Signs of a person with overestimated self -esteem - how to recognize? How to get rid of overstated self -esteem: psychologist's advice

Signs of a person with overestimated self -esteem - how to recognize? How to get rid of overstated self -esteem: psychologist's advice

In this article, we will talk about how to recognize a person with high self -esteem and how to deal with this phenomenon.

Excessed self -esteem is a causeless overestimation of its potential. It is usually difficult to communicate with such people. Some prefer to bypass such personalities in order to preserve their mental peace. Let's find out whether it is possible to deal with high self -esteem and how you can even find out such a person.

High self -esteem is good or bad?

Heightened self-esteem
Heightened self-esteem

Each manifestation of human qualities has its own advantages and disadvantages. So a person with overestimated self-esteem wins in something.

So, among the advantages of such behavior, one can highlight that he has enough confidence for such things that one who is not confident will not do. He is not afraid to express his own opinion and protect it.

Perhaps thanks to this, a person will be successful faster. After all, self -confidence is so high that mistakes cannot be. Most often, the right mood is already doing half the job. The overestimated self -esteem of a person can bring him to success.

However, such people also have certain disadvantages that can cause many problems:

  • Difficulties in society. It is difficult to communicate with such people, because they relate to all dismissively. Sooner or later, everyone will get tired of this.
  • Difficulties in relationships. Again, the matter is neglect. Such people are also called daffodils. If you do not endure all the attacks of such a person, then it is better not to get closer to him. He is used to the fact that love gives him, and they themselves give nothing to anyone.
  • Failures. If you do not take into account the circumstances, but only to appease your own ambitions, then in the end you can find yourself at a broken trough.

As you can see, there will be more disadvantages in this character than advantages. Most often, those who have adequate self -esteem are achieved.

Signs of a person with overestimated self -esteem - how to recognize?

Signs of high self -esteem
Signs of high self -esteem

When a person has too high an opinion about himself, then in any case it manifests itself in his behavior. In this case, everything is manifested in behavior with others. If self -confidence is at the highest level, then problems often appear during communication. Ultimately, a person can remain lonely.

So, the overstated self -esteem of a person has some signs:

  • A person believes that he is always right. In his favor, he leads any arguments, but they do not affect the person himself. Moreover, he can even blame you that you yourself are to blame for everything, but not him.
  • For him, there is only one point of view and be sure that it is definitely not yours. A person denies any other opinions about certain issues and considers the wrong ones. Even if in the end it turns out not so.
  • Another sign - he always tries to reserve the last word. He is sure that only he can draw conclusions and determine the course of events.
  • Such a person does not know how to ask for forgiveness. In general, of course, this is understandable, because he always believes that he is right. It’s just different and cannot be.
  • Having a high self -esteem, a person of his own failures accuses everyone except himself. If he doesn’t succeed in something, then this is not a matter of him, but in someone else. But if he is successfully succeeding with someone, then this is his personal merit.
  • He believes that besides him, no one cannot be called the best. Especially in a relationship. He will always consider himself the best lover, husband and so on, even if this is far from the case.
  • He seeks to be the first in everything and not to allow mistakes.
Self -esteem levels
Self -esteem levels
  • He always expresses his opinion even if he is not asked about it. He thinks that his thoughts are interesting to all on absolutely every issue.
  • Often says “I”, not “we” or someone else.
  • With any failure, it is irritated and lost. It is very easy to knock down from the course.
  • He perceives someone else's criticism in bayonets. He considers someone else's opinion to be incorrect and even disrespect for himself.
  • He is not able to soberly take into account all the risks. Often self -confident people take up difficult matters, which they are beyond their power and melt the danger.
  • They are afraid to look helpless and weak. For them, such manifestations are unusual because they can harm the general image.
  • Too selfish.
  • For them, personal interests will always be a priority.
  • He always says a lot and does not listen to anyone. He believes that his stories are much more interesting and more important.
  • In any little things, he teaches others as correctly and, again, do not forget that for him only his opinion is true.
  • Often in a conversation, an arrogant tone is manifested.

How to communicate with a person with high self -esteem?

How to communicate with a person with high self -esteem?
How to communicate with a person with high self -esteem?

As we have already said, when there is an overstated self -esteem of a person, it will be very difficult to live with him. Surely you have met such personalities who are always too self -confident, speak only to themselves and never listen to others, and in general only they are important to them, and they do not pay attention to the feelings of others.

Someone just stops talking with them, but this is not always possible. In this case, it is possible to reduce harm from communication with a person with high self -esteem.

