The causes and influence of magnetic storms on health. Magnetic storms and pressure: how to protect yourself?

The causes and influence of magnetic storms on health. Magnetic storms and pressure: how to protect yourself?

Magnetic storms significantly affect the state of human health, especially if it has certain problems. You can warn yourself against poor well -being and overvoltage if you learn in advance about the possible fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field.

What is the cause of the magnetic storm? What is a magnetic storm?

The existence on the planet of all living things occurs only thanks to solar activity. Without the sun - a heavenly body, our life would be doomed to death. Numerous studies have shown that the Sun can not have a small influence on the most different aspects and aspects of human life.

In addition to heat and light, which are vital for a person, the sun can “give” and negative influences, which are not rarely called “geomagnetic” vibrations. Such magnetic vibrations can affect the well -being of a person, causing poor health.

causes of oscillations of the geomagnetic field

Earth - a planet that, unlike other planets of our solar system, has a special magnetic field surrounding it. It is this magnetic field that captures various particles from space and moves them in heavenly space.

At the very moment when the sun begins its active activity, the magnetic field becomes stronger, which leads to the appearance of the so -called storms.

Solar activity is nothing other than the solar flashes of plasma with the formation of coronal masses and holes.

  • Solar emissions and numerous flashes on the surface of the sun throw plasma into space. The energy with which the sun was previously rotated turns into a magnetic field. This energy is very strong and large. For example, one such solar outbreak is able to allocate a billion kiloton, or even more energy
  • Coronal holes are those parts on the sunny crown in which the temperature and mass density are significantly reduced. The magnetic field around the sun is closed into a circle, which does not allow plasma to flow freely into space. It also happens that the plasma violates this magnetic ring and its pieces disappear into the space
  • These pieces of plasma fly through space to the ground, reaching it for about the third day. At that moment, as pieces of plasma penetrate through the magnetic ring of the earth, it begins to “indignant” causing a “magnetic storm”, which, depending on the vibrations, can last from several hours to several days
solar Activity
  • Until now, the maximum number of magnetic storms per year has not exceeded 50 cases. The minimum amount was only two storms a year. If you think about the fact that the sun can be in activity very often, we can understand that a significant part of life we \u200b\u200blive in magnetic storms
  • Modern scientists have learned to predict the onset of magnetic storms. They do this based on constant observations of the sun. Such observations are carried out from the Earth, as well as from several spaceships. You can predict forecasts for one day and several months in advance

Video: " NASA has published the best in five years, shots of solar activity "

Strong and weak magnetic storms schedule

  • The sun regularly throws charged particles into space. In addition to these particles, the solar “wind” is regularly thrown into the space, which is able to reach the magnetic field of the Earth, it is at this moment that the storm arises.
  • Not so long ago, solar activity has declined and this trend is still observed.
  • It can be said with confidence that in the near future about the same number of storms is expected as last year, namely up to 30-40 storms, only 20% of which will be strong and tangible.
magnetic storm

Video: "Magnetic storm - hit on the planet"

What can be the body's reaction to magnetic storms?

As practice shows, geomagnetic fluctuations can very much affect the state of human health. Simply put, they cause only harm to the human body. However, the sensitivity of each person is different to this phenomenon. Someone can feel only a small change of mood while another person feels the complete inability of normal life.

Scientists calculated that approximately 65% \u200b\u200bof the population of the planet sensitively refers to the fluctuations of the magnetic field and suffer from poor well -being during storms. Most of all, poorly and acutely magnetic fluctuations, the old generation is experiencing, small children and women who are in position.

magnetic vibrations due to solar activity

Magnetic storms are capable of adding the greatest harm to the human cardiovascular system. Influencing it worsens the work of the heart and because of this the work of all other organs is violated. In addition, thorough studies made it clear that the amount of platelets increases significantly in the blood precisely during the magnetic vibrations of the Earth. Because of this, the blood becomes thicker and significantly viscous, which affects blood pressure.

In addition, it is noted that the Earth’s magnetic field has a great influence on the mental state and human health, causing emotional breakdowns, instability, extreme excitement. A person can feel drooping, tired and excessively irritable for any reason, so you should pay attention to his condition during magnetic storms.

