Scenes-congratulations-cool, with humor, a scene, colleague, woman, man

Scenes-congratulations-cool, with humor, a scene, colleague, woman, man

A collection of comic dishes for birthday, anniversary, wedding.

The promotion with humor

The promotion with humor
The promotion with humor
The promotion with humor
The promotion with humor

‹AA Class \u003d» WP-IMAGE-1661916 Size-medium »SRC \u003d" "ALT \u003d" "" "" " Humor-promotion "Width \u003d" 700 ″ Height \u003d »428 ″ /› Scene-congratulations with humor

Hesting scene with humor:

Dressed by the king’s guard from “Bremen musicians” - the latter pulled the KamAZ children's machine on the rope, in which there was a barrel of beer.

On the motive "Bremen musicians"

Our role is honorable and enviable,
Yes, our role! Yes, our role
Congratify on your anniversary allow you
Now let's start, we’ll worry slightly
We are always happy to be near the table
Oh, zealously pour glasses!

Chorus: glorious, glorious, anniversary
We are taken to the fly
100 grams you pour us
And put a snack.

When we get drunk, we have a big secret
Great secret a big secret
And how we get drunk we will dance
And let's say the birthday man we are talking
We will ask fate from trouble to save
Oh, we’ll zealously pour glasses!

Chorus: glorious, glorious, anniversary
We are taken to the fly
100 grams you pour us
And put a snack.

On the anniversary of the wedding, guests changed to suites of an experienced, coward and baldbes, and they performed a song under the phonogram:

If I were a sultan, I would have three wives
And triple beauty would be surrounded.
But on the other hand, I need one,
And not just one - I need her!
(Shows his wife.)
Oh, I'm tired of living alone,
I dream of finding my wife.

I haven't met such beautiful anymore
Although there were already many women hugged.
Well, then suddenly I went what a bastard,
You won’t find such a better girl.

You are much sweeter than others to me
I will be a good bridegroom for you.

You can’t see a dust in her house
And the order is such that neither sit down or get up.
So kiss me, hug me tight
And carry in your hands to your home paradise.

I will love you tightly
You wear coffee in a crib.

I need such a wife myself.

I will not give it to anyone at all.

I loved her before two of you.

We will divide it at once into three.

And you, handsome, do not cry, do not yearn,
You will send a kiss by mail.

I would take my head - she is smart.
I would take my legs - still ham.

And I really like her pens,
We will well live in our hut.

Why, beauty, this type to you,
When you get three at once.

Look, experienced, he showed us a fist.

I would not fight with him, I am not a fool.

Yes, I really feel that it is time for us to wind
So that later the teeth do not insert your teeth for a whole year.

Live, handsome, you are with yours,
And we are on a glass, in a bitter pour.

Brownie and Domovikha

- We bow to everyone, honest people!
I see a feast is going on a mountain.
Again, they forgot to see
Invite your ...
I am not at least not Delon
But the house is always necessary.
What, did you know? Well, of course,
I am called home.
How are you, Nina, good!
The century would look without breathing.
Only your husband is painfully strict:
Neither shisha will allow!

Domovikha (to the brownie)
- I was distracted for a moment
He already laid his eyes.
So this block
And I would have nailed now! (Loofs.)

- This is just a compliment,
The birthday girl is a present!
Do not drive the wave, girlfriend,
I will drive home at the moment!
Kolya, Nina, your holiday,
Pour me with a penalty.
I have a pile
I ended up with me. (Holds out a children's bucket.)

- You would be ashamed of guests!
Just entered - already pour!
Is it how it is conducted
For decent people?
Congratulations on the anniversary
Happiness, wish for health!
And then slowly
Express your request.

- Okay, okay ... I joked!
Nobody poured me ...
Congratulations everyone gets stuck,
If the throat did not moisten.
Nina, you always bloom
Be beautiful, young.

Further toast in verses.

Cool Mary
- I ask all the men to get up!
Stop chewing ...
Tear your eyes from a glass
And a little pause.
Which of you is the anniversary here?
Who gave the announcement?
Nothing ... will shave, cut,
And I do not see flaws.
To begin with, I will say this:
If really a bachelor,
Is the seal in the passport?
Therefore, I'll take it in appearance.
I have a blat in the State Duma.
The mayor of the capital is almost a brother.
I will introduce it, if that.
By summer, change the "car".
And until the summer you are in the villa
And in my personal apartment
We need to knock out all the floors
And put a parquet ...
If you can skillfully
I'll go to the registry office with you boldly -
In the age of progress we need its own
I am a man of artisan.
You are still strong, reliable
And you can travel to you.
Well, the life will be behind me
I will attach you on the veranda ...

(Gives the anniversary tools or other things necessary in the household.)

Milkmaid Dunya
Oh, where did it go?
I read the ad
That, they say, there is a peasant here,
Very lonely in life ...
And Pavlusha, know something, cry,
And which one is in the guise?
Although I would look once ...
A case isn't you, my friend?
And so, therefore, here he is!
Well, the lowest bow to you.
I am Dunyasha - a farm
By profession a milkmaid,
How I love cows ...
Yes, the shelter was leaked.
The rain pours, and pours, and pours, and
In the stalls, the board rot ...
Would you help me, my friend?
There is work for a day:
My barn to fix it
And then stay.
I will pay with you
At least with a product, at least rubles,
Well, maybe you will take root
And you will not come back?
I have a farm:
Chickens, sheep, pigs six.
Without a man alone, it’s hard,
And you see the right ...
Not the last to live an hour
Can we have been famous for us?
I'll leave the address
Come, if lonely.

(Gives the anniversary a package of milk.)

