having no goal to buy a specific thing. And as a result, he buys many things, which then It will hardly find application.
  • When visiting the Onioman store he examines literally the entire assortment. Of course, if a person decided to head for a jumper to buy, he may look at several models. However, it is unlikely that he will freeze a lot of trousers, shoes, etc.
  • Passion for fashion magazines and blogs, Dedicated to this topic, becomes excessive. Shopogolika is only interested in trends, news and tips on this topic. The remaining hobbies become secondary or completely uninteresting.

Important: only what he bought and wants to buy.

  • If the trip to the store has not been successful or not enough money, the reaction of a dependent personality is clearly different from the reaction of an ordinary consumer. Onioman becomes Apatic or, on the contrary, nervous. Not even excluded aggression. In other words, something like breaking happens.
Когда шопоголик не может позволить себе совершить покупку, он впадает в апатию либо начинает нервничать
Когда шопоголик не может позволить себе совершить покупку, он впадает в апатию либо начинает нервничать
  • The purchase process itself brings euphoria. As you might guess, it is not the very goal of acquiring something definite. It is important for a shopaholic to experience this process itself. Moreover, as soon as the shopping ends, a person quickly feels the need to plunge into pleasant emotions again.
  • It is especially characteristic of oniomanians to go to the store After stress. By analogy with jamming of negativity or smoking.
  • The shopaholic easily agrees to the acquisition credit cards, opening accounts. And he uses them at every opportunity, experiencing short -term attacks of remorse.

Important: hence the constant lie to everyone around and even close people. Onioman dodes in every possible way and tries to come up with a story more true about where the money has gone.

What are shopping: classification

Shopogoliki can be divided into several types:

  • Spontaneous - people who Always deviate From the planned list of purchases. Even if there is a list at hand, and even if the deviation will seem small. But magical words "Sale", "Discounts" Do their job. This type of shop -Goliki considers itself slightly sprayers, no more.
Sales - something that the shopaholic will never pass by in life
Sales - something that the shopaholic will never pass by in life
  • Conscious - These people are already they are aware of The fact that shopping trips soothe them. They understand that they depend on shopping during experiences, tension. However, the scale is also not aware of the problem.
  • Purposeful - And these citizens do not even fully understand how much they spend. They just buy everything they see not recalling your monetary limit.
  • Chop socialists- With all their hands vote for equality in purchases. That is, diligently they are looking for the same things as those around them. Do you like my colleague handbag? Urgently need to buy exactly the same! Did a friend have a cute scarf? There will be no rest to a shopaholic until he sees his analogue on sale.

Important: by the way, they depend on advertising most.

  • Scopidoma shopping- They sincerely consider themselves to be rags who certainly cannot give in a shop dependence. However, periodically in packs, certain goods are buying up. Usually, promotional. It is believed that they are successfully saving. In fact, sellers are a lot and do not have time to use all acquisitions.
Gathering a whole bunch of the same type of product, shopping people sometimes think that they save
Gathering a whole bunch of the same type of product, shopping people sometimes think that they save
  • Substants Chop- Strive in every possible way reward yourself For all life tragedies of large and small caliber. And prefers to suffer surrounded by exceptionally chic things. Can't you induce depression in the bathroom with illumination? Then Onioman will sew the closet to the eyeballs in order to somehow console himself.
  • Shop maniacs- These oniomans will proudly pass by sales and steadfastly perceive calls to buy one product and get a second for free. It is believed that they can save money, and this is true. However, they should find their fetish thing - And all rationality flies to Tartarara. The nurtures instantly devastate, and the inability to purchase for a collection The next bracelet, elite cosmetics or perfume bring a shopaholic to a persistent migraine.

Important: however, this type of shop -Goliki is considered the least problematic and most supple for re -education.

If a shopaholic sees a thing, he is ready to tear it out almost with his teeth
If a shopaholic sees a thing, he is ready to tear it out almost with his teeth

The causes of shopogenism

Why does this painful traction arise?

  • No wonder they say that everything comes from childhood. If the child grew up in a family in need of money, He will almost certainly want to make up for this gap out of childhood in adulthood. One has only to start making good money - and here is a shopaholic in front of you.
  • The reverse side of the coin is specialty in childhood. Parents who have the opportunity to buy the child everything that he wants, but who does not have the time or desire to educate him, often bite away. Instead of contact with a child - another toy. Having become adults, such a person will become habit of making up for the spiritual emptiness of material things.
  • Also in the risk zone Children of authoritarian parents, which can instill uncertainty. Such uncertainty and complexes - Light to oniomania. A person begins to compensate the absence of something spiritual.

Important: it is not for nothing that researchers unanimously indicate a lack of serotonin shopaholics - a hormone responsible for a feeling of happiness.

