Signs about shoes - from Nina's woman, signs about the size of shoes

Signs about shoes - from Nina's woman, signs about the size of shoes

Signs about new, torn, alien shoes.

Without shoes, it is impossible to imagine his life, because a modern person has to spend a lot of time on his feet. That is why a lot of signs and beliefs are associated with such a wardrobe item. In this article we will talk about signs about shoes. 

Alien shoes: signs

If the owner accidentally loses his shoes, he can attract failures, misfortune. You can’t wear someone else's shoes, precisely because of the accumulation of negative energy. This is especially true if the former owner of the shoes died of a dangerous illness, or suffered in an accident. All misfortunes can go to the new owner.

Alien shoes, signs:

  • In withekond-Xthe yends are sold in a large amount of shoes in good condition. And often the question arises, why is such a good product sold for a penny? Perhaps this is due to misfortune, automobile disaster, injuries that the former owner of shoes got.When purchasing such shoes, the owner can bring trouble.
  • Orthopeders do not recommend wearing someone else's shoes. Each person has a foot, with characteristic features. It can be a bulging bone, flat feet or deformation of the foot. Such features significantly affect the state of shoes. The new owner may not come up, causing other diseases, causing discomfort during wearing. 
  • Inside the shoes, it is warm and wet, it is a beneficial environment for the reproduction of pathogens. Therefore, if the former owner had mycosis of the foot, without the appropriate processing of shoes, the disease can go to the new owner. 

New shoes: signs

There are several signs associated with new shoes. After acquiring a pair, a man should not put the box on the table - this can lead to the death of the owner, or unfortunately. However, if a woman puts new shoes on the table, this promises the appearance of a new family member, that is, a couple can have a child.

New shoes, signs:

  • It is necessary to wear new shoes on time. If you are waiting for a responsible event, concluding a contract of sale of housing, or exam, you can not wear new boots.
  • It is believed that they do not contain any energy, or filled with energy of the warehouse, a store through which a large number of people come. While the shoes are not yours, it does not spread, it should not be put on important events. 
  • If a person puts on new boots on March 17, then the neck will hurt all day. 
  • If you dream of trying on new shoes that really like, expect a meeting with a partner. If such a dream is unmarried than a girl, she will soon meet her chosen one. 
New shoes
New shoes

Sign: Remove shoes from the left leg

You need to put on and take off your shoes correctly. It is believed that if in the morning to put on a boot on the left leg, then a person will become a regular client of the dentist.

Sign, take off shoes from the left leg:

  • Chinese healers believe that there is a relationship between legs and head, and the left leg is closely connected with the teeth. To avoid problems with them, it is necessary to put on shoes on the right leg. In the same way, you need to remove the couple from the right leg. 
  • If you came home from the street with wet legs, you need to remove the boots first from the right, and then from the left leg. After that, you need to moisten your head with water so as not to get sick. This ritual is intended to drive a cold. 

Old shoes: signs how to clean

It is necessary to get rid of old things, as they steal the energy of their owner. They can become the drives of misfortune. Be sure from time to time, conduct an audit in your shoe cabinet, throwing out unnecessary accessories.

Old shoes, signs:

  • It’s just that you can’t put the old shoes on a landfill, you need to clean them of your energy so that the sorcerer or esoteric can not use the accessory for bad purposes. There are several ways to clean the boots.
  • Washing under running water. It is necessary to hold the inner and outer part of the boots under the strong pressure of running water. 
  • It is necessary to burn such accessories. Find a field that is away from residential buildings, dilute the fire. Adhere to safety rules so as not to burn the grass and nearest trees. Be sure to take a few bottles of water with you to extinguish the fire. 
  • Burring the old pair in the ground. After all, if you throw old shoes into a landfill, this can cause the decomposition of life energy, poor health and apathy. Having got rid of the right shoes correctly, you make it clear that you are ready to accept something new. Perhaps in this way your financial situation will improve and a lot of money will appear to purchase new shoes. 

Is it possible and how to give shoes correctly: sign

It is believed that giving a new pair of shoes is a bad sign that promises parting with a person.

