Psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs: description of the disease, methods of treatment at home, reviews of cured, photo

Psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs: description of the disease, methods of treatment at home, reviews of cured, photo

Treatment of psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs pharmacy drugs and folk methods.

Nail psoriasis is a rather rare disease that is not diagnosed so often. However, with some symptoms and collection of an anamnesis, doctors still establish such a diagnosis. In this article, we will tell you how to treat psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs at home. 

What is and what psoriasis on the nails looks: reasons

The main problem is that doctors have not fully established the causes of this ailment. According to some experts, the causes of psoriasis on the nails of the arms and legs can be systemic disorders. 

Causes of nail psoriasis: 

  • Disruption of blood circulation 
  • Heredity 
  • Sensitivity to environmental changes 
  • Chronic ailments 
  • Constant stay in a state of stress 
  • Depression 
  • Disruption of blood circulation 
A manifestation of the disease
A manifestation of the disease

Nail psoriasis: symptoms, photo

In general, it is very difficult to initially diagnose the disease, to establish that it is psoriasis. There are no clinical manifestations and special research methods. Initially, a dermatologist sends a person to give a general blood test and then takes a smear from the surface of the nail to exclude the possibility of fungal lesions. 

Symptoms of psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs: 

  • Pits on the surface of the plate 
  • Pain when pressed on the plate 
  • Onycholysis, that is, the discharge of the plate from the bed 
  • Inflammation under the nails 
  • Peeling of the skin around the plate 

All these signs can indicate both a fungus and an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine psoriasis. Most often this is not done after the first visit to the doctor. If there are no fungal lesions, the patient took tests for allergies and did not reveal anything, in which case psoriasis is diagnosed.

Photo of psoriasis
Photo of psoriasis
Photo of the disease
Photo of the disease
Psoriasis photo
Psoriasis photo

Degree of nail psoriasis

There are several degrees of development of the disease on the arms and legs. 

Degreepsoriasis nails: 

  • Progressive stage. During this period, small dots appear on the plate, which differ in yellow or white. Over time, these spots grow and increase in size. This is the most initial stage at which it is easiest to engage in treatment, it will be more effective. There is no pain, the upper part of the plate may peel off a little. 
  • Stationary. At this stage, the points do not grow, and inflammatory processes turn into chronic and form, which does not cause significant inconvenience. Pain is observed, and discomfort. Around the nails, a rash that itchs can appear, and peels off. Small yellow discharge from this rash may be noted. When touching the cuticle, painful sensations are observed. The skin around the plate is very dry, cracks may appear. 
  • Regressive. During this degree, the papules disappear, and some white cracks appear around them, and the nail begins to collapse, split. At this stage, the patient feels itching. 
A manifestation of the disease
A manifestation of the disease

How to treat psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs: drugs

A worked out methodology, which involves the treatment of psoriasis, does not have dermatologists. Basically, all treatment is directed to remove manifestations and symptoms. That is, remove itching, and prevent the appearance of dry skin. In addition, measures are held that a fungus does not start on the nails.

How to treat psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs: 

  1. Ointments, creams that reduce inflammation. Usually these are hormonal drugs that reduce swelling, inflammation, remove itching. In principle, they do not treat psoriasis, but help to cope with its manifestations. That is, an unpleasant sensation disappears and it becomes easier for a person. 
  2. Medicines containing vitamin D3. The most interesting thing is that these are local drugs that are applied directly to the foci of manifestation of psoriasis. This vitamin is necessary to improve the spread and growth of cells, and prevents their deformation, mutations. Vitamin D3 does not allow psoriasis to progress. 
  3. System preparations. These are drugs that are taken inside, if joint diseases develop along with psoriasis. 
  4. Creams with anesthetics and sedative components. They moisturize the skin, soothe it. 
Stripping the plate
Stripping the plate

Nail psoriasis: treatment at home

Very often, when leaving tests in a person in the blood, substances are found that are usually observed with rheumatism and arthritis. Indeed, the symptoms are very similar, since often psoriasis is a manifestation of arthritis and rheumatism. Therefore, having cured the main ailment, you can get rid of psoriasis.However, sometimes there are no such manifestations, and only external defects are observed, in the form of damage to the plate. In this case, local drugs are mainly prescribed. 