Shopogolism is often a consequence of a lack of hormone of happiness
Shopogolism is often a consequence of a lack of hormone of happiness
  • However, the spiritual emptiness that needs to be replenished may occur in adulthood. Problems in personal life, at work - Burial conditions for oniomania.
  • Advertising - You should not exclude this powerful lever that affects us from the outside. Especially on nature are susceptible. Marketers can put pressure on the desired points, resorting to extremely successful slogans, images. Advertising can be obsessive and even aggressive. In addition, it is everywhere - television, radio, huge entertainment shopping centers, billboards found at every step.
  • The desire to rule - Few people think about it, but such a factor is not rare. To understand this reason, you need to recall how sellers relate to customers. They are they are flattering, striving to serve at all costs, show respect. But to the shopaholics sometimes there are precisely such manifestations in their direction.

Important: psychologists assure that even the branded packages that give stores support such an illusion of power.

Branded packages of stores are unusually attracted by shopaholics
Branded packages of stores are unusually attracted by shopaholics
  • The desire to get adrenaline - And with shopping it can splash out a lot. A feverish search, the desire to get a thing at all costs, the search for monetary resources - perhaps all this charges no less than playing sports.
  • The desire to gain freedom - the shopaholic in this case amuses himself with the thought that he acquires what he wants. Not what acquaintances advised, or what is necessary - what is not a feeling of independence? But it, as you might guess, is deceptive.

How to get rid of shop -generation: methods, recommendations

But with any bad habit, you can fight. And here is what can be done in the case of shop -Golism:

  • Choose to pay for purchases Exclusively cash. No credit cards! They create a feeling of inexhaustible reserves. A specific fingers, a piece of paper in a wallet can sink much stronger than any trainings. In addition, taking a loan thanks to the existing card is so simple and the reckoning on it seems so far! And the thing is already before my eyes.
Any shopaholic should remember once and for all that credit cards for him are evil
Any shopaholic should remember once and for all that credit cards for him are evil
  • However, cash will also not save, if there are many. You need to accustom yourself take a small amount. If there is a regular debit card, it is worth making sure that there are also many funds left on it.
  • From time to time stands take a timeout. For example, if the idea came up with a specific expensive product, you need to promise yourself to return to its purchase a little later. Such a trick will cool down a little.

Important: perhaps the purchase thanks to this timeout will not take place. In fact, it is worth only to disappear from the eyes, as it almost immediately becomes a shopping man uninteresting.

  • As soon as the exciting words begin to loom nearby "Discount", "Sale" and other promises of happiness, you need turn away. Except in cases where the sale object is really necessary.
  • List - What the true onioman does not care from the high bell tower, but what he is obliged to introduce into his life. Having promised in advance, no matter what, not to deviate from the list of purchases. To approach success, it is better that this list is in hand reliable satellite, free from the bonds of shop -Golism.
A shopping list can be a shopping list even on a phone, which is always at hand and certainly will not be lost
A shopping list can be a shopping list even on a phone, which is always at hand and certainly will not be lost
  • Women should take with them not only a list, but also a pocket calendar. And at the first attacks of oniomania, immediately recall what day the cycle is today. About 10 days before the start of menstruation is happening hormonal restructuring organism that is fraught with emotional bursts. Therefore, also rash acts.
  • If you need any particular thing, you should refrain from a joyful jump in its direction at the first gaze. Better analyze several options for such a product - Compare styles, colors and other characteristics. This will allow emotionality to give way to rationality, a little cool.

Important: but in no case should you talk about what other thing will be combined with the planned!

  • New collection - There is no reason to run behind her headlong. Later The price of things from it will certainly fall. At the same time, there will be time to think about the expediency of the purchase.
A thing from a new collection causes crazy excitement among shopaholics, but often it is optional to acquire
A thing from a new collection causes crazy excitement among shopaholics, but often it is optional to acquire
  • Checks and a true list of expenses - What you need to save and keep in front of you. Periodically stands study them, compare and draw conclusions. Such visibility can sobering.
  • It would be great if ignore occasionally shops and sources of advertising. No catalogs! It is better to turn off ads on TV, install an advertising program on the Internet. And online stores are even evil for shopaholics. The ease of purchase is destructive.
  • Since shopping for dependent people is akin to entertainment, you need to go from the opposite. That is, try start perceive This is an occupation as something routine and uninteresting.

Important: searching for a new hobby is a great idea. Perhaps it will be interested in shopping and better relieve stress.

  • Appeal to specialists - That which cannot be shy. So, if the cause of oniomania is depressed, the doctor must prescribe antidepressants. Uncertainty in their abilities can be eliminated by motivating literature, a visit to a psychologist.
  • And in order to establish the source of the problem, it is worth to keep a journal. With every fit of shopogenism, you need Fix the trigger. Analysis of one’s own behavior will help to understand in which direction to move.
  • Anonymous clubs - The example of other people is inspiring if they are sitting right in front of you. And they understand you 100%.
An anonymous club will help see a shopaholic that he is not alone
An anonymous club will help see a shopaholic that he is not alone

Some famous people call themselves shopaholics - for example, Christina Aguilera, Sarah Jessica Parker. Comedies like the same tape, in which Aila Fisher starred about shopaholics, shoots. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the fact that shopaholism is a real bad habit, dependence. Which can and should be fought.

Small video about shopogenism:

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