Greeting guests in verses - at the evening, at the birthday, wedding: the best selection

Greeting guests in verses - at the evening, at the birthday, wedding: the best selection

Collection of greetings of guests in poetry.

Greeting guests - the best selection

Greeting guests - the best selection:

I always love these moments
Together to gather relatives,
I will say without falsehood, sentiments
I look forward to such days.


Thank you, dear guests
That you are with me at this hour,
There is no need for happiness,
I sincerely thank you.


Thank you, the guests are expensive.
So nice to meet you!
You are very dear to us,
We miss us very much without you!


We respect you with the family
We get very valid.
And we invite you with love
We are waiting for you, we ask you to rush to us.


Be at home at home
Rest from worries.
And in the company of Veselny
Turn away from adversity.


I want to say thank you
The holiday was divided.
I am friends of such cohort
Was presented with fate.


Joy to you all and happiness
All the words that came from you
Let the storytate return to you,
There will be life - well, just a class.


In response to wishes
I want to say now
That people are so beautiful
You still need to look.


The guests are dear, thanks
You respect me.
This day is so beautiful
Only you thanks.


All good and prosperity,
Happiness, peace, positive,
Meetings are warm
Waiting for us in the future.


Thank you guests
For the fact that they came
That time for tea
And they found attention.

For humor and jokes,
For joy and laughter
For a kind word
Always without interference.


We are so grateful
For your warmth
And in the house we are with you
Easy and light.


Still come
We will drink tea
Both topics and occasion
We will always find!


I want to say a lot of good.
Thank you for going here.
And the heart asks for a hug,
The emotions exploded in him.


You are the best guests. Without any ..
Our holiday has passed - with a bang.
Now, without the point of double
For you all, we have to drink.


Thank you all guests
You are with respect today
Life decorated mine
With this wonderful visit!

For mental warmth
And the fun of conversations
I wish good
Echo you returned to you soon!

And I hope that more than once
With this joyful composition
I will be able to collect you
To take a walk to fame!


You all want to say
The words of the grateful sea.
Thank you for coming here
Laughter, bringing it with you.

And in this joyful for us
And a bright, kind holiday.
So much sounded here
Magic wishes.

Thanks, everyone who did not forget
And they did not spare time.
For the toasts that pronounced
And the songs that they sang here.


You were sitting at the table
Closed desperately,
But it's time to leave the house
No matter how sad.

No, of course, you are right
Something is too early
But you and me, alas,
I have to go to work tomorrow.


So the slippers are in the corner,
They quickly dressed
And we still build - beyond the threshold!
Enough, raped!


Thanks to all of you for congratulating
We came to me on such an important day
I'm glad you were able to compose
Company of relatives,
What they did good -naturedly
What is possible for friends,
Part of their good was given
And the evening made a warmth.


The feast is passionately awaiting
Preparing a table for you, friends,
The last salad was refueling
Dishes of a morning ring.
I put on a new shirt
To shine shoes I wade
On the head of clouds of dad
I meet guests as an actor.
The table is prepared - a sight for sore eyes
Hikoka, fish and ball
For tea, I have cookies stir
And barbecue is ready on the lights.
Let's drink for good luck
So that everyone is richer
Wiser, more beautiful, more fun
Pour in Ivanovich (Petrovich) as soon as possible.


Meeting with guests - she is pleasant
And the feeling of new ones is losing
If you lived honestly, it is not disgusting,
Joyfully heart is knocking at a meeting.
Meeting with everyone ... who is glad - you can see
Who retains decency only
Who sees you for the first time ... does not know
Someone is stubbornly silent.
A meeting is always new feelings,
Meeting-cognition of something again,
The meeting is always incomparable with separation,
I want to meet again, again.


Our everyday life is more sulfur
And filled with longing,
Fighting with care
And human bustle.
Weekdays rush like wheels,
On a wide bridge,
It seemed to them that there was no wear
In a brief and earthly life.
The house is filled with fun
Guests with a friendly crowd.
Life of paint adds,
It is charged with warmth.


In all, decency and friendship,
Then - the rest of the vanity,
We really need our friendship,
And without it, the life would not be the same.
Let this friendship with a quiet, warm wind
With hope blows in the life of a sail.
We need to live ... not evening yet
And life is badly good.
May God take troubles from us,
And life brings only victories
For business, friendship and soul,
Friends to be good.


I set the table, I met guests
Set, poured, greeted.
Let's drink standing for guests
Pour a glass completely.
Let it be the way you want
And what is just for you.
Look confidently forward
Not yet evening ... and not an hour ...
The family is always safe,
Let it be in your every day.
Today everyone needs it so much
To be confident in yourself.
And albeit always, in everything and nearby
As in the unforgettable years,
Only those who were glad about
To which the soul stretches.
Let the sky be clear, peaceful
Always over your head.
Life is interesting, necessary, long
And it was combined with fate.

