Rhubarb for the winter - blanks: the best recipes. Rhublines from rhubarb for the winter, compotes, jam, jam, sauce, filling for pie, jelly, freezing

Rhubarb for the winter - blanks: the best recipes. Rhublines from rhubarb for the winter, compotes, jam, jam, sauce, filling for pie, jelly, freezing

Revenge is a unique plant product from which you can prepare delicious compote, jam, jam. Unfortunately, rhubarb grows only in the warm season and therefore it is important to know its recipes for workpieces for the winter.

Rhus compote with apples without sterilization: Recipe

Rhubarb - A seasonal plant with lush wide sheets and bright red stems. For the preparation of compotes, jam and other blanks, only the stem, after all rhubarb leaves are considered poisonous.

The stems of rhubarb saturated with many useful vitamins and minerals. It is proved that the supply of zealous trace elements improves the work of the human immune system. That's why revenge blanks will be relevant in the winter, in the season of infectious and viral diseases.

Fresh rhubarb

Compote from rhubarb and apples:

You will need (for one three -liter jar):

  • Rhubarb - Stem ( about 500 g)
  • Apple -Sweet or sour-sour (500 g)
  • Sugar - 2/3 glasses (adjust your preferences yourself)
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons (can be replaced with a pinch of citric acid)
  • Raisins - 100 g (Sweet, Kishmish)
  • Water - three liters (for one jar)


  • The stem should be washed, remove the remains of the leaves (if any), clean
  • The stem must be chopped into cubes of two centimeters and soaked them for about fifteen minutes in cold water.
  • Peel the apple from the seed box and cut into pieces
  • The water must be boiled and dissolved in it the required amount of sugar
  • After boiling water, all the ingredients are poured: soaked rhubarb, apple, raisins and lemon juice.
  • You should cook the drink for half an hour on moderate heat, and then fill the compote into a three -liter jar washed with soda powder and roll up.
Compote made from the stems of rhubarb

Rhus compote for the winter: simple recipe

The "pure" compote made of rhubarb is also very tasty. You can emphasize its taste with lemon juice and cinnamon.

You will need one three -liter jar:

  • Rhusen - 700 g (stems)
  • Water - three liters
  • Lemon juice - 2 or 3 tablespoons (can be replaced with a pinch of citric acid)
  • Cinnamon - pinch (powder)
  • Sugar - 150 g (adjust yourself)


  • The stem should be washed, remove the remains of the leaves (if any), clean.
  • The stem must be chopped into cubes of two centimeters and soaked them for about fifteen minutes in cold water.
  • During this time, it is necessary to boil water, add lemon juice and cinnamon, dissolve the required amount of sugar.
  • The soaked rhubarb is added to the water, the drink is cooked for about half an hour over low heat. After that, it is rolled up in a purified soda or a sterilized three -liter jar.
Simple compote from rhubarb

Rhubarb compote with orange for the winter: Recipe

Orange compote with rhubarb It will become an exotic "highlight" in the cold season. Such the drink is saturated with valuable vitaminswhich will help to resist seasonal viruses and infections. The taste of compote will surprise and pleasantly delight each family member!

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stem ( 500 g)
  • Orange - 1 piece (large and sweet)
  • Sugar - glass (200g), adjust the number yourself
  • Cinnamon is a pinch (powder)
  • Water - three liters (for one large jar)


  • The stem should be washed, remove the remains of the leaves (if any), clean.
  • The stem must be chopped into cubes of two centimeters and soaked them for about fifteen minutes in cold water.
  • Water is boiled, sugar dissolves in it, cinnamon is added.
  • The orange is thoroughly washed out, cut on the slices, boiling water is sent.
  • The soaked rhubarb is added.
  • The compote is boiled for half an hour over low heat.
  • After that, it rolls in the usual way.
How to cook delicious rhubarb compote?

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter: recipe

You will need:

  • Rhusen - 500 g (stems)
  • Strawberries - 500 g
  • Sugar is a glass (adjust yourself, you can less)
  • Lemon juice - one large spoon (or a pinch of citric acid)


  • The stem should be washed, remove the remains of the leaves (if any), clean.
  • The stem must be chopped into cubes of two centimeters and soaked them for about fifteen minutes in cold water.
  • Sugar dissolves in boiling water.
  • Strawberries are cleaned of cuttings, washed out. A solid strawberry and soaked rhubarb should be sent to boiling water.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into the drink.
  • Cook the drink for twenty minutes with moderate heat, after rolling it up in the usual way.
Strawberry compote with rhubarb

Rhublines from rhubarb for the winter: recipe

The original and delicious recipe for this jam will surprise you with its pleasant light green color and delicate taste!