Ballerina Kiti

Right from the stage by a whitewash white
I flew to you for dating.
You are my only, I didn't know you:
I fluttered everything, everything danced ...
Life has passed, the pension soon,
The legs bent, I need support.
I decided to say goodbye to the stage.
I will be dancing invariably for you.
One, two, three ... times, two, three ...
Well, look, flexible swallow
Take it to your wife.
We will sit on a diet,
Drink only juices and eat cutlets.
We will flutter on the fingers of the house ...
And in the curtsy like this.
I dare to stretch out the pen.
And return with a kiss back.
Gently to my chest, I press it
And I dream about a date!
One, two, three ... times, two, three ...
I flew
I would like you to see more often you.

(Poses white slippers with sewn satin ribbons in the dance.)

Bomzhikha Sonya

Pasha, Pashenka, Au!
Let me look at you ...
Oh, how young you are
Even with a shaved beard.
Pants are not mint at all,
Apparently, you sleep on the bed.
And I'm in the night once a week,
The rest - where I can ...
At the station, in the toilet
Or under a persistent in the buffet ...
They just drive everywhere
Would you take me to you?
I can live in the hallway ...
Well, let the mug have not come out,
But it will be more fun
Only pour me.
You and I will sing and dance
Do not disdain, and lie down ...
I will wash, there is no problem ...
Just then put on then?
Everything that is - it is on me,
And everything is decent quite.
I'm a good girlfriend
I whisper mature in my ear
I will tell a joke ...
Do not want? Well, I'm leaving ...
I'll go to the bin of Borka,
He lets go to bed under the bunk
Only now, completely hungry
If anything, call - free!

(Gives a bouquet of artificial colors attached to the skeleton of an umbrella.)

Putana Lilo

What society, what men ...
I want to hug everyone
Yes, sorry - two hands.
In addition, the chosen
And my narrowed is waiting
When to him
His Lilunechka will come.
I'm here my darling,
Well, what are you blushing
And shuffle your foot.
Give me a knee
I'll sit down, hug ...
Dear Serezhenka,
How passionately I love ...
I am your hair
I will turn my hand
I am in ecstasy I
I will bite the ear ...
I will press to my chest.
Feel - everything burns!
And about my desire
Everything says.
You are knee -deep
I put my hand
What are you embarrassed
After all, we are not kids.
What are you watching?
We have intimacy together ...
And we are for the public
We do not give lessons.

Dear Serezhenka,
Let's get away from them
And in sweet bliss
We will spend this evening.
You are only in a fur coat
Put me in my hole,
And I will caress
Tired all day ...
You are only bucks
Put it on my chest
And I won't give you
Rest for a moment.
Have you wooed here?
Yes, spit on them, I pray.
Only I'm alone of you
What I need to give!

(It presents a “protective belt” - a pack of condoms fastened for a corner.)

Congratulation to the woman in the form of a scene

Congratulation to the woman in the form of a scene
Congratulation to the woman in the form of a scene
Congratulation to the woman in the form of a scene
Congratulation to the woman in the form of a scene

Congratulation to the woman in the form of a scene:

- Smiles, sun and warmth,
We wish you health.
The whole team from the heart
Congratulations on birth!

Let the fate be happy
And pleasing to luck.
Let the dream come true
On a wonderful birthday!

The work pleases
Great result.
The result will be always
Calm, prosperity!

A birthday congratulation will sound an employee in the form of a scene:
- Today is a birthday girl
We came to congratulate
The gifts are unusual
We brought her.

Here is the first: mood
Accept us soon.
And be the cheerful herself
And the fun of friends.
(Raise the thumbs).

The second is called tenderness,
You accept it
And tenderness to others
Do not forget to give.
(Blow on the hands, imitating an air kiss).

And the third we placed
In a beautiful envelope.
Accept a smile from us
And smile back!
(Give a common photo).

And we will complete the gifts we
A bag of love.
Everyone needs it so much
Look - do not miss.
(Present a bag with a heart).

We know that with problems
You can do it quite.
Beloved and happy -
We wish you!

“What is autumn” (performed by the DDT group):
- Who is (the name of the birthday)? Our miracle ...
A miracle in our personal service,
Birthday reminded us of the most important thing -
There is no more unique in the world.

You only work for "five",
You have no time to rest here.
There are always a lot of work here -
What are your years there!

Who is (the name of the birthday girl)? This is a storm ...
A storm of thoughts, feelings, emotions, strength,
You are so strong -willed, swift, young,
We have no other sweet one.

You only work for "five",
It's hard to calm you down on weekdays
There are always a lot of work here -
You are always young!

Who is (the name of the birthday girl)? This is a holiday…
The holiday in our service is daily,
On the weekend, we are bored without (name), of course!
And she is sad about us, probably ...

(Name) in the service with us again,
(Name) can understand us all.
There are always a lot of work here -
We will tell you "yes"!

Congratulations from the grandmothers of the quarter.
The first grandmother of the hedgehog:
- We have been for a year now
We celebrate your birthday.
Only how old are you
We still do not know!

Chorus (perform everything):
- stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
At the (name of the birthday girl) birthday.
Sing, don't talk!

The second grandmother of the hedgehog:
- How many years old her years old -
This is not a secret at all!
Twenty years will always be for her,
Even at eighty years!


The first grandmother of the hedgehog:
- On our birthday we wish
So that everything comes true
There was enough strength to work
Love remains.


The second grandmother of the hedgehog:
- Today is a glorious anniversary,
Look at the guests
Everyone laughs, rest,
The glasses themselves fill it!


The first grandmother of the hedgehog:
- Understand, honest people,
Grandma for dance will go now!
Offer soon from the road!
Take care of your legs!

