The interior of the apartment: the TOP-100 of the most useful tips for the layout, selection of materials and repair

The interior of the apartment: the TOP-100 of the most useful tips for the layout, selection of materials and repair

To turn the apartment into your perfect cozy nest, use our advice on the interior of the apartment.

Even if you are going to hire a designer, preparing for the next repair, it is important to understand what you want to get as a result. Today we will tell you about important and useful tips that will help you determine what you really want and wait as a result of repairs, and how to achieve this with minimal costs of funds and nerves.

The interior of the apartment: how to create comfort without repair?

  1. Buy a beautiful fruit basket and always keep fresh fruits in it - this is not only useful for the whole family, but also gives the interior of freshness.
  2. Once a month, do a lot of cleaning. Some experts recommend throwing exactly 27 things once a month. So you will avoid clutter and your interior will always look stylish. Try not to regret things that you do not use - perhaps in this way you can postpone repairs.
  3. You can make a unique decoration for any room with your own hands, even if you are not a designer. On the Internet you will find many ideas that will save your wallet from buying expensive decor and help you have a efficient time.
  4. Never cover the sofa with a blanket and, especially, do not fold the plaid carefully on the couch. A carelessly abandoned plaid will give the style to any room.

  5. Choose beautiful storage containers - all things cannot be hidden in the shelves, and stylish storage accessories will delight the eye and hide the excess.
  6. If you have open shelves - do not force them completely - a couple of books, a vase, candles. Not completely forced shelves look much more stylish than the same shelves in design, but completely forced.
  7. Illumination over the work surface In the kitchen creates an incredibly warm and mental atmosphere, and also helps a lot in cooking. Today, in order to do it, it is not necessary to plan the presence of backlight during the repair (although this is ideal)-it is enough to purchase LED lamps on batteries.

    Interior atmosphere
  8. To visually expand, refresh And make the room lighter, you can hang a mirror on the wall.
  9. If any of the rooms in your apartment seems too empty for you, put a large plant in one of the corners.
  10. Add the light of light with table lamps - soft multiple light creates a cozy atmosphere.
  11. Lay a real carpet in the bathroom - you do not need cheap plastic rugs. The real carpet looks stylish and perfectly absorbs moisture.
  12. Pillows of the same fabric as the upholstery of the sofa look cheap. Add a few decorative pillows contrasting in tone with the upholstery of the sofa. They will enjoy the interior and the room will sparkle with new colors.

  13. For the bedroom, choose carpets of calm and soft tones. A bright decor on the floor will make the room visually smaller.
  14. Visually expanding and increasing the bedroom will help a high bed. If there is already a bed, make a high headboard.
  15. To expand the room, outline the circle in its center - this can be done using a round table or a round carpet.
  16. Do not cut the curtains clearly along the floor line - the phalda fading on the floor will make the room visually higher. In addition, designers believe that this is a plus one hundred points to the style.
  17. To create comfort in the kitchen and save space in the cabinets - hang several buckets and pans on the rail above the hob.
  18. Cards on the walls are a very stylish solution. They can be both an independent element of decor, or combine with paintings.
  19. The backlight in the closet is not only convenient, but also looks very impressive - you will be pleased to look into the closet.
  20. The interior of the apartment Only win if you add a couple of gold parts to it. The main thing is to have a sense of proportion.
  21. The cereals placed on the countertop in beautiful banks look very beautiful and save a place in lockers.

  22. To change something, it is not necessary to make repairs. Report the furniture, change the upholstery in furniture or just hang new curtains.
  23. Freshness will give the room a bouquet of fresh colors in a vase.
  24. If you arrange a small composition of flowers, candles and vases on the kitchen table - the kitchen will immediately become more comfortable.
  25. On the wall, compositions from hats and a collection of decorative plates look stylish.
  26. If you have a small room, give up heavy dark curtains. Air light tulle is your option. It will give the room a volume and air.

  27. To understand how best to decorate the interior of the apartment - Take a photo. The camera will easily help to identify what you need to buy, and what is better to get rid of.
  28. To make the room interesting-add a part from another time or style-something completely unexpected.
  29. Pour detergents in the kitchen and in the bathroom into original dispensers - the type of room will immediately change.
  30. Furniture from different materials, made in one color or shade, looks amazing.