Greeting guests on the anniversary, at the birthday

Greeting guests on the anniversary, at the birthday:

Look at the parade
Aunt is here, and next to the uncle.
This couple is good
Any company soul
And what erudites!
Only there is weakness - loans
That Vova and Lena
Tell us certainly
And Cyril, of course, with Vitya
Tell us what you want


Here's another uncle with aunt
You won't get away from congratulations
I hasten to notice you friends
Here is an unusual family
Sasha - ace, driver
Svetlana - Teacher for many years
And there is another talent, everyone knows about it
Svetlana for twenty years as "cooking".
How cool everything is in kind
Judge by Sashina
Well, get up
And rush together


Look at Aunt Lena
It always looks excellent
Lena is just a lighter, but if if it is hung,
It will dance like at a wedding, straight on a festive table
Next to her spouse Vladimir
Before everyone in sight
Kohl Volodya is very angry
Wait for him to send all (far)
Well, the mechanic get up
Try to drill a speech
Yes, and Helen with Artem
Let me say a word here


Viti has Uncle Igor
Dads of Russian ideal
It can be seen as if with Dzia
The series was written
Let him say the word too
Maybe we will get an autograph
Or will give his own a picture
After all, he is a superfish photographer


Here is in authority
Former wedding witness
At least Vitin has established life
He is in no hurry to marry
Why should he marry
He has another "novel",
Everyone knows without exception
Lesha football fan.
What a fan get up soon!
Aleksey will tell us toast.

I will say in verses about all my guests now!
And so that you do not get tired, I will say briefly - as it is!

And I'll start, of course, with my mother, it’s a pity that there is no dad nearby -
They gave me life and deserved gratitude!

And now I will say about children - for the sake of them I live in the world!
Their trouble is my trouble, their luck - I am proud!
I love them endlessly! Everyone will understand me of course.

I thank your matchmakers that their daughter was entrusted with their own!
We do not give her offense - we love! We appreciate! We protect!

And many thanks to my children's grandmother
For a gift by inheritance - the qualities of all your soul!

A few words about older brothers, their wives, children and further ...
Then I will say without doubt - everyone is worthy of respect!

And special thanks to my husband!
Their presence today proof of
That I am not indifferent to them, that they wish me good!
I'm happy! It's honest! And I am happy! RELATIVES!

CHILDHOOD FRIEND! - We lived through the wall,
Went to the kindergarten and walk,
Life divorced hundreds of kilometers,
But she did not allow strangers to become!

Oh! School years! It has been rushing for 30 years!
And how are we sitting at the desk yesterday -
We dream of love and quietly speak
Meeting, we remember classmates,
About some are already mourn.

O! FAMILY FRIEND! This is sacred, he is a hundred -sneakers trust!
When I'm not at home, I'm calm -
Behind her husband is an wealthy!

Friends-colleags! The contingent is special,
A million passes for the life of colleagues!
And as in the mine, all the muck is washed off
And the gold ingot remains
Well, all the ingots are in front of you!
My wealth for my years!
How to live without friends, alas, I don't know
But with friends - beauty!
I appreciate everyone! Everyone helped me in life
And of course I turned again,
But the essence is different, because friendship is ...
The feeling is inexplicable as love!

Of course, I did not forget about you, my dear husband!
And I think that a decent jackpot was clouded for myself!
Do not think that money - I took it,
And, of course, not for nothing, I gave mine to him.
So we live with him, do not sit down,
Together, I think, everything is close!

I am such an egoist! I invited you here,
You think to have fun ... No! Make me fun!
So sing and dance, do not sit just like that!
Otherwise, I will pay - you will get into trouble
I arranged a holiday for myself, I did not think about you,
What you abandon all plans, you will come to congratulate now!

I have already passed half my life, the best years remained!
And for this anniversary! Pour a glass for yourself!
You drink for my health! And I - for the health of the guests!

Greeting guests at the wedding

Greeting guests at the wedding:

Oh, you, guests of the city,
Take all the places
Because you today
It was collected here for a reason!
There were two - he, she,
And now - the family is alone!
We will be wonderful on this day
Drink for their happiness to the bottom!
How beautiful our couple is,
Everyone admires them.
No sweeter, no and more beautiful
Our glorious young.
We bless their union,
We start a beautiful holiday!


Dear guests! Attention!
We are our wedding meeting!
Today is the whole evening
We will drink and eat
Pronounce toasts, laugh, dance
And congratulate the newlyweds!


Dear guests, do not be shy,
Make yourself at home,
Try and treat to everyone
What is on this wedding table.
But at the same time, do not forget
Pay attention to us.
And please support us
In all endeavors.


Our dear guests!
You came to the wedding together,
Flowers, gifts, toasts
They brought for the newlyweds.
Come on, guests, don't skimp,
Share your generosity!
Our wedding shines brightly,
It's time to give gifts!


I drink, standing for guests -
For beautiful, kind, wise.
I would be without you, as without children,
It would be terribly difficult ...
I drink, standing, guests
And for what they visited,
What is this wonderful day
You have not forgotten about me!


