The best recipes for oatmeal porridge step by step. Oat porridge on milk, water, in a slow cooker, unusual: recipes

The best recipes for oatmeal porridge step by step. Oat porridge on milk, water, in a slow cooker, unusual: recipes

In this article we will talk about how to cook a delicious and healthy breakfast - oatmeal. Moreover, such a breakfast can be different every new day!

Do you know that the UK holds a whole championship in cooking oatmeal? Everything is evaluated: the recipe, and aesthetics and, of course, the taste. In Great Britain, to receive the main prize of the championship - the golden mix - our readers will not go, but you can arrange a gastronomic oatmeal at home.

Oatmeal porridge on water: recipes

So, let's start with the basic recipe. Here's what you need:

  • Oat flakes - about 150 g
  • Water - approximately 450 ml
  • Salt - in general, to taste, but most often add approximately ¼ hours l

You can cook such a basic dish in two ways. The first:

  • The specified amount of water is brought to a boil.
  • After the water boiled into it oatmeal is added.
  • Then you can throw it salt.
  • It remains to measure 2 or 3 minutes - And cook porridge during this period of time. Fire can be done strong.

Important: While the porridge is cooked by the specified period, it must be constantly stirred.

  • Now necessary remove the fire for a minimum. Under such conditions, it is desirable to cook porridge 7-10 minutes. It is necessary to interfere with it no longer constantly, but periodically.
The result is such a simple and tasty oatmeal porridge on the water
The result is such a simple and tasty oatmeal porridge on the water
  • The next option for the base recipe Suitable for people who have a shortage of time. True, you will have to take care in this case about breakfast in advance:
  • In the evening you need pour oatmeal with boiling water
  • Then you should add salt
  • That's all - the porridge will infuse properly during the night, Keeping all useful elements. Only at the same time, it will not be beneficial to the stomach of stickiness, which is always available when brewing immediately before eating. If there are no problems with the stomach, but you just want to lose weight, you can warm up such porridge in the morning - and breakfast is ready!

Important: you can add honey in a porridge prepared according to one of the above methods. Only this should be done only after cooling porridge, otherwise the sweetness will lose its beneficial properties.

Honey goes well with oatmeal, but it can only be added to the cooled product
Honey goes well with oatmeal, but it can only be added to the cooled product

Oatmeal with a banana It is a favorite recipe for many people. This is a magnificent antidepressant and a source of energy. What will be needed for its preparation?

  • Oatmeal - 150 g
  • Water - about 450 ml
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Bananas - 2 pcs will be enough.
  • Sugar - at the discretion

Cooking is easy enough:

  • The herself porridge can be boiled According to one of the above schemes
  • After boiling you can add oil and sugar
  • Bananas should be prepared in advance, Cutting them with circles. These circles are added to the dish at the final stage of cooking. If you want something more original, you can cut the bananas obliquely and slightly fry them in butter. Addedi am a ground cinnamon on top will give the dish even more taste and aromatic shades.

Important: it is recommended to lay out half of the fruit first on an empty plate, then pour porridge on top of them. And only then you can add the remaining half of the banana circles.

Oatmeal with banana and cinnamon
Oatmeal with banana and cinnamon

It is also in demand porridge with raisins or prunes, dried apricots. For her we need:

  • Water and oatmeal in an amount similar to the previous recipes
  • Kuraga, raisins or prunes - on average, 100 g per two portions. If desired, you can also Prunes should be without bones
  • Vegetable oil - about 2 hours.

How to cook a dish?

  • Flakes, flooded with water, you need to put boil
  • After about 4 minutes After starting cooking in porridge dry fruits are added

Important: raisins and prunes must first be finely chopped.

