Signs about windows in the house. How many windows should be in the house: signs. Bad signs about windows in the house

Signs about windows in the house. How many windows should be in the house: signs. Bad signs about windows in the house

Хорошие и плохие приметы про окна в доме.

Окна часто сравнивают с глазами человека. According to some esoterics, the window is carried out through the window between the house and the street. With their help, you can get good news, attract happiness and drive away trouble. In this article we will talk about signs related to windows.

Signs about windows in the house

It is believed that there are a number of rituals that will help improve life with windows. If households often get sick, it makes sense to look at the windows and wash them. This will improve energy metabolism, reduce the likelihood of repeated diseases. It is recommended to refresh the room as often as possible, carry out general cleaning, wash windows and balcony if people with heavy ailments live in the house. The more invisible the glass in the window becomes, the better. This allows you to breathe better, carry out energy exchange. 

Signs about windows in the house:

  • If unexpectedly the wings open, it is worth waiting for good news. 
  • If you return home from work, unexpectedly in your window you will see the light, although none of the household should be at home, this promises pleasant changes in life for the better. 
  • If you want to improve your life, attract good changes to it, then in this case it is recommended to throw a spoonful of sugar into the window early in the morning. It is best to manipulate the growing moon. Such a ritual removes negative energy, and also cleanses the space inside.  
  • If you live on the ground floor, you should not go into the house through the window. It is believed that this can lead to ailments that will significantly affect performance and financial capabilities. 
  • In the evening, it is best not to consider everything that happens on the street. Bad option to peek out the window at night. It is believed that the moon can pull out all the energy of a person, leading to exhausting. 
  • It is worth abandoning peeping into the windows during the full moon. It is believed that this is the most dangerous period that can lead to a loss of vitality.

Signs about curtains on windows

It is recommended to close the windows at night in curtains so that the rays do not fall inside the room. In the daytime, on the contrary, it is recommended to open the curtains-spinning curtains to let sunlight inside the room.

  • It is believed that darkness in the daytime contributes to the stagnation of energy inside, therefore it can lead to diseases, constant troubles. It is necessary to constantly open the windows during the day, letting sunlight inside the house. This is especially true for children's rooms, as the kids are sensitive to the introduction of otherworldly forces in their energy field. 
  • In small villages, where there lived a limited number of people, and everyone knew each other, tried to cover the windows and shutters in the evening with curtains. Indeed, at night the light turns on, respectively, it is clearly visible what is happening inside the house. To protect yourself from gossip, curtains and shutters are needed. If the curtain falls from the window, it promises trouble. Colleagues at work start a conspiracy. Gossip that will poorly affect reputation are possible. This can cause a deterioration in the situation at work. 
  • If a tulle or cornice fell in the house, this speaks of a quarrel with close relatives, friends. Watch the windows in the winter. It is with their help that you can predict further weather. If small drops of water appeared on the glasses, this says that there will be warming soon. If, on the contrary, frost appeared on the glasses, soon it will get colder on the street. 
Landscape from the window
Landscape from the window

Put the window in the house: signs

Now more and more people are trying to somehow transform their own housing, making repairs, redevelopment. Many expand the rooms by transferring doorways, often increase the size of the windows or create them to let more light into the house.

Put the window in the house, signs:

  • If this is an old house, it is worth abandoning the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking an additional window. Do not increase window and door openings, this changes the energy flows inside the house. This can adversely affect the health status of households. 
  • If you need to lay a window, it is better to abandon the idea. It is believed that the window is a portal to the street. To avoid the occurrence of troubles, you can not lay the window with bricks.
  • If you plan to redevelop, the window in this room is not necessary, it is necessary to do everything so that its presence is invisible. Correspondence is not enough to lay it with brick. It is necessary to plastered the wall, paint it so that a person could not find that there was a window in this place. This must be done both outside and inside. This is the only way to level the value of the signs. 
  • It is believed that intervention in the width of the window or its reconstruction, replacement with a change in size, leads to illness or death of someone close to. 

