Lard, twisted with garlic through a meat grinder in Ukrainian: recipe. Lard raw, twisted through a meat grinder with garlic and greens, dill, pepper, salt, spices for praying for a sandwich: recipe

Lard, twisted with garlic through a meat grinder in Ukrainian: recipe. Lard raw, twisted through a meat grinder with garlic and greens, dill, pepper, salt, spices for praying for a sandwich: recipe

We cook fat in Ukrainian: the most delicious sandwich fat according to famous recipes.

For those who came to Gogol’s homeland, they know well that there is no better snack than a piece of black rye bread and delicious fat. The flavor of Ukraine implies a rich borsch, pampushki with garlic and a juicy delicious lard in all kinds of feedings on the table. But as many say, the most delicious bar recipe is a crushed pasta with garlic. In this article you will learn both a simple and real recipe for making lard in Ukrainian.

Ukrainian snack from fat through a meat grinder: what is it called?

Like many dishes preparing in various regions, lard with garlic, has hundreds of names, but how the well -deserved cooks know the right (established name) - sandwich fat.

It is very convenient to take such fat with you to picnics, hunting, fishing, traveling at any time of the year. It is convenient in transportation, since it can be put tightly in banks, soda. Smooth quickly and eat tasty and eat.

Lard twisted with garlic through a meat grinder in Ukrainian: recipe

The simplest recipe for cooking is so elementary that even a child can handle it, but if you want to feel the whole aroma and taste of such fat, you will need to work hard!

For cooking, we need:

  • 1 kg of fresh fat
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 6 cloves of acute garlic
  • Meat grinder and minimum time

We clean the lard from the skin, cut into cubes/stripes and twist through a meat grinder along with garlic. Add salt, mix thoroughly and let it brew for a day.

And now the time of the real recipe for “crushed fat” which Ukrainian tourists love to be so fond of:

  • 0.5 kg of salted fat (after a boot it should stand at least a week)
  • 3-4 teeth of acute garlic

Remove the skin. We cut the lard into 4 parts, we take one of them and cut as thin as possible slices, and then thin strips. We take the largest and heavy knife in the house and begin to “beat off” the lard until a homogeneous mass with a blade. In the process of beating, push the layer of fat and turn over so that all the pieces are worked out evenly.

Turning into a pasty mass, we go to the rest of the pieces. Having finished with fat, we squeeze the garlic teeth through the manual garlic and with a knife on the cutting board “drive” the garlic into the lard so that it lets the juice and mixes into a single whole with fat.

Now we take rye bread and spread a piece with a crushed lard - try and get pleasure! This process of laborious and often refuses it in favor of mass production, but having tried this method, you are unlikely to want fat from a meat grinder.

Salo sandwich for prayers, twisted through a meat grinder with garlic and herbs: Recipe

In order to prepare a sandwich with herbs, it is important to properly maintain proportions. Typically, those who choose this recipe do not like acute and are more located to a variety of taste, so if you want to feel sharpness, add garlic as in the previous recipe.

  • 1 kg of salty fat or 1 kg of fresh fat and 2 stipls of salt;
  • 3 garlic teeth;
  • Bunch: dill, parsley, cilantro and basil.

Having removed the skin from the fat, twist everything in a meat grinder, additionally mix and serve immediately to the table. Unlike previous recipes, this most delicious freshly prepared.

Salo sandwich - paste for prayer, twisted through a meat grinder with garlic and dill: Recipe

And this recipe is good for strong drinks. It will become indispensable both at the table and on outdoor activities.

  • 1 kg of salted fat;
  • 6-7 cloves of garlic;
  • A pinch of freshly canceled pepper;
  • A bunch of dill.

We grind all along with the skin in a meat grinder and additionally pass the blender until a homogeneous mass. If desired, we additionally salt and leave it in the glass jar “reach” for a day in the refrigerator. Serve to the table.

Ukrainian snack from lard, bacon, nickel through a meat grinder with pepper and spices: Recipe

And now the “exclusive” method of crushed fat in a priestly Ukrainian.

We will need:

  • 1 kg of exclusively fresh fat with livestocks;
  • 5-7 cloves of garlic (who likes the severity);
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs;
  • Pepper is black and fragrant in 2 grains;
  • Dried herbs and spices (dill, parsley, Pasternak, parsley root, celery, etc. to taste).

In boiling water, we lower fresh fat, salt, pepper, with a bed of bay leaf. Cook on a quiet fire (like cold) for 3 hours (until the fath is yellow). We drain the water and thick fat (or grind in a meat grinder, to whom it is convenient), season with garlic and dry spices, mix thoroughly, let it brew in the refrigerator from 2 hours to a week.

Video: recipe: a sucked snack with garlic (sandwich namais)

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Comments K. article

  1. There is no word "in Russian." And thank you for the recipes

  2. Thank you for the recipe

  3. For our family, 2st.l salt per 1 kg fat, it turned out to be salty :)

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