Robot permissance for Aliexpress-a rating of the best models: list, characteristics. 5 best smart robots from China to Aliexpress: review, catalog, price, reviews, photos

Robot permissance for Aliexpress-a rating of the best models: list, characteristics. 5 best smart robots from China to Aliexpress: review, catalog, price, reviews, photos

A review of the best models of robot percussion, which can be bought on Aliexpress.

Nowadays, a fairly large number of devices that greatly simplify life. These include multicooles, yogurts, washing machines and dishwashers. For a long time, cleaning devices appeared on the market, these are vacuum cleaners for wet and dry cleaning. But more recently, robots-sprayers were on sale, which clean the room of garbage without the help of a person.

Smart Robot Roboles Xiaomi Mi on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price

This is a great vacuum cleaner that appeared on sale not so long ago. The device consists of the most moving unit and base. Now a large number of reviews of this device can be found on YouTube.

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Main advantages:

  • Quite a quiet work and the presence of a silent mode
  • Replaceable blocks and cute design
  • Great productivity and good results after cleaning
  • The presence of infrared sensors that allow you to see obstacles to contact with them
  • Large wheels that allow not to stop on a non -even surface

In general, when this device was tested, they found many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is well removed. Of the shortcomings, the inefficiency of management using a mobile phone was noted. Sometimes, due to obstacles, the device leaves uncleaned corners.
This you can find the device on Aliexpress.

Smart Robot Roboles Xiaomi Mi on Aliexpress
Smart Robo-Polyples Xiaomi Mi On Aliexpress

Smart Ilife V50 Robot Roboles on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price

This vacuum cleaner is slightly different from the previous one not only by appearance, but also with functionality. The model in characteristics is much simpler than the previous one. There is no way to manage using a mobile application. That is, you have to be at home during cleaning.

Catalog of ILIFE robot and perishales


  • The presence of a remote control
  • The ability to control with a remote control or automatically
  • There are mechanical -type collision sensors
  • Black with a matte coating of the case
  • Big vacuum cleaner

This model is significantly different from the previous one, since the movement of the vacuum cleaner is not carried out in an arbitrary, chaotic order. The device builds a map and a plan of movement. But this affects the quality of cleaning. This device cannot be used through a mobile application. Requires the participation of the operator. At the same time, it differs in low wheels, which does not allow the use of the vacuum cleaner in the presence of rocks and decent protrusions on the floor.

Smart Ilife robot
Smart Ilife robot

Smart Puppyoo Robot Roboles on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price

A good enough vacuum cleaner with a maximum of functions. This apparatus, like everyone else, has advantages and disadvantages.


  • Low, which allows you to clean under sofas
  • Beautiful case
  • It works almost silently
  • Has a collision sensors
  • You can control the remote control remotely and using an application from the phone

This device is designed for dry and wet cleaning of the room. It can be used on carpet, linoleum or laminate. It is worth noting that the apparatus will not cope with a carpet with a pile above 1 cm. This is due to low wheels. The most interesting thing is that the vacuum cleaner is large, so it is not necessary to clean it after each cleaning. The device moves randomly, so it can remove several times in the same place. Often there are uncleaned corners and areas near obstacles.

Smart Robo-Overwear Puppyoo V-M900R on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price
Smart Puppyoo Robot Roboles on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price

Smart Robot Polyfe V8S and Ilife V9S on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price

This apparatusit differs from the rest by the presence of moist cleaning function. Accordingly, you can remove both dust and wash the floor.


  • Low pink body
  • Subtle enough, which allows you to clean the floor under the sofas
  • High wheels, which makes it possible to overcome obstacles up to 2 cm high
  • Equipped with a remote control
  • You can turn on the cleaning delay

This device also removesin chaotic mode and does not make a cleaning plan. Accordingly, in the corners it may not be quite clean. A large volume of a vacuum cleaner, so you do not need to clean it every time. There is no wet and dry cleaning function itself, but there is a water container. In this case, moisture from it will be supplied in any case. That is why just do not lie in the container, then the cleaning will be dry.

Smart Robot Prolesy Ilife V7S Pro on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price
Smart Robot Prolesy Ilife V8S Pro on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price

Smart Robot Roboles Polaris PVCR 0510 cheap on aliexpress: review, catalog, price

This is a budget option with moist and dry cleaning functions. The cost of the device is affordable. The equipment is good, the wipes for wet cleaning are included.


  • Beautiful case and small height
  • The presence of lateral and central brush
  • The presence of a remote control
  • Almost silent work

It is worth noting that the device moves according to the chaotic principle, starting from obstacles. That is, after the impact on the obstacle, the device changes the trajectory of movement. The device can operate both in dry cleaning mode and in wet cleaning mode. The most interesting thing is that the napkin during wet cleaning is pressed quite strongly to the floor and remains dirty enough. In this case, the filter is very clogged. Therefore, be sure to clean the surface of dust and garbage before wet cleaning. At a time in the mode, you should not remove it with wet cleaning, you will clog the device.

Smart Robot Roboles Polaris cheap on aliexpress: review, catalog, price
Smart Robot Roboles Polaris cheap on aliexpress: review, catalog, price

General catalog of robot percussion here.

Robot permissions for Aliexpress-rating of the best models: reviews

Since the financial situation and the economic situation in our country are not the best, inexpensive models are best being sold out.


Inna, Kaliningrad. Recently became the owner of the Polaris vacuum cleaner. They chose him because he is inexpensive. I am very pleased with him. Garbage cleanses well. It is bad that there is no way to control with remote control. The quality of the cleaning is on top. It works almost silently. You can calmly sit in the room and watch TV. There are few napkins, but additional can be bought in a household appliance store. Consumables are not a deficit.

Olga, Saratov. We purchased the device when they introduced the child as feeding. Daughter often spits porridge and mashed potatoes. Traces of food sometimes remain on the floor. She herself was tired of cleaning. Therefore, they purchased Xiaomi Mi. Just delight. He sucks crumbs and garbage perfectly. I was upset that there is no wet cleaning function. But after dry cleaning, clean enough. The truth works noisy as for me. I try to turn on when with my daughter on the street.

Elena, Khabarovsk. For me, this is a fairly expensive acquisition. I bought it, as I saw from a neighbor. They were very pleased. I stopped on Ilife V7S Pro. I bought due to the fact that there is a function of wet cleaning. I would not buy it. I am not very pleased with wet cleaning. This is the same dry cleaning, only with the supply of water. As a result, porridge remains in the vacuum cleaner. I no longer use this function. It is easier to remove dry cleaning mode, and then wash the floor. A little disappointed.

As you can see, modern robots They allow you to keep the house clean without much effort. Do not regret the money for such an acquisition.

Video: Overview

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