Gift conspiracies: using a broom, salt, photographs - instructions, important tips

Gift conspiracies: using a broom, salt, photographs - instructions, important tips

If you have already presented emotions from the gift received, but you can’t wait for the presentation, we suggest that you use the conspiracy for a gift and speed up a joyful event.

In situations where it is not possible to get what you want from your beloved man, you can use magical conspiracies. A conspiracy for a gift Helps to attract attention and switch to a new stage in a relationship.

A conspiracy for a gift from a loved one

A conspiracy for a gift It consists in correctly selected words, backed up by your desire and faith. You need to speak the plan in a secluded atmosphere with a maximum concentration on a particular person.

In some cases a conspiracy for a gift Helps the male half to acquire courage to realize the plan. Therefore, your efforts are very useful and become a “magic kick” for him.

From the beloved
From the beloved

The most effective a conspiracy for a gift In relation to a friend or acquaintance. Rites are very easy to perform, which helps to avoid negative consequences. In rare cases, the result does not coincide with expectation. Then you should be patient. Do not turn your desires into requirements and do not use strong love spells.

  • You need to proceed with the implementation of the conspiracy with a pure heart and a positive attitude. Get rid of negative emotions and tune in to a pleasant wave of new impressions.
  • You can attract the attention of a person who does not notice you with an effective ritual. A simple conspiracy for a gift will help to pick up attention.
  • To create the right atmosphere, it is necessary to arm yourself with three candles of red shades. Place them on the principle of a triangle and put a gift intended for a loved one inside. The subject should arouse interest in a man, so do not acquire ordinary things.
  • Light candles and tune in to a positive result. Consider the details of your meeting. How will you give a gift and what you say.

From positive thoughts, proceed to the words of the conspiracy:

“Traders arrive from distant countries, there are no sweets among their stocks, no jewelry, no overseas goods, but there is a gift for an authoritative person. So I am a servant of God (name) prepared a gift, but in return I am waiting for reciprocity. Instead of gold and beautiful words, I want love from the servant of God (name). Let him like my gift, and with him I will become Mila’s heart. ”

You need to fix the words of the conspiracy with droplets of your blood. Pierce your finger and drop one drop to a gift, the other for your clothes.

In this case, it is necessary to say:

“Two droplets of sister, keep in touch with each other. I dress the castle for words and deeds and close the key ".

Candles need to be extinguished and left along with the gift until dawn. The next day, the gift is ready for gift.

With candles
With candles

Not all men are able to predict the wishes of women and are often mistaken in choosing gifts. If you want to get something specific from a loved one, then you can use a conspiracy for a gift.

  • To conduct a magic ritual, the personal belongings of the donor will be needed. Since the purchase of a gift needs money, the most important conspiracy item is your man’s wallet. The coveted item will need to be portrayed on a piece of paper.
  • A magical conspiracy should be carried out in the dark. The light source will be one lit candle, mainly purple or green. The surface on which the ritual will be carried out must be covered with a white tablecloth or sheet.
  • The magical atmosphere can be created using aromatic oils or sticks. Draw your desired gift on paper. In the process, imagine how this item will be presented to you. Try to feel positive emotions. The sheet with the image must be soldered with a candle flame and burned.

In the process of combustion, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“A bird in the sky flies to sunlight. The horse runs along the steppe open spaces. The stream flows my threshold. Catch up with my beloved bird, tell me what to give me and what to drown in the stream. I will receive the desired gift (name of the subject) soon. Three times Amen. "

A conspiracy for a gift using a broom

You can get what you want using a conspiracy on a broom. For the ritual you will need a new broom, otherwise the force of action will be ineffective. The time of day for the rite does not matter, but it is better to wait for the period of the moon to increase. If there is a pond next to you, then take a broom and go to the water. Otherwise, open the tap with water, and substitute a broom under the stream.

While the broom gets wet, say the words of the conspiracy:

"God's slave (name) ini call to St. Ilya. Give me 12 angels to help me. Let them help to reach out to the heart (the name of the man) so that he does not greedy, give expensive gifts and fulfill my desires for the last money. Help Ilya to embody the words spoken into reality. Key and tongue to the castle. Three times Amen».

Salt conspiracy

If you have the opportunity to feed your man, then a conspiracy for a gift can be made by adding food. Salt quickly absorbs environmental energy, therefore it is preferable for a ritual to purchase a new unopened packaging. Salt is spoke before cooking, it does not make sense in advance.


We open a new pack and say the words of the conspiracy:

“And so dear and the road to your heart, but from now on you will fix your love with gifts for me. As you sip a fitted dish, you will love to love me stronger. You will give me gifts. ”

After these words, prepare the food and season with the conspired salt. When the man is full, try him to gently hint about the desired thing. In this case, the chances of success are doubled.

With the help of a conspiracy on a gift on a man, a short -term influence is influenced. Having established contact with the desired object, try to effectively use your communication time. Your task is to attract attention and interest your special. Show your care, and gifts will not make yourself wait.

Gift for a man
Gift for a man

Picture conspiracy by photography

The ceremony for receiving a gift using a photograph of the donor is effectively valid. Before reading a conspiracy, prepare a photo where your man is depicted alone. A clear photo taken during the last year is preferable.

The ritual is best done in the evening in a calm atmosphere. On the table put a candlestick with one candle. Sign the photo by the name of the lover. Next to write your name and combine both into one heart.

Having gathered with your thoughts, set fire to the photo and simultaneously say the words of the conspiracy:

"As a photo burns in the fire, and the location of the servant of God (name) will flare up to me."

The ashes from the burned photo need to be assembled on paper and blow out in the open window, while saying:

« As you can’t touch the scattered ash, so our love is inviolable. ”

In order for the rituals to be able to get into force, you will need a little time. Your desire and positive thoughts will nourish the conspiracy with the right energy and accelerate its implementation.

Video: Weature with a gift

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