History of the USSR briefly, in pictures: interesting retro

History of the USSR briefly, in pictures: interesting retro

If you are interested in the history of the USSR, then our article will definitely like it. In it you will find a lot of retro-signs of those times and can plunge into the atmosphere of this fascinating period.

The USSR is the Commonwealth of the Republics with a socialist ustoy. This state education existed for a rather long period, from 1922 to 1991. The history of the USSR is amazing. It has everything, both ups, won, huge achievements, as well as annoying defeats, participation in wars and even repressions of their people. Perhaps that is why people who lived in such an extraordinary country are ambiguous of it. Some try to completely eradicate the memories of the USSR from memory, others, on the contrary, recall this period of their life with pleasant nostalgia and warmth.

The history of the USSR - symbols and loffers in the pictures

The USSR, like any other country on the planet, had its own symbols, recognizable throughout the world. The most interesting thing is that the history of the USSR has long ended, the Commonwealth ceased to exist, and its symbols are now not forgotten by people.

Symbols of a socialist country:

Passport of the USSR

This small red book was the main document of a citizen of a huge country. For his loss, one could get not only a fine, but also a reprimand at work, which, you see, is not very pleasant. After all, everyone can lose a passport.

Symbols of the USSR

Sickle, hammer and five -pointed star The most recognizable symbols of that era. They were placed on flags, award icons, orders and coats of arms of all republics.

Coats of arms of the USSR

Thus, the coats of arms of all countries of the Commonwealth looked. Visually, they looked different, although unifying elements were depicted on them - a sickle, a hammer, a five -pointed star.

The flag of the USSR

We bring to your attention the banner of that great country. In this old retro and the banner of all the Commonwealth is captured. But besides him, each country had its own. Also red and necessarily with a star, a sickle and a hammer.

Another symbol of that era is slogans. They could be found everywhere. In kindergarten, school, hospital, library, store, at work.

The slogans of the USSR in pictures:

Slogan number 1
Slogan number 2
Slogan number 3
Slogan number 4
Slogan number 5
Slogan number 6
Slogan number 7
Slogan number 8

The history of the USSR is the life of ordinary people

It may seem to a modern person that the life of ordinary people in a socialist state was very boring. Yes, we are accustomed to more comfortable living conditions - fast communication through mobile phones, e -mail, Skype on the Internet. But it was these benefits of civilization that made us the stale and distant from each other.

After all, now you do not need to write a letter to congratulate a loved one on the holiday. You can just send an SMS. We practically do not go out into the courtyard for the sake of communicating with our neighbors. All this is replaced by Internet technologies. Previously, people cherished each other, supported and helped in case of need. And most importantly, they knew how to rejoice at what they had.

The history of the USSR is the life of ordinary people:

Life in the USSR

Such quiet gatherings could be observed in almost any family. As a rule, people worked all week, and only on weekends did they have the opportunity to gather and discuss the latest news. For such gatherings, they prepared a minimum of dishes as the purpose of such lunch or dinners was human communication.

Perfect family

In the subconscious of most Soviet people, this is exactly what the perfect family looked like. A beautiful well -groomed mother, dad reading the newspaper after a hard day's day, and clever daughter, busy with homework. A bright, spacious apartment, furnished with solid furniture, complements the perfect picture.

Holiday in the house

The photo captures a pleasant moment for the Soviet man. Meeting a native person with gifts. As a rule, for such gatherings they dressed the best outfits, and took out beautiful dishes.

Kitchen in the house

That's how the cuisine of the Soviet man looked modestly. Nothing superfluous, only what is needed for cooking. And not everyone had such a kitchen. If a person lived in a communal apartment, then he, at best, had a separate plate in the corner, or just his own burner on the stove.


Washing underwear was also a laborious process. The linen was pre -soaked, rinsed in separate, clean water, washed off, and only after that was washed. Not all houses were water supply, so the water for washing had to be worn by buckets.

Shop in Konotop
Shop in the USSR

The shops also looked like now. Citizens of a socialist country could only buy what the Soviet Promtorg offered them. Deficiency goods were sold exclusively, as they say, by the blat, and not everyone was available.

Moving to new housing

Obtaining a new spacious housing was the usual business for Soviet man in the post -war period. During this period, the country intensively built a new housing stock, so very often in the yards could be observed cars loaded with household utensils.


You will say not the most beautiful bathroom. But, believe me, for a Soviet man, especially living in rural areas, she was the ultimate dream. After all, even such modest apartments made it possible to swim and wash personal things without any problems.

Rural life

Rural life was very colorful. Everyday hard work, irregular working day and no conditions. Such was the reality of people who fed a huge country. But even in such conditions they did not lose heart and always remained friendly.


Yes, street trade in the USSR also existed. But it was not spontaneous. Party workers made sure that it was carried out in the places allocated for this. As a rule, on such trays you could find vegetables and fruits.