Bad signs about windows in the house

It is worth noting that there are processes that you should not look at. One of these cases is the funeral, you cannot watch them from the window. Считается что душа человека, который находится по ту сторону окна, еще не успокоилась. Very often it can be accompanied by otherworldly entities. Therefore, observation of funeral procession can attract diseases. 

Bad signs about the windows in the house:

  • In no case should you sit on the windowsill. Считается человек, который предпочитает отдыхать на подоконнике с чашкой кофе и книгой, часто остается одиноким.In fact, this sign arose several centuries ago. Именно тогда девушка, которая длительное время сидела у окна и смотрела в него, считалась бездельницей. After all, there were a lot of housework before. Therefore, no one wanted to wander the girl, considering her lazy and hopeless. It was not the best wife for his wife. The window is considered a portal between the house and the street. It is through this portal that otherworldly entities can penetrate our world. Если на подоконнике засиживается человек, он может стать мостиком в мир живых для злых духов. 
  • If the window crashes inadvertently, in no case should the fragments leave. It is recommended to extract all the remains, quickly replace with a new glass. It is necessary to collect fragments on the street. This will help to quickly get rid of troubles. It is believed that fragments can attract trouble, a deterioration in the financial situation. 
  • The sign about the crack on the glass appeared several centuries ago, because before the glass was expensive material, so any damage promised significant expenses. Transparent glass is associated with cleanliness, calm and peace, like the surface of water. Any waves, fluctuations on the lake are concerned. In the same way, it happens with the windows if a crack appears on them. Negative energy can seep through these cracks. Accordingly, not only the windows that were broken, but also glass with cracks that could appear from the blow of wind, hail or some building materials were subject to replacement. Despite the fact that the integrity of the window is preserved, the crack becomes the cause of serious troubles. 
  • Living organisms feel the approach of misfortunes well, can warn their owners about some events. This applies not only to cats, but also to birds. Therefore, be sure to take a closer look if pigeons regularly go on the windowsill. If the pigeons look into the windows, it promises news, they will not necessarily be good. 
  • In no case should you throw garbage, dirt, slop, the remnants of food from the window. It is believed that sometimes the souls of deceased relatives who come to visit their family people can look through the windows. If you throw out garbage and food, it will frighten them off. They can be angry, and annoy their relatives. 

‹A SRC \u003d" "Alt \u003d" Big windows "width \u003d" 1200 ″ Height \u003d "744 ″/› Big windows

Sign: A cat sits on the window

Of course, now it is time for digitalization, in all villages there is electricity. Therefore, you will not surprise anyone if the light burns in the window late at night. However, before everything was different. Often, travelers who traveled or kept the way towards another village saw the light of a candle or lamp in the window. This helped them navigate in the area, and also inspired hope. Often they knocked on such doors, remained for the night. It was from that time that the sign appeared to leave the light on the late night. However, it works only if it is not an electric lamp, but the light from the candle, the lamp. 

Sign, a cat on the window sits:

  • If a cat sits on the windowsill, carefully considering what is happening on the street, constantly looks at one point, which means that some guest will come to the house soon.
  • Perhaps this will be a longtime friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time. To be a pleasant meeting that opens up a lot of opportunities.

Signs how to wash windows in the house

Starting the general cleaning in the house, it is best to start washing windows. Наши предки считали окна глазами дома, необходимо, чтобы они были чистыми и ясными. After all, any cloudings lead to trouble.

Signs how to wash windows in the house:

  • Люди, которые живут в доме, могут давать неправильную оценку происходящим событиям. A lot of beliefs and will accept the washing of the windows. Since mid -April, it was recommended to start this work.
  • Если во время мытья окон бросить ведро несколько монет, а после окончания манипуляции вылить на улице под деревом, монеты при этом сохранить, то удастся год провести в достатке.
  • Ни в коем случае во время мытья окон нельзя выбрасывать сор, который есть на подоконнике, из окна. This can be angry with ancestors and entities that live in the other world. 
Small windows
Small windows

Butterfly flew into the window of the house: omen

Сейчас у большинства жителей мегаполисов на окнах стоят москитные сетки, которые защищают от насекомых. Однако если в ваш дом залетела бабочка, это произошло рано утром, ожидайте благоприятных изменений в финансовом положении. Perhaps at work they will be discharged, you will receive an unexpected inheritance. If the butterfly flew in the evening, it promises harmony in family life. It is worth establishing communication with each other, not quarrel. 