Repair and interior of the apartment

  1. If you are planning to buy an apartment, make sure that you can make it a nest of your dreams. "Try" an apartment on yourself. To do this, take a millimeter and draw on it a building plan of the apartment and the layout that you would like. Different developers offer different plans of the apartments, so understanding what exactly you expect from the new home, you can easily choose your dream apartment.
  2. Do not rush to destroy and build the walls. Before the repair, pay attention to what you do not like or what causes you discomfort in the apartment. Think about what you would like to see in a new apartment. Be sure to record all this in a special notebook. In general, get a notebook for yourself in which you will reflect everything regarding the repair - ideas, wishes, colors that you like, and everything that you consider important.
  3. Buy yourself many sheets of millimeters. Draw a construction plan of the apartment on it, mark the sewer conclusions in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet. Throw a new plan based on what you need.
  4. The “I's Initutes Question” is very acute in the family. It doesn’t matter if you are doing repairs or buying a new apartment - try to plan bathrooms at the rate of two bathrooms for two rooms.
  5. If your apartment is small or is in an old house - just do not connect or divide the bathrooms, and plan in the bathroom where there will be a toilet, a small washbasin. So you and your guests will feel comfortable. If the apartment is in the new house - in no case, even on the advice of some “designers”, do not remove the second bathroom to please the wardrobe or other rooms.

  6. If everything suits you in your housing, but you really want to make the room at least visually larger - just re -pour the walls into the wallpaper of light tone or paint them white. Only in no case do not choose a hospital white color.
  7. When making a layout, think not about how you will receive guests, but about your family to live your family. If you have a large corridor and it is possible to take away at least 15 centimeters from it in favor of a bath, wardrobe, bathroom or other room.
  8. If you have a kitchen area - do not combine it with the living room. You can sit with guests with the need in the kitchen, but not a single extract will remove the entire smell of food, which will settle on the couch, chairs and other items of furniture. In addition, if someone remains to spend the night-access to the kitchen for the whole night will be blocked, as you do not want to wake up a person who sleeps in the living room. If the living space of the kitchen and living room is separated, it is much more comfortable. If you really want an open layout - pay attention to glass partitions, wooden and other sliding systems. During cooking, they can be closed in this way by blocking the access of sounds and smells to the living room zone.

  9. If the apartment gives you this opportunity - plan a separate bathroom and a separate dressing room in the main bedroom. Let you have a zone separate from your children and guests.
  10. In an apartment with a small area of \u200b\u200bcorridors and bathrooms, it is convenient to use sliding doors. In general, they are better in many aspects than swing.
  11. If you, choosing a new upholstered furniture, dream of a light sofa or chairs - choose an option from leather or leatherette - they are easily cleaned and quite durable.
  12. When planning the floor covering, give preference to a monolithic option. So the room will seem many times more, but it will be easier for you to do cleaning.
  13. When choosing storage furniture, remember the golden rule - one large item is better than five small ones. Do not clutter the room with an abundance of chests of drawers - it is better to make one large closet with a light or mirror facade.

  14. Before buying furniture, be sure to make thorough measurements of the room, so that later you do not have to return the furniture, or just so as not to lose money.
  15. Do not save on what should serve for a long time - windows, flooring and plumbing should be high -quality.
  16. Choose the flooring depending on the needs of your family. For example, if you have a dog - a floor of soft woods will not suit you.
  17. If you have no means and desire to make repairs every year - do not follow fashion trends - choose classic outlines and colors for the interior of your apartment. A fashionable note can be added using a pair of decorative details such as decorative pillows on the couch.
  18. Different in style and color of chairs around the dining table will diversify even the most classic interior and give it a modern look.

  19. When choosing furniture, remember that glass tables or shelves will give the room of light and air.
  20. Before starting the repair, think about the color scheme of the apartment. Be sure to buy a small amount of paint and do a trial coloring in the apartment - the only way you will understand how this or that color will look in the interior of the apartment.
  21. Furniture, placed a few centimeters from the wall, will make the room more comfortable.
  22. Do not rush to do the perfect interior design in an instant. The coolest interiors have been created for years, because to choose comfortable furniture, stylish and expensive decor and lighting need time. The most stylish interiors are sustained by time.
  23. You should not follow the same style in everything - the cliche in the interior of the apartment makes the interior boring, not very comfortable and dead.
  24. To equip phytosten do not need to have a lot of money - in the same IKEA There are special rails with pots that will look stylish both over the working surface in the kitchen and on any wall.

  25. Furniture, placed along the walls, is old. Today you can put a sofa and other furniture across the room or in general as you like, creating comfortable areas for different types of activity.
  26. A little rough wooden furniture in the interior of the living room It goes very well with other details of the modern interior.
  27. Corner baths, showers, countertops and cabinets will help to save square meters. In the kitchen in the corner segment, be sure to plan a carousel - this is the only way not to lose the corner and make this part of the kitchen set as functional as possible.
  28. Thinking over the new one kitchen interier And when ordering new furniture, do not listen to the conversations of the masters about how it should be. For example, it will be more convenient for tall people if the countertop is at a distance of ninety centimeters from the floor, and not at the standard eighty.
  29. If you have a small room - do not buy furniture without legs for anything - it will land and visually reduce the room.
  30. To get rid of the wires hanging and lying throughout the apartment as much as possible, which can spoil even the most expensive interior - plan a sufficient number of outlets in advance, use furniture with built -in sockets and skirting boards with wire channels. And the impression of interior of the apartment Safety for yourself and children will immediately change.
  31. If you do not plan to hire a cleaner and do not want to clean every day - give up dark floors, countertops and other surfaces. The dust on them is noticeable from afar. The same applies to the white floor - it is beautiful, but completely not functional.
  32. When arranging cornices, do them in terms of ceiling. The cornices in the window level make the room below.