Grandmas hedgehogs perform a cheerful dance and leave.

Colleagues give the birthday girl a bouquet of seven roses and read poetry:
- On the birthday of congratulations from us - this time!
The helmet we are kind words - these are two!
Being ahead all the time is three!
Living with everyone in friendship, in the world - it seems four!
Never lose heart - it's five!
To increase everything that is is six!
And to everything else in addition - happiness, joy, good luck!

"If I were a sultan":
Hello Hello Hello Great
And he wants to be always young.
But, on the other hand, with such guests -
So many different worries. Ah, save Allah!

Chorus (2 times):
Not bad at all
Have a hundred friends,
But very difficult
Turn the anniversary!

Someone eats pies, someone asks for tea.
The guests will suddenly sing - shut your ears!
The anniversary is amused by what you say
But on the other hand, there is only trouble.


Let the wallet always hear the crunch of bills,
So that the clothes were only from couture.
But, on the other hand, there will be many of them -
You will lose peace, you will lose sleep in instantly!


"Low salary" .

The lady turns to the birthday girl:
- Do not look that I am so far!
Perhaps there is not enough for whom,
And for someone I am very big,
No, there may be one muni!

I hope you will be happy with me.
I will not be offended, tell the truth!
On your birthday, the truth is free to say,
And do not look at me with sadness!

I see in the eyes that you want more!
So let your dream come true:
So that you could stretch it for a salary longer,
My girlfriend came here!

A high full woman appears, hung with a large amount of money, on her chest - a sign with the inscription “Well, a very large salary!”.

- Not in them, they say, happiness, they say,
But forever we lack them.
Therefore, it will not hurt
The bill is extra money.

And who said that money is evil?
They are so nice to take and spend.
Let the evil not be enough, everyone in spite,
And there will certainly be enough money!

Both salaries perform a song for the motive of the song “I can't give you expensive gifts on your birthday”:

- We cannot on your birthday
Give the presidential salary!
But then we can, no doubt,
To enrich your wallet!
(Hand over the birthday girl with money).

Participants in the scene on their birthday congratulations to an employee from colleagues read poetry:

- We congratulate you cordially,
We wish all kinds of benefits!
We hand over the cash envelope,
At least we know - happiness is not in money.

Let this money perform
Though small, but your whim.
Let him remind for a moment
How good life is!

Sino-congratulation to a man

Sino-congratulation to a man
Sino-congratulation to a man
Sino-congratulation to a man
Sino-congratulation to a man

The promotion scene for a man:

Our dear birthday!
Although you are no longer a fifty dollars,
Still, joy for friends -
Birthday, anniversary!
After all, any of the days of birth -
Also a reason for the gift.
Therefore - see for yourself! -
We came here with gifts.

Birthday, dear!
We are to you - with the whole soul!
But first, pour in.
Watch, respect people!
No, we don’t need alcohol,
We would like this to be a drink
To just refresh the throat!
And let's start giving you
All we took with us.
This is still a big work -
After all, there are a lot of gifts!
The anniversary is expensive
We are generously happy to give.
And, without demanding a reward,
We proceed. Are everyone ready?
We are dear to a friend
They did not regret anything -
They dragged barely.

(Take out a large box in which all the prepared gifts are composed, and begin to get every object from it alternately)

Look here:
It says: “Water”.
And although there is no water here,
We emphasize this moment:
After all, a bottle, at least empty,
But what a beautiful one!
For everything is suitable right away.
Well, firstly, this is a vase.
Secondly-this is the dishes,
And not only for the bouquet:
For water and for compote,
And for tea with bergamot.

(present an empty bottle from under the water)

Here is another “hello”:
A pack of cigarettes.
And "Hello" - from childhood he is:
Remember - summer, stadium ...
A hundred -meter on a physicalside ...
Gathering in the yard ...
Cigarettes were too -
Will you not deny all the same?
At least you have not smoked for a long time
We give a pack anyway.
You just have to cast a glance
To understand: smoking - poison!
Why, you ask, a pack? -
You will hide the stash in her!

(present a pack from under cigarettes)

Look how beautiful
This beer can!
You can make a rattle
A very glorious toy -
Throw a couple there!
What is not the joy of the anniversary?
Little rattle - isn't it?
And a piggy bank for coins.

(present an empty can of beer)

Here's another present for you
Under the naming Eurocent,
If simply, a penny
From an excellent stainless steel.
For what? It's not a secret:
From donated coins
The birthday man is nice!
We will not take the present back!
This is money, and besides,
Our modest contribution to this dinner.

(present a coin and throw it into a already donated jar of beer)

Here's another surprise
Not a quirk, not a whim:
This is a candy wrapper.
Why, you ask, is it?
We want to infect with an example:
You will become a collector!
This is the first copy.
You see, the anniversary?
Who buys the paintings,
Who collects coins ...
Fantiki is more reliable:
After all, the paintings are more expensive!
And giving friends sweets,
Take the candy wrappers at the same time.

(present a candy wrapper)

And from steel refrigerating
We give you a pin.
You ask: why would it be?
For gum! Got it, friend?
You say, maybe: “What is it?
After all, now linen is different -
From Trussardi, from Dior ... " -
What a conversation?
But take your friends, do not torture
Just like that - just in case!

(present an ordinary steel pin)

Look here, my friend:
These are matches of boxes!
Say, trifle? No not like this:
This is not a trifle at all.
Let you are not even a tourist
Not an avid climber,
But you can from this time
To make a bonfire in the shower!

