Is it possible and how to throw out old, unnecessary clothes, accessories, shoes: rules, signs, tips

Is it possible and how to throw out old, unnecessary clothes, accessories, shoes: rules, signs, tips

Instructions for the disposal of clothes, shoes, accessories, wedding dresses.

It is believed that things keep their master’s energy for a long time. With their help, you can send damage or somehow harm a person. In this article we will tell you how to throw old clothes and accessories correctly.

Is it possible and how to throw a wedding dress, wedding bouquet, veil properly ?

Everything related to wedding attributes also refers to personal and very valuable things. It is believed that such things contain the energy of the bride and happiness, and can, both to maintain marriage and contribute to its division.

Tips, throw off clothes:

  • In no case, after the wedding, the bouquet is not thrown away. In most cases, it is recommended to dry it. To do this, it is put in a jar without water, and is covered with ordinary hair varnish on top. This improves the color of the petals.
  • Further, from this bouquet you can make peculiar ikebans that will decorate your home. A wedding dress is quite expensive, so some girls do not purchase it, but rent it. However, you can find among the signs that a wedding dress cannot be rented because it already contains the energy of another girl, it is advisable to buy new things. If you did just that, then naturally after the wedding you want to sell it.
  • It is believed that you do not need to sell the dress, because you can sell part of your happiness. It is recommended to store this dress in the house. It is a kind of keeper, and the amulet of your family relations. However, not everyone loves to store the trash in the cabinets, and tend to get rid of it. In this case, you can wash the dress and free it from your energy with the help of prayer.
  • After that, the dress can be sold. The use of a dress in the household is the ideal option. A variety of jewelry, curtains, pillowcases on the pillow, or supplement a variety of tablecloths can be sewn from it. It is believed that, thus, a wedding dress cut into pieces, adds happiness and home comfort to housing. The same goes for the veil. It cannot be thrown away, most often used as a mosquito net on a stroller. This is one of the best applications for the veil. In no case, such a product is not sold.  
Burning dress
Burning dress

Is it possible and how to properly throw out a widow's wedding dress, divorced?

Tips on how to throw clothes:

  • In this case, you can quickly part with the dress. Indeed, many esoterics believe that in this way you get rid of the energy of the past marriage and accelerate the possibility of the following relations. In this case, do not throw away the dress, you can sell it, or simply burn it if it is quite old and already completely unmarried. Similarly, they come with a veil, a wedding bouquet.
  • If you are divorced, the dress can also be burned or sold. Now this dress is not kept by family happiness and energy of love, but notes of disappointment. Therefore, it will once again remind you of not established relationships.  
  • The most interesting thing is that the dress after the widow cannot be sold and bought. It may not serve a very good service to a woman who will put this dress again. After all, it is considered a bad sign to wear the dress of a deceased person or woman whose husband died. This can promise exactly the same end of marriage for a person who will put this dress in the future.  

How to clear things from your energy?

If you have old, unnecessary things, you do not know how to throw them away, you need to conduct a ritual called 100 things.


  • This is a powerful energy manipulation that will allow you to get rid of junk not only in your home and wardrobe, but also to lose old thoughts, emotions, as well as experiences. This is a kind of complete energy purification of not only its home, but also the body. For these purposes, it is necessary to walk around your house, take a huge package and collect 100 things in it.
  • It can be non -working, torn things, technology. It is best for these purposes to select things that have some damage and chips. In Feng Shui, it is believed that the product that cracked, burst, served its own and absorbed some negative energy. Accordingly, these are perfect things in order to clean. As soon as the package is assembled, it must be taken somewhere into the forest and bury it deeply.
  • If this is not possible, or you do not want to go to the forest, you can cut all things into several parts to completely exclude the possibility of its reuse or socks. After that, things are folded into a package, and thrown into garbage or buried.
  • It is best to conduct such rituals after the New Year or on its eve. Thus, you will leave all the old, unnecessary things that will no longer be useful to you. Feng Shui generally advises all the things that you have not used for more than one year, throw it into garbage. It is believed that such things have no future, and most likely, you will not wear them anymore.  
Old clothes
Old clothes

Where to put the things of the deceased?

Regarding the things of a deceased person, then about this there is a lot of signs and superstitions. In fact, a deceased person stores some kind of energy in these things.

Tips,  how to throw out clothes:

  • Therefore, so that the new owner of things does not have any problems, it is best to give out the things of a deceased person 40 days after his death. In no case should you distribute the clothes of the person who was very ill and died as a result of some serious ailment.
  • Accordingly, the clothes, things of cancer patients in no case should not be handed out to anyone, and in any case it is necessary to burn. This also applies to furniture.
  • It is believed that the sofa on which a person died, in any case, it is necessary to burn, throw it away and take it to a landfill. In no case should such furniture be sold.
Throw away the things of the deceased
Throw away the things of the deceased

Is it possible and how to throw old clothes, pillows?