The butterfly flew into the window of the house, the sign:

  • Если же у бабочки, которая залетела, яркие крылья, значит, у молодой девушки будет очень ревнивый муж. The same can be said about the unmarried man, in the window of which a butterfly flew. The future wife will be very jealous and scandalous. 
  • It is worth watching the behavior of the butterfly. Если она уселась на плечо кому-то из домочадцев, этого человека ждет огромный успех во всех начинаниях. If she froze motionless, complete harmony reigns in the home.
  • If she flew into the house of an unmarried woman, soon there will be a wedding. Чтобы бабочка исполнила все желания, ее необходимо аккуратно словить, чтобы не повредить крылышки, шепнуть свои желания и отпустить в окно. In no case should you kill the insect. 
The attic window
The attic window

Sign: Spider on the window in the house

Butterflies are very beautiful creatures, so it is not surprising that they portend positive events in life. What does it mean if the window was a spider? This predator, if he weaved the web from the side of the street, protects the housing from the penetration of evil forces.

Sign, Spider on the window in the house:

  • In these networks are not only small flies, insects, but also a large amount of negativity. It is believed that this network is activated during the threat. If a person accidentally touched the web, then you need to expect a meeting with a good person.
  • In no case should we destroy the web from the side of the street. It is believed that this promises scandals. If you regularly observe the web, which is located on the web on the window, you need to wait for a lot of profit. In the near future, the financial situation will improve. If the arthropod crawls up, expect an increase, if down, then there will be small troubles at work.
  • If the spider froze on the web outside the window, wait for gifts and pleasant news. If the web is not located from the side of the street, but in the room on the window, this portends wealth. Improving the financial situation is expected. If there are a lot of web in the windows on the windows, this means that there is a cluster of negative energy, it is necessary to clean the room, but not from a web, but poor energy. This can be done by reading prayer. 
  • If the web is on the kitchen window, then someone helps the hostess. It is believed that from these web, you can make a powerfulamulet. To do this, you need to put the web in a canvas bag, which is sewn with your own hands. The talisman needs to be carried with you.
  • If the web on the window is dusty and torn, this portends financially problems. Therefore, such a web is carefully removed with a broom, washed off in the toilet. In no case should you tear the whole web in which the spider lives. If the spider weaved a network between the frames of the old wooden window, this indicates good news, financial profit, well -being, unexpected news. 

How many windows should be in the house: signs

Of great importance in people's lives is the number of windows in the house.

How many windows should be in the house, signs:

  • It is believed that if there are too many of them, then the positive energy of qi, which penetrates the house, leaves it very quickly.
  • Accordingly, the optimal number of windows is one door for two windows.
  • The maximum number of windows is three. A bad sign if the windows in the house are too large.
  • Последователи фэн-шуй считают, что большие окна способствуют тому, что энергия дома будет утекать. This applies to windows that are located too low, close to the floor.
  • При приобретении квартиры важно обратить внимание, на какую сторону выходят окна. If this is the north, it is worth refusing to purchase housing. Люди, которые живут в комнатах, находящихся с северной стороны, часто болеют, их жизнь складывается не самым удачным образом. Therefore, if you decide to purchase housing, choose the one whose windows are located from the East. 
Panoramic windows
Panoramic windows

We will also tell you why it is impossible:

There are many signs that will tell you what to do in a specific situation. Of course, now fewer people believe in such signs, trusting common sense more. However, despite this, a significant number of people are trying to predict events, successfully bypass possible problems. It is for this that there are signs.

Video: Signs about windows in the house

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