Where to start repairs in the apartment and how to meet the acceptable time: scheme in stages, errors

Where to start repairs in the apartment and how to meet the acceptable time: scheme in stages, errors

Do not know where to start repairs? Read the article, errors are dismantled in it and stages are described.

No matter how good and beautiful the house is, every owner wants to equip his “nest” based on personal preferences. In fact, fill the screed, decorate the walls when the acceptance certificate is signed. If time remains until this moment, it is worth considering the design, choose materials and choose a company with specialists.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The interior of the apartment: the TOP-100 of the most useful tips for the layout, the choice of materials and repair".

For repairs, it is necessary to invite specialists, because with your own hands, artisanal repair can have unpleasant consequences. Such a dwelling will not have a “presentation” - not only that if the owner has relative knowledge in terms of repairs, over time you will have to redo a lot. The only thing that can be performed without the risk of a poorly prepared person is plastering and putty. But it is better not to undertake the wiring and screed if there is no experience in construction and repair.

Apartment with finishes: take or not?

Apartment with decoration
Apartment with decoration

Often developers give an option in which the finish has already been made. In fact, it is better to refuse this. Indeed, in this case, everything can be done on the “Tyap-Lap”: the curved walls, wretched screed, obliquely laid linoleum. And this is only the most harmless that you might encounter. That is why it is preferable to hire specialists who will finish according to your requirements, and not hastily.

Is it worth it to make expensive repairs in a new building immediately?

Many experts agree that this is not necessary. As a rule, the shrinkage of the building occurs for 5-10 years. Cracks on the partitions may occur. That is why it is better to postpone with expensive repairs. Otherwise, it will be a shame to watch how expensive plaster and panels will become unusable.

However, the builders themselves must understand this. The keys to the residents are transmitted already when the house is completely ready for living. If it has passed 2-3 years, and the house is already falling apart - this is an occasion to sue the developer and compensate for material damage.

Shrinking at home: How is this going on?

Any building requires shrinkage. Builders must comply with all the necessary norms. Otherwise, you will still have to make repairs. The deadlines of the shrinkage depend on the type of house. The monolithic house is light, sits down quickly. Moreover, the shrinkage occurs evenly. If you have this option, do not worry about the finish.

In the case of panel houses in sleeping areas, shrinkage occurs at least two children. If any technologies are broken, the cracks may appear between the panels. In some cases, even the plaster cracks.

The most weight is brick house. Shrinkage occurs up to 6 years. She is uneven. Distributions are possible. Remember this and do not rush to repair.

Where to start repairs in a new apartment: the scheme of the correct repair in stages

Usually, when you have to call into a new apartment, you must first make repairs. After all, I want to do everything in my own way-beautiful and convenient. Where to start repairs in a new apartment? Here is the scheme of the correct repair in stages:

  • Inspect your possessions - Check the communications and evaluate the front of the work. You must also draw up a plan, understand why and how you will fulfill.
  • Evaluate your budget - Few can do all the work in a few days. Therefore, determine what needs to be corrected urgently, and what can wait a month.
  • Evaluate the front door, ventilation and windows - Most often, they have to be replaced. Developers save, put the cheapest.
  • Change the lock in the door “Otherwise, your security will be at risk.” Of course, you can hope for the decency of the builders. But remember that there were more than a dozen strangers in your apartment. Therefore, do not risk.
  • Inspect the layout - Often the owner decides to demolish the walls or erect new ones. Decide on this right away.
  • Check the wiring, cables and sockets. Think about how a boiler, heating boiler, and washing machine will be installed. Immediately find out for yourself which lamps and where you will use.
  • Evaluate plumbing - This is a very important stage. Are the pipes working? How working are they? What needs to be improved or dismantled? Which type of sewage system is used? Do you plan to change something in communications? - The answers to these questions should be found must and first of all.
  • Check the condition of the apartment from a professional point of view - Find an experienced specialist. Let him go through the home with you, identify problem areas and shortcomings. The developer always paints his house as perfect. But often they can cunning and hiding their “mistakes”.
  • The seller can say that it will be faster and easier if he corrects everything himself. Do not agree. In fact, it is important for him to hand over the object. Therefore, he will rush and do everything on the “dumps”, as a result of which you will again face the need to repair.

Some owners have no experience or do not want to score their heads. Below we present the easiest plan for such cases. It will make high -quality repair without trouble. The simplest scheme for work (a beginner can handle):

  • We work with partitions - transfer, construction of new, dismantling, demolition, etc.
  • We work with pipes and wiring
  • Align the walls and floor
  • We make finishes - only after all work is performed

Self -repairs are saved by the budget. Evaluate your strength in advance and understand what you can do yourself, and why you need to invite a specialist. Beginners are not recommended to experiment with electrical wiring and water supply systems. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the consequences for a long time. The stingy in this case pays twice - remember this.