After listening to a stormy stream of speeches
For my success-healer-society,
I will say toast now for guests:
Let you suddenly have it overnight
Everything will come true, you desired
I am so passionate, furious and loud,
And it got that not only to you,
But your future descendants!


Let us drink for guests today,
For relatives and friends.
You let your honor
Read the toast to you cheerful.
Wish for good, health,
This is the first. Second
Make you performance
All hopes and dreams of accomplishment!
This toast will be a joy to you
So that you will remember the holiday.
Every guest will be happy!
Your honor is a cheerful toast!


I am glad to see you, relatives, all,
Who chose the time to get together.
I know for sure, a great success awaits
In love, in work, if you try.
I wish you emotional warmth,
Health of strong, reliable friends.
Such that when you are in sorrow,
They have always found an opportunity to help you.
To give everyone kindness every day
And receive a story award.
Carried out to their dream
And they would just be always glad to me.


We will raise a fun toast today,
We will raise the toast today in verses.
So that every guest is so happy,
That I could not tell in three words.
There will be happiness today - like a bird,
Blue shine.
The joy will spin nearby,
It's good that we have a lot
And guests and friends today!
So we will raise for this toast!
And fill the glasses with a ringing!
On this holiday, that cheerful and simple!


Today you need to raise a toast,
Guests to wish happiness.
Let's raise the toasts as soon as possible
So that it became more fun.
Let the red wine pour!
It is given to us for truths,
To reveal the secrets of life,
To congratulate everyone with fun.
And every guest will be glad
And it will be many days in a row
We need the sun to go into the souls!
Let's raise it to still pour!


Family, loved ones, all their guests,
Thanks for the friendship and love
For the fact that you came for the anniversary,
The heart is good from your words.


You, dear guests, want to say in response:
There are no kinder, more beautiful than you, more fun
Generous, more original and more festive, no,
You are the best on this anniversary!


And the holiday took place thanks to all of you,
My soul is full of warmth and light,
And sincerely, heartily to you, dear guests,
I say thanks to everyone for that!

This is a woman- a soul!
() - A miracle is good!
I tell you easier- applause is mother-in-law!

Stately beauty, everyone likes her here
Just a woman-magnet!
And so your applause for mother -in -law () in our presentation!

Let's shout together, gentlemen
Friendly Hurray () Friendly Hurray!
He is so good, do not regret your hands!

The best father -in -law () is getting up now
The applause of the stormy is waiting!

And now bay louder
We welcome grandfather and grandmothers soon !!!

In Kaleidoscope family motley
The newlywed sisters fit

Not for the sake of glory, honor for
The newlyweds will get up by uncle!

And we do not mind,
If the newlyweds will get up aunt!

And where are the friends of the groom we have
We welcome you now!

The brides' friends in our hall get up
A flurry of applause from the groom's friends will be broken !!

And now I will tell you just without going
For all who are here, for all guests
We applaud louder
We do not regret our hands, clap more ringing !!!

Greetings of guests in verses

Greeting guests in verses:

I devote the poems to my guests,
So that they know about it firmly:
You are people of a big soul
And you are good for me.
May God always send you good luck
And let them go around the failures
Health will be in years
You are appreciated by people, as always.

Guests with a noisy crowd
We sat together at my table.
I listen to all my skin, all my soul
Nearby, we are walking in life.
The peaks of life were not easy,
I needed considerable work
And the mood for creation,
For which people honor.
These years were approved
We are on the life path.
These years were tempered
We will win

Guests in our house
Gathered today!
And the table is already decorated
And all the dreams lost.
They are generous, desirable
And joyful, bright.
How great is that we all
Gathered today.


For paying attention to me,
Thanks, I really want to say.
I wish you good, success, prosperity,
Always to do so sensitively in life.


Thank you for the gift
You got directly to the point
Key you have your present
Picked up in my lock.
I know he is chosen with love
I believe - will bring good luck
I got me with a present
You solved the task.


I can’t express everything that I know,
I am not able to convey the soul of aspiration,
And I will say only the word, freezing,
This word is “thank you” without doubt.
There is a lot of difficult in our life, it means
If someone shows part in it,
If someone shifts this life,
So thanks for the sun and happiness!
For you, my door is always open,
Do not betray what was, I have forgotten
I will say "thank you" from the heart, from the heart
For participation, attention and patience!


Take my smiles
I say to you: “Thank you!”
If there is a need,
You always turn!


From the bottom of my heart I am grateful to you
And thank you for everything
You are a wonderful man!
I tell you sincerely.


Let for indifference
The Lord will reward you.
Let everything be kind and best
It is in a hurry to be in a hurry to be fulfilled.


Thank you for the gift
He liked it
You guessed with the present
I use it already
I liked everything very much
I sincerely say
Expectations were justified,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Friends! Thank you for everything!
For the world fulfilled
For the hands of a reliable ring,
For the joy of meetings, for the tears of happiness.
So much time has passed
And we are still relatives,
And no matter how many years have flowed -
At the meetings we are all young.
Let not to count in the world of change,
And the space changes -
Thank you for being
In the world of friendship, constancy.