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( 500g)
  • Sugar powder - 300 g (not sugar!)
  • A twig of rosemary (small)


  • Rhubates should be cleaned and cut into cubes of two centimeters.
  • Such a rhubarp should be folded in a glass dish and filled with powdered sugar.
  • In this state, rhubarb must stand all night
  • During the insisting, the rhubarb "let the juice."
  • Put the rhubarb on the fire with its juice and boil, add a sprig of rosemary.
  • Cook jam for about ten minutes, mixing thoroughly.
  • Pull the sprig of rosemary, the jam is ready for eating or conservation.
Rhubarb jam with rosemary

Rhublines with a banana for the winter: recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( 500 g)
  • Banana - One large (approximately 250-300 g)
  • Sugar - 400 g (adjust yourself)


  • Rhubates should be cleaned and cut into cubes of two centimeters.
  • Such a rhubarb should be folded in a glass dish and filled with sugar.
  • Rhubarb must stand with sugar for about six hours to “let the juice”.
  • The banana (bananas) should be cleaned and cut into thin slices.
  • Rhubarb with sugar is placed on fire, slices of banana are added to jam.
  • Cook jam for ten minutes on moderate heat, thoroughly mixing every minute.
Jam with banana and rhubarb

Rhublines from orange for the winter: Recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( 500 g)
  • Orange - 1 piece (large, sweet)
  • Sugar - 300 g(adjust yourself)


  • The stems are cleaned, chopped, filled with sugar at night.
  • Orange should be cleaned from the peel and cut into thin slices.
  • Orange is added to rhubarb and put on fire.
  • Boil jam for about fifteen minutes on moderate heat, mixing thoroughly.
  • If desired, you can add a little mint for fresh taste.
Jam with rhubarb and orange

Jam from rhubarb for the winter: Recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stem ( one kilogram)
  • Sugar - one kilogram (you can less, adjust yourself)
  • Water - 500 ml (two glasses)


  • Rhubarb is thoroughly cleaned and cut into cubes.
  • Rhubarb should be boiled in boiling water for about three minutes.
  • After that, the stems are sharply washed with cold water.
  • Water is poured into another pan and sugar is poured, syrup is cooked.
  • Rhus is added to the boiling syrup and cooked for three minutes.
  • Leave the jam “rest” and then repeat this procedure twice more.
Povidlo from rhubarb

Jam from rhubarb for the winter: Recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( one kilogram)
  • Sugar - one kilogram


  • Rhubates should be cleaned and cut into cubes (the larger the stem, the less cubes).
  • The cubes are covered with sugar and left to “let the juice” at night.
  • In the morning, dishes with rhubarb are put on fire.
  • Jam should boil and boil for three minutes
  • Jam cools down and cook again, such a procedure should occur three times.
Cooking jam from rhubarb

Jelly from rhubarb for the winter: recipes

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( 150g)
  • Sugar - 100 g (adjust yourself)
  • Gelatin - pack (approximately 10 g)
  • Lemon juice - one spoon (citric acid)


  • Peel the rhubarb and cut into small cubes.
  • The stems should be filled with sugar mixed with gelatin for several hours.
  • After that, the mass is watered with lemon juice, put on fire.
  • Cook jelly after boiling ten minutes.
  • Jam rolls in the usual way.
Jelly from rhubarb

Revenge sauce for the winter: Recipe

Rhuba sauce perfectly complements meat, fish and potatoes. It can be eaten fresh, or can be preserved in banks for the winter. The taste of the sauce is unusual: it has sourness and sweetness.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( 250 g)
  • Onion - Little onion onion
  • Lemon juice - Tea spoon
  • Sugar - One tablespoon
  • Oil - creamy ( 50 g)
  • Apple puree - 150 g (from acidic or sour-sour apples)


  • Rhubates should be cleaned and chopped with small cubes.
  • The onion is chopped and fried in butter. After the onion acquires a golden color, apple puree should be added to the pan.
  • All other ingredients should be added to the boiling mass: lemon juice, rhubarb, sugar.
  • Stew rhubarb in the sauce for about ten minutes.
  • After that, the sauce should be drunk with a blender and rolling up.
Rhubarb sauce for the winter

Revenge pies for the winter: recipe

The filling of the stems will be an excellent addition to the pie at any time of the year. It can be used for filling immediately after cooking, or can be preserved for the winter.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( two kilograms)
  • Sugar - 400 g


  • Rhubarb is cleaned and cut with neat cubes in one centimeter
  • Rhubarb is covered with sugar and is in this state for an hour
  • Dishes with rhubaries are placed on fire and cooked for ten minutes
  • The mass cools, cooked again and rolls up
Piery workpiece for the winter

Freezing rhubarb for the winter, how to freeze?

In order to use fresh rhubarb all year round to make sauces, casseroles, salads and hot dishes, it you can freeze:

  • Clean the stem from sheets and hard part, skin
  • Chop rhubarb with cubes in one or two centimeters
  • Fold the rhubarb into a plastic container or bag
  • Send to the freezer

You can freeze rhubarb only once, it is not subject to repeated freezing.

Video: "What to cook from rhubarb?"

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