Why is it impossible to squeeze acne on the face, how then to get rid of them? If you do not crush acne, will they disappear themselves, where the pus will go? What to do if the pimple was squeezed out on the face? How to stop crushing acne on your face: Tips

Why is it impossible to squeeze acne on the face, how then to get rid of them? If you do not crush acne, will they disappear themselves, where the pus will go? What to do if the pimple was squeezed out on the face? How to stop crushing acne on your face: Tips

Acne on the face: what to do with them if you can’t crush? Methods and advice on how to get rid of various types of acne on the face.

A pure face is not only the merit of genetics that got from the ancestors, but also careful care of themselves. In this article we will tell you why you can’t squeeze acne on the face and how to care for your face so that they are not.

Why can't you squeeze acne on your face?

For the first time, a pimple on his face seems to be a deformity that attracts the attention of everyone around. And all I want is to squeeze out immediately! What can be done categorically. Why can't you squeeze acne on your face? For a number of the above reasons:

  • You can remove the pimple exclusively when it has completely ripe. Mativity can determine a cosmetologist or dermatologist, but not a person who wants to remove the skin defect at all costs. But if you still decide to do this yourself - dry, hard, with a yellowish tint, without redness of the skin around;
  • If the specialist decides to remove the pimple, preliminary preparation is underway, including skin cleansing, disinfection and opening of pores using special gels and creating a “greenhouse effect” using a film;
  • When a person presses the pimple with his hands, most often this is done with dirty, non -sterile hands, through an unpeeled and not prepared face - as a result, infection, even larger rash, and with it, skin, scars and skin pigmentation;
  • Squeezing the pimple, you literally tear the skin, pulling the inside out. At the same time, in the skin there is a gap with the "vent of the volcano", and in the depths the inflammatory process continues. Bottom line - you decide the investigation, not the root cause;
  • Squeezing the pimple, you risk improper pressure on it not only to squeeze pus and skin fat, but also to drive the particles deep into the particles, turning a single pimple into a chronic problem.

Conclusion: Squeezing the pimple yourself at home, you tear the skin, infect a place near the acne, add inflammation, as a result, getting a chronic rash, scarring and pigmentation of the skin.

What hurts if acne pops up in the same place on the face?
What hurts if acne pops up in the same place on the face?

How to get rid of acne without squeezing out: detailed instructions

So, you got acquainted why it is impossible to squeeze acne on your face and decided to get rid of the problem with another method. Where to start?

  • Visits to a dermatologist and passing the necessary tests;
  • Diet changes;
  • Changes in hygiene habits;
  • Change the rules of skin care - use pharmacy instead of cosmetics;
  • Regularly visit a cosmetologist to clean your face, where you can carry out both light and deep cleaning, while realizing about the safety of this procedure.

Yes, you will not be able to get rid of acne in a few hours, but you can comprehensively approach the question and after a few weeks to admire a radiant neat face.

What are the acne on the face?

By wondering why you can’t squeeze acne on the face, it is worthwhile to understand what acne is, and how you can get rid of them.

What are the acne on the face?
What are the acne on the face?
  • The first and simplest problem is comedon. They are closed and open, black (black dots) and white (pustular white peak). The initial stage that occurs in many adolescents. If you immediately realize and go to a specialist, adjust the food and lifestyle, it is easy to get rid of comedon. Launched version - goes into the next stage;
  • The next stage of rashes on the face is a pustule. These are red large acne with purulent contents. They cannot be categorically squeezed until completely ripened, which can be determined by a clear white or yellow point, and completely calm without redness with the skin around acne;
  • The papule is a mature pimple that did not come out himself, and remained under the skin, having a clear white point, and extremely painful to the touch. The color of the acne and zones near the acne from the red-borodovoy to the blue;
  • If lightning pimples occur, you must immediately contact the hospital and undergo a course of treatment in dermatology. It is also recommended to clean the blood and control the correct operation of internal organs. The rash affects locally, causes severe discomfort and affects not only the dermis, but also leukocytes in the blood, thereby causing complications throughout the body, as well as muscle pain and even bones;
  • Knot-acid acne is another type of neglected shape of the acne, when the appearance of which it is immediately necessary to consult a dermatologist. Acne is deep in the skin, cause pain, and are interconnected by fistulous channels.
Types of acne on the face
Types of acne on the face

How to get rid of comedones (black dots) at home?

So, we have already figured out why it is impossible to squeeze acne on the face, regardless of their type. But what if a regular visit to a cosmetologist is not possible? After all, there are a number of reasons when, with all the desire, you have to do on their own (financial inaccessibility, living in villages and villages, crazy loading at work). In this case, it will be required:

  • Disinfecting tonic and washing gel;
  • Hel-mask of cold hydration;
  • Food film;
  • Face cleansing tool (spoon of uno, loop, etc.);
  • Cotton wheels;
  • Alginate mask for narrowing pores;
  • Bright light;
  • Preferably an assistant.

