Proven whispers from the drunkenness of her husband, son, in the back, on the waning moon: words of conspiracy, detailed instructions

Proven whispers from the drunkenness of her husband, son, in the back, on the waning moon: words of conspiracy, detailed instructions

Alcohol dependence is a serious problem of today's society. Due to alcoholism, families break up, young people “leave”.

That is why in the fight against this ailment all means are good. And when traditional medicine, along with topics and requests, does not work, whispers from drunkenness can come to the rescue.

Whispering from drunkenness: how to read correctly?

In order for whiskers to really help from drunkenness and quickly solve the problem, they must be read correctly. Therefore, take note of these simple recommendations:

  • It is best to carry out the ritual at a time when the heavenly luminary is in the waning phase. It is generally accepted that both the moon decreases and bad habits will “come to naught”.
  • It is also important to take into account the days of the week. If a woman suffers with alcoholism, conduct a ritual of reading whispers in wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if a man is on all other days of the week, except Sunday.
  • Sunday, like any church holidays, as well as post days, is not suitable for reading whispers. They will not work these days.
  • Regardless of who your ritual will be directed to, you or your relative, friend, a few days before reading whispers, you need to clear your energy. A light diet is best suited for these purposes - exclude alcohol, fatty, fried and harmful food from the diet.
  • If a whisper from drunkenness you read on someone, in no case do not inform this person about this. No one should know about what is happening except you.
  • You can treat with whispers yourself, friends, sisters, brothers, aunt and uncle, but not their blood parents. If your parents have a pernicious habit, instruct the reading of whispering some kind of person for you. In this case, you are allowed to know about the ritual that will be carried out in relation to your mom and dad.
  • The best thing While reading whispers from drunkenness to remove all the jewelry with the exception of your underwear. Women are customary to cover their heads with a scarf, a scarf.
  • You need to read the whispers only if you really believe in their strength. Any of your doubts will reduce the power of the ritual to zero.

Whisper from her husband's drunkenness

A drunk husband is a grief in the family. Due to the preferences of a man, not only his wife suffers to alcohol, children, parents also fall under the blow, and in principle, everyone who lives with an alcoholic. Therefore, act in this case must be immediately.

Such a whisper will come to the rescue from her husband's drunkenness:

To the sleeper
To the sleeper
  • You need to read such a whisper from drunkenness when the spouse will sleep very tightly. It is permissible if at that moment he is very drunk.
  • After reading these words, it is also worth Read three times the prayer "Our Father."
  • As mentioned earlier, a wife, his parents and friends can be performed in relation to her husband, but not the children of this man.
  • The result should become noticeable after a few days, a maximum of a week. But do not wait for the alcoholic with experience in an instant that will quit drinking, the amount of alcohol consumed will initially simply decrease.

Strong whispers from drunkenness

If you endure someone else's drunkenness, then you need to urgently look for available options for solving the problem. In this case, you need to use strong whispers from drunkenness.

Here are the most effective of them:

  • Such a whisper needs to read only over a sleeping person and only when he is in the usual state - drunk.
  • Words are read twice, in a half -whisperbut clearly and without hesitation.

You can also read such a whisper from alcoholism:

  • It should be read three times, be sure to be in the room only with a person who suffers from this ailment and so that he does not suspect anything.

Whisper from the drunkenness of the son

For any parent, alcohol dependence in his child is a huge trauma and pain for life. To save their son from drunkenness, parents can use such a whisper:

For the son
For the son
  • Such a whisper can be pronounced and without being next to your son, but be sure to with lit candles and so that the suffering from alcoholism does not know about this.
  • The whisper needs to be read regularly for a month, if possible, you also need to visit the church or the temple. If you do this regularly, then try to go to church at least once every 1-2 weeks.
  • Holy water can strengthen the action of a whisper. Pour it quietly into tea, coffee or ordinary water of the one who suffers from alcoholism.
  • The result from this whisper does not appear immediately, so do not be upset if you do not see a lightning -fast result - just continue to read a prayer and believe that the disease will retreat.

Whisper on vodka from drunkenness

Oddly enough, but you can speak with a whisper not only of holy water, but also by the enemy with whom we struggle with this whisper - vodka. This ritual is very simple, but effective.

  • Buy a bottle of vodka, bring it to the house and hide it so that the one you want to get rid of an alcohol ailment does not find it ahead of time.
  • When you stay at home yourself, take alcohol and peering into the container, try to show all the accumulated anger and hatred of alcohol with all your might. You need to literally hate this bottle of vodka.

After three times, read such a whisper for vodka:

The words
The words
  • After you need to give alcohol to suffering alcoholism, but so that it does not suspect anything. You can leave the bottle in a prominent place so that he himself takes it, or give it under the pretext that you are tired of hiding alcohol from it, because this still does not help.
  • Within 2 weeks addiction should disappear, if not completely, then at least partially.If the result does not satisfy you, just do the ritual again.

Whisper for fish from drunkenness

Such a whisper for fish will help you quickly save a loved one from such a pernicious habit:

  • You will need fresh living fish, 2 empty glasses, 50 g of vodka.
  • Take the fish, remove the gall bladder, the rest can be thrown away.
  • Pour the contents of the bile into one glass, vodka into another.

