Why you can’t wear someone else's shoes: signs, the opinion of doctors. Is it possible to wear someone else's, children's shoes, if given?

Why you can’t wear someone else's shoes: signs, the opinion of doctors. Is it possible to wear someone else's, children's shoes, if given?

Signs related to the torture someone else's shoes.

Shoes are an accessory without which it is impossible to imagine your life. But not only in our time to shoes, boots are given a lot of attention. Our ancestors loved to make a variety of proverbs about shoes in which they invested special meaning. For example, sit in a galosh, or throw slippers. Undoubtedly, proverbs and sayings about shoes are a huge number and not in vain. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to wear someone else's shoes. 

Can you wear someone else's shoes?

Esotericists believe that the head, as well as the legs are the entrance gate or peculiar bioenergy drives. That is, it is in these parts that the maximum of both positive and negative energy accumulates. It is believed that if a person constantly walks in shoes, then she absorbs his problems, negative emotions.

You can wear someone else's shoes:

  • Esotericists believe that the shoes that a person wears constantly becomes an integral part, and without it, failures and misfortunes can fall on the owner. Now second-hand are very popular due to the low welfare of the population.
  • Therefore, many want to save and purchase shoes that were in use. A lot of ads can be found on a variety of sites that are focused on the purchase and sale of second -hand shoes. In this regard, the question arises, is it possible to wear someone else's shoes at all?
  • From the point of view of bioenergy - no. After all, it is in the boots that a huge amount of negative energy can accumulate, which will then lead to illness or unfortunately. After all, acquiring shoes insecondhende, it is not known to the end who belonged to this couple.
  • Often you can find a completely new shoes that should be worn for a long time, but why is this couple in a second-hand? Perhaps its owner suffered from a car disaster, or received some kind of injury in production. This all puts off an imprint on the energy of the shoes that absorbs it. Therefore, a person who will acquire such a pair can inadvertently bring trouble. 

    Old boots
    Old boots

Why can't you wear someone else's shoes?

Not only esoterics and magicians negatively relate to the wear of someone else's shoes. Modern medicine also believes that it is necessary to purchase exclusively new shoes. The point is not only in infections, or fungi, which can accumulate in insoles, but also in the orthopedic features of the foot of each person.

Why you can’t wear someone else's shoes:

  • Some people havevarusny or valgus deformation of the lower leg, bone or curvature that affects the shape and state of shoes. Therefore, a pair of such a person may not be suitable for another buyer or user.
  • Indeed, on the advice of orthopedists, shoes should be strictly on the leg and, if possible, orthopedic. Naturally, we cannot talk about the therapeutic effect or benefit of such shoes. Particular attention should be paid to the opinion of infectious disease specialists, since it is on the legs that there is a huge number of sweat glands. Many will say that nothing terrible will happen, because the shoes before getting to the regiments of the second-hand are processing.
  • Unfortunately, it is difficult to say how carefully the treatment is carried out using disinfectants and whether shoes are treated from the inside. Most likely, processing is carried out only from the outside.
  • Accordingly, inside the couple remains infected if the previous owner had a fungus or some kind of foot disease. Disputes of some fungi, as well as microorganisms, can be stored in shoes without a nutrient medium for 6 months. If no one wore a couple for more than 6 months, there is a chance of preserving the bacterial and fungal infection inside. Therefore, by purchasing someone else's shoes, you can easily pick up the ailment.

Is it possible to wear someone else's shoes if given?

Visiting often the owner offers guests his slippers, or duty, guest. Each guest who comes to the house puts on a couple. Thus, a huge amount of microorganisms and bacteria can accumulate in it.

Is it possible to wear someone else's shoes if they gave:

  • If you did not take your pair to visit, and put on the master's slippers, then after coming home, you need to perform simple manipulations and wipe the feet with boron alcohol. If there is a need to purchase already worn shoes, they can be disinfected by wiping with a solution of vinegar essence.
  • To do this, the vinegar essence is diluted with water in a ratio of one to two, wiped all the inner surfaces. He also showed himself well in the fight against bacteria and mushrooms of chlorhexidine. However, it is necessary to take a weak solution, but a one percent.
  • In the pharmacy it is calledHibitan. To do this, you need to take a cotton pad, soak with a solution of chlorhexidine, and thoroughly wipe the inner surface of the shoes. After that, it is necessary to wrap it for several hours in a plastic bag so that chlorhexidine does not evaporate. Only after that take a couple on the balcony and dry.  
Old shoes
Old shoes

Can shoes be given to strangers?