The history of the USSR is the clothes of the peoples included in the Commonwealth

The history of the USSR is very multifaceted, and sometimes simply fascinates its strong energy. People were configured for the result that the party set them, so sometimes to the detriment of themselves, went to the goal. Foreigners who came to the Soviet Union did not understand such sacrifice, but citizens of the Commonwealth considered this the norm.

But still, one should not think that people were just a gray mass. Even in such conditions, they managed to stand out from the rest. And they did it with the help of national clothes. They dressed it on certain holidays, or used as concert costumes.

National clothing of peoples included in the Commonwealth:

Latvian national women's clothing
National women's clothing
National women's clothing

The military history of the USSR

Probably, to almost all people living in the post -Soviet space, it is known about the greatness and fearlessness of the military majestic power. Even now, after a lot of time, people remember the exploits of grandfathers and great -grandfathers in the Great Patriotic War. Also, the feat of the soldiers of the Afghans, who did everything to make them a place in the history of the USSR, is not forgotten.

The military history of the USSR in the photo:

Victory Parade on Red Square in 1945

The war has not yet been completely over. In some cities, fights are still going on, but they are already liberation, as the Germans recognized their surrender. And while some soldiers continue to purify their homeland from the Nazis, others walk around the main square of the country, raising the morale of the population.

Soviet paratroopers of the Second World War

So the Soviet paratroopers looked. These men did everything to bring the world closer, sometimes risking their life.

Military photo

This old picture depicts simple soldiers, whose will the will of the fascists won. Despite all the hardships that they had to endure, they still do not stop smiling and exuding positive.

Soviet soldiers in Germany

The soldiers who went through the whole war can finally relax. Although it is very far from their home, they are already looking forward to meeting with loved ones and relatives.

The soldiers returned home with victory

Honoring of soldiers in their homeland. Native people are glad to meet, despite the fact that everything is destroyed around and the country will have to rebuild, as they say, from zero.

Photo of soldiers in Afghanistan of the USSR

Politinformation time in the field. Soldiers read the press sent from their homeland.

Soldiers on the battlefield

Afghan warriors concentrately plan the defense of the site entrusted to them. The life of the rest of the soldiers depends on their solutions.

Soviet troops in Afghanistan

The official part of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The courageous warriors return home to take a break from the war.

Communist history of the USSR-interesting retro

Communism was the main political direction of the Soviet Union. People everywhere were the opinion that only communism could make them as happy as possible, and give equality between the classes. More precisely, in the USSR, ideally, there should be no division into poor and rich.

All people should have approximately the same financial income. Unfortunately, the Communists could not fully achieve their goal. True in the existence of the country was a period when people felt protected.

Communist history of the USSR:

The rudiments of communism

Lenin, as the founder of the socialist movement, is trying to raise the morale of the working people before the February education will begin.


A rally dedicated to the October Revolution. In those days, people really considered this day festive. They hunted in the square, thereby paying tribute to the dead revolutionaries. Such rallies have always been attended by communist symbolism - red banners and posters with slogans.

Big poster - the victory of communism

Such posters could be found at the smallest enterprise. They were placed everywhere, even in very small villages. This was done so that each person, regardless of office, remembered that he should make a contribution to the common cause, thereby bringing closer a bright future.

Congress of the Communist Party

The picture captures the congress of the tops of the Communist Party. People holding higher positions are sitting on a high -rise and carefully monitor those who are in the hall. Now no one will surprise anyone with so many people in one place. But at that time it was only possible to get to such a meeting.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev is one of the leaders of the USSR. He was a very impulsive person, and sometimes at a dead end of his subordinates. Not everyone liked his political decisions and were not always correct, but still he managed to leave his mark in the history of the USSR.

History of the USSR - food products

People born in the USSR with nostalgia recall food products that could be bought in specialized stores. In those days, GOSTs established by government officials were strictly adhered to, and therefore even the cheapest food was made from quality products, and was as natural as possible.

Of course, in small towns and towns, a shortage of some goods could be observed, but people were not particularly upset about this. The necessary products were periodically imported, and they could be purchased. Or you could go to a big city and buy everything you need.

Food in the history of the USSR:

Milk department of the universe.

In such a glass container, they bought milk for children. It was also on sale in soft packaging, but its buyers did not really like it. Due to poor adhesion, the packaging was damaged and the milk was gradually poured.


Such products and drinks were very rare on the tables of ordinary workers. Most often they were bought for large holidays, or in the case of a premium for salary.

Ice cream

The choice of ice cream in the USSR was not so huge, but the lack of assortment was easily compensated by the taste. Cold dessert was made exclusively from milk, cream and egg yolks. These products made ice cream as tender as possible.

Store shelves in the USSR

In the meat department, absolutely everything could be found, from boiled sausage to servel. And most importantly, every working person could pamper himself.

The USSR Bread Store

At first glance, it seems that the prices in the bread store were simply funny. By today's standards, pastries were sold almost free. But for people living in the USSR, these prices were not so small. At that time, a salary of 100 rubles was large, and it was necessary to eat, dress, and block other needs of the family. Therefore, people even had to save.