Psychologists recommend the following:

  • Do not get involved in provocations. Often such people manipulate others and, I must say, they do it very well. The main thing that you must remember is that during communication he will definitely put you as an aggressor, will accuse you of his own failures and make you doubt the correctness of judgments. People with overestimated self -esteem like such a technique as Gazlaling. This means that in their own words they undermine the picture of reality. Often you can hear the phrases: “Are you crazy?”, “This was not and couldn’t be!”, “It seemed to you”, “Of course I behaved like that, you are wicked” and so on. Always objectively assess the situation and do not go to these provocations.
  • Do not guilty for their own mistakes. In general, of course, it is better not to let people in their lives not to let people in their lives. But if it happened, then just say “no” to their claims and do not even start making excuses or explain something. If you are too afraid to spoil the relationship, you will have to be silent or agree. It is useless to argue here. A couple of times you can break through their protection, but it will certainly come to you.
  • Do not nourish their ego. Such people simply need someone to praise them. If you do not want to communicate with such a person, then just stop praising him. He himself will lose interest in you.
  • Destroy the projections. It is unlikely that the moment will once come that a person with overestimated self-esteem admits his guilt. Most often, he begins to build projections, that is, protection in order to shift guilt for his own character to another. For example, if a girl is not enough, then she will most likely call a man during a quarrel obsessive so that he feels guilty. It is possible to overcome such a technique if you stop showing compassion and say that it is not at all obsessing. At the same time, do not insult or speak rudely.
  • Do not take your word. Always be careful with such a person. Never do your part of the promised until he fulfills your own. Otherwise, you cannot achieve anything, because he has already received his own, and your feelings are unimportant to him.
How to behave with a narcissistic person?
How to behave with a narcissistic person?
  • Don't trust anything personal. It may seem that they do not listen to you, but this is not so. They remember all the most offensive and will certainly use this in case of something. By the way, they will definitely tell you all your secrets. They will not even think that it is not worth telling anything. Moreover, they never sympathize. For them, your revelations are not interesting. At first they will listen, and then continue to speak to themselves.
  • Do not try to re -educate. This is impossible. Of course, the stubborn wants to put in place, but the negativity only gives him strength. So he will be even more sure that he is right in everything. And you will only spend your nerves.

The overestimated self -esteem of a person is an internal idea of \u200b\u200bhimself, as well as underestimated. She shows the attitude to the world and society as a whole.

When self -esteem is too high, it means that a person does not see himself as it is. He comes up with an image. Moreover, he incorrectly perceives the surrounding reality and idealizes himself too much. He thinks that the most intelligent and sane, and also beautiful and successful. Accordingly, if he set a goal for himself, he will certainly achieve her, even despite his relatives and friends who can stand in the way. Only often inside such people are fear of uncertainty, and narcissism is a protective reaction from everyone.

How to get rid of overstated self -esteem: psychologist's advice

Unfortunately, when the overestimated self -esteem of a person prevails, it can hardly be called happy. After all, he loses its connection with the real world and lives in some kind of invented place. Well, if reality is not to attach importance, then you should not be surprised that problems arise.

How to fix self -esteem?
How to fix self -esteem?

So, if you want to make your life better and achieve the desired, it is important to understand how to correct the situation.

Psychologists advise fighting an overestimated self -esteem in the following ways:

Learn to hear others

You must be aware that everyone is a unique person. While this is not learned to appreciate, then no one will accept you. It is difficult and even, sometimes, it is impossible to communicate with those who have their own priorities in life. Only people who are characterized by the behavior of the victim can accept this. So you should not do as you yourself did not want to act with you. Learn self -control.

Show care

Everyone has their own dreams, desires and needs. What you like should not like others. Here you can never find the one who is right or to blame. Care should be manifested taking into account the needs of a person, and not persons personally. So you will show that you notice him.

One interesting example is that the mother is too strongly patronizing her son. Although he lives separately, she constantly comes to him, brings products and things that he does not need. For all the attempts to resist the deadly offended and, of course, this affects health. It turns out that the mother is as if to take care, but excessively, that he doesn’t even give a breath.

Here are also felt by those who are near a person who have high self -esteem. Only at the same time, he still uses directiveness, as if claiming that he knows better what you need.

Therefore, the interests of those you care should be taken into account.


How to lower self -esteem?
How to lower self -esteem?

In this case, it means that everyone has the right to make a mistake and no one is perfect. It will be difficult, but keep in mind that sometimes it’s even better to lose. No matter how difficult it is to admit that you are not perfection itself and it highlights you.

It’s hard to live next to a person who is ideal in everything. Of course, this does not happen, but you think differently. You don't want to be alone? Therefore, you must be aware of your mistakes and accept, and also not shift responsibility to others.

Stop in showing your virtues

Do not specifically show your virtues. People will definitely notice them. If you often boast and concentrate attention only on yourself, then nothing can be achieved besides disgust and disappointment. You will definitely not love you. Well, if you also belittle others at this moment, then you are also provided with aggression.

Love yourself

Despite the fact that people who have high self -esteem look like narcissistic people do not like themselves. They think differently, but do it somehow “clumsy”.

Anyone who appreciates himself will not talk about his qualities to everyone to notice them. He is not important from the side. Learn to be silent and do actions. They will be accurately appreciated.

Self -criticism

If you have any failures and problems, then do not have responsibility to others. Think about what you yourself did, which led to this result. You do not need to blame yourself, but it would be worth it to learn mistakes and draw conclusions.


If you try to seem better than others, then think about whether you need it? Understand that you must overcome your own restrictions, and not assert yourself at someone else's expense.

Of course, rivalry gives good motivation, but only it is necessary to do this when there is a need. Competition just does not look too good for competition. This drives into a trap and deprives the joy of victory.

If you decide that you have an overestimated self -esteem and want to overcome it, then do not be afraid to contact your loved ones. They will help you adjust the behavior and tell you what exactly you are doing wrong. Just be prepared for criticism, and you will also have to look at things really.

Video: Labkovsky - where is the line between self -confidence and high self -esteem?

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