The robe was always associated with a specific person who wore him. Accordingly, it is necessary to dispose of clothing in a special way. It is best not to throw it into garbage and not give it to someone concrete in their hands. Before you give a package with your old, unnecessary things, the need to say goodbye to mentally, and say that you no longer need them.

Tips,  how to throw out clothes:

  • That is, before the transfer to someone, they seem to become nobive. It is advisable in no case to give things that you did not erase after the socks. All things should be washed. An ideal option, of course, will be burning all things, but you should not do such waste, because there are people who really need clothes. Most often, such items can be given to the commission store, second-hand, or to the temple.
  • Usually clothes are handed out to those in need. Many believe that if their clothes are worn by a person who is quite poor, then this can cause the poverty of the former owner of things. To prevent this from happening, mentally say goodbye to things and wish them to bring wealth to the person who will wear them. In the same way, it is worth doing with shoes, as well as bags, outerwear. In no case should you give out your underwear. In any case, it must be burned.  
  • Lower underwear cannot be transmitted. Such things are necessarily burned, nobody can be transmitted, and even more so sold. The fact is that it is on personal things that some troubles can throw away.
  • We warn you that you should not take quite good, worn things from unknown people. Very often, minor troubles drop some wardrobe items. It can be completeness, acne, or some kind of appearance defects. Indeed, such rites are often held on clothes. It is quite difficult to damage them, but such things can help increase weight or the appearance of acne.
  • Please note that if you have a lot of new things, you have completely changed your wardrobe not so long ago, so you want to distribute your clothes, you need to clean them using salt. It is salt that contributes to the destruction of human energy. Further, such clothes can be given to the second-hand, to temples, or those in need. How to do this, you can find out in more detail here. Here are the addresses of the points of reception of old things.
Old things
Old things

How to throw off shoes?

Tips,  how to throw shoes:

  • Shoes, like clothes, really contains a person’s energy. Therefore, our ancestors never allowed themselves to throw their shoes or sandals in the trash. They were certainly burned in furnaces or in the furnace. However, now many people do not live in private houses, but in apartments, so burning shoes is a rather difficult manipulation, accordingly it is necessary to come up with something else.
  • You can get rid of the energy of the former owner, put a piece of bread crusting inside the boot. It is best if it is dry. It is in this state that it is necessary to take unnecessary shoes for a landfill. Perhaps it will come in handy to someone.
  • If your shoes are very well preserved, and one of the friends asked them to give them, in this case it is necessary to rinse them under running water. It is believed that all human energy is washed off along with a stream of water, so it will be impossible for him to do anything.
  • Our ancestors burned shoes not because they did not want to share, but because the shoes contain energy. With its help, you can damage or some kind of curse. Therefore, they were in no way carried out in the trash. People were worried so that they would not be damaged, and some sorcerer did not take advantage of their shoes.  
Old shoes
Old shoes

How to throw it away, throw out a bag?

Bag Disposal:

  • The bag is a thing that has long been a symbol of your well -being. After all, it is in it that money or some valuable things are most often stored. Accordingly, such products as no others retain the energy of their former owner.
  • If you are not going to give it to anyone or the bag is pretty battered, then in this case it is best to cut it into pieces and just throw out the garbage. If you want to give someone a bag, it is well preserved, one of your friends really needs such an accessory, it can conduct a cleaning ritual. If the bag is made of fabric, it can be washed by adding three tablespoons of salt to the washing powder.
  • It is believed that the salt perfectly rinses the owner’s energy, so the bag will become a faceless. If the bag is made of suede or leather, then you can conduct a rite of cleaning from your energy using the moon.
  • It is necessary to take out the bag under the moon for three nights and leave for several minutes. Thus, the bag will be cleansed of your energy and will become completely empty. This in no case concerns things that you have not used. Therefore, if the bag is new, you never went anywhere with it, and did not store personal things, you can safely give it to someone without prior cleaning.  
Old bag
Old bag

How to throw a belt, belt, cosmetic bag, clutch, accessories?

Tips,  how to throw personal things:

  • As for accessories such as old belts, small cosmetic bags, they are not distributed or transmitted to anyone. Such things are cut into parts, thrown away. If there is an opportunity, then it is best, of course, to burn them, if not, then you can throw and throw them away.
  • Please note that if you do not clean your things from energy and give it to someone from friends or poor, then perhaps their financial situation will be transferred to you. That is why very often sorcerers, as well as esoterics, distributing their own things, often invest special energy in them and speak them.
  • Most often, a handful of coins, some bill, are given in the bag, are given to the poor or strangers. This suggests that most likely, the bag, together with coins, is spent in order to lose our poverty or financial troubles.
  • This kind of manipulation will allow you to drop the material troubles of the person who gives a bag or cosmetic bag. That is why you should not choose unfamiliar things in the park, or in public places. Perhaps the bag was left for a reason.  

Perhaps the one who picks up the bag will encounter a lack of money, as well as a worsening of the financial situation. Therefore, in no case should you rejoice in such a find. Perhaps, with the help of this bag, they are trying to drop some misfortunes or a black strip in the financial field of activity.  

Video: How to throw out unnecessary clothes?

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