I want to say thank you friends
For all wonderful words
You gave a wonderful holiday,
I will remember him forever.
Thank you for your attention
For the wishes of good,
For what you gave me
Part of kindness, warmth.


My friends are my support,
Support, strength and wall.
Thank you, my relatives
Without you and I'm not me anymore.
Take gratitude today
For the fact that you are always nearby.
You will not find more worthy in the world,
I just adore you.


I say with all my heart!
My close friends
I cherish our friendship,
You are my support and support for centuries!


It’s good that you are my friend!
How good that you are near ...
And if it becomes sad suddenly,
Heat your heart with a gentle look ...
You make me laugh to tears
When I die of boredom ...
And among the brightest stars
I light up one for you ...


I want to wish you happiness
Love, good luck and success!
Smiles, sun and goodness,
And if you cry, then from laughter!
How good that you are my friend ...
Such a wonderful man ...
And let all the angels around
Give your heart with happiness!


My friends, I'll say thanks
For the fact that you are always nearby.
A lot of roads have passed with you,
You never betrayed.
I appreciate, believe me, our friendship
And thank you sincerely.
You all, beautiful guys,
Like brothers and sisters, I love.


Rains and storms are not terrible
After all, you are always with me.
Thank you, relatives friends,
Be happy, be cheerful.
Always ready to give me a hand,
Save and take trouble.
I appreciate you, glorious guys,
My house is open, I always wait for you.


My friends are my support,
Support, strength and wall.
Thank you, my relatives
Without you and I'm not me anymore.
Take gratitude today
For the fact that you are always nearby.
You will not find more worthy in the world,
I just adore you.


Thank friends today
For the fact that it is simply not better.
I was lucky, guys,
You give happiness and light.
More than once they saved me from troubles,
They always raced to my aid.
I am grateful to you immensely
Let them be glorious years.


I want I sincerely thank you
To tell your friends now
And all that they wanted to me
They return and wish them.
Health, happiness and good luck
Love, luck, goodness,
To a dozen road
Their families went around trouble
So that only joyful moments
The door was opened into their house.
Thank you for your congratulations -
It’s light on my heart now!


So many words we have good:
"Thank you" and "thank"
I say them and, as if
I give warmth and sun.
And the world becomes more beautiful
And the birds sing more fun,
Emotions are warm and brighter
And in the heart a festive salute!


Thanks for the pleasant communication
Thank you for the fairy tale of the eye, I say
And if something is wrong, I apologize,
I love invaluable moments with you.


How wonderful it is to live in the world,
When friends around are a huge round dance,
And in every, even a remote place
A magical light burns a computer,
We all communicate on the case and idle,
And this is important to everyone now
Where, who and how, we would like to know
At this minute he thinks of us,
Human alienation is violated here,
All friends here and value it,
Per minute each and every moment
They will give fate and attentive
And every evening I hurry to a meeting,
And I am waiting for my breath of Zatya,
How good it is in the world
Such cute and close friends!


Thanks to the magic word
It will draw a smile
Return to you again
If it will not be angry.


My friends,
I wish you happiness
I'm not hesitated to you about this!
Let you, hardships and bad weather,
I sincerely thank you for everything!
I am always glad to see you and always wait for you !!!

Greeting guests at the holiday

Greeting guests at the holiday:

There is in the nature of our people
Eternal, special features.
Neither years nor hardships take,
Not whims windy mods -
From the heart, they, from kindness.
Guest, come in! We will not break traditions!
We will always drink the seagull with him.
Everyone knows Russian delight,
Bakery and open house.


The world is dear to you, the guests
You appeared in a good hour.
I will meet such a warm one
We cooked for you.
We rejoice with bakery
Our native land is famous
Here for you and fairy tales are Russians,
And honey loaf.
And places for guests are notable
At the dinner table.
After all, today the joy is bright
Together with you enters the house.


Not care to accept you
Not hard work,
We are ready to accept you
Be happy, healthy.
And you will have to go to your heart
The lights will light up again.
In our cozy corner
Come for an hour.


Thank you, dear guests
That you visited my house today.
Such happiness is to see you
Smiles, the joy of your eyes.
You are my best friends
We cannot live without each other.
Let's get together more often
Joke, make friends, love, laugh!


Thank you for coming, the guests are dear
They left any of their own.
Let's talk and laugh together,
We’ll eat a little, well, we’ll get drunk a little.
It's nice to get together so good,
To talk about the future, to talk about the past.
I want this mental meeting to turn out,
It was pleasant for everyone and repeated again.


I say "thank you" to you
For kind words.
Let it be on earth from kind words
Good will add!
Let it be kind every day
As well as every hour
And the sun shines on earth
For each of us!


Grateful to all guests
What came for a holiday to us!
For beautiful words,
What friends wanted us,
All acquaintances, relatives.
The circle of all of you has now become wider.
It is doubled.
All of you here is not a dream!
The faces are sincerely kind
And your hearts are generous.
Therefore - than say thanks
From the heart we owe you.