  • Left smooth oatmeal on the lowest heat until the consistency of readiness
  • Vegetable oil come in handy when the dish will already be ready. They can simply water porridge already poured into plates.
Oatmeal porridge with prunes
Oatmeal porridge with prunes

Milk oatmeal recipes

For the most ordinary basic porridge in milk, you need:

  • About a glass of flakes
  • Milk - it is better to take a glass 3
  • Butter - enough 30 g
  • Salt, sugar - at the discretion

Cooking process:

  • In a small saucepan you need heat milk
  • As soon as it starts to boil, you need add seasonings
  • Only after that can add oatmeal
  • Left reduce the fire and cook porridge. It is not necessary to make the minimum fire - the average will be quite enough. Of course you need stir dish

Important: the time for which porridge reaches readiness depends on the type of flakes. Hercules, for example, are suitable for eating 10 minutes after boiling milk. But whole grains need to be processed for at least half an hour.

Left add oil, stir the dish - And you can start tasting

Basic oatmeal in milk with butter
Basic oatmeal in milk with butter

Pumpkin oatmeal in milk - A tasty and healthy dish that will definitely like many. The ingredients are as follows:

  • Oatmeal - approximately 200 g
  • Milk - enough 500 or 600 ml
  • Pumpkin - about 300 g
  • Butter - gram 30
  • Honey - 2 or 3 tbsp. l
  • Salt - sufficiently a pinch

You can proceed to the cooking process:

  • First of all, you need to take care of preparation of pumpkin. That is, it needs to be cleaned, cut into cubes. Cubes can be large, it is completely optional to grind the product.
  • Then picks of pumpkin placed in a pan, pour water and boiled. Fire is preferably slow. As soon as the workpiece boils, you need to hold the pumpkin on fire again 15 minutes.

Important: if the pumpkin is not softened, you can increase the cooking time.

  • Now the fluid from the pan pours, and The pumpkin is crushed. Most often they prefer a homogeneous consistency, but small pieces can also appeal.
Porridge porridge
Porridge porridge
  • Now you can add raw purers from pumpkin in a puree Hercules flakes.
  • All this mixture it is poured with milk.
  • Added salt.
  • Everything remains mix, put a saucepan on the stove and boil Its contents. All this is done over low heat. After approximately 20 minutes After boiling, the porridge still needs hold on fire.
  • Now added butter, honey. Everything is stirred well.

Important: if you want to make breakfast as dietary as possible, you can replace butter with a pumpkin broth.

Oat porridge with pumpkin in milk
Oat porridge with pumpkin in milk

Fans of oatmeal who have problems with the cardiovascular system will probably have to taste Porridge with figs. The composition of such a dish:

  • Hercules flakes - 120 g
  • Milk - approximately 240 ml for the indicated amount of oatmeal
  • Dried fig - 2 pcs.

The cooking process looks like this:

  • First you need to prepare figs. Each fruit is cut into 6 parts
  • Then in the pan Milk is poured
  • They are added to milk pieces of figs
  • Now milk can be brought to a boil
  • And only now oatmeal is added

Important: the duration of cooking oatmeal depends on its variety. This information is usually indicated on the packaging.

Figs is a useful ingredient for oatmeal porridge
Figs is a useful ingredient for oatmeal porridge

How to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker: recipes

A multicooker is a fairly convenient thing in which, among other things, you can cook delicious and useful Oatmeal with apple juice. Ingredients:

  • The flakes themselves - a glass
  • Apple juice is a similar amount. You can stock up in addition to an entire apple
  • Milk - about 2 glasses
  • Sugar - approximately 2 tbsp. l
  • Ground cinnamon - ¼
  • Raisins - approximately 40 g

The procedure for preparing such porridge:

  • First of all, it costs Ginger raisins in warm or hot water for 10-20 minutes.
  • If there is no ready -made apple juice at hand or I want to cook it yourself, you need to finely cut the fruit and squeeze the juice through gauze. Or use a juicer.
  • Now in a multicooker bowl Milk and juice are poured, sugar is added.
  • The mode is turned on "Multiper". With it, the temperature reaches 160 degrees.

IMPORTANT: If such a mode is not provided, you can choose a “steam cooking”.