    High cornices
    High cornices
  33. Mind the decor a little depending on the season - change the summer blankets for woolen in the winter and vice versa. In summer, fresh flowers are appropriate, in the fall - bouquets of heather, in winter - spruce branches in vases.
  34. To comfortably place two children in a small room - use a bunk bed.
  35. The fireplace is able to make any room cozy, even if it is not real, but just a dummy.
  36. If your room is small - give up a large chandelier. It is better to use spot lighting - it can visually expand the room
  37. Caution with bright accents in the interior of the apartment will not hurt. However, a bright ceiling is a very stylish and modern solution.
  38. Choose switches for the color of your walls. If you already have them, and you decide to repaint or change the wallpaper - paint and switches in the appropriate color.

  39. Small bedside rugs in a small room make it visually smaller. Take them off and put one large carpet.
  40. Regardless of the circumstances, surround yourself with the fact that you love - then you will be comfortable in your apartment.
  41. A simple rectangular table in the form of a bar will help save space in the kitchen. Unless, of course, your family is not very big.

    Saving space
    Saving space
  42. Odino is better zoning with light transparent partitions.
  43. In order to effectively use the space, use every corner.
  44. On wide window sills, you can equip an additional lounge zone. You can arrange a area for games there if you are completely confident in the safety of your windows.
  45. A sliding table is an excellent decision for those who like to receive guests. Especially if the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen is small.

  46. To create an interior of a small room, use no more than three colors. The design of a large number of colors will visually break the room into small parts.
  47. If you are in the process of planning the interior of a small apartment, keep in mind that upholstered furniture to the color of the walls visually expand the room. The rooms will look more.
  48. To separate the berth in a small odnushka, use the curtains.
  49. If the ceiling in the room is located low - do not use high furniture in the interior design - so you land the room even more.
  50. A glass shower will help maintain the space of a small bathroom.

    For space
    For space
  51. If you create an interior in a classic style, place a TV in a frame of backlighting. It looks very stylish.
  52. The battery can be painted in bright color - you get a stylish color accent in the interior.
  53. If an expensive designer bed is not affordable for you, use improvised materials to create a stylish headboard. Window frames, ancient doors, squares from various pieces of fabric - all this is successfully used as a head of the secondary school.
  54. The mirror placed opposite the lamp (so that the lamp in it is reflected) doubles the amount of light in the room.
  55. Make a multi -level ceiling - this will help make the room visually higher.
  56. In order for art items to look stylish and attract attention - hang them at a distance of one hundred and forty -fifty -two centimeters from the floor.
  57. Vinyl stickers on the walls, as well as high -quality 3D murals look stylish.

  58. To eventually create interior design in the apartment, Which will inspire you and delight you - experiment with flowers, textures and styles.
  59. Create a corner of happiness for a little artist by gluing a neckboard or beautiful stickers on the wall - coloring. This will protect your other walls from young talent and will enable the child to develop his artistic skills.
  60. When facing a small kitchen, use small tiles or mosaic - the room will visually become larger.
  61. Plan a kitchen set up to the ceiling (so you will avoid a huge amount of dust, dirt and fat, which usually accumulate on a headset). If the headset is not up to the ceiling, use beautiful baskets to store things that you do not use in them often.
  62. The striped carpet on the floor looks bold and creates the effect of a very long or very wide room. And the diagonally laid-visually expands the room to the maximum.

  63. When planning the doors, also order wooden shields to match the ceiling - high doors visually increase the ceilings and look stylish and elegant.
  64. If you dream of a bathroom in a retro-chic style, purchase brass taps and add other brass parts in the room.
  65. Using magnetic shelves, you can create an effective and beautiful system for storing the necessary things in the kitchen, in the garage, in the bathroom and other rooms.
  66. You can decorate the room with garlands not only for holidays and birthdays. They are able to give style and comfort even the simplest room.
  67. A small children's room will put in itself more if you use a bunk bed with a berth from above and a cabinet and a desktop below. Such a room is suitable even for a student.
  68. Small photos on the walls look like visual noise. Keep them on shelves or desktop.
  69. A bed with a canopy is an ideal option for those who have been looking for their secluded corner everywhere since childhood. Here you will feel safe.

  70. Often a pair of seats is enough in the living room. The sofa is not a must-have element of the living room, contrary to general opinion.

Video: Modern apartment design

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