And let's get down to work:

  • Remove all cosmetics and wash with gel for deep cleaning;
  • Walk along the face and hands with a disinfectant tonic;
  • Apply a gel to open pores and for a greenhouse effect to close it with cling film;
  • Wait the time indicated on the packaging;
  • Messing the tool in the meantime;
  • Remove one zone (for example, the forehead, and leave the rest in place) and go to the union loop through the entire area, additionally helping to hold the skin with your hand;
  • At deep black dots, use a spoon of uno;
  • If you need to remove the ripened pimple, and it does not turn out a loop or spoon - puncture the appropriate tool in the center of the mature acne and go through the loop;
  • After complete cleaning of one zone - open the next zone and continue cleaning;
  • After the end of cleaning - wash, washing away everything that came out of the face, as well as the remnants of the gel;
  • Go through the tonic;
  • Clean the neck and neckline (optional);
  • Put the mask on your face, neck and neckline and rest for 15 minutes (here it is advisable to ask for an assistant);
  • Remove the mask, get your face.

After the mask, the face will still be reddish, but after 5-12 hours it will become normal. In the following days, carefully care for the face.

Facial cleaning: before and after
Facial cleaning: before and after

Is it possible to clean your face when there is acne on it?

They wondered why it is impossible to squeeze acne on the face, but at the same time you can clean? The fact is that it is possible and necessary to remove ripened acne in sterile conditions by cleaning. But to crush only a jumped pimple is categorically impossible. You only increase inflammation and aggravate the situation.

Do I need to squeeze acne with pus on the face?

In this section, we will tell you why you can’t squeeze acne on the face if they are with pus. So, let's look at what a pimple with pus looks like.

Purulent pimple
Purulent pimple
  • Please note that the pus is located in the follicle zone. And there is an inflammation around, loose, easily damaged skin.
  • When pressed, the pus “breaks” not only up, tearing the upper layer of the skin, but also in the sides, and worst of all, it can “break through” into the depths of the follicle and dermis. As a result - an exacerbation of the focus of inflammation, the spread of pus and rash, but worst of all - if pus enters the bloodstream, blood poisoning can be carried out, which in the worst case can carry a fatal outcome.
  • Therefore, crushing purulent acne is categorically impossible until their moment of full maturation. After - if it does not work out, can be removed in the process of cleaning, but not squeezing with your fingers, but with a loop or spoon of uno.

If you do not crush acne, will they disappear themselves, where the pus will go?

Purulent acne - personal blood pressure for teenagers. If black dots can be cleaned once a week and the face will remain clean constantly, then the abscesses are a long-playing problem that is not so easy to remove, and even masking is problematic.

Many adolescents have a question - why can not squeeze acne on the face if they are purulent, and if not squeezed out where the pus will go?

Everything is quite simple:

  • It is impossible to crush - the skin, which will then be scattering when healing;
  • When squeezing, the pus can go inside, not only increasing inflammation, but also blood inflammation will go;
  • The purulent pimple is ripening, changing. Pus refers, turning into a denser mass. The inflammation around goes away, and the skin turns pale. Когда очаг воспаления станет бледным – во время очередной чистки лица вы сможете его удалить при помощи инструмента, также как удаляете черные точки;
  • Small white superficial abscesses do not need to be removed at all - they refer and fall off with the upper epidermis with daily wash of the face.
Removal of acne from a cosmetologist
Removal of acne from a cosmetologist

What to do if the purulent pimple is deep and does not go away when ripening?

And here is another counterargument of adolescents - why is it impossible to squeeze acne on the face if they themselves do not pass on the face? Living with them all your life?

  • Firstly: the ripening of some acne takes place in 1-2 days, others in 10-14 days.
  • Secondly: 14 days have passed, and the skin around is red, inside the liquid pus that did not become harder on palpation? When touching, severe pain? Immediately to the dermatologist, most likely you switched to the stage of lightning acne. In other cases - you can clean the mature pimple by a cosmetologist or yourself at home in sterile conditions.

What to do if the pimple was squeezed out on the face?

Let's look at the widespread situation - what to do if it was squeezed out on the face, and instead of the perfect face, half of his face smashed from one pimple? Why can't you squeeze acne on your face? Yes, because then there can be very unpleasant consequences, and solving them many times more difficult than, initially without touching the pimple.