So, the main scale of work is determined. Now you can start planning all stages. Read further.

Repair planning or what else needs to be taken into account?

Repair planning
Repair planning

Imagine that you already have all the necessary documents in your hands: a certificate of ownership and so on. Remember that even if you still do not live in a new apartment, you must already take into account the costs of the rent. You are a full -fledged tenant from the point of view of the law. Remember this. Gas, electricity, water - is made in any case, even if you still do not live in the apartment. That is why when planning the repair, take into account the costs of the communal apartment.

As for the repair, it is planned and fast. How to determine which one is needed? Read further.

How is planned repairs differed from fast: which one to choose?

Name "Fast Repair" Says for itself:

  • We hastily fill the screed, install plumbing.
  • We slightly ennoble the walls and ceiling. Ready!
  • In fact, this is an option for those who have nowhere to live and need to move right now.
  • The rest of the work is performed as financial capabilities.
  • In other words, this is hateful repairs. Such housing will not last more than 10 years without leaving - sooner or later you will have to make repairs again.

Planned repairs - thorough business:

  • You decided to live in this apartment for more than a dozen years.
  • A quality scheme is made indicating all stages, specific planning is carried out.
  • Brigades of specialists carry out all the work. If, with quick repair, the owner can well do everything himself, then with planned work - all the stages are done by specialists.

The choice comes from the personal goals of the owner. However, with a planned repair, the estimate can be exceeded, the repair lasts a long time, a stable and high income of the owner and the lack of need to rush are needed.

Repair is a new beginning: how to do it?

Repair is a new beginning
Repair is a new beginning

Repair is a new beginning. You can do everything according to personal requirements so that it is convenient and comfortable for you to live. How to do if the house is new, where to start? Here are the stages:

After receiving the keys from the new apartment, change the lock:

  • What responsible and decent did not seem to be a developer, he still cannot be trusted.
  • Moreover, there is never a guarantee that none of the builders made duplicates.
  • That is why it is best to replace the front door - or, if there is no money, then at least change the lock or add a security system.

We call an electrician:

  • If it is not so important what color the wallpaper will be in your apartment, then the fact that all gadgets work from the network will not be denied.
  • To begin with, let him put a distribution shield. Otherwise, you will not be able to use a perforator and other similar devices.
  • Now lay the wiring. But remember that you should use waterproof sleeves if the room has high humidity.
  • For a washing machine, boiler and other devices, separate cables are needed.
  • Do not forget about grounding!
  • Of course, a solid cable should go from the shield to the outlet - without twisting, adhesions and other “breaks”.

Take care of sewage and water supply - this is important:

  • Water is needed not only for the bathroom, but also for repair work.
  • First, put at least one simple shell and 1 toilet.
  • After the repair, you can replace them with more expensive and stylish.
  • But water pipes are best installed initially high -quality.

Perform black work - screed, plastering work:

  • Now finish off cleanly.
  • Remove all the garbage, check the walls. In some cases, it is necessary to smooth, clean and cut off.
  • Do not forget about respirators, work clothes.
  • Do not close the windows, even in winter.
  • Before pouring the screed, fill all the holes, remove the interior partitions. There should be no cracks and holes.
  • Put the reinforcing mesh on the floor, pour cement. As a rule, cement freezes Almost 30 days.
  • After that, you can put linoleum or laminate, tiles.
  • remember, that 4-5 days The screed should stand. Before that, you can’t walk on it.
  • Best if drying occurs with humidity up to 70%and high temperature .
  • However, you can replace the cement screed with gypsum, it dries faster.

Perform finishing work:

  • This can be done while the screed dries.
  • Process the walls of the kitchen separately. You can tile with tile. Can't you know? Let the professional do it.
  • For the living room, choose decorative plaster and standard wallpaper. As for protrusions, the ideal option is drywall.

Advice: Cover everything with linoleum (can be cheap), film - so as not to clean the floor again from garbage.

Perform final work on the decoration - cleanly put the carpet, linoleum or laminate. Connect chandeliers and lamps. Ready - you can live in the apartment.

Video: apartment renovation. Sequence and stages of repair

"Lighthouse" or "rule": how to plaster the walls?