(present a box of matches)

We are glad to give you
This tube is from lipstick.
And although it is completely empty
But beautiful women's lips
He keeps touch.
Ah yes a tube! Visor's eyes!
And I can give advice:
Throw him into your pocket to the enemy!
He will take revenge on him in full
For you his wife!

(present an empty tube from lipstick)

See what is the charm:
At least the jaw is still in place
Behind the teeth - the eye and the eye!
We give ... now, now ...
(rummaging in a box)

The anniversary is ready to accept
This thread for teeth?
Oh, it seems that they were blushing ...
But we hardly repent -
The thread is simple, ordinary
It’s somehow more familiar to act.
And they made a mistake - it doesn’t matter:
After all, they always come in handy!

(They present the coil of ordinary threads, you can not be new)

And now seriously
We will solve the “dental question”.
This is a pasta. Yes, tooth!
So fragrant!
We know, tried too ...
True, the doubt of us gnaws:
Should I give it?
For buy a new one
We did not have time today.
But let's give it really!

(present a tube of toothpaste)

We give a cup! Yes friends?
Look - she is yours!
Know, you were looking for her at home?
We see - the cup is familiar.
What for? The answer here is simple:
A wonderful toast will sound -
Well, you are, as usual.
Drink from the dishes familiar!
And imagine that you drink tea:
Not drunk and don't be bored!
Drink Pepsi, if hot.
Is it better to drink from a gift?

(present a cup belonging to the birthday man)

All the gifts are over.
However, no: an envelope without a brand!
There will be a reason for a sudden,
And the envelope is at hand!
At least a letter, but at least a note -
After all, the way is not for the post office!
However, don't pull it better,
And look into the envelope!

(present an envelope with money prepared as a gift)

And now we all have to
Start a friendly “Hurray”!

Congratulation to friends - scene

Congratulation to friends - scene
Congratulation to friends - scene
Congratulation to friends - scene
Congratulation to friends - scene

Congratulation to friends - scene:

From large to small
Giving a small gift.

1st. Grandmas told us yesterday,
As if they heard
What is your anniversary here
So we came soon.

2nd. They could not decide for a long time
What as a gift to you to buy.
Long list was written
And then they decided together.

1st. The steamer is useless to you
Crossed out because.
On a diesel locomotive we put a cross, we:
It takes up a lot of space.

2nd. Your garage tank will not enter
Well, the plane will not fit there.
The farm does not need a rocket,
We did not take her for that.
The submarine will put up the lake,
The helicopter will not sit on the balcony.

1st. KAMAZ was rejected together,
We removed the combine from the list,
Remove the tractor "Cataterpiller",
Looking like a terrible thriller.

2nd. You do not need the second "Lada"
But BMW you would be glad
But the supplier crafts us:
I did not come to a meeting with us.

1st. It is not necessary to give a bicycle,
And the scooter is quite a shame.
It turns out, with transport - complete bummer,
Let us dwell on something else.

2nd. The robbers will be removed from diamonds,
The wallet with money in the market will be taken away,
Malevich's picture "Black Square"
Your husband, we think, will not be happy.

1st. They could buy a bag for products,
But they figured out the composition of the whole family in the mind,
And it turned out to be the size of a suitcase,
And such a bag is not at all for ladies.

2nd. We came to a standstill with this problem,
Caught in front of a complex dilemma:
We wanted the mechanism, but the dimensions are not the same,
And a small gift does not fit a dream.

1st. We suddenly dawned on us: this is what you need,
You will cook all dinner,
Everyone will eat and you immediately praise you ...
In short, we decided to buy a grater.

Handmade carpet
Giving a cash gift

Three representatives of the team with an envelope or box come out,

1st. We. As a planning department,
It was planned.
What will we give you a service
- Cheap and cute.

2nd. Then they thought and went:
The microwave was chosen ...

3rd. Then - a food combine,
So that the design was excellent,

1st. And then they decided: no!
She is 55 years old!
Let him go to the cruise
Where she likes!

2nd. We would send her to be happy
To Turkey, il in the Emirates.
Let him walk in the open!
Only money needs the sea!

3rd. But we are here, we were safe
They contacted Gin fabulous.
He was asked for help
- Here they got the parcel!

1st. What he sent here - we do not know
At all, we open the parcel!

large "carpet" - in cellophane sewn bills of 50 and 100 rubles. Turning around, showing

2nd. Ah, what a miracle!
How beautiful the carpet is pattern!
Let him be our anniversary
Rejoice, caresses!

3rd. You can lie on it,
To dream about cruises ...
Or spread out on the shoulders -
He will warm your soul!

1 -and. And if you take the camera -
You won’t find nature better!
Against this carpet
You can act until morning!

2nd. Guests will run to you:
Can't we lie on it?

3rd. What can I say ... Beautiful!
We give you this exclusive!

1st. Only moth so that she does not eat,
We’ll sprinkle it in a lot!
Jubilee! A glass in your hands!
For a gift on the anniversary!

2nd. And support all the anniversary
I ask the guests: and those. And those!
For handmade carpet
I'll ask you to drink everyone!

Scenario "Dedication of the Jubilee to the Masters"

A gift with a toost of a leader for a man:

Head so as not to buzz, so that the heart does not hurt,
The lower back so as not to ache, “with entitim” everything was as it was
So that the kidneys do not hang out and the will swayed,
The voice would not disappear and the sand did not fall.
So that the hands do not tremble, stronger so that they hold the glass,
So that the shortness of breath does not torment, so that all problems are a lid!
(gives a jump rope)
Do not know worries - live perfectly! So that the women say after:
"What a male is pretty, it was not cooler and not!"

I ask the real estate from the chair to tear: to ride, we -we will dance!
And this is different.