I am dear to you,
Thank you for the words.
You shared with me
My important date.
For good wishes
And the warmth of large hearts
I say thank you
I am always a fighter with you.
I wish you happiness in response
Life of bright, long years.
So that we meet more often
They never knew troubles.


Thank you for congratulations, I say
I sincerely thank all the words!
In response, I wish a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and good!
So that life is kind and generous with you!
So that there are those who will appreciate you
And every day to give a tender smile!


Thank you for making me attention.
It is so important to know that there are friends nearby.
Thanks for the advice, for understanding.
You can’t live without it now.
Thank you for sincerity. Nicely
Always hear a new compliment.
I wish you the miracles of the incredible.
For good deeds, always find a moment.


Nice, sitting at the table
Say "thank you" to you, friends.
You are the best support for us,
You can’t live without you.
We are grateful to everyone for
That this holiday was visited.
Thank you for having come to us
And they gave us the celebration!


Thank you, guests, for you that the holiday was attended.
There are so many meetings, pleasant impressions!
Thank you for giving gifts
How much joy, exciting moments!
Your smiles, kindness, attention -
Perhaps the most valuable of gifts.
Thanks for the happiness presented
For the fact that this holiday is the brightest!

Greeting guests at the evening

Greeting guests at the evening:

We are not a guest of our souls -
We meet them with bread and salt!
Eat the bread,
Listen to health!
We wish good health
We give a generous loaf!
Our people
Together, lives cheerfully
And he wishes you the same -
The kindness of the borders does not know.
On the threshold - a guest! Please ...
Bread and salt to you!
Bread and salt!


I and this punish together together meet you!
After drinking at the table. Together with the cow.:
Our cow is golden, like the sun in the sky,
He will fit everything to eat without bread!
Cow our glorious from good dough
And our table has no location!


We have such a custom,
From childhood he is familiar to us
To meet with bread and salt all guests
Low to the belt to bow.
What are rich in sharing
At the table in Russian,
Generally treated ...
Bread to you, yes salt,
Happiness yes love
So the people have been said to time for centuries


We went out to meet the guests!
Greet bread and salt!
We will now know each other!
Make yourself at home!


Thank you, dear, how glad I am
That all you are going here today.
What are you with us is a reward for me -
Without you, it would be boring, Seree life.


You are cute, most beautiful people.
Sretity and warmth come from you.
Thank you for being. So let it be
Today in the house is clear and light.


Try everything - I treat.
I want at the festive table
You would not be happy and did not miss.
And let the house be full of fun!

Song greeting guests

Song greeting guests:

Come to visit me,
It will be very fun
My rooster will perform for you
Dawn song!

I will open the door wide
I sweep the path into the house,
So that the guests do not forget
Where do they go later!

My guests are expensive
Generally cheerful
That the owners are with happiness
The cellar failed!

House by the road S. Canada

I diverged and met people
And cool down and admitted to them love
And everyone knew, and everyone knew in my circle,
It will happen that I will respond and help

I'm like a house by the road, call the password
I will catch a tablecloth, bread and salt, bread and salt
I am like a house by the road, on any cold,
Come in warming up, everything is open, I'm waiting


Open House, where it is good and in cramped
I don't care, those or not the same
But I stood, but I stood on what I was standing
And all mine, all that I give to people

I'm like a house by the road, call the password
I will catch a tablecloth, bread and salt, bread and salt
I am like a house by the road, on any cold,
Come in warming up, everything is open, I'm waiting

Snow and winds go in the face,
Life endlessly, like a wedding ring,
But everything does not count, but everything does not count, but everything does not count
When there is a house in which at least someone is waiting for us

I'm like a house by the road, call the password
I will catch a tablecloth, bread and salt, bread and salt
I am like a house by the road, on any cold,
Come in warming up, everything is open, I'm waiting

We sang with guests
All the neighbors cried
They say they are tired of listening
Frog croaking!

Pine grows on the mountain
With long needles
Guests come to me
Whole villages!

Oh, you are dear guests
You haven't lunged,
After all, the owners are on you
We looked around plenty!

Help yourself dear
Cute hospitals,
From my chic dishes
Your brushes will burst!

We are healthy and rich
But this is not the main thing
Give us the emirates
And the seas for swimming!

Goodbye, goodbye,
Well, goodbye,
Come to visit again
Then we will fall over!

Greeting guests at the table - a scene from the owners

Greeting guests at the table is a scene from the owners:

The mistress has a loaf in the hands on the rushnya.

Master: Good world to you are welcome!
You are forever long -awaited for us!

Mistress: interrupting the owner.

As we are glad, we were waiting.
Are you hungry?
Arrived just right
Everything is hotter with us!

The owner (strictly, to the hostess). Tsyts!

Could you be silent?
Let you tell me the guests!

The hostess lowers her head in a dumb.

The owner (to the guests): Welcome to visit!
Thrown your sorrows!
We were waiting for you and the hostess,
Yes, with a friend, a balalaika.

