Interesting and strange names of colors and shades: origin, color name in the palette

Interesting and strange names of colors and shades: origin, color name in the palette

The origin, the story of the strange names of the colors of the palette.

Euphemisms were always in fashion. Because people did not want to directly express their emotions or offend a partner. Therefore, a fat person is called moderately well -fed, and ugly is peculiar. But not only euphemisms are popular in our society, they appeared much earlier. In this article, we will talk about unusual colors of colors, and why they are called that.

The color of children's surprise is what color: briefly about the origin, the name of the color in the palette

One of the interesting and unusual is the color of children's surprise. He appeared in the days of royal society, when Maria Antoinette gave birth to her son. Then a large number of famous people arrived in the palace. When they showed a newborn, he celebrated the need for everyone. But Maria Antoinette was distinguished by a sharp mind and tongue, so she was not confused, she said that this was the color of children's surprise. Literally a few days later, this color became the most popular in the outfits of the court persons.

In order to get this color, the artist needs to mix yellow, red, as well as brown shades, in a ratio of 10: 1: 1. In general, everyone understands this color in their own way. In fact, this is something between yellow, brown or mustard.

The color of children's surprise, Yandex
The color of children's surprise, Yandex

The color of the flea in love and fleas in the maternityaric fever is what color: briefly about the origin, the name of the color in the palette

The color of the flea in maternity leaves or flea in love was also invented by Modist Maria Antoinette. The thing is that the royal person was famous for its sharp language and a sense of humor. This color is a brownish tint of red, brown with a brown tint. It looks like terracotta, but with more pronounced brown notes.

The color of the flea in love

The color of the frightened mouse is what color: briefly about the origin, the name of the color in the palette

The origin of this color is unknown. But judging by the description, we can conclude that the frightened mouse rises and becomes lighter. Therefore, the color of a frightened mouse is nothing more than a light gray color. The people were also called dark.

The color of the frightened mouse
The color of the frightened mouse

The color of Jaco and the last breath of Jaco is what color: briefly about the origin, the name of the color in the palette

Jaco is a variety of a parrot who, until the end of his life, take care of children. And the most interesting thing is that this bird is changing the color of the eyes before death, they become yellow-red. That is why yellow-red or orange color is often called Jaco's color or the last breath of Jaco.

The color of Jaco

The color of the bead is what color?

Regarding a bead color, the opinions of its origin were divided. Because one of the sources of beads is a mixture of ordinary rye flour, as well as stone dust from the millstones. This ancient name is gray with a blue tint. That is, a mixture of white flour and stone powder.

In another source, a bead color comes from the word Bus, which means gray. Judging the color of the palette, this is a gray color with a blue tint, something looks like a shade of Siamese cats.


The color of hellish flame is what color?

There are no mention of hellish flame. They especially concern religious literature. The Qur'an or the Bible indicates that the hellish flame is 69 times hot than the usual fire that is lit on the ground. Many write that the color of hellish flame is black. But if you believe other sources, then this is scarlet with a purple tint or scarlet with black veins.

The color of hellish flame

The color of the Dauphin surprise is what color?

A surprise of Dauphin is the color of children's surprise. That is, if you say in a rude, folk language, it is a pifting color. It is something in the middle between yellow-brown with a greenish tint. It has been happening since the time of the royal family and Marie Antoinette. The royal person gave birth to a son, he publicly emptied, but the woman was not at a loss, and called this color of childhood surprise or a surprise of Dauphin.

Color Surprise of Dauphin
Color Surprise of Dauphin

The color of the toad and toad in the fainting in love is what color?

Frog in a swoon or a fellow in love. This color was not invented by royal families, but by the developers of the Yandex search engine. If you enter a similar request on foreign resources, you will not receive anything, because there is no answer to it. If you describe this color, it is something between gray-green, stone. Calm, restrained and elegant shade. Yandex developers came up with this color in order to better characterize the palette, as well as bring the share of humor on weekdays.

In nature, such a phenomenon as a frog that faints does not exist. This is just a joke.

The color of the toad in love

Color Children of Edward - what color is this?

The color of Edward children became popular after 1833. It was this year that the French group first performed with the performance at the St. Petersburg Theater. At the same time, the play is based on life, as well as the murder of the sons of King Edward 4, who were brutally killed by their uncles. The play made such a deep impression on all spectators that a new color appeared in aristocratic circles, the color of Edward children. This is actually dirty pink color.

Color Children of Edward
Color Children of Edward

The color of the horse in a fainting is what color?

There are several references to this color. Most likely the authors of this color are Yandex developers again. In 2015, the horse fell in St. Petersburg, and in 2017, on the square in Odessa. All this was caused by increased air temperature. There was a heat of 38 degrees, and a horse drawn into a carriage simply could not stand it. Her legs gave way, she fell. The color itself is brown-brown, deep color.

Horse color in fainting

The color of the black head is what color?