Scene for the anniversary or on the birthday of a man “Childhood”

(Rushing is running out of childhood - this is a man dressed up under a little boy and sings on the motive of a famous song about childhood):

My childhood is wait
Do not rush, wait a minute!
Give me the answer is simple
What is there ahead?!

(further says):

Dear birthday!
The best remedy
Frighten any attack
This, of course, in childhood
We must immediately fall!
I'll tell you meaningfully:
Everything is excusable to you today!

So listen and fulfill all my tasks:

I know, you will remember willingly
What he did in childhood,
How carefree with friends
You rode on the rope!

(offer to slip on a rope)

To restore you
For further stunts of strength,
I suggest drinking
This super-listing is cute!

(offer a glass of vodka to a birthday man)

The ball is the best friend of the child!
Remember your childhood again
Go away
And the knee is tweeted!

(The birthday man kicks the ball with a knee, and the guests loudly think how many times he can do so that the ball does not fall)

Yes, you kick virtuoso,
What can I say for a long time!
We should seriously
Very generously reward!

(a glass of vodka is jokingly pour a birthday man)

We are an acacia whistle
In childhood, they did more than once!
Musical variations
We are waiting for you now!

(offer a birthday man to play on a children's whistle or pipe)

For such numbers
We shout together “Hurray!”
And they also ask for a glass
Your guests-children!

(all together drink toast for the happy childhood of the birthday man)

Sino-congratulation to a colleague

Sino-congratulation to a colleague
Sino-congratulation to a colleague
Sino-congratulation to a colleague
Sino-congratulation to a colleague

Sino-congratulation to a colleague:

Active persons:

- Ballerina is a very overall man in a T -shirt, ballet pack, white socks and sneakers.

Dear birthday, dear guests!
I don't understand, maybe in art I,
Forgive me, friends, for this,
But I approve, God sees, presence
On the anniversary of the lady from the ballet!

(Ballerina runs out on tiptoe)

Ballerin's song
Original: “There is no better color”

There is no better for ballet
Very small ballerinas!
But I have no strength to wear me -
There is only one way out:
That I will wear myself
All partners on their hands!
Then, maybe I will
I'm on the first roles!

I am in the partners of the anniversary
I wanted to make it!
We would then a couple with him
Fuete could twirl!
He excites me like that
So beckons to me,
That my soul is burning
My whole soul is on fire!

(Runes on tiptoe to the anniversary and kisses him)

Presenter (turning to the ballerina):
We will ask the anniversary
Steam with you!

Presenter (turns to the hero of the day):
Our dear birthday!
Come here soon!
Together with a virgin ballerina
You dance the swans dance!
You have a partner - class!
You will please us!

(Anniversary and ballerina dance "Dance of Little Swans" under the phonogram or melting guests)

The birthday man has a lot of talents,
But we opened one more!
For this we need to drink a little for us,
For this we are all sitting here!

"Landmarks for the apartment" (for the anniversary of the man)
Pokhmelkin is a man in a cap on which the “State Alcohol Inspectorate” is coarsely written ”

5 road jokes:
The sign “Caution! Children may appear here! "
(Drawn bed)
The signs of “you go the right road, comrade!”
(there are 2 pieces, on one a toilet is drawn, on the other a bath)
Sign “Business” (a fork and spoon are drawn)
The sign "Do not cant!" (Drawn a sofa and TV)

(Lieutenant Pokhmelkin comes out)

I wish you health, a birthday citizen!
So as not to get lost,
Know everything around in the apartment,
They can be very useful
These signs, dear friend!

(shows the drawn comic signs in turn and explains their meaning):

The sign “Caution! Children may appear here! "
(Drawn bed)

Kamasutra right in the morning
Doctors recommend!
To know what, where and how,
This sign will help you!

The signs of “you go the right road, comrade!”
(there are 2 pieces, on one a toilet is drawn, on the other a bath, gives at the same time)

To choose the right direction!
So that you do not wander awake,
They didn’t look for a bath in Kloset!

Sign “Business” (a fork and spoon are drawn)

You will find a cool havchik here,
All that is happy to eat!
Open only in the kitchen cabinet
Or slobish the refrigerator!

The sign "Do not cant!"
(Drawn a sofa and TV)

A set for the athlete,
For relaxation from all problems,
Your design will be here
Not disturbed by anyone!

(after presenting all the signs, he says):

I wish you everything to be the way!
Let it be a bright and comfortable house!
And so that you never get down from the way,
I wish the signs to be useful!

To the sounds of music, dancing, Baba Yaga enters, walks around the hall, approaching the anniversary/anniversary.

Baba Yaga:
I came to congratulate you -
Grandma hedgehog is the upper class!
I will be a bright guest
I will give gifts!

Makes several dance movements in the losing.

Brought a bouquet of flowers
From vasilov daisies-
You can wash your head
You can brew tea!

Persons a bouquet of grass.
Draised Mukhomorov -
The first remedy for constipation!
If the enemy comes to you,
Feed - and he will fade.

He takes out a jar of mushrooms, shows the whole label, then puts it on the table in front of the hero of the day.

Here - socks tied you up
So that the leg runs easily.
They have nettle, wool and moss -
Expel snakes and fleas!

He takes out socks, waves them in different directions with the exclamations of “Kysh! Kysh! ”, As if driving away someone.

Brought you jam
Your manufacture!
There is raspberry and rosehip,
So that there was a master's lover!

He takes out jam, reports to the hero of the day, winking.

And add gas -
You will play in a sado-mazo!
No, not a cursed latex, -
For whipping, a bath broom!

In the process of singing, he takes out a wrapped gift, on the last line abruptly pulls off the package, demonstrates the broom for guests, then passes the anniversary.