Five times the samovar warmed up!
Yes, and you, go tired?!
Our master, almost a hundred years,
Then he arranged dinner.

Here the story is alive
Invites you to a feast.

The hostess (interrupting, pointing with a glance at the bread - salt):

By tradition, we present the loaf,
We ask you bread and salt!

Master: Strictly to the mistress, takes a loaf from her.

Well, mother, let me
I myself will demolish the guests with bread - salt. (To the mistress).

Well, why are you frozen?!
Well, cups, vodka-lively!

The hostess throws behind a tray with cups.

Mistress: Oh, I'll bring in an instant,
And port and sausage!

The hostess runs away for a tray with a strong drink.

The owner, presenting guests with bread - salt.

Take a noble bread
Beloved by the governor,
I am a modest punish yesterday,
Sent to his mansions!

Take up bread, taste salt
Well, musicians, play La Bemol!

The music sounds, the rite of treats passes.

Mistress: with a tray and cups.
Autumn day, still not hot,
We offer everyone in the cup!

The rite of treats passes with a strong drink.

Master: koy will cover you lunch,
The local historian will tell you
What happened in the old days,
And I'll go aside.
Truth, without abode,
The chronicle is ready to say!

A local historian story about the history of the place where the restaurant, a cafe is being conducted.

Master: Curious was a story,
To bite just right!
Kohl learned, without a crush,
I invite the network for the shops!

The table is set, further plan,
Evaluate my restaurant!

Guests go to the table.

  Three girls with bread and salt, harmonist.

Is that really true?
In our modest estate
The head of the native land himself
They could help us!

I'll tell you now the boyars
This is a local glorious master
Our Stepanych, dear,
He is the only one with us.

Don't you respect the flattery
You caused us honor
Visit the local land,
Our area, well, just paradise!

Our main wealth,
Here we will not be shy.
Every Krasnobai will say -
This is a miracle - a loaf.
Here are the honey,
The soft punishment is our black.

The loaf on the tray is submitted

We invite all guests
To the stands of the best vegetables.
Where else to find these,
After all, tomatoes are alive!

1 tomato.
We are beautiful tomatoes,
We want everyone to live richly.

2 tomato.
We are ready to report
That it became easier for us to live.

1 tomato.
Foreign competitors,
By decree of the president,
We drove away by the cordon
And now Don is walking!

2 tomato.
Come to our light,
To the tomato capital!

Sudari, ma'am,
Do not refuse the lady
Romashkovo tea
And then have lunch.
Come here here
We ask, ask, gentlemen!
We had Bryullov, Polenov,
Count Tolstoy and Benoit,
Vasnetsov painted paintings

You forgot, mother
About Annushka Akhmatov!
These are not sins at all
Yes, I wrote poetry here.

I knew Anna from a young age,
The poetess is no better.

Barin. (After presenting booklets to guests)
They started a new custom,
Sign in the book
Good wishes, all guests
With a variety of volosts.

Do not skimp, sign
And marvel at work.
Here are the work of the masters,
What glorified Dankov.

Barin. (at the end of the tour)
Our meeting is short
And I will say without spells,
From grateful fellow countrymen,-
Accept our gift.

  • A gift is awarded

Device. (at the end of the presentation of the gift)
And we also have Cossacks,
In the morning they argued to the fight:
Who will meet you, who will sing.

Who will present the ear!

Help yourself all your ear!
Hey, Natalia, well, sing!

Cool greeting guests with a presentation

Cool greeting guests with the performance:

Ouch! And our Tatyana
Does not come out, but floats
The male population
Will fall in a fainting here
Eyes, lips, heels!
Oh, hold on to men!


Here, flirt without gingerbread
Favorite nephews came!
The Ivanovs dressed up
Combed, inflated,
Maybe even washed ...?!
And for the holiday came to us
They came to you with the whole gourmet
The birthday man is dear!


It will play playfully now
Wonderful trio
And now, Chukhlatsev in the next,
Continue a festive dinner
They fly to us at all pairs,
With a cool toast on the lips!
Let's call them sooner -
Alexandra Alekseevna,
Natalia and Sergey!


At our holiday
It is not that simple
Present here
Foreign guests!
He sent a representative
The famous Tatarstan!


Now one will come to us
Very important gentleman
He wants to congratulate him too
Alyosha's cousin!


Hope with Elena suffered for a long time
Very young people wanted to congratulate
Express your love
They are pleased again and again!


Toast is always ready to say
Our brother Sergei Zylev!
Seryozha in congratulations - champion!
Right now, he will tell us something!


And now I will present you
For young people to wave a hundred grams
Kalinin is Nadia
We will listen to her with you!


Today is a holiday in our house!
We walk together, with a whole gourmet
We are so happy for you today,
That for a week we will go into a binge!
But! This is later! And now…
Hurrying to congratulate you!


So as not to miss this thought
To fully develop her
The second tribes are coming to us
What business he is!


And now, my friends
Friends of the family will congratulate you!
Hey! People! Do not regret it!
Pour the glass more completely!
Olga Pavlovna Melkova
You need to meet more fun!


