Swollen joints: causes, treatment, prevention. Swelling of the upper and lower extremities, back problems due to swollen joints-how to treat the disease. First aid for swelling and soreness of the joints

Swollen joints: causes, treatment, prevention. Swelling of the upper and lower extremities, back problems due to swollen joints-how to treat the disease. First aid for swelling and soreness of the joints

Swelling of the joints can signal the presence of many diseases. What exactly can be learned from the material.

In our body there are many diverse joints responsible for the mobility of the entire musculoskeletal system. If, for any reason, the joint loses mobility, swells, its movements bring negative sensations or severe pain, this indicates the presence of a person in a person.

At first, the cause should be determined and diagnosed (only a qualified doctor can do this), and only then take for treatment. Let's look at the main causes of edema arising in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints and bone joints, as well as the most effective methods of treating the corresponding ailments.

The main causes of swelling of the joints

If we talk about the articular inflammation, which have more than a hundred species (which are characterized by the place of occurrence and symptoms of the course), then they are called the collective term - arthritis. With arthritis, inflammatory processes occur throughout the body, affecting the heart, kidneys, liver and manifesting as much as possible in the joints.

This ailment is considered “young”, since it affects young and mature people, but after forty years old, another articular disease can begin - arthrosis, which destroys the bones without affecting the rest of the organs and systems of the body.


Most the main sign reporting on inflammation of the joint (including the spinal column), this pain, most often it begins at night. The problem area, as a rule, blushes and begins to swell. The causes may lie in any infection, immunological disease, the consequences of injuries and metabolism failures.

Be that as it may, only a doctor who will carefully study your medical history will make a true diagnosis, conduct a whole complex of research (X -ray, MRI, ultrasound) and tests.

Diseases that provoke the swelling of the joints

All organs and processes in the human body are interconnected, and joints are no exception. It is one thing to get an injury when one of them suffers as a result of undesirable mechanical exposure, and a completely different disease that can affect them anywhere in the body.

Diseases, in the potential affecting all joints of the body, summarize in the generalized process - for example, one of the types of arthritis.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis It is characterized by general malaise, pain in the whole body, swollen and deformed joints, anemia, and sometimes - an increase in body temperature. This type of arthritis is considered autoimmune, often affects vital organs, for example, lungs and heart, as well as symmetrical joints (for example, both wrists).
  • Osteoarthritis Not so dangerous, less deforms the joints and does not affect the organs and systems of the body. With this ailment, pain occurs only in the affected joint. As a rule, the disease appears in strongly worn joints - knees, back, hip area.
Swelling appears
Swelling appears
  • Infection and viral infection(for example, hepatitis B) can also get into the joint and cause its swelling, pain, and sometimes suppuration.
  • Psoriasis - Although a skin disease, but often causes swelling of the joints and pain in them.
  • Arthralgia - This is the soreness of healthy joints that occurs against the background of another disease (for example, when the bones are “broken” with a cold).
  • Side effects when taking drugs - A fairly common cause of swelling and soreness of the joints. If you take any drugs, carefully study the instructions-perhaps this is exactly what.
  • Complication after tonsillitis It can cause whole rheumatic attacks, but, as a rule, children and adolescents suffer from this.
  • Reuters syndrome It causes swelling and pain in a number of joints, most often on the upper and lower extremities. It is accompanied by inflammation of the eyes and specific discharge during urination.
  • Lyme disease - Infection occurs with a bite of a tick. It is accompanied by joint pain, fever and rash.

Swelling in the joints of the hands: why do they arise?

In powerful joints of the arms - shoulders and elbows - Bursit can often begin. This disease occurs due to the inflammatory process in the joint bag, where the synovial fluid is located. Runned Bursitis can cause even ten -centimeter tumors.