Is it possible and how to give shoes correctly, the sign:

  • This sign is especially relevant if the person to whom you are going to give shoes is not married and lonely.
  • Because of new shoes, a person can leave you. To neutralize the action of signs, it is allowed to give several coins.
  • It is necessary that the culprit of the celebration gives you several coins for shoes.  
  • You can give shoes, but not everyone. The gift can be given only to well -known people, close friends or relatives. Nothing bad will happen if you give your grandmother or parents a couple of indoor, soft slippers.
  • You can hand such a present to young children, because they wear shoes very quickly. Do not hand such a present to a close man, spouse, or the guy you meet. This may promise a discord. So that the sign does not come true, be sure to ask a few coins in return. 
New boots
New boots

Is it possible to give shoes: signs

Despite the fact that the boots have accumulated the energy of its owner, this does not mean that shoes must be burned or buried. If you think that the shoes are in good condition, but it is no longer suitable for you, it is not necessary to throw it away. You can give or give in good hands.

Is it possible to give shoes, signs:

  • Before this, it is necessary to perform several simple manipulations. Pour a little salt inward, or hold the boots under running water. A similar ritual will help to wash away the negative energy, clean the shoes, making it empty in relation to energy.
  • Thus, your couple can be a real salvation for a poor person. It is better to give a couple of shoes to well -known people who treat you well. This should be a friendly person who will not wish you evil. 
Give shoes
Give shoes

Shoes are torn: sign

Shoes accumulate human energy, can save him from troubles. If before leaving the house, you could not wear new boots, the sole burst, or the lace exploded, the trip to the appointed place must be postponed. This is especially true if you go to an important meeting, or some kind of event. 

Shoes are torn, omen:

  • If you, after communicating with people, found a crack on the sole, the shoes broke, the accessory took over all the negativity, saved from troubles. It is advisable to dispose of such shoes, throw it away by cleaning. 
  • If the holes on the shoes were sprayed by pets, they warn of the upcoming showdowns with relatives and friends. If the shoes were torn by the dog, you must be careful in statements, and do not criticize anyone. 
  • If you slipped, or stumbled on the stone, but did not find a hole and damage, success awaits you. If a hole, a huge scratch or crack appear on the shoes, it is necessary to postpone communication with friends or acquaintances. 
The heel flew off
The heel flew off

Folk signs about shoes

In the appearance of shoes, we can draw conclusions about accuracy, the abundance of the owner.

Folk signs about shoes:

  • Cheap or torn boots indicate that you have a slut who does not have funds for the purchase of shoes. Previously, the state of the accessory could be said much more, than now. 
  • If you accidentally on a visit, you have put on someone else's shoes, you need to hand it to the owner of the accessory a small present. Perhaps it will be a candy, or something like that. You can attract good luck.  

Wash shoes: signs

If you broke the heel, wait for the loss of money. If you think in advance about the accessory, take it to the workshop, then get rid of the negativity.

Wash shoes, signs:

  • Pay attention, you can not allow your shoes to wash your shoes to a stranger and even a relative. Thus, a person will be able to pick up your energy.
  • It is necessary that all households monitor their shoes on their own.
  • It is impossible for the wife to wash her husband’s shoes and think badly about him. This can attract troubles, trouble,disease spouse. 

Signs: buy shoes

It is necessary to purchase such an accessory correctly, adhering to certain manipulations, rules. It is best to purchase a new accessory when the moon grows. You will improve your financial situation.

Signs, buy shoes:

  • It is necessary after purchase, grate new shoes with castor oil, and click several times with heels. It is believed that the shoes will last longer. It is necessary to choose a new pair exactly on the leg, it will serve faithfully, not to rub.
  • The purchased shoes should be correctly exposed in the house. It is necessary that the socks would be sent to the bedroom or to the apartment. Thus, the shoes will master in a new place.
  • At midnight it is necessary to open the door, put the new things on your hands, kneel, face to the apartment, and as if stepping through the threshold. It is believed that this is an excellent ritual for an unmarried girl that will allow you to attract a narrowed one to her house. After the ritual, put the shoes in the corridor, against the wall. 
  • If you choose shoes for a wedding, it is best to buy it on Friday. It is necessary before marriage, to walk in new shoes for about an hour, in your apartment. It will turn from the new one. According to customs, wedding shoes should be old, not new ones. 

Sign about the size of the shoes

In size, you can tell a lot of interesting things about a person.