I will tear you away from lunch
Look here
This is Rozova Oksana
And imagine, not alone!
Let's say together
Hello! Oksana is pink!
And her daughter is Nastya!


Well, now ... will fly through the hall
A sigh of admiring and delight is a groan!
And in anticipation the whole country ...
After all, a couple will come out alone:
Not Kirkorov with Pugacheva,
Neanzhta and Brad Pete,
Not Buzova and Tretyakov ...
Well, who is this?
Pompeisen declare
We want them:
Glamorous pair:
Gareevs Lisa and Maxim!


What he knows for sure
And does not throw words into the wind
The bazaar is ready for the bazaar
The man is serious - Gusev V.!


And for sweets with us
There is a couple - the upper class!
Continues the conversation
One, family-cherry choir,
We meet: Olga and Ruslan
So far, Ruslan is not very drunk!


Drink to drink forever
The whole family of the Shavkunovs
Both Svetlana and Kolyan
Respect this dope!

Already breathtaking
From the sisters of these two
What a wonderful picture?
To us, Galina with Katerina!
And with them, (no matter how anyone fired)
The guy was nailed - someone Vitek!


Is of interest to what he will say
Someone Laptev S.!
Very Shas will surprise us
This euro is individual!
Together with her Tatyana,
Meet them while
They are not drunk yet

Attention! Attention!
Great programs!
Meet the next guest!
Not a guest, but a guest, because she
Favorite aunt is named

There is a person in the life of everyone is the main one,
Each of us agrees with this here.
This, of course, is a dear mother ...
We will give her a word now.

They wore us all childhood in their hands,
They fed, cherished, took it to school.
They taught us to work and care
Although they were tired of difficult work.
Our parents are truly holy
And life experience are very rich.

She will hear the hearts of a measured knock,
Will feel the slightest excitement
She is at any time your best friend
It has so much tenderness, participation and patience ...
Anyone is ready to help at a moment.
We will give a word the best friend.

Behind him she is behind a stone wall
In the literal, as well as figuratively.
He is the only one, dear,
They are coincided with views, feelings, thoughts.
He is smart, kind, affectionate to the same ...
Well, you need to give the word to the husband.


She will carefully tame her legs with a blanket,
With your beloved husband, next year round.
In the heat and cold, and in winter, and in summer
She is full of excitement and worries.
And stellar night, in the morning, with a clear day
All this is for him and all about him ...
Let me give me a word
Caring and affectionate wife.


Mother -in -law.
Here they are talking about mother -in -law pancakes,
Here they pour jokes, I will not hide,
But everyone is silent about mother -in -law tears,
About the good heart that does not sleep.
Laughing and joke, of course, easier.
Putting all the jokes to one,
Now we will give the word mother -in -law -
Beloved mother, tender and native.

Native blood. Everyone heard about this.
They remember this, they know, they say.
You are stronger with your native, more significant and higher,
Especially when your dear is your brother ...
Ready to give the word to the brother,
So that he can congratulate you on love.


She will always come to your aid,
She will share a hundred hardships with you,
You remember the joyful about her in moments
March 8 or New Year.
And from you she no longer needs.
Sister is glad to congratulate you now.

Who is smarter and nicer in the world?
Of course, children!
Who is your falls and ups?
Of course, children!
And they love you holy and blindly, believe me,
Of course, children!
Tied to you endlessly, heartily ...
We want to provide a word for children.

Beautiful greeting guests at the holiday

Beautiful greeting guests at the holiday:

Good evening dear guests!
Today is Saturday
Behind the care.
You came to us to rest
And to accept congratulations.


Today, all nature has come to life,
As if only this day was waiting.
Where you can’t throw a look - one fun,
Everyone has a festive mood today.
I see that the valley is all in flowers
And now over these flowers
The swarm of colorful butterflies is circling,
Each wings of their wings
It surrounds us like petals.
And bowing before one flower
Everyone is waiting with a west when it begins
The holiday about which all the rumor
The valley will spread very quickly.


In December, when cold and severe frost,
There are different amazing demand for the holidays.
Someone is glad of the day of the wizard
Someone of the day of revival
And today we celebrate mother's birthday.
I sincerely welcome the gathered guests,
And I open my mother’s anniversary with joy!


Let this day go down in history forever,
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let it be careless,
Nobody, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
To start the celebration, as expected,
It is proposed to fill all glasses.
(Music. Guests fill the glasses.)
I propose to drink the first toast standing.


Oh, you guests - gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Il lives at home badly -
But dressed, just a miracle.
And the answer is very simple
Our Vladimir is young
In the circle of their friends
I decided to meet the anniversary.


I ask you to raise glasses
For our big plans!
And so that your eyes shine and sparkle,
We want you to reinforce a little!
Today we came here,
All gifts brought.
We celebrate the anniversary ...
And from the heart we ....
Guests together: Congratulations!
Tamara is at the head of plenty sitting
And he looks at his friends.
We wish you to hear friends ...
Friends shout to her ....
Age for Tamara does not matter
In the eyes of relatives - you are always young.
We always want to stay ...
We hear from relatives:
Different congratulations sound
And colleagues are in a hurry to shout.
And we only sing songs about you ...
And from our colleagues we hear too:
Colleagues: Congratulations!


