Early gray hair. How to protect yourself from gray hair?

Early gray hair. How to protect yourself from gray hair?

How to prevent gray hair with the help of correct steps!

Luxurious hair has always been an adornment of both women and men and a clear sign of a healthy body. And how sad it is when, after 25 years, some notice the first signs of gray hair.

Causes of early gray hair.

Experts put forward many factors affecting this process, but everyone converges the main ones.

1. Melanin concentration. In the body, it is produced by the method of thyroid biosynthesis. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of violation of the work of this body, it is immediately worth undergoing an examination and begin timely treatment.

2. Rare vitamin B-10 With an not very balanced diet, it becomes scarce and therefore the first white hairs appear.

3. Exhausting diets, multiple x -rays, smoking is also factors affecting the state of hair structure. With the right approach and write out all dangerous positions, you can identify those that directly affect you.

4. Folic acid Not so long ago, only “female” vitamin was considered, but after a series of studies it was proved that it was also needed by a strong floor. It takes an active part in the processes of hematopoiesis and helps to restore pigmentation.

6. Genetics. If you notice that you had the first gray hair, ask your parents if they had it and they have. Perhaps this is not a sign of some kind of disease, but only your predisposition.

If gray hair suddenly discovered in large numbers, then this indicates a strong stress and should pay attention to this and appear to the doctor.

How to prevent gray hair?

To prevent at least the spread of gray hair is necessary:

1. Observe the daily routine: try to go to bed to 22-00 and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Ned -sleeping causes a lot of deviations in health and therefore it is impossible to skip this moment.

2. Food regularly and properly. A balanced diet will help restore metabolism and restore the balance between vitamins and trace elements that are responsible for hair pigmentation.

3. The course of polyvitamins will also bring considerable help to the body and help restore metabolic processes and hair pigmentation.

4. Parsley juice. By taking this plant, you can saturate the body with microelements and useful vitamins. The mixture of ginger root with honey is approximately the same. Thanks to research in the field of traditional medicine, these two recipes are one of the most effective.

Treatment of gray hair

1. Hair condition can improve vitamin B10. In sufficient quantities is contained in the liver, eggs, dairy products, fish, potatoes, and fungi. In addition, this acid optimizes the development of normal intestinal microflora that produces folic acid - the vitamin necessary for beauty and health.

2. Very useful for our hair and vitamin A. He is responsible for silky and shine of hair and helps to maintain moisture.

3. B vitamins - The most important when taking both inside and externally. Many shampoos and cosmetology masks are emphasized precisely on it.

4. Outwardly you can use any hair masks With mustard. To do this, 3 tablespoons of dry mustard must be brewed with boiling water and add 1 tbsp. Sahara. And you can already add any oils and vitamins to this mixture and apply to your head, withstand for about 30 minutes. Such a mask enhances blood circulation of the hair bulbs and each time improves saturation with a pigment.

Gray hair prevention: copper diet!

Copper - an important trace element forms the structure of proteins of connective tissue - collagen and elastin. The importance of copper for the human body has been known since ancient times. One emperor wore copper sandals, believing that it was they who provide him with a healthy mind and a clear mind. One of the early signs of copper insufficiency is a sowing.
To make up for copper content in the body, it is necessary to add it to food as insisting water. To do this, many used any copper product and poured purified water. With every desire to quench thirst, take this water and this will enrich the body with copper.
To enter copper in our menu, it is better to use meat products, nuts, seafood, vegetables 9 bell pepper and cabbage), fruits (avocados, bananas, lemons).

Vitamins and dietary supplements from gray hair!

Vitamins are more preventive and the need to drink them should occur at least once every three months. There are a lot of vitamin complexes that will help you in improving the quality of life. We will only offer a few.

Selmevit - A good comprehensive vitamin preparation. Which, along with the main vitamins, contains selenium. This is a vitamin necessary for us, which in a greater case does not lack in our usual menu due to an unbalanced nutrition. He is responsible not only for metabolic processes, but also to the pigmentation of the hair cutics.

Pentavit - This is a complex of five vitamins of group B. We have already written a lot about the importance of these vitamins. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this drug and drinking a course to improve well -being and hair condition.

Live juices -This is the best complex of vitamins. Cat will be absorbed by 90% and be very beneficial. Choose a number of vegetables for yourself and combine them with apple juice. It will not only be useful, but also very tasty.

Tips for early gray hair!

Given the foregoing, you can only take stock and identify the most important thing:

1. Lead active lifestyle. Sport always allows you to be healthier and happy. And at the same time, the hair will delight more and more.

2. Daily regime - Sleep at least the necessary 8 hours and get up until 6 in the morning. The best energy filling occurs in the morning hours.

3. Full nutrition. It is noticed that fans of meat are sick more often and aging faster. And vice versa, vegetarians live longer and get gray. Try for several days to eat only plant foods and you may like it. Vegetables and fruits will give you relief and add strength.

Whatever the condition of our hair, we must love and accept ourselves as we are. Rejoicing at every day, we are filled with positive emotions and only thanks to this we already get a large healing “vitamin of happiness”, which is able to improve not only hair.

Video: The best home remedy for gray hair

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful recommendations! I am genetically prone to early gray hair. It is good that I manage to avoid its appearance due to the fact that I take Evalarov copper in a lecture uniform and try to sleep fully. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. There would be a desire. And I order copper, by the way, in an online store, is very convenient.

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