Here is my hut-attic
He sends your testicle to you!
So that your spirit is not oxide -
Chocolate and surprise!

He takes out a chocolate egg, reports to the anniversary.

Everything is empty my sum ...
Drives the anniversary crazy!
Eh, a spell to my grandmother,
And the anniversary - okay!

He pulls out a large nasal board, wipes his forehead. One of the guests brings to Baba Yaga a glass.

There is a clapping of wings, clicking chicken (you can use an audio recording) and a chicken of pockmarks appears in the hall.

Kurochka Ryaba:
Ko-ko, ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!
Life, let's flow easily!
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you a lot of benefits!
Take as soon as possible from a bird
You are magic testicles!

The first egg takes out:
Here the testicle is not simple -
Expensive, gold!
For life to be rich,
To grow a salary!
The money was poured rain,
There was a full bowl to the house!

Takes out the second egg:
Here is an egg of beauty:
You will become more beautiful with him!
Brighter, brighter and younger,
And slower, perhaps too!
Take the egg soon -
Let the face shine!

The third egg takes out:
For life to be greeting
You need to smile more often!
The joy does not give a screw, -
And the sweetest egg!
Chocolate will drive stress,
And expand the interests!

The fourth egg takes out:
Here is a love testicle -
It looks like a small one
Passion is the heat in itself
And he tells the hearts to love!
But remember the rule one:
It is painfully fragile!

The fifth egg takes out:

Here is the last egg -
Make a smart face:
In the bowels here under the shell
Golden nut is hidden!
He is fraught with wisdom -
He will give you it!

All the gifts are over.
Let the holiday shine brightly!
Well, I have to say goodbye
And return to the chickens.

The hen of the pockmarks bows to the birthday man and to the music “Tsyp-Tsyp, my chickens” is removed from the hall.

Scenes-congratulations on the anniversary

Scenes-congratulations on the anniversary
Scenes-congratulations on the anniversary
Scenes-congratulations on the anniversary
Scenes-congratulations on the anniversary


Congratulations of guests "

Guests - Happy Birthday!
The birthday girl - until the morning we will walk!
Birthday - until the morning we will drink
The person who has fallen as a guest is to kiss!
Two ladies - where is the striptease? They ordered it? "
Stripper - I was surprised
The couple in love (he and she) - "We will not interfere"
Neighbor - "So maybe we will have a drink to Brudershaft?"

Today at this festive table,
We will lead a simple conversation here,
In our theater, a good plot
The performance does not need a ticket.
Birthday girl (ka) Guests to congratulate them in a hurry
Having patted her hands to her (him) shouting loudly:
We wish you health, love and fun
And add it again - Happy Birthday!

Suddenly, a quiet snoring, rustle, groan, is heard in the corner,
The guest is surrounded by universal attention
In a dream, he pronounces, as if in delirium
“I can't keep silent more
I want to hug the birthday girl (ka) gently "
Everyone in front of them ... to kiss!

This adds fun to guests
And they shout loudly, - Happy birthday! "

And the birthday girl (K) is our (ours) smile shines
At the festive table guests invites
And he wants to say only one thing, -
What ... until the morning we will walk!
(until the morning we will drink)

Two lovely ladies
They are as beautiful as fairies from a fairy tale
They did not expect a similar question from them.
And where is the striptease? They ordered it? "

There is a neighbor nearby, hugging girls:
"So maybe we will have a drink to the brudershaft?"
And our guest in the corner in a dream says:
Dancing and songs my soul asks
I want to hug the birthday girl (ka)
I have been dreaming for a long time (him) ... to kiss!

Guests approve of his decision
And all together screaming together ...

And the birthday girl (K) asks to pour
Drink and bite everyone together.
She does not get tired (he) repeat
What ... until the morning we will walk!
(until the morning we will drink)

Two lovely ladies did not drink cognac
And where is the striptease? They ordered it? "

There is a neighbor nearby, hugging girls:
"So maybe we will have a drink to the brudershaft?"

And a couple in love was sitting nearby
And one thought in their heads matured.
It is necessary to run away from the banquet quietly.
We will not interfere with you today! "

Their birthday (k) does not let go
Stubbornly invites you to the table again
And she does not get tired (he) repeat,
That until the morning we will walk!
(until the morning we will drink)

Guests in ecstasy, in full swing of fun
And they echo everything too ... Happy birthday!
Suddenly the music subsided, the light went smoothly
A surprise of all guests is waiting now
The lively conversation was silent.
A stripper arose in the elegant hall

He gradually exposed all.
My eyes fell ... I was surprised
A lot of beautiful girls nearby
Their heels on the dance floor are knocking.

And the birthday girl (K) also shines
And the stripper invites to himself
With him, she strives in pairs (he) dance
After all …. Until the morning we will walk!
(until the morning we will drink)

A neighbor is out of business, hugs girls
"So maybe we will have a drink to the brudershaft?"

The couple in love left English
They drank whiskey under the stripper
From excitement, they began to download
We will not interfere with you today! "

Our guest in the corner seemed to wake up.
Eyes wiped and smiled at everyone.
He decided to walk here in an adult way
And the birthday girl (ka) ... to kiss!

And the stripper was embarrassed.
I immediately admitted ... I was surprised!
Enough to take one hundred grams on the chest
After all, it is better for everyone to go to dance together.

So in a whirlwind of dance, fun is spinning
And just super everyone's mood
And the guests, saying goodbye, discarding embarrassment
Loud shout their ... Happy birthday!

Scene for the anniversary of the man (cool medical)

So that you are always healthy
And did not know paralysis
We collected a consultation
Of the famous doctors.