Treatment of nail psoriasis at home:

  • The main problem that people who suffer from psoriasis face is the discharge of the plate from the bed. Thus, voids are obtained that are stained in yellow or brown. If moisture will constantly arrive in these places, mold may develop. In this case, areas under the plate are stained in green or yellow, gray. An unpleasant odor may occur.
  • That is why Podologists, as well as masters of manicure, recommend treating onicholysis. Most often, this is done using a carefully performed manicure, with the removal of all dead skin particles. Under the nail, which has moved away from the nail bed, hyponichia can develop, it grows very much. To say easier, these are particles of the cuticle, which stands out in a huge amount.
  • But at the same time, the nail bed does not grow to the plate. A void is formed, which serves as an entrance gate for microorganisms. In case of non -compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, a fungus settles in these areas. In this case, the lesion is even more difficult to treat. That is why it is recommended to cut off the entire affected nail, and clean the area that is under the plate. This is done using keratolytics that soften the keratinized particles of the skin.
  • These are ordinary fruit acids, which are often used in the performance of a pedicure to remove the cuticle. They soften the hard hyponichia, which was formed under the nail, it can be cleaned. The nail is cut, the entire nail space is treated with alcohol -containing fluid, as well as drugs that prevent the development of the fungus. 
Violation of cell division
Violation of cell division

How to treat psoriasis of nails with lacquer Belveder?

The product that can be applied directly to the affected nails has proven itself. Cantreat psoriasis of nails with varnish Belveder. It contains vitamin complexes, as well as drugs aimed at disinfecting nails. At the same time, the line has even a tool that stains the plate, making it aesthetic. In general, this helps to hide the manifestation of the disease.

It can be used as on sore nails, but still recommended to completely remove the nail that has moved away from the box, and lay it with an artificial material with a seal. It can be acrylic, gel oracrylate. These polymers are plastics in which mushrooms do not live and do not multiply, so on top of such a seal you can apply a coating using a Belvedere varnish.

It is worth noting that it dries not in the air, but with the use of an ultraviolet lamp. itgel Technology using polymers, but with additives of antimicotic and antibacterial substances. 

Lac Belveder
Lac Belveder

How to treat psoriasis of nails with ointment davonex?

You can treat psoriasis of nails with ointment davonex. This is a drug that is used in the treatment of psoriasis not only on nails, but also in other areas of the body, skin. This is a special drug, aimed at treating psoriasis. It is often combined with the use of corticosteroids that eliminate itching, burning, as well as cracking and redness in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage.

Apply it to the affected nails once or twice a day. In this case, it must be applied with rubbing movements. If you treat this ointment, then it makes no sense to rub it into the nail. This will not change its structure. It is necessary to completely cut off the nail, which has moved away from the bed, and smear the skin that is under it with ointment. Only in this case you can achieve an effect. 

Ointment Davonex
Ointment Davonex

Nail psoriasis: treatment with folk methods

In addition to these drugs, there are also traditional medicine. With their help, you can cope with the psoriasis of the nails. Folk methods are often used to treat psoriasis on nails. Among them are mainly baths that are aimed at disinfecting the nail plate so that pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate there.  