Since the eighteenth century, a large number of black people could have been found on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Previously, they were called blacks, now this name is prohibited, instead of it a African American is used. The head of a black man denotes one of the options of brown color, with a gray tint.

Color head of a black man
Color head of a black man

The gendarme color is what color?

This color appeared in the 19th century, after the form changed in the gendarmes. The new robe was gray-blue. This is one of the shades of blue. Since then, the name of the gendarme is used to this color.

The color gendarme

The color of the Adelaide is what color?

One of the options for adelaid is a red shade of purple. He became popular after 1897. It is found in Turgenev’s work “Notes of the Hunter”. It describes the uniform of one of the main characters of the work. There is a description that the color of the Adelaide is one of the shades of red. According to other sources, this is a blue color.

The color of the Adelaide
The color of the Adelaide

The color of the flea and flea abdomen is what color?

Where did this name come from until the end are unknown, but at one point many fashionistas began to compare the colors with the chitin of insects. Much attention was paid to the flea. The color of the flea abdomen is a dark shade of red, dark-bearded, or something similar to dried blood.

The color of the flea abdomen

Cube color is what color?

Cube is not quite a color, but a whole technology for applying color to the canvas. It is a printing technique on fabric, when a certain composition is applied to the form, which is further imprinted on the canvas. Further, the canvas is immersed in blue paint, and those areas that were processed with a special composition are not painted or painted in a lighter shade. According to Wikipedia, cube is an indigo color or a mixture of blue with a lilac color.


The color of the giraffe in love is what color?

The color of the giraffe in love became popular after 1827. It was then that in France the first female of Giraffe appeared in the Botanical Garden in Paris. It was a cub, the color of its edge was red or orange. After visitors began to go to the botanical garden, this color became popular. Dresses began to sew from it. Among the fashionistas was considered one of the most popular colors. Also, this color is also called the giraffe abdomen. Until that moment, no one in France saw the giraffes.

The color of the giraffe in love

Oyster color is what color?

Oyster color is a light shade of pink. Why it is called that is evident due to the contents, which is located inside the shells. This is a pale jelly -like mass.

Oyster color

Yakhont color is what color?

Yakhont is an obsolete name for corundum minerals. It was represented in two colors: red yachont is a ruby, and blue is sapphire. In general, most often, a yachont color means red with a pink tint.

Yakhont color
Yakhont color

Color Bismarck Furiozo Color - what color?

Bismarck was the first chancellor of Germany. The color consists of two words: Bismarck and Furiozo. Furiozo in translation means fury, that is, angry. Accordingly, in the compartment the color of an angry bismark is obtained. This color looks like brown with a red tint. Very reminiscent of terracotta.

Bismarck Furiozo color
Bismarck Furiozo color

The beards of Abdel Kerim - what color?

Gray also has a large number of shades, as well as ways to obtain it. In the 19th century, Russian-Turkish conflicts of a military nature took place. At that time, the Turkish general Abdulkerim Nadir Pasha lived. It was in honor of him that the color was named. When they say the color of the beard of Abdel-Korim, this refers to white with a gray tint. That is, white and gray.

Beard Abdel-Korim
Beard Abdel-Korim

Akage color is what color?

Akage is a tree of a tree that is very expensive. Elite furniture is made from it. Simply speaking, this is an ordinary red tree, which in color resembles a Mahagon. Now this color is rarely used, because the name is obsolete. Now the color is called a mahagon.

Akage color

The color of the Empress’s vomiting is what color?

Since the 18th century, it was popular to call colors in an unusual way, so as not to look strange or non -enchanted. Therefore, very often came up with peculiar new colors. One of them is the color of the Empress's vomiting. In fact, this is brown-red. It was called that because people who care for Empress Maria Alexandrova, who fell ill with consumption, noted vomiting of red-brown with blood interspersed.

The color of the Empress's vomiting
The color of the Empress's vomiting

The color of the milling is what color?

Frases in French mean strawberries. Therefore, the color of the milling means is dirty pink, or pink with a dark shade. They came up with this color in France.

The color of the mill

The color of the pigeon neck is what color?

For the first time this color is mentioned in the works of Turgenev. It is reliably not known where this color came from, and why gray began to compare with the color of the pigeon neck. This is actually one of the shades of gray.

The color of the pigeon neck

What is the color - what color is this?

Weak color is a regular shade of healthy skin, one of the shades of beige-pink, peach color. When they began to be called so, it is certainly not known.

The color is thin
The color is thin

As you can see, the Russian language is rich in various interesting words, as well as outdated terms. Some of them are colors that are now quite often used among artists and makeup artists.

Video: Palette of unusual colors

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Comments K. article

  1. Oyster pink occurred due to a variety of oyster mushroom mushroom (pink oyster mushroom), bearing the English-speaking name Oyster

  2. Why is the word "Negro" suddenly? And why do all the blacks need to be called African Americans? And if he has nothing to do with America? For example from Nigeria?

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