  • A very painful bump on the bend of your hands, not too hard and reddened - this is one of the main signs Bursite. The ailment may arise after injury, infections entering the joint cavity (which leads to rebirth into purulent bursitis). It is worth noting that such problems often begin with those who work hard physically, for athletes and overweight people.
  • If the inflammatory process affects not only the joint, but also nearby tendons, then he is qualified as tendonite. This ailment is characterized by painful sensations when moving the joint, accompanied by crunch due to calcium-salt deposits, and when it was fixed, the pain subsides.
  • We can say that tendonitis is a production disease of people professionally involved in sports, since it is precisely injuries and increased physical activity that are the main causes of its occurrence.
  • One of the most dangerous ailments for humans - malignant neoplasm - It begins to develop almost asymptomatic. Therefore, if you notice even a slightly swollen joint in yourself, and this swelling does not fall, but gradually increases, - urgently run to the doctor. Especially if appetite worsens against this background, lethargy and fatigue are observed.
Hands swell
Hands swell
  • Sometimes the joints on the hands swell due to a rare disease- synovial chondromatosis, in which the articular cartilage grows too much. In this case, swelling, pain and extraneous sounds during movement, as well as limited joint mobility, are also recorded.
  • "Tennisist disease" - so-called epicondalite - “loves” to arise in the elbows, as a rule, male representatives over forty years old, who either suffered a lot of injuries, or constantly perform the same hands (sit behind the wheel, play tennis and the like). The ailment damages the tendons and muscles that control the elbow joint, inflammation and pain appear when the hand starts behind the back.
  • Restless fingers syndrome - The disease of people who for a long time perform monotonous work with fingers, which leads to inflammation of the tendons, ligaments and joints.

Problems with the spinal column: What do tumors arise in this area?

One of the most mysterious diseases of the spine, the causes of which have not yet been proven, bears a name Bekhtereva. This is one of types of polyarthritis, In which pain at first is felt in the lower back, then mobility is lost in it, and this whole “bouquet” gradually rises up the vertebral column up to the chest. Over time, irreversible consequences occur for internal organs, and a person simply twists.

Unlike Bekhterev’s disease, scientists have studied the causes of occurrence quite well spondylitisrelated to inflammatory ailments. It can be syphilis or gonorrhea, tuberculosis, genetic disorders, injuries and weakened immunity. The thinning and purulent foci of inflammation in bone tissue lead to pain, limited movements and swelling of the vertebrae.

Problems with the spine
Problems with the spine

It is worth noting that swollenness in the back It is not a symptom of exclusively joint diseases - this may indicate the presence of atheroma (clogged sebaceous ducts that can be inflamed is accompanied by pain, sometimes requires urgent surgery) or lipomas (benign formation in adipose tissue, not accompanied by pain, proceeds without inflammation) who are often mistakenly called wen. These are such tubercles that can grow up to twenty centimeters in size - usually at the level of the cervical or thoracic spinal column. Both ailments begin as a result of stress, metabolic disorders, malnutrition and bad habits.

Swelling of the joints of the lower extremities

A huge load falls on our legs - in the form of the rest of the body, which needs to be transferred daily. Therefore, it is not very surprising that pain and swelling are one of the most common problems in our body, which can be manifestations of various diseases.

  • Bursitis -Most often appears in the knee joints due to injuries, sports or heavy physical labor. At risk, people with overweight and those who wear narrow uncomfortable shoes. It is accompanied by significant tumors, pain.
  • Tendonite - An unpleasant companion of professional athletes. Most often develops in the knee and hip joints due to the inflammatory process in the tendons.
  • Cardiovascular diseases - Often lead to swelling of the legs, which become cold and slightly numb.
  • Phlebeurysm - causes pain, sensations of severity, swelling, which are localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe venous vessels.
Swelling legs
Swelling legs
  • Pathology of the kidneys - They can lead to swelling of the legs, especially in the evenings. Among the other symptoms: a pale tint of the skin, lethargy, an increase in temperature and blood pressure, a change in urine color.
  • Liver disease - also lead to the swelling of the lower extremities, to which the yellowish skin tone is added, impaired digestive process.
  • Allergywhich, in addition to swelling, is accompanied by itching, rashes and the like.
  • Pregnancy, in which swollen legs are not always a sign of disorders in the body. But in such cases, a consultation of the attending physician is simply necessary, because it can be gestosis, in which a pregnant woman is immediately put under surveillance in a hospital.