This usually happens not with adults, but with children. There is nothing wrong, because children are very bright creatures by nature. But in childhood, the lion's share of children have problems with the foot. Many have deformation of the foot, flat feet, or curved fingers. Therefore, with the not formed children's foot, the toe of someone else's pair can provoke complications, or the progression of the disease. Children are generally recommended to wear exclusively new, orthopedic shoes, or selected by a doctor to align a curved foot.

Is it possible to give shoes to strangers:

  • Adults also have the need to give shoes to strangers. Often young girls want to be fashionable, but at the same time they are not enough to purchase a new pair of shoes. Among schoolchildren and friends, the exchange of shoes is very popular.
  • A friend may ask her to give her a favorite couple of shoes. However, do not allow you to wear your shoes due to the opportunity to pick up a fungus, an infectious disease. If you experience negative emotions for a person, you don’t like him, while asking him to give a couple of shoes, in no case do not agree.
  • Thus, a person will take away your energy, which will lead to psychosomatic diseases. Particular attention is paid to shoes that belonged to a seriously ill person. After all, often after death, things belonging to the deceased are distributed to all friends.

Why you can’t wear someone else's shoes: a sign

It is recommended to give things deceased to neighbors or friends. However, such accessories should not be taken as a gift, especially if a person was seriously ill, for example, cancer, or was slowly dying. It can also bring the death of a person who decided to save and take a couple of deceased. 

Why you can’t wear someone else's shoes, a sign:

  • Our ancestors knew a lot of rites that could be carried out with the participation of shoes. That is why it is not recommended to give someone their shoes or give it. If close people or children, they carry shoes after each other, there is nothing wrong with that.
  • It works if people are blood relatives. They have good intentions, and there is no negativity along with shoes. However, it is impossible to take shoes as a gift or give shoes in any case.
  • The gift can become dangerous, and will lead to unpleasant consequences. In magic, shoes are considered an object that connects a person to the ground, affecting the passage of the life path. It can be changed if you use shoes. 
  • You can not take someone else's shoes as a gift, since you can pull someone else's program on yourself. Men who listen to their women are called henpecks. This expression arose not in vain, since magicians have a rite called “shoe”. To conduct this rite, a woman’s shoe is used, under whom a man is heated. 
  • At the wedding, in no case should you leave your pair unattended. The fact is that with the help of shoes of a man and a woman who is married, you can conduct a ritual that destroys a family. In no case do not let your shoes measure your friends, or work colleagues.

Wear someone else's shoes: signs

Keep a pair under supervision, especially if you put on a special shock at work. Try to hide your shoes in the box or in the nightstand, closing the key so that no one can get to them. Please note that with a gift in the form of shoes you can bring misfortune, failure.

Wear someone else's shoes, signs:

  • In no case do not accept shoes or boots from your colleagues. Most likely, a colleague wants to take your place. Just a trace is enough to damage. For this, when conducting ancient rites, they simply dug up the soil along with the imprint of a person’s trace.
  • It was believed that the owner of the shoes, the imprint of which was found, will begin to dry along with the soil, and then die. The owner can steal boots and bury in the cemetery.
  • If such a rite is held, then the owner of the shoes can get sick and die. In no case do not take shoes from strangers as a gift and do not give yours. 

Is it possible to give your shoes to strangers?

It is recommended to throw off old shoes, but in no case on a trash. The fact is that this is a dangerous place, respectively, you can send damage by choosing someone else's boot. Therefore, an ideal option is to burn or bury it. Often familiar people can ask for your shoes, especially if you are going to throw it away.

Is it possible to give your shoes to strangers:

  • But is it worth it to give your shoes to strangers? In this case, it is not necessary to refuse acquaintances, you can hand over a couple, but before that, conduct a kind of ritual. Run water washes off all the energy from shoes, so it will be considered new.
  • Be sure to hold a pair under running water, and then load it into a washing machine and wash it. This will help remove negative energy, and prevent the accumulation of diseases. Thus, strangers will not be able to harm you, even if they have your shoes. 
  • You can invest a piece of bread crumb into shoes, and get rid of energy. Bread will absorb the negativity and information about the previous owner. It is believed that in this state, the boots can be taken to a landfill. 

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You can not throw a couple in one place. It is desirable that the boots are on different landfills. Before throwing shoes, it is necessary to sort it to different packages, and take it to garbage in opposite regions of the city. Thus, the risk that the couple will be together again is negligible. It is believed that it is with the help of a pair of shoes that can be damaged, or harm the former owner. One boot stores weak energy than a couple. 

Video: Is it possible to wear someone else's shoes?


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  1. With our income, the direct path to the second hand. What is there to think.

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