Treatment of nail psoriasis with folk methods:

  • Laurel baths. It is necessary to pack 20 g of raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Do not remove the mixture from the heat, but hold for 10 minutes. When the solution becomes warm, it is necessary to lower the hands into it. The manipulation time is a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure every day. 
  • In this ailment, you can use baths with sage and oak bark, chamomile, celandine. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of the mixture 150 ml of boiling water. All this is withstanding on fire, for 2 minutes. After that, it is covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel, it remains for about one hour. The lid is removed and allowed to cool slightly with the solution. After that, they lower their hands into it and withstand for a third of the hour. 
  • Quite effective from psoriasis are lotions, as well as compresses. To conduct them, you can use oatmeal. To carry out manipulation, it is necessary to mix one tablespoon of oatmeal, which turns into small flour, as well as corn starch. A little water is added, until a thick paste is obtained. After that, the nails fall into hot water before bedtime. 
  • You can also cook oil. To do this, it is necessary to boil three chicken eggs screwed, and separate the yolks from them. They need to be rubbed into the crumb and simmer in a frying pan for 40 minutes without adding oil. In the end, you will get something similar to dry powder. Further, this tool must be laid out on gauze and squeezed out the substance that will turn out. As a result, squeeze the liquid similar to oil. It is this ointment that needs to lubricate the affected nails in the morning and evening. 
Folk recipes
Folk recipes

Iodine from psoriasis of nails: application

Often used from psoriasis of nails iodine.

Instructions for the use of iodine from psoriasis nails:

  • To do this, lubricate the affected nails once a day impregnated with iodine with a cotton swab. Manipulation with rubbing movements is carried out.
  • After that, it is necessary to dry the nail plate. It is believed that after such manipulations, ointments and drugs that relate to therapeutic ones can be worn on the plate. Iodine is an antiseptic, and helps eliminate the manifestations of the disease, as well as remove pathogenic microorganisms from the surface of the nails.
  • One iodine is quite difficult to get rid of psoriasis, as this is a systemic disease, which very often affects the internal organs. 
The use of iodine
The use of iodine

Psoriasis of nails on the hands: treatment with pharmacy drugs

Glucocorticosteroids that reduce inflammation, as well as itching, can be used for the treatment of nail psoriasis. That is, these are symptomatic drugs.

Treatment of psoriasis of nails on the hands with pharmacy drugs:

  • For these purposes, drugs such as, Advantan, Triderm and Sinaflan. In their composition, they contain prednisone, which very quickly relieves irritation, inflammation, thereby improving the condition of the skin. 
  • In the pharmacy you can also find salicylic acid. It is not therapeutic, but with its help you can remove a large amount of hyponichia and keratinized cells formed as a result of psoriasis. It can be very difficult to remove thickened nails, as well as the skin that formed under them. It is for such purposes that salicylic acid is applied. Usually this is an ointment that is applied for 5 minutes and helps to soften hard skin around the nail and under it. Can be used to soften the nail itself. 
  • Inderma ointment. This is a whole complex that contains a cream, as well as drops. Used to treat psoriasis. The composition is completely vegetable, contains extracts of celandine, St. John's wort, calamus root, nine, the color of an elderberry, field horsetail, as well as a series. It also contains propylene glycol. It is necessary to take 5 drops inward. They are introduced into food or cocktails, which are taken 3 times a day. The cream is used for local treatment, it is applied with wiping movements on the nails daily or every other day. 

Nail psoriasis: reviews

Diagnose the disease infrequently. That is why there are few reviews about the psoriasis of the nails and its treatment.

Nail psoriasis, reviews:

Evgeny, 42 years old. For me, psoriasis has become a real test. He suffered from him for several years, but he defeated only his hands, a little later he began to appear on his feet. After that, the nails began to crumble and extend. This delivered a lot of unpleasant sensations, and I felt not very comfortable. He began to use folk methods to treat psoriasis. In particular, he made a decoction of bay leaf, in which he held his hands. Often used compresses from medicinal herbs, washed his hands with tar soap. Nothing helped me. The nails were stopped extending, then again the disease worsened. Now, after using a whole course of drugs and blood purification, it was possible to get rid of the disease, but the nails grow very slowly. Therefore, now I use the services of a subsurrent, who once a month cuts out a dead nail plate and cleans the area under it so that the nail grows to the finger. 