Cardiologist, traumatologist,
Yes, even plus an optometrist -
Everyone in his own business,
Master and specialist.

Well, the patient is a hearty small,
Flame motor in the chest!
So that health becomes stronger,
Don't sit still!

The pulse is normal - fifty,
And pressure, in general, is normal.
Will be for many years in a row
The patient is in good shape.

And if the pile pours,
It will live up to a hundred!

I want to tell you
And sincerely wish:
Fractures, sprains,
Injuries, bruises and wounds,
The prospects of the cripple become
Avoid in your life!

If you were intact, unharmed
Only love!
Live your whole life without seams
Crutts and bruises!

I guys, like an eye socket
I will say to the anniversary right away:
Zorky guy, just chic!
One hundred percent - in both eyes!

Blizrook and farmings
In moderation. What else to wish?
It’s always cramped to eyes -
Maybe at least fly into space!

The color scheme knows
Vodka in beer learns,
He will catch a fly on the fly,
And he will bribe it on the move!

In general, there are no problems with the zren.
So, dear, happy birthday!

I'll tell you secretly
(keep this secret):
The patient is still strong
And tirelessly like an elephant!
And let the whole country know
That Viagra is not needed
The patient in this case -
He knows a lot about the female body!
And, of course, for example,
He will be like a pioneer
For love is always ready,
He will live without horns!

Let us now summarize:
Having studied from ear to feet
Patient - anniversary,
The conclusion will be: it is not old!
Young in body and soul,
And let his big century
Only with health is marked!
Let fate kiss you
In both cheeks and mouth
And all places!
And so that everything is okay
Pour us a glass!

The dispensation scene for the wedding

The dispensation scene for the wedding
The dispensation scene for the wedding The dispensation scene for the wedding

A wedding-congratulation scene:

With the shouts of "Sanitary and epidemiological station, everyone prepare for inspection!" "Doctors" conduct a comic inspection of the guests. Then the newlyweds are examined.

Here you have Efferalgan - so that my husband is not drunk home.
Take aspirin hissing - so that they love each other burning.
I give you a bandage - so that there are no insults.
Here is a sterile bandage - so that a man in bed is loving.
Take the green - let the boy be born first.
I also want to give iodine in the bubble - so that the girl is then not forgotten to give birth.
The adhesive plastry is bactericidal - so that your husband is enviable.
Here is cotton wool - so that everyone lives rich in envy.
Cardon drops - so that your love is eternal.
Take a remedy from a runny nose - so that they work yourself, do not wait for the inheritance.
Take a brilliant tweezers - so that the wife is a real Venus.
From coughing pills - so that the husband does not run to the neighbor.
From the diarrhea, the drug is not to listen to what the grandmothers are saying.
Take a hubby, a contraceptive oral - so that there is always a sexual bride.
Spring - so that the daughter -in -law adores the mother -in -law.
And here are vitamins - so that more often the mother -in -law calls on pancakes.
Accept Analgin - so that the husband ... was one.
Paracetamola pack - so that the husband does not hide the nursery from his wife.
Ammonia-so that there is something like a pin.
Syringe - so that they do not hide happy faces from us.
Here is a pipette - so that the bridegroom on his arms often wore.
And also take mustard plasters - so that the children are excellent students.
And here you have a box for your first -aid kit - so that friends are always met on the porch.
And here is a cucumber. Oh ... this is not for you, this is to us, guests, shout "Bitter!", Finally.

Guys - preschool children

Kid 1. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 2. Look, they have a wedding here,
The table is set, well, just a class!

Kid 1. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 2. Maybe they are candy
Will they give us with you now?

Kid 1. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 2. And there is a boss there,
Looks strictly at us.

Kid 1. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 2. Look, that man over there
From the girl does not take her eyes.

Kid 1. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 2. I am very sorry for the young:
They have been sitting for an hour.

Kid 1. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 2. Yes, you are on congratulations,
They are not up to us today!

Kid 1. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.
Speak rather that you need
But you will not get in the eye!

Kid 2. We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 1. So, my words said!
Well, I will ask you now. (There is a brawl.)

Kid 2. What are you going into a fight right away?
Aunts, do you see your uncles here?
They are every scorch
The ass is quickly wearing.

Kid 1. Okay, we will not quarrel ...
I remembered my words?
I will start now first.
The head is right.
We guys are a daughter
We came to congratulate you.

Kid 2. And (name of the bride), and (the name of the groom)
We wish - at a good hour!

Kid 1. Dad and mom were allowed
You play this wedding ...

Kid 2. It's good that you decided
To become a husband and wife!

Kid 1. You can kiss you,
Even something else.

Kid 2. It is impossible for us
You have to grow up again.

Kid 1. Something we stayed here,
There will be flogging at home!
In parting, we tell you ...
Together. Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Cocking cool congratulation for the wedding from the bride's sister

They decided to say a toast in verses for a wedding
My husband Volodya, Igor and me.
For the young "in full" we poured -
May a new family be strong!

And we have no doubts of different ones,
Seryoga for a long time, like a brother’s brother -
Reliable, modest, kind, trouble -free,
With him, Olga, like behind a stone wall!

How her favorite sister grew up,
Got prettier, blossomed in her soul,
And became from a shooling duckling
A beautiful swan is a young bride!

May everything be in your life at once,
Dreams come true, which do not wish:
Serega matches in the Higher League judges,
And you are there in the bank "Do not open your mouth",

From the manager - once, and immediately "to the ladies" -
Director! And what, it will go! ...
In the meantime, prepare your spouse swimming trunks,
After all, a hot Egypt is waiting ahead!