Now, with a ring finger, wet in each glass in turn. Repeat this action 20 times. At this time, say a whisper to the fish from drunkenness:

Quickly get rid
Quickly get rid
  • Throw away the remaining bile, and pour the resulting vodka into a small container and add daily along a few drops in tea, soup etc. A person suffering from alcoholism.
  • If the entire ritual is carried out correctly, the result will not be long in coming.

Whispering from drunken drunkenness

There are such people who, without knowing measures, get drunk to a half -fainting state, but they do not do it often, but there are others - who love to go into a binge. A drunken man is a great grief for the whole family, because he stops thinking adequately during binge, ready to drink everything that is in the house.

If you need to overcome drunken drunkenness, use such a whisper:

From drunken drunkenness
From drunken drunkenness
  • Such a whisper can be read over a sleeping person, on a photograph of a person suffering from alcoholism or simply thinking about such a person

Such a whisper from stagnant drunk can also help to cope with binges:

With alcoholism
With alcoholism
  • Such a whisper needs to read over food or drinks suffering from alcoholism. It is advisable to do such a ritual at least for a week.

Whisper on a bottle of drunkenness

This whisper on a bottle of drunkenness is proven, very effective. However, a little time and patience will need a ritual.

  • To begin with, you need to collect a whole bottle of vodka/wine/beer (what the alcoholic drinks) from the residues unfinished to the patients. It is not necessary to give him alcohol specially in order to quickly fill the container. Fill out as these remnants appear without your help.
  • Keep in mind that the person you want to cure from drunkenness, it should not suspect anything - this is a prerequisite for the ritual.
  • As soon as the container is filled, take it and go to the cemetery.

Sweep the bottle near someone's fence and say a whisper:

Result within 2 weeks
Result within 2 weeks
  • After that, go home and for 2 weeks, wait for the result. At least a person will drink much less than before, and after some time the pernicious familiar and will completely disappear.

A whisper from alcoholism

It is very difficult to heal from alcoholism, but still possible. To do this, you will need a huge willpower, desire and, of course, time. This whisper to cure alcoholism will help you in the fight against addiction.

  • First you need to pick up on the street Featers of birds. Ideally, the feathers should be goose, but any others are also suitable.
  • Of these you need to make a small bouquet.
  • On any day, but be sure to go to the forest for an odd number, find aspen and tie this bouquet to it.

Next, say such a whisper:

You will need bird feathers
You will need bird feathers
  • After that, go home and do not tell anyone about the ritual.

You can also conduct such a rite with a whisper:

  • Take the holy water, tea or any drink that a person likes to drink alcohol (alcohol cannot be spoke in this case).

Read such a whisper to the drink:

This drink should drink alcoholism
This drink should drink alcoholism
  • Make sure that the dependent person, and not someone else, drank the drink conspiracy from drunkenness, but in no case tell him that you are conducting some kind of rite.

Whisper from drunkenness to baptismal water

Epiphany water has the strongest properties, so it can be used to cure an alcoholic. Please note that for this ritual only the Epiphany Holy Water is suitable.

  • So, take a bottle of water recruited for baptism and consecrated. If a person drinks strongly, you will need about 1.5 liters of water, if not very, 0.5 l is enough.

Open a bottle of water and read the following words above it:

On the water
On the water
  • You need to read a whisper on the baptismal water 3 times and only on the 19th of any month.
  • After close the container with the spoke water and hide from prying eyes.
  • Get out and open water immediately before adding to the food or drinks to an alcoholic.

The result will not appear immediately, but by the time all the water in the bottle ends, the disease should retreat. In especially severe cases, the water in the bottle ends, but alcoholism is not completely cured, but only the amount of alcohol consumed is significantly reduced. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the ritual with the new Epiphany Holy Water.

Whiskers in the back from drunkenness

As a rule, such whispers from drunkenness are very short, but very effective. It is noted that they begin to act literally immediately after reading.

In the back
In the back
  • Such a whisper must be said without fail, looking at the person in the back. It is advisable to say a whisper, looking from the window at the walking person.
  • For the fastest result, it is permissible to read the whisper three times.

Whisper from drunkenness to the waning moon

The time when the moon decreases is considered the most suitable for reading whispers from drunkenness.

We present to your attention the most effective and proven whisper:

  • Choose the day when the heavenly luminary will be in the waning phase. It is also better to conduct a ritual in clear and good weather, when the sky is starry and clear.
  • This ritual is carried out in the dark.

Look at the moon, please her on your grief, tell me how much you suffer because of the drunkenness of your own person, ask for help first in your own words, and then read the whisper:

On the waning
On the waning
  • The whisper does not begin to act immediately, so do not worry, if immediately after the ritual you will not see a tangible difference in the behavior of the alcoholic. Wait a month.
  • If you do not see any result after the specified time, Repeat the rite in the next month.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that must be treated without fail. If the patient himself does not understand this need and does not take any measures, help him using medical care and, of course, whispers from drunkenness and alcoholism.

We also advise you to read the following articles where you will learn about conspiracies on:

Video: Strong prayer from drunkenness

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