Anna, 37 years old. Recently, it began to suffer from psoriasis, at the very initial stage it appeared on the nails, on his hands. At first I thought it was a fungus, since I was working in the pool. However, after numerous tests and trips to the doctor, it turned out that this was not at allfungus, a psoriasis. I am very unhappy with my doctor, so now I am being treated with a doctor who takes in a private clinic. The results are visible, but the nails grow very slowly, although they began to extend less. I use the Belveder-based Belveder remedy, which is applied over the nail plate. 

Ksenia, 27 years old. I first encountered psoriasis in school years, but for some reason it quickly passed, possibly due to the restructuring of the body and puberty. However, a little later he made himself felt again. Now I am flying detachments on my nails, andonycholysis. It is very annoying, because along with damage to the nails there are cracks on the fingers. I use special moisturizing creams, now I began to clean the entire body with adsorbents. Means that were prescribed by a doctor not everyone was effective. The best for me was the creamAdvantan. With its help, burning and peeling in the area of \u200b\u200blateral rollers and cuticles pass. The nails were fixed by removing part of the nail, and with gel extension. Now I go with an extended nails with an opaque gel varnish. 

Nail psoriasis is not a very common problem that causes a lot of inconvenience to patients. For the complete treatment of the problem, it is necessary to deal with the causes that provoked psoriasis, as well as cleanse the body using adsorbents and anti -allergic drugs. Do not ignore diet and proper nutrition. 

Video: Treatment of psoriasis of nails on the arms and legs

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Comments K. article

  1. Is someone already treated with biological products? The dermatologist offered me a systemic therapy of Nephamab (Efleira), but this is not cheap. So I think, to start or not? I am ready to pay money, if only it helps.

  2. I have been treated from the middle of summer to Nephamab. The first month is expensive, then tolerant. The result, of course, is cool. Even in May, I had 30 percent of the body in plaques, now there is one average on my elbow and it is medium -sized on my back, the rest has gone. In general health, everything is fine too. By the way, you can try to get this medicine preferentially from the doctor. Find out what papers you need to collect and try good luck.

  3. Thank you, a very valuable advice about benefits and thank you for answering about the results of therapy.

  4. Grass
    Number of March 22, 2007
    Watch the entire Number Number of March 22, 2007 :: Archive of the newspaper "Travinka"

    There have been no illness for six years

    I often read the requests of people to help them get rid of skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. I myself suffered from psoriasis for 11 years and went through hellish torment. Therefore, I really want to help such people.
    For 6 years now I have been completely healthy and feel a full -fledged person. And before that it was all, from head to toe, covered with scales. Wherever I was treated, but the doctors only shook their hands and said that psoriasis was incurable. And I don’t know what would happen to me now, if not for my relatives who live in Bryansk. Somewhere they learned about a woman who lives near them in a small town and knows how to cure skin diseases from an old recipe with the help of a special ointment and herbs.
    I immediately went to her. Natalya Pavlovna (this is the name of this kind woman) prepared everything necessary for me for treatment and said that in 2-2.5 months everything will pass, which, of course, did not really believe.
    But after a month and a half, my skin was really cleansed. Natalya Pavlovna also said that the duration of treatment depends on the state of the nervous system and the purity of the body.
    Now I remember my illness as a terrible nightmare. I am very grateful to Natalya Pavlovna for her precious work - the ability to cure diseases that are not subject to official medicine. And I write this letter for those who suffer from psoriasis. Who needs this healer, I inform you how to contact her: Bryansk region, Natalya Pavlovna Reshetnikova, tel. 8-903-818-67-69.
    Tamara Alekseevna Isotova, Moscow

  5. i cope with psoriasis with the help of Naftaderm ointment. On natural natural raw materials, not hormonal. I use long courses. And psoriasis in the stage of remission. Though not ashamed by the hands.

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