Rotavirus intestinal infection: symptoms, signs, treatment in adults at home. Tablets, drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus infection in adults

Rotavirus intestinal infection: symptoms, signs, treatment in adults at home. Tablets, drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus infection in adults

Rotavirus infection: symptoms, treatment, prevention.

Rotavirus infection - A disease whose symptoms are very similar to digestive disorder. Rotavirus infection is infectious, most often affects preschool children, but adults can also get sick.

Signs and symptoms of rotavirus intestinal infection in adults

The name Rotavirus comes from the word "Rota" (from the English. "Wheel"). Attitude to the word "mouth" The origin has no name.

Rotaviruses are transmitted by fecal-oral route. You can get infected not only by airborne droplets, but also by many others ways:

  1. Through infected food
  2. When contacting hands
  3. Through dirty water

Rotaviruses affect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rotavirus in adults

Symptoms of rotavirus infection In the early days of the disease, they are expressed as follows:

  • Elevated temperature
  • Frequent vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rumbling in the stomach

In addition, rotavirus infection is accompanied by pain, heights in the throat, a slight runny nose.

You can assume infection with rotavirus by observing the chair: on the first day, stool is yellow liquid, the next day - grayish with a clay -like consistency.

The infection can be diagnosed by analyzing feces for antibodies to the virus.

Rotavirus infection

Important: children from 2 to 6 years are usually prone to rotavirus infection. The disease in adults is often under the guise of food poisoning - the symptoms of these two diseases are very similar. However, unlike food poisoning, Rotavirus is contrast.

It is worth noting that the immunity of adults is able to resist diseases more steadily than children's immunity. Therefore, quite often rotavirus infection in adults proceeds in a mild form.

How long does the incubation period last in adults with rotavirus infection?

If one family member is ill, it is likely that soon other family members will become infected with rotavirus infection. The disease is divided into three stages:

  1. The incubation period (3-5 days)
  2. Acute stage (about 5 days, sometimes 7 days)
  3. Stage of recovery (4-5 days)
Symptoms of rotavirus infection

How many days is an infection of rotavirus infection for adults in contact with a sick person?

Important: you can get infected with rotavirus even before a person manifests acute symptoms of the disease. In general, the Rotavirus carrier poses a threat to others for 10 days.

The period of the acute stage is especially dangerous when the patient has vomiting and liquid stool.

It is advisable to isolate from sick infants and pregnant women. If you still have to contact the patient, follow the rules:

  • The patient with rotavirus should use individual dishes
  • Wash your hands with soap more often, the patient should also often wash your hands and face

Tablets, drugs for the treatment of rotavirus infection in adults at home

There is no certain treatment regimen for rotavirus. It makes no sense to take antiviral drugs and antibiotics. However, it is necessary review therapy and reception of sorbents (Smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel).

Reeding therapy consists in taking a large amount of fluid in order to prevent dehydration during diarrhea. Salt solutions, unsweetened compotes, herbal teas - this drink is suitable in the treatment of rotavirus disease.

Treatment of rotavirus

How to treat rotavirus infection in adults with folk remedies?

Having simple components at hand, you can prepare solutions for the treatment of rotavirus infection.

  • For cooking saline solution Mix 1 tsp. salt, 5 tsp sugar for 1 liter of boiled water. Take the solution throughout the day.
  • You can also do it soda solution. Take the same amount of water, salt and sugar, as in the previous recipe, and add 1 tbsp. food soda.
  • Decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, calamus swamp They will relieve inflammation of the intestinal walls and help restore the water balance. A mixture of herbs can be bought at a pharmacy, they are very inexpensive.
  • With diarrhea helps well pomegranate peel infusion. Just pour the peel with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and drink a little.
Folk methods of treating rotavirus

Adult nutrition for rotavirus infection

With a disease of rotavirus infection, it is important to adhere to strict diet.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude:

  • Dairy products, dairy cereals
  • Fat, spicy, salty
  • Sweets
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Raw vegetables or fruits

It is allowed to eat such food:

  • Vegetable soups
  • Rice and semolina on water
  • Crackers or callous black bread
  • Compotes
  • Herbal teas
  • Boiled (or steam) fish and lean meat
  • Light broth
  • At the recovery stage, you can introduce potato puree

It is difficult to observe a diet, you will have to abandon many familiar products, nevertheless, a diet is the only way to a speedy recovery.

Rotavirus infections vaccination

The vaccine is a reliable method for the prevention of rotavirus infection. You should know that:

  1. Rotavirus vaccine consists of living weakened viruses (introduced orally)
  2. Vaccination can be done both adults and children
  3. Vaccination should be done in 2 doses, then it will protect the body from the attack of rotaviruses
  4. It was found that the vaccine does not lose effectiveness if you do it simultaneously with other vaccines (for example, DTP)
  5. Rotavirus vaccination will protect the body for several years, there is no lifelong immunity.

Important: vaccination cannot be done to those who had a strong allergic reaction at the first dose, as well as people with immunodeficiency syndrome. The vaccination of people with intestinal malformations and chronic intestinal diseases is in question (the final decision is made together with the doctor). It is also contraindicated to be vaccinated during the acute stage of the disease.

Rotavirus infection vaccine

What are complications from rotavirus infection in adults?

Typically, rotavirus is tolerated without side effects and complications. In the case of the right mode of drinking and nutrition within 10 days, the patient recovers without consequences.

The most dangerous in the development of infection is dehydration. In some cases, dehydration can lead to death.

It is also necessary to control body temperature. It is not worth knocking down a temperature of 38º if the patient normally tolerates it. It is at this temperature that the body destroys harmful viruses. However, if the temperature goes off scale for the 39 ° mark, it is necessary to take an antipyretic, since such a temperature carries the load on the cardiovascular system.

Prevention of rotavirus infections in adults in contact with patient: drugs

It is advisable to avoid contact with a person who has become infected with rotavirus infection. Visits to the patient in this case are inappropriate.

There are no drugs for the prevention of rotavirus. The only thing you can do is to wash your hands, face, use separate dishes if you cannot avoid contact. Although these measures will not give one hundred percent guarantee of protection.

If a person has once been ill with a rotavirus, this does not mean that he will no longer get sick. Lifetime immunity is not produced to these pathogens, repeated infection is possible.

Video: How to cope with rotavirus infection?

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Comments K. article

  1. I have a sluggish member, but could not cross

  2. A good article, parents need to know the symptoms in order to immediately react correctly. We have already managed to meet such an infection. The pediatrician was appointed to us sorbents, Enterofuril in order to be safe from additional bacterial complications. And in such a situation you need to drink more to avoid dehydration.

  3. Hygiene and the most frequent hand washing helps to avoid such infections. And in public places, I process the skin of the hands with the help of an anti -member of the Lavrick, which does not dry the skin, but kills almost any pathogenic bacteria and viruses due to a very high concentration of chlorhexidine in the composition.

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