Why you can’t put the bag on the floor: the sign and its interpretation

Why you can’t put the bag on the floor: the sign and its interpretation

No matter how we convince everyone around and ourselves, including that we will not believe in action and all kinds of beliefs there, but, nevertheless, somewhere in the subconscious the thought still lives: “What if”? There will be a great many different in our lives, and almost all of them came to us from the depths of centuries from our ancestors, and they were observant and wise people who lived in harmony with nature, and therefore much noticed in its manifestations.

In the old days, almost every thing had their own beliefs. For example, by the state of the plate, they tried how a person treated energy in his dwelling; Mirrors could tell about his inner world. And all that concerned a bag or some other baggage spoke of the values \u200b\u200bof the individual-both property and spiritual, astral.

Why you can’t put the bag on the floor: signs and real explanations

  • If all superstitions are completely rejected, and only from ordinary pragmatism, then the bag thrown to the floor is likely to get dirty. At the same time, let's also not forget about pathogens that you can pick up on the floor with a bag, and then bring them to the house.
  • If we talk about etiquette, then laying it somewhere at your feet will be uncultured, and it will not look at all aesthetically aesthetically pleasing. But as an exception in restaurant -type institutions, men are allowed to put their portfolios under the table. In this case, superstitions can be neglected, since it is unlikely that anyone from among the solid public will decide to engage in theft.
  • But in public place It will be much easier to climb into your bag for some piercing thief if she is lying on the floor, and not be with you. So because of your carelessness, you can say goodbye to money, a bank card, documents and a smartphone. Can you imagine the size of such a disaster? Therefore, regardless of whether you are superstitious or not, it is better not to let out personal treasures from your hands.
  • So you and I can come up with a personal sign: a bag laid on the floor is to pollution or even an infectious disease, and perhaps, to the disappearance of things from it.
Bag on the floor - elementary source of dirt
Bag on the floor - elementary source of dirt

But what did our ancestors say about the half bag:

  • A bag of strangers laid for half - to poverty. Earlier it was believed that the person who received so shows a disrespectful attitude to money, and this he brings himself the wrath of the gods in the form of eternal need.
  • If you throw the bag on the floor in your home, it was believed that it was there - on the floor - and all the money will flow, because our ancestors were associated with unclean forces. We can say that a person who has so irresponsibly disposed of his bag. the long poverty of all family members. Surprisingly, they believed in this sign even if there was no wallet in the bag, and even if it was there, the family was preparing to experience the lack of money for many years.
  • In the maternity hospital It was also impossible to leave the bag on the floor, since it was believed that in this case the newly born baby could die, or childbirth would be very difficult. This was the punishment of the omnipotent God for disrespectful to material benefits. The child has always seen the highest value and a huge gift of fate for a person.
  • It was also believed that the bag left on the floor could bring to betrayalIn which even close people can be involved.
  • The bag could not be left not only on the floor, but even on the door handle, since this, according to the belief in the old days, could lead to the fact that a person close to you will leave home.
  • And in our time, many believe in these signs, but rarely anyone realizes that not only female handbags can lead to all kinds of troubles. In the same way, you can’t leave male portfolios and sports backpacks on the floor, since because of this, a couple in love can part, besides, a man will have problems with his boss.

Why you can’t put the bag on the floor: where did the sign come from

  • Now no one can say for sure where the sign came from, on which the bag cannot be put on the floor. Perhaps she was invented when people have not yet used such bags as we are used to.
  • In the old days, instead of bags, everything - both men and women, used wallets (these are such bags), in which both things and money were worn. They tried not to let out the purses from their hands, since because of the theft very developed in those days, one could lose their property.

How to attract prosperity and wealth with a bag?

  • You need to protect your bag and make sure that it is always clean with you - both from the outside and from the internal.
  • Well, and you, of course, remembered: in no case put the bag on the floor!
  • Try to make sure that in your bag for each thing, its place was set aside. And then it often happens that everything there is mixed with each other - and this can lead to chaos both in personal life and in monetary matters.
The best content of the bag
The best content of the bag
  • If a inside the bag will reign order, then this will allow the monetary energy unhindered into it to penetrate it. In addition, knowing where what lies, you can, without wasting extra time, instantly find the thing you need there.
  • For a respectful attitude to your bag, the gods will respect and encourage you and encourage you, and you will also become known as a neat person, which will also add respect to you.

We will also talk about such signs:

Video: Why can't you put the bag on the table and on the floor?

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