Instructions, what to do if the pimple was squeezed out on her face and inflammation, temperature, etc. went:

  • If the rashes increased, and the purulent pimple “pulled” even more, such actions should be taken. We wash ourselves 2-3 times a day, after processing a disinfectant, optimally chlorhexidine. We apply salicylic ointment to the focus of inflammation. We do not cover the site with cosmetics, oils or creams. Когда кожа станет полностью бледной без красных участков, а гнойники «затвердеют» став плотными с желтоватым оттенком – можно провести чистку, и убрать то, что не рассосалось в процессе заживления;
  • If, after squeezing the abscess, the inflammation intensified, and the temperature has gone - immediately contact the hospital, this is the first sign of blood poisoning;
  • If, after squeezing the abscess, you have twitching sensations (pulls pus), itching and causes pain - apply the compress from the Vishnevsky ointment. A fairly effective tool that will help to “break through” the abscess in a natural way, and stretch pus;
  • If you observe severe weakness, headache and dizziness, heart heartbeat, decreased pressure, loss of appetite are signs of blood poisoning. Urgently go to the hospital, as this is fraught with death.
With purulent acne should be as careful as possible
With purulent acne should be as careful as possible

Is it possible to die by squeezing a pimple on your face?

  • Another good reason why you can’t squeeze acne on the face - the opportunity is quickly and very stupid (do not think?) To die.
  • The first and most important is that any purulent pimple on the face can “sit” deep enough and the pus will go into the blood, and as a result of blood poisoning.
  • But there is also a “triangle of death” on the face. We allocated it schematically.
Zone Triangle of Death
Zone "Triangle of Death"

The veins are connected directly to the brain and if pus or infection gets into them, the risk of quick and irrevocable brain damage is very high. It is this zone that becomes the most common cause of death after squeezing acne.

It is also worth noting that with stresses, the presence of chronic diseases, including diabetes of any type, even a weak infection can rapidly develop in the body to unprecedented heights. The result is a rapid blood poisoning with the most deplorable consequences.

Conclusion: Yes, indeed, you can die, unsuccessfully squeezing the pimple on the face, especially in the zone of the "triangle of death."

Is it possible to make a face scrub if there is acne?

Facial cleaning in many implies scrubbing. But, firstly, we note that the scrub “tears” the delicate skin of the face, and is useful only to a small number of people who have dense oily skin. Most often these are men on whom light peeling has no action.

Why it is impossible to squeeze acne on the face - in order not to tear the skin, not to bring infection and not spread the rash on the face. What does face scrub do? It breaks the skin, especially where the abscesses, and also spreads infection all over the face. Therefore, scrubing is available only for those who do not have an inflammatory rash on their faces.

Conclusion: if there is a rash, scrubing is not for you.

Is it possible to apply cosmetics if there is acne on the face?

Asking the question why you can’t squeeze acne on the face, of course, a natural question will come - is it possible to make cosmetics if there is acne on the face?

There are no direct contraindications, but there are a number of restrictions:

  • It is better to abandon the cosmetics of the masmarket and apply the base, cream, etc. on the face. from pharmacy products created for people with acne;
  • Brushes, sponge, etc. Wash at least once every 2-3 days, and if the rash is strong, then even after each use. Be sure to go through a disinfectant spray;
  • To remove cosmetics every evening, do not play sports with makeup, as well as carefully cleanse and care for the skin of the face.
Cosmetologist is the best friend in the fight against acne
Cosmetologist is the best friend in the fight against acne

Is it possible to make masks on the face if there is acne?

Also, considering the question why it is impossible to squeeze acne on the face, the question arises - is it possible to make masks on the face if there is acne? Dermatologists are unanimously convinced that the face masks during an acne is possible and necessary, but the action of masks should be selected depending on the type of skin of the face, and also aimed at drying and eliminating the rash.

How to stop crushing acne on your face: Tips

Irina: The whole youth crushed acne mercilessly, until those until they smashed the abscesses on the whole face. Then there was a trip to the dermatologist, two -year treatment (if I went right away - only a couple of months), and the scars on the face that I fly to this day. All-all youths and girls strongly recommend not to crush acne, but to treat and take care of the face.

Yana (cosmetologist): Every day people come to me every day with advanced forms of a rash on their faces, scars and other consequences of acne pressure. I don’t even take some to work, I immediately send it to a dermatologist. At the same time, if you do not mock your face, and from the age of 14-15, start to care for the face of cleaning, masks, as well as pierce vitamins, to improve the dermis, you will always have a tender clean face without a rash. Well, the main advice for girls and women - often wash brushes and sponge for makeup. It is they in 50% of cases that are the cause of regularly returning abscesses!

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not give acne, but I just smear at night a thin layer of pointed seracin cream from Librider. For a couple of applications, it helps excellent

  2. yes, crushing acne is more expensive for yourself. Here in the article they write that at the same time the skin is torn and scarred, that the scar is provided. I pull the pus with the help of Naftaderm ointment. I attach at night and fix it with a patch. There is no trace.

  3. If there are traces from squeezed acne, then you can remove them only with the help of peeling. I did this procedure last winter. I liked the result. And there is nothing complicated: it smeared the skin for several days in a row, after which the top layer extended.

  4. acne must learn not to squeeze out but treated. And it is better to take serious, pharmacy, and not all sorts of foam tonics there. I use retass. It reduces sebaceous discharge and acne gradually ceases to form. Only you need to withstand the course and apply systematically, and not from time to time. So I used it somewhere for a month and the face was cleansed.

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