Signs about the mirror - watch, break, give: interpretation

Signs about the mirror - watch, break, give: interpretation

Signs about someone else's, bought, broken mirror.

The mirror is an object associated with the mass of signs and superstitions. He was considered an entrance to the other world, a kind of portal to another reality. In this article we will tell signs about the mirror. 

Look at a broken mirror: sign

For the first time, this item began to be used several millennia ago. But instead of glass, polished metal was used. Nobles looked into it, because before it was considered the subject of luxury. Not every person could afford him. That is why the mass of signs is associated with the mirror.

Look at the broken mirror, the sign:

  • In times when it cost a lot of money, the subject was considered a bad sign. This promised misfortune, discord in family relationships, loss of great love.
  • Although in most cases, psychologists associate this sign with the high cost of the mirror several centuries ago. Therefore, a broken mirror promised significant expenses for the purchase of a new item. 
  • The mirror can accumulate bad energy. If it breaks down, then all the accumulated negativity comes out of it directly on the person who is nearby. If a mirror is broken, then for 7 years the owner will pursue misfortune. However, there is a way to get rid of negativity, neutralize the action of signs. To do this, place fragments in running water. You can not look at the fragments and reflect in them.
  • It is recommended to cover them with a dark cloth, gently fold them into an opaque garbage bag. Next, they open the crane and pour water into the garbage bag. After the water drains, the glass must be thrown out in the wasteland, and it is best to bury it away from the house. Thus, the negative will not be able to influence life. It is impossible to throw fragments into the nearest trash, so it will not be able to neutralize the sign.

The mirror fell, but did not break: the sign

There are several more signs that are associated with the fall of the mirror.

The mirror fell, but did not break, the sign:

  • If it fell, but did not break, this indicates the accumulation of negativity, which in the future can result in something bad and negative.
  • That is why, after the fall, the mirror cannot be hung back, it is worth making a cleaning ceremony.
  • If this is not done, then in the future the mirror will break, and the consequences cannot be avoided. 
  • If a crack appears on the surface, it is impossible to use this object in everyday life. It must also be disposed of. It is believed that through a crack that appears on the surface, the positive energy of the home owner can be sucked out.
  • The person will fade over time, and his state of health will deteriorate, perhaps he will get sick with a deadly disease. As in the previous version, the surface is washed with a large amount of running water, and the object is thrown away from the house. 

Sign: You cannot sleep opposite the mirror

There are many signs related to the mirror that came from the followers of Feng Shui. The energy in the house should circulate correctly. Accordingly, the windows should reach a certain side, and the furniture is placed in strict order. This also applies to the mirror. It is believed that bed, windows and doors should not be reflected in it. It is best if the mirror is reflected in the wall or furniture.

Sign, you can’t sleep opposite the mirror:

  • The fact is that the mirror is considered a kind of portal from this world to another. The person who sleeps is most vulnerable and weak. It has no protection.
  • It is contraindicated to put a mirror opposite the bed. In this case, the owner of the housing will wake up constantly tired, sleepy, not rested.
  • During sleep, dark entities through the mirror can penetrate the house, having a negative effect on a person. 

Signs: Mirror opposite the door

Most of the girls leaving the house, they want to look at themselves once again, to check if everything is in order. Accordingly, very often the mirror is in the corridor, and often immediately opposite the door. However, the followers of Feng Shui claim that it is forbidden to hang a mirror there.

Signs, mirror opposite the door:

  • It is necessary that positive energy enters the house. It is saturated with the room thanks to the windows and doors. Therefore, it is recommended that the house has a large number of windows, the energy inside the house is freely circulated.
  • Thus, a significant amount of positive and negative energy enters the house through the front door. However, if a mirror stands or hangs on the entrance, it absorbs negative energy, reflects positive.
  • Thus, the house does not enter good energy, negativity accumulates in it. This, in turn, can lead to quarrels, the discord between the people who live in the house. Accordingly, it is best to hang a mirror in the corridor, on the left or on the right side. This will check your appearance, but The energy inside the apartment or house will not interfere with normally. 
For cosmetic bags
For cosmetic bags

Give a mirror: sign

A significant number of folk beliefs and will accept around gifts that are associated with mirrors. This is one of the worst options for the presentation, both for the donor itself and for the receiving side.