Most often, difficulties arise precisely with plastering walls. Here is the main thing to be able to do "lighthouse" Or plaster under "Rule". Lighthouses are a stretched thread, and the rule is what, in principle, the plaster is aligned, can be done with lighthouses and the rule at the same time. Here are a few options:

  • The first option: we fasten metal profiles on the wall. We focus on them during plaster. Do not forget to remove the beacons later.
  • The second option: a long rail. We pull out the plaster and check the result on it. We do not install the beacons, orientation only on the tool.

Instead of plaster, you can fix the drywall on the frame. Remember that the first method will take free space. But it will be easier with the performance of noise and thermal insulation. Level the floor with a screed.

Common errors during repair

Common errors during repair
Common errors during repair

Alas, without it. They learn from errors - but in the case of construction they can cost expensive. It is worth knowing about these miscalculations and not allow them. Here are common errors during the repair:

  • Inappropriate time of the year

If you want to update the interior, for example, before the New Year holidays, it is better to buy a new figurine. Why can't you do repairs in winter? Firstly, heating is included. You will not be able to replace the radiators, you will have to dry longer. Also, you cannot replace the windows. And in the cold you certainly will not begin to ventilate the room once again. And it is necessary! Moreover, in winter children will interfere in the apartment. And in the summer they can be sent to the camp or to the grandmother.

  • Dear repair in a new house

If the building is not yet conditional, it makes no sense for you to invest in an elite finish. Understand, then the walls and ceilings will “float”, and you will have to spend even more money. First, make a simple repair, and then, over time, you will ennoble your home and make it the way you want.

  • Do not forget about sockets - look in the project where they are located

Change the location if it is uncomfortable. Remember about the length of the cords of household appliances. You should not use 10 extension cords to just turn on the hair dryer. The sockets should not be behind the sofa or at a height of 1 cm from the floor. They should be located conveniently and accessibility.

  • Improvisation is not always appropriate

Suppose a chandelier in the form of a heart that you just bought will not be suitable for a restrained Scandinavian style, in which the rest of the decoration of the apartment is completed. Do not emphasize. It is better to do everything in the same style so that the interior looks interesting and harmonious.

  • The floor in the kitchen should be solid

The fact is that in this room the most aggressive environment. Even neat housewives sometimes drop something on the floor, pour or break. Therefore, an increased load is on the floor. You can put tiles or marble. Ordinary linoleum is not suitable. You can use a waterproof laminate, but it is also not very reliable.

  • Things will interfere

Transport your things somewhere so that they do not interfere during repair. There are special services. Or ask to leave things from relatives or friends.

  • Do cleaning in a timely manner

Take out the garbage immediately after work, otherwise it will be a lot and it will interfere. Any building processes bring a mess with them. Also accustom yourself to wet cleaning, because it is harmful to breathing with construction dust.

Errors when buying a new apartment

Repair is much faster and better if you have made the right choice of the apartment. Let's talk about what should not be done. Here are common mistakes when buying a new apartment - tips:

  • You do not need to rush

It is clear that you want to get your own home as quickly as possible. Tired of wandering around rented apartments or living with friends. It is inconvenient to pay a hotel for a hotel. Moreover, you need to meet an acceptable time. But emotional solutions, on the contrary, can only tighten the process. In other words, check what you buy. After all, an apartment is not a coat that can simply be thrown away or transferred if it turned out to be not enough for you. The new apartment should have a convenient location of the rooms, a large kitchen, a separate bathroom (otherwise you will have to redevelop).

  • Do not take your word

It is profitable for the developer to quickly get rid of the apartment. He will not say that the builders did something crookedly. You must watch yourself. Invite a specialist if you do not understand. Perhaps he will have to pay separately. But you will not lose time and extra money. Repair will happen faster.

  • Do not chase cheap

Since housing is not a wardrobe item with a sale, you are unlikely to get it off if you buy it with a big discount. The amount with more than compensated by the repair of possible "jambs". Remember: just so, housing prices are not reduced! Surely there are "pitfalls." Do not believe those who say that you can buy a good apartment in a new building for mere pennies.

  • Do not take the word in the close location of the infrastructure

To sell you an apartment, the developer will say that from it “5 minutes to the center”, and in the end, you will have to get to work on two types of transport with a transplant. Check this in advance. When you decided to see the option of the apartment, sit on public transport, and go to your destination yourself.

  • Check all options before making the final choice

It is possible that more attractive options will come across. Therefore, look at the apartments from different developers, and only then make a choice.

Repair in a new building is not so fast. Therefore, set the real terms and remember that not only speed, but also quality is important. Good luck!

Video:  I bought an apartment. Do not know where to start repairs? Satisfied meters

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