Joint diseases in babies

Many mistakenly believe that the joints can hurt only with age - this is far from the case. Unfortunately, arthritis also occurs in babies - With the right approach of parents, it can be cured so that the child will forget about him for his whole future life.

Firstly, it is necessary to quickly and reliably find out where the baby had complaints about the joints-either he was injured, or this is a symptom of a disease. If it turns out that the child still has arthritis, then he will most likely be a transient type, that is, temporary.

Often this misfortune is a complication after an infectious disease. Therefore, do not forget to tell the doctor what the child was ill, even if it seems to you that the cold, which was a month ago, has nothing to do with it.

Children also have arthritis
Children also have arthritis

According to statistics, children suffer from bacterial (streptococcus and staphylococcus), viral (enterovirus infection, rubella, hepatitis, influenza and the like), post -vaccination (after vaccination against rubella, parotitis, chickenpox and pertressions), juvenile rheumatoid (autoimmune disease - against the background of any infections) arthritis.

After seeking medical help, a number of studies await you: a general analysis of urine and blood, biochemical studies for rheumen, the identification of all kinds of infections, immunological studies, a cardiogram and an ultrasound of the heart, and joint x -ray is possible.

First aid for swelling and soreness of the joints

If you are concerned about the state of your joints, then you just need to seek medical help and undergo a detailed examination. And before the consultation, you can try Enforce your suffering in one of the following ways:

  • cold and peace for tired and injured joints.
  • the use of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs for inflammation - in the form of tablets or ointments (for example, diclofenac and so on).
  • anti -allergic drugs (such as suprastin), if swelling is just such a nature.
  • therapeutic baths from swelling (with essential oils, for example, eucalyptus oil, which needs to be added 10 drops per 1 liter of warm water, exposure time - 15 minutes).
  • compresses made of crushed onions or cabbage (half an hour daily).
  • rubika fir oil.
  • rubbing tinctures from Kalanchoye.

Video: swelling of the joints of the legs

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Comments K. article

  1. A very painful condition that I just did not do ointments and injections. The doctor appointed Kurkumin, I bought Evalarovkiy, it removes the inflammation well and it acts well on the whole organism. The treatment should be complex, it is also desirable to observe a diet, not to drink coffee.

  2. I also have problems with the joints alas (

  3. Alena, what are you doing? For example, my doctor prescribed arthrophis with my joint problems with the joints. And you know, I am quite pleased with the composition of this tool. After all, it contains both chondroprotectors and collagen obtained from marine organisms. So precisely thanks to the action of these substances, my improvements occurred in the second week of admission.

  4. I like arthrophis. I have already drank several courses of this product, satisfied. The composition there is a high dosage of chondroprotectors secreted from marine organisms, these substances have a positive effect on the condition of the joints, contribute to a decrease in inflammation and pain.

  5. thank you for the article

  6. From swelling gel for veins Hors Fors, I use. I have a predisposition to varicose veins, and this gel prevents it. And so it would not hurt to check the kidneys

  7. I have had problems with the joints for a long time, I used to try to get rid of pains with the help of ointments, but now painkillers have switched to pills. The therapist advised good - eight -eight -eight -eight. I use them when the joints are allowed to know about themselves. Literally a few minutes later, it becomes quieter later (somehow detached, from the moment of prima before the relief appeared about 30 minutes of all).

  8. Problems with the joints began in his youth (she was engaged in choregraphy and distributed the load incorrectly, do not do it). Now, if I start swelling, and in general, I accept collagen to maintain the articular cartilage. As for me, the sea is absorbed the fastest and begins to work. Recently, I tried a novelty from Evalar's sea collagen of the second type. In addition to the native collagen itself, vitamins with minerals, which help the production of natural collagen. Well, the dosage of collagen itself is 2 times more. While stopped at it.

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