Give a mirror, sign:

  • A large number of people pass in the store in the store. Each of them has some kind of energy. A particle of this energy remains in the mirror in which a person is reflected. Accordingly, the birthday man who will receive a mirror as a gift will acquire a huge amount of energy of strangers and strangers. Very often it is not positive, but negative, which will adversely affect health and financial position.
  • Therefore, it is best to refrain from such gifts. The same applies not only to large, beautiful mirrors within the framework, but also of small pocket, cosmetic, which are worn in a bag. This is especially true for small mirrors, which are often acquired as a gift in other countries. 
  • The fact is that foreigners are often reflected in such mirrors, and someone else's energy for a Russian person can become negative, poorly affecting health. If a person decided to give a mirror, it is best if it is from the warehouse, but not from the window. This will minimize the number of people who were reflected in it will significantly reduce the influence of other people's energy on a person. If you have been handed such a gift, you need to know several ways to clean the surface of the mirror from poor energy. It is best to wash it under running water. For three days it is worth pouring a layer of holy water and leaving for this period away from the household. After that, the mirror is put in a vertical position so that the water of the glass. 
  • It is not necessary to wipe the surface, it is necessary that the object has dry on its own. After drying, the mirror is covered with salt for another three days. This item absorbs the negative, and the ritual allows you to clean it. After 3 days, salt is shaken off, the surface is cleaned, wrapped for several days in black silk fabric so that nothing in it is reflected. Only after conducting such cleansing rituals, it will be possible to get rid of the energy of other people, which can adversely affect health.  

Signs about someone else's mirror

It is with the ability to attract someone else's energy, to accumulate a negative, a sign is connected by which you can’t use other people's mirrors. Thus, the new owner pulls over part of the poor energy of a stranger.

Signs about someone else's mirror:

  • If the mirror is old, family, is considered a relic, then it is best not to hang it in the house before cleaning. As indicated above, it is necessary to conduct a cleansing ritual. This is especially true if the mirror reflected a person who suffered from a serious, incurable disease.
  • This happens with ancient mirrors that cost a lot of money. It accumulated the energy of all residents of the house. Not all the fate of the family members are happy. Therefore, some share of the negativity may contain. 

Signs about mirror: interpretation

There are several more signs associated with mirrors.

Signs about the mirror:

  • Children under a year cannot be shown in the mirror. This can adversely affect their fate. 
  • In the same way, you can’t look in the mirror for a woman in a position for all nine months. If she wants to enjoy her appearance, then negative energy can be poorly affected by childbirth, the health of the child. 
  • If you need to return home, then you need to look in the mirror, crumble a funny face, smile yourself, or show the tongue. It is believed that the positive energy that you send in the mirror returns back, and allows you to neutralize the sign by which you can not return home. In no case should you give your friends a pocket mirror. Girlfriends can steal beauty. 

Mirrors in the bedroom: signs

There is a lot of signs regarding the location of the mirror in the house.

Mirrors in the bedroom, signs:

  • The worst option is to place the mirror opposite the sleeping bed, opposite the front door, in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
  • In the process of washing, a person is exposed, particles of dead skin are washed off, dirt.
  • Thus, before the mirror, he appears absolutely without defenseless and naked. Thus, negative entities can poorly affect human health. 

Mirror in the kitchen signs

Regarding the kitchen, it is believed that in this room there are most often women who cook food.

Mirror in the kitchen signs:

  • In the process of cooking, a person saturates it with his energy. Food is necessary to saturate a person with nutrient components, to restore the body. If the hostess, along with food, will be reflected in the mirror, this deprives the food of useful properties.
  • If you plan to hang a mirror in the kitchen, it is best to do it above the dining table. The dining table is a symbol of well -being, material values, family. If the dining table is reflected from above, this will increase the amount of money.
  • It is best to place a mirror in the living room, where the whole family gathers. Thus, a large amount of positive energy will enter the mirror. It will accumulate, and in the period from failures will give positive energy, helping to cope with troubles quickly. 

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Video: Signs about mirrors

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