Wonderful couple - Artem and Tatyana,
Two daughters have a sight for sore eyes!
They do everything together - they play, walk,
In the winter they ride their blanks.
And they love to sit by the fire with friends,
Artem and Tatyana are a sister!


Katya - doctor, speech therapist,
There is no better Katya on the ambulance!
The call rushes like a bird,
And resting abroad.
Yes, look yourself - the beauty is simple!
Katya, sister, word for toast!


Cooler than business - no lady,
She traveled all over the world!
Souls in his children and grandchildren do not chat,
Blapses, and meets a delicious dinner.
Yes, look yourself - the beauty is simple!
The hostess of the dining room is a word for toast.


Know! So the people decided:
Natalia is the best flower breeder!
Do not believe? Recently
They were given the title "Best Dvor"!
Hide and seek, classics, toys,
All secrets - in half!
A classmate is a girlfriend!
It’s good as it was for you!
But let's leave the sentiments
The reason was collected by another -
Let the applause thunder
Our Nina is dear!


Let this evening be remembered for a long time:
Galina is a sister, a hostess, a modest.
Souls in his children and grandchildren do not chat,
Blapses, and meets a delicious dinner.
Proud of Valery, and not without reason -
He is a doctor, friends, and he heals ... cars!
He disassembles them, he collects them,
He knows all the sores of the machine!
Do not come out, but they float, they will say the best toast!


Leave the glasses, throw the forks,
We meet! From Lenin Street guests!
Look at them, what are the things!
Come on, Dear guests, wave your pen!


Friends came from the airport, relatives,
Show who you are!
Well done what, and so how many of them,
And you too wave ... only with a leg.


With international friends, or have relatives?
We are very glad that you are here today!
Yes, rather, get up what are you sitting
And all together winch at once.


Now we welcome it as soon as possible
From Kostroma and Ivanovo long -awaited guests!
We will ask Lidia Ivanovna: "Do not be jealous!"
Send the anniversary you are an air kiss.


And now we are meeting the Ukhtinsky district,
Vetlasyan and Dezhnevo, you bow to you!
And now you are all together
Bow the hero of the anniversary even below.


There is a street in Ukhta, which many people like,
And this street is called Senyukov.
Welcome you, and you in response
Shin together and loudly: "Hello!"


With all the meetings, having abolished their affairs, having left everything,
Guests arrived from Shudayag and Sosnogorsk!
Now we will ask Victor not to be angry,
After all, an air kiss rushes to your wife


With anniversary and Kuratov relatives and friends!
We can’t live without you today!
Look at the anniversary - it seems nothing.
So what kind of man is he? Show - "In!"


With Zarechny and Berezova, we meet guests,
Let's support them as soon as possible,
And you look at the anniversary with a smile
Yes, hug your neighbors stronger.


From youth and friendship, guests came to us,
Here, a lot of warmth and good have gained.
Now you have come and
Shout a three -time “cheers!”


We are meeting Yaroslavl now,
You are guests - just the upper class!
And so that we can continue to continue,
You should hug the anniversary.


And the best gift for a woman is a husband.
Anyone who is meekly pulls his thunder,
The one who gives her a couple of souls,
The one who brings the whole Kush to pay,
Anyone who has a flexor and everything will come down,
Anyone who is calm in rain and a cold
Anyone who does not blur in response: "What nonsense?"
Anyone who is attentive, at least clumsy,
The one who praises both shadows and mascara,
Anyone who repaired furniture and shower
Anyone who gets fresh pears in the winter,
The one who calls with him even in the wilderness,
Anyone who is outwardly good and useful -
In a word, - the birthday girl looks like a husband


The time of business is rushing
The fun has come for an hour
Well, why do you need a TV
Please look at us!


We don't miss today
We dance and sing,
We celebrate the holiday today,
And we call the guests to ourselves!


Hello, guests called!
Hello, guests are welcome!
We wish you health,
We offer to drink tea!


With a song, a joke-pribute,
Is it worth it
A cup of fresh seagull
Drink, get wild!


Tea, drink tea!
Tea, drink tea!
Tea, drink tea!
Tea, drink tea!
Tea, drink tea!
With dance!
Tea, drink tea!
With a round dance!
Tea, drink tea!
With us!
Tea, drink tea!
With the people!
Tea, drink tea!
In the morning!
Tea, drink tea!
At lunch!
Tea, drink tea!
In the evening!
Tea, drink tea!
Is always!


So, like this,
Do not hesitate
If you want to be funny
Drink and smile!


The day is so favorable,
Wonderful such
Who was sad yesterday
He is completely different now!


You are with cheerful eyes
They are even very good
Congratulations on you on the holiday
Congratulations from the heart!

Video: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. In a new way. 16+

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