The history of the USSR - holidays and entertainment

The Soviet people devoted most of their life to work for the good of their homeland. But still, this does not mean that there were no holidays in the life of the USSR citizens. There were not very many of them, so they tried to conduct them as fun and positive as possible.

Holidays and entertainment in the history of the USSR:

Demonstration on May 1 in the USSR

On May 1, a special march was held for all workers. As a rule, they went to him immediately by families, stocked with fresh flowers, balloons and red banners, and proudly walked in the total mass of people.

New Year celebration.

Perhaps the New Year can be attributed to those holidays whose celebration does not change for years. And now, people, on the eve of a fabulous night, install fluffy spruce in their house, decorate them with brilliant tinsel and necessarily funny round dances.

Dance floor

The dance site in the USSR was a very popular place. They came here to relax after work, chat and have fun. The dance floor was chosen to get acquainted with the object of adoration. As a rule, to start a relationship, they simply invited a person to dance and tied a conversation.

The eighth of March in the USSR.

The main symbol of March 8 in the USSR was a gentle mimosa. It was given to absolutely all representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age.

February 23

Another holiday that all celebrated, without exception, is the day of the defender of the Fatherland. On this day, congratulations received a strong floor.

Outdoor -air filling skating rink.

Pully rollers were very popular among people in winter. In the afternoon, the boys played hockey here. And in the evening, adults came to the rink to enjoy skating skating.

Bicycle sport in the USSR

Another popular lesson among Soviet citizens is cycling. Many people rode bicycles. On the weekend, it was possible to observe as cyclists in large groups, with backpacks behind their backs, leave for the forest or on the river. In nature, peculiar competitions were initially held, and then a cheerful picnic was held.

The history of the USSR - education

Education in the USSR, as now, was multi -level. Initially, children were given to kindergarten. Here the baby received the first self -service skills, and began to study letters and numbers. Next, the child went to school, where he received the usual quality education. After school, the boys and girls went to receive a profession in schools, technical schools, or institutes. The most pleasant thing is that in any of the selected institutions, education was very good.

The history of the USSR is education:

Kindergartens in the USSR
School years
1.33b at a lecture in API
Audience at the University of the USSR

The history of the USSR - trends in clothes

Another important component of the history of the USSR is fashion. For some reason, most people believe that in those days people wore not very beautiful, gray or dark clothes. Yes, clothes in such tones existed, but it was most often used for work. People did not really like these faceless outfits, so at the first opportunity they tried to go to people in something bright.

Fashion trends in the USSR:

Fashion of the 80s for women
Outfits for hiking
Youth trends in clothes
Evening fashion in the USSR
Style America
The male fashion of the eighties
The male fashion of the eighties
Fashion of the 60s
Fashion in the USSR
Children's fashion in the USSR
Children's fashion in the USSR
School uniform 1950

The history of the USSR - major of a socialist country

No matter how regrettable it was to recognize this, but the history of the USSR had its own major. As a rule, these were children and wives of party workers. Due to the fact that they had access to the benefits of the communist elite, their life was easier and more colorful. They could afford everything that others had to achieve hard work - scarce food, foreign clothes, travel and car.

What the majority of the socialist country looked like:

Majors of the USSR
"Golden youth"
Girls in their own car

The history of the USSR is a period of perestroika, stagnation and deficiency

In 1985, there were great changes in the history of the USSR. Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, and almost immediately announced the beginning of perestroika. Changes were supposed to lead to the rise in industry, improve the financial condition of citizens and rejuvenate the communist elite. Ordinary people supported changes in politics, but something went wrong and the communist institutions began to fail. At a certain stage of reform, there was a split in communist circles.

As a result of this disagreement, democratic forces formed who considered the Communists people who interfere with the further development of the country. The Communists and Democrats began to try to pull the palm on themselves. Each movement wanted more power. In the struggle for power, they did not devote little time to the reform, and as a result, this led to a period of stagnation. People began a difficult period of life.

The history of the USSR is a period of perestroika, stagnation and deficiency:

USSR under Gorbachev
USSR under Gorbachev
The collapse of the USSR
The collapse of the USSR
The collapse of the USSR
August putsch
Empty shelves in the 90s stores
The queues of the period of stagnation
Everything disappeared from the stores
An abandoned building of the USSR
An abandoned building of the USSR
Enterprises began to closely close

Video: Great Empires of the world. The history of the USSR

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Comments K. article

  1. Guys, do not write about what you didn’t understand ... It looks extremely unprofessional, all the photos are in a heap, the style is terrible.

  2. | Girls in their own car | |
    -What, the number is not visible
    51-00 test?
    Set photo:
    calendar Gosstrakh Girl car Lada 1991

  3. | Store shelves in the USSR |
    -coperative store (department),
    On a banner milk and fish
    And on the shelves of canned food
    The devil knows what,
    The main counter to score
    There were prices
    for all this "abundance"
    Minimum exorbitant

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