Video: "Magnetic storms are very dangerous"

How do magnetic storms affect human pressure?

Magnetic storms are able to have a strong influence on human blood pressure. With magnetic fluctuations, the blood literally changes, the number of platelets increases in it because of which it becomes thicker and more viscous. This factor also affects human pressure, increasing it and increasing the risk of thrombosis.

During this state, a person may feel unpleasant:

  • fatigue
  • apathy
  • fatigue
  • emotional tension
  • lack of strength
  • irritation
  • nausea
  • headache

During a magnetic storm, the risk of heart attack increases due to impaired work of the cardiovascular system.

how a magnetic storm is able to influence the state of human health

Video: “Live great! Magnetic storms"

What is the magnetic storm protection for a person?

If a person is not sensitive and completely healthy, then most likely any magnetic storm will have nothing to do with him. And if a person had disorders of the cardiovascular system, had surgery and suffers from mental disorders, then most likely magnetic vibrations will affect it in the most negative way.

Knowing the magnetic drill schedule for the future, you can warn yourself against possible negative consequences. Doctors strongly recommend to sensitive people to remain at home during the storms, not to plan big trips and not to experience strong physical activity. In addition, it is best not to load your body in a given period of heavy and fatty foods so that the gastrointestinal tract cannot experience impaired work.

magnetic storm protection

It is impossible to protect against magnetic storms by 100% percent, but you can regularly monitor their schedule and not plan any classes that can worsen well -being and condition.

Those who have disturbances in the cardiovascular system and problems with the functioning of the heart, as well as hypertensive patients, are recommended on the eve of the expected magnetic storm to take a certain medical drug that will prevent increased pressure. For this, a certain set of medicines is recommended:

  • nicardiy
  • concor
  • hemopamide
  • retard

If you are not a supporter of medications, try to take folk medicines and drugs, such as tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs:

  • motherwort tincture - a remedy for neurosis
  • valerian - will have a relaxing and calming effect
  • mint tincture or mint tea will relax and help to gain a feeling of calm
  • tincture of the lures will reduce the pressure

A little “exciting” means of traditional medicine will help:

  • limonnik tincture will relieve drowsiness and fatigue
  • rosehip tincture will calm and relax, give strength
  • rose radio tincture will improve physical activity

Medical drugs will also help:

  • alphagin (soft vegetable drug)
  • pantacrin is a biostimulator
  • avioplan - will reduce nausea
  • aveol-- restores strength

For those who regularly experience disorders of heart rhythm, such drugs as:

  • anaprilin - will reduce pressure
  • potassium - improve the operation of the circulatory system
  • asparkam - relieve the problems of heart function
  • panangin - will improve metabolic processes

From a pulsating headache will help:

  • no-shpa
  • baralgin
  • spasmalgon
influence on a person during magnetic storm

It is noted that during magnetic storms, in addition to the fact that the blood flows down the elasticity of blood vessels. For this reason, blood flows much more slowly along them, delivering less oxygen to internal organs. To improve your condition and improve the operation of the circulatory system, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, you can even several times a day.

To make the blood vessels stronger, it is necessary to regularly make contrasting souls, plunge into cold water and arrange a trip to the sauna at least once a month.

On the eve of magnetic storms, relaxing home baths will be unusually useful, which can be taken with sea salt and essential oils. Limit the amount of harmful food, exclude fatty and heavy foods from the diet, do not drink alcohol and energy. Limit the number of sharp and salty spices, smoked snacks, strong coffee and tea.

It is recommended to limit oneself from irritants and even in the most difficult situations to relax and not be nervous in order to avoid possible quarrels and scandals with people around. Practice meditation, do yoga and try not yourself a point massage:

  • heads
  • legs
  • hands
  • palms

There is an opinion that magnetotherapy helps to calmly survive the magnetic storm. To do this, you need to attach the most ordinary magnet (even from the refrigerator, but not ring - not a ring or a bracelet). The fact is that red blood cells in the blood - charged particles and magnet allows them to be pulled out so that they pass more smoothly through the blood vessels.

Video: "What happens to a person during a magnetic storm?"

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