  • As soon as the water boils, you can Add flakes.
  • Everything is mixed and Prepared for another 5 minutes.
  • Now it remains to turn on the mode “Extinguishing” or “languor”. After 15 minutest oat oatmeal! You can decorate it on top with slices of apples.
In a slow cooker, you can cook such oatmeal with an apple
In a slow cooker, you can cook such oatmeal with an apple

You can also cook in a slow cooker dish with nuts and honey. The ingredients are as follows:

  • Oatmeal - 1 multicier glass
  • Water - 2 cups
  • Butter - approximately a tablespoon
  • Almond nuts - 2 tbsp. l
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l
  • Cinnamon - about half a tablespoon
  • Salt - approximately 1/3 of Art. l

This is how this dish is worth cooking:

  • Oatmeal preferably several times Rinse.
  • Then she falls asleep into a multicier bowl and z across with water on top.

Important: if you like to use thick porridge more, it is worth adding about half a glass of water less.

  • Now the turn has come salt, spices.
  • Next, the mode is set "Porridge" for 40 minutes.
  • Before serving, they are added oil and honey, nuts.
Oatmeal in a slow cooker with a nut and honey
Oatmeal in a slow cooker with a nut and honey

Unusual recipes of oatmeal

Fruits, dried fruits - these ingredients most often appear in oatmeal. What about meat oatmeal? You can, for example, use thai recipe. You will need:

  • Whole oatmeal - glass
  • Chicken fillet - 50 g
  • White fish fillet - 50 g

Seasoning for porridge:

  • Soy sauce - tablespoon
  • Sesame oil - approximately ¾ st.
  • Chile pepper - 1 pc. It should first be cut into rings
  • Coriander
  • Green onion - 3 or 4 feathers

You also need to cook fish marinade from the following components:

  • White wine - 1 tbsp
  • Pepper, salt - the amount depends on individual preferences

You also need to take care of creating Mark for chicken from:

  • Half a tablespoon of soy sauce
  • The same amount of sesame oil
  • 1/8 st.
  • Salt, pepper - again, at will

Cooking procedure:

  • Oatmeal is placed in a multicooker container, it is poured with water.
  • After the water boils, fire must be made minimal.
  • Now prepare marinades separately for chicken and fish. Preparing them is simple - the components are mixed.

Important: each fillet is placed in the corresponding marinade and is left there for 10 minutes.

Oat porridge fillet must be in the marinade
Oat porridge fillet must be in the marinade
  • Then everything fillets are added to the slow cooker To the porridge. So they cook together with her until cooked. The fire should be slow.
  • While the meat and porridge are cooked, you can work on creating a gas station for porridge. All ingredients for her are also simply mixed with each other, as in the case of the preparation of the marinade.
  • Porridge can be served, Sprinkling it on top with chopped herbs.
Oatmeal porridge in Tajki
Oatmeal porridge in Tajki

What about chocolate oatmeal? The ingredients of this delicacy are as follows:

  • Oat flakes - half a glass can be enough for a portion
  • Milk is a glass
  • Small peanut oil - one and a half tablespoons
  • Cocoa powder-tablespoon
  • Chocolate crumb - the amount is regulated depending on individual wishes
  • Sugar - approximately 2 tbsp. l
  • A pinch of salt will not hurt either

Cooking order:

  • Milk is placed on medium fire and is brought to a boil
  • After that, they are added Flakes, salt

Important: all this is cooked for 5-7 minutes, there is no need to cook longer.

  • Further porridge can be Remove from fire. Added peanut oil, sugar and cocoa
  • All mixed
  • Before serving, the dish can be if desired Decorate chocolate crumbs. You can also add fruit if desired
Chocolate oatmeal
Chocolate oatmeal

Eat to eat is extremely preferable. It removes toxins, puts the figure in order, saturates the body with useful elements and is even a good antidepressant! But, of course, so that this dish is not tired, it is worth periodically introducing diversity in its recipe.

Video: several recipes of oatmeal cereals

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