Sign about the size of the shoes:

  • It is believed that people with their legs are less than 35, very kind, sincere, are always ready to help. This is a person who can be relying on in a difficult situation. He, like a soft, warm blanket, will always help out in cold weather.
  • People with 36 legs are also characterized by sociability, a cheerful and kind disposition. Usually they have a lot of friends and acquaintances, because of lightness in communication, and the ability to compromise. 
  • People with 37 legs, always know what they want. They are confident, persistent, and slowly go to their goal. However, people with this size have negative qualities. Sometimes they are very lazy, and they can justify their laziness. 
  • Those who have 38 foot size can be considered self -confident people. These persons go ahead, are not afraid of difficulties, even if you have to spend a lot of effort and energy. Often such people are compared with a steam locomotive, which rushes no matter what. Do not try to argue with such people, you will lose anyway. As a result, you can make your enemy.
  • People with 39 legs are quite strong, confident, sometimes suffer from apathy, depression. They can work all day, performing a huge number of tasks. But the next day they can be depressed, and refuse to perform even the simplest manipulations. Such people need a special approach. 
  • It is believed that people with 40 size, stand well on their feet, easily make contact, sociable. Quite often such people are a little stingy, theyconsider, that saving helps them succeed in life. Often such people do not have the most necessary, but there is a huge bank account. 
  • People with 41 legs are quite infantile, sometimes they need support. Pay attention to men with such legs. It is believed that they are very rarely divorced with their companions. Usually such men live with their chosen ones all their lives. 
  • Men with 42 -sized legs differ in a slight disposition, even frivolity. Among them are many womanizer, as well as those who often change women. If you do not want to become another victim of a handsome man, when you get to know, we recommend clarifying the size of the leg. 
  • People with 43 legs are considered very reliable, are true leaders. You can turn to them for help, they are able to clarify any situation, solve the most difficult problem. 
High -quality shoes
High -quality shoes

Signs about Baba's shoes Nina

In no case should the bride purchase open sandals. The fewer holes on the shoes of the future wife, the happier it will be. It is recommended that ladies stepping on a wedding rushnik, purchase closed shoes. 

Signs about the shoes of Baba Nina:

  • If you accidentally lost shoes on the road, expect pleasant changes. Most likely, you will find much more than you lost. If a bundle ensued on sneakers or slippers, do not rush to untie it. It is believed that this is fortunately and luck. Walk with a node, if possible, at least one or two days. This will help attract material well -being to your life. 
  • You can not store an old, battered pair in the closet. It is believed that it attracts negative energy, as well as poverty. Follow shoes or throw it away by observing all the rules of disposal. If your couple began to creak, one of the close friends is very angry with you. Therefore, do not rush to discuss your acquaintances, friends, throwing gossip about them. 
  • If the cat has put on your shoes, do not shout at him. Perhaps the pet is trying to warn about the unexpected visit of distant relatives. It will be useful to call his old acquaintances, relatives who live in another city, ask about a possible visit. 
  • If during a walk the heel is stuck between the tiles, or on the drain grill, do not be upset. Fate warns of unexpected guests. 
  • Home slippers are a harbinger of the afterlife. Soon you can quarrel with the one who was handed such a present. Try not to present such an accessory, and not accept such gifts, if you do not want to spoil relations with a person. 
  • You can not put on shoes on a bare leg. This is not at all about thin slippers, or slippers, but about boots. If it is seasonal or winter shoes, be sure to put on socks. If you put on shoes on a bare leg, this will lead to material expenses. 

Interesting articles about shoes can be found here:

Why you can’t wear someone else's shoes: signs, the opinion of doctors. Is it possible to wear someone else's, children's shoes, if given?

Is it possible and how to throw out old, unnecessary clothes, accessories, shoes: rules, signs, tips

Interesting and outlandish signs about shoes. How to place shoes correctly: signs

Where can you hand over old and new unnecessary clothes and shoes, children's things for money and free?

What to do if shoes squeeze? How to stretch tight shoes at home? How to soften the skin on shoes?

Most disputes arise relative to other people's shoes, and the possibility of wearing it. It is believed that such a wardrobe item contains the owner of the owner, so with the help of an accessory you can send damage, or make a bad person.

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  1. Hello.
    What needs to be done if the shoes of the person who left home?

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