The promotion scene is a gift

Sino -congratulation - a gift
The promotion scene is a gift
Sino -congratulation - a gift
The promotion scene is a gift
Sino -congratulation - a gift
The promotion scene is a gift

The promotion scene is a gift:

Scene - the secret of youth
(Two heroines are dressed in grandmas)

Old age now - oh, not joy!
Today, old age is just muck.
And there is not enough health,
At night it breaks the bones,
And my granddaughters again
They rarely began to come.
(Simbs his head with his hand, sighs.)
I wish Mary, a neighbor, ran up,
That's why I bought my ears with news!
Gossip Mary is collecting in the village,
What will happen where, then Marya knows right there!

The voice of Maria.
Katerina! Katerina! Open!
I am going to you, meet you, meet you!

Ugh, Leshak, and you cannot remember something,
I flew, you see, in the morning.
You won’t run by gossip through gossip,
You always cheer me up with a new joy!
Maria. Katerina, look at me!
Here is such a young today!

Katerina. I looked ...
And again ... well, things ...
Like a grandmother you are like a grandmother, as it was ...
The legs are hidden under the skirt of the wheel,
All hunched over, as if an old dwarf ...

Power up at least a minute, at least a little bit,
Let me tell you a word.
Listen to me, I ask me until ...
Suddenly you decide to rejuvenate you slightly?
I know a way how to become younger!
How now the erysipelas will skew!
After all, I went to the store, because I went
There I grabbed such a thing ...
I'll show you, so you are a vigorous,
Right here, go, die of envy!

Katerina. Otherwise I really do not understand ...
From the TV I not only wash the dust!
I scored some creams,
So you rub your face and chest in the morning!

Maria. I myself bought Aquafresh,
So the grandfathers climbed to me out of tenderness ...

Katerina. So show it soon what you took,
I was quite curious!
Do not Tom me, rather show me!

Maria pulls a bundle out of the grid,
It unfolds and shows the strings.

Maria. Look sooner - twisting underpants!
I will put them in, I will go to the village ...

Katerina. You? With such a thread in the back?
My heavenly mother, queen!
How will you shake in them?
Ugh, I'm sorry, found a renewal!
Girls wear bad behavior!

Yes, look, because lace - well, just wondrous!
What will I look beautiful!

Katerina. How will you look - swit
Anyway, you can’t see lace under a skirt!

Maria. Exactly ... stand! I will cut the hem!

Katerina. I definitely need Validol with you!

Maria. You are in vain, the panties are good,
I gave all my pennies for them,
Almost everything is gone.
I knew B, I never showed!
Takes off resentment.

Katerina. And the truth ... a bow ... and a flower ...
Grandfather would be surprised, blue.
Maybe you will give me one night?
I am already not averse to trying on them!

Maria. I can just give you them,
After your words, I don't know how to wear it!
Katerina disappears with his underpants, Maria tries to figure out how to fasten him, twists herself on herself, finally fastens right on his clothes.

Katerina's voice. Oh, and what a beauty, mommy!
Like I am a girl, a sweet gingerbread!
It turns out, smoothes the skirt with his hands.

Maria. You ask me to measure my underpants,
Look for what you wear!
I realized where to fasten ...
But how beautiful the chest has become!
Well, let me see what happened!
(Pulls the gum on the skirt of Katerina.)
You look, and really, everything is rejuvenated!
(He takes off the bra.) Well, in general, so!
Now get together and quickly undress!
We will go to the anniversary to ______________
And we will give these panties to her

I did not guess that no one
That she is already ___________
(Give a birthday girl)

Together we give panties to you
To envy everyone
You are shore thongs
Only in the days of the person wearing

Italian congratulations on the translator

Italian - Diamond, Tsimuto, Winter is attacked, anniversary.
I. - And SITA INSALAVA, drunk Dormoedo Tuto. Kit with Figato Sore from here.
I. - hard -harded dollar is not a damn thing.
I. - Educato, Chitato, considered, Paper Marato and Musato, and then kicked out
I. - gangster, shot, catching, sazato.
I. - Their other Signora Lodirtyto.
I. - Prokhletato on something.
I. Ital stubbornly shine in the eyes.
I. - Congratulations to the anniversary.
I. - Toshchito is blank from Italo from Italiano.
I. - first helped the Italian's stomach raftly, Gironakopleto, River.
I. - Dyuzha deliciously placed, sauce, in vnagrado.
I. - stinking for a mile, Bashka Chipollinna from mafioso structurally.
I. - is spilled, which is merged and incomprehensible.
I. - Then she wished goodbye goodbye.
I. - back is not a sore, the nose is not a sneeze, the teeth of Kusanto, with the feet of Shaganto.
I. - in the garden of Kopanto, in the house of Nastaranto, Taskanto bags, everywhere in the time
I. - Always nailed for the anniversary of Natalia!
I. - Not Matyukato, you always love, friends of respect

Translator is an expensive anniversary!
P. - Dear guests!
P. - welcome everyone who is here.
P. - representatives of the working class and commercial structures.
P. - media workers, education, and culture.
P. - police officers, police, security agencies.
P. - and other other employees.
P. - I flew on a special flight.
P. - from sunny Italy.
P. - congratulate the anniversary Natalia.
P. - I brought hello and congratulations from Italian friends.
P. - and small modest gifts.
P. - before our straw spaghetti
P. - To the straw for color sauce
P. - for the smell specifically from the Sicilian mafia - onions.
P. - The famous liquor Amaretto
P. - In conclusion, I want to wish.
P. - Health.
P. - youth, long years of life.
P. - Let's drink for the anniversary!
P. - friends, happiness.

Video: A fun fairy tale for adults!

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