Signs related to the house, apartment - interpretation

Signs related to the house, apartment - interpretation

Signs about the house: all you need to know to attract success, happiness, health and money, and avoid trouble.

Signs about the house are the most common and so familiar, and entered our daily lives that many do not even understand what they do so, and not otherwise because of signs. But there are forgotten signs that we will talk about in this article.

Signs about the house - interpretation

In this section, we will talk about signs about the house that are associated with arrangement and life in the house:

  • If the cat does not sit in one of the corners of the kitchen, then there is no place for the dining table in this corner;
  • Where the cat is most often in the bedroom - this is the best place for the bed;
  • Venik - well -being in the house according to the ote. He should not stand dirty. Never! Pen to the top - to wealth and luck;
  • In many countries, when building houses, they stopped adding 13 floor or 13 apartment, immediately switching to 14;
  • If the glass broke on Sunday - fortunately in the house;
  • Do not buy a house that costs about a T-shaped intersection. The house will constantly have failures, quarrels and squabbles;
  • It is good to buy a house or apartment with a view of the water. This will add harmony to the life of households;
  • If the thing has fallen and is not located - you need to tie a knot on a tablecloth and ask the brownie to give, for it a toy is the right thing for you;
  • If you feel that it has become uncomfortable in the house, peel the housing. From the farthest corner to the threshold of the house, not forgetting about the windows. Cross each corner and window with a consecrated candle three times, a handful of salt into a corner and sprinkle with holy water. Having reached the front door, sanctify it, sprinkle the salt with a path on the threshold and near the rock from the side of the housing;
  • If you can’t get into the house and you can’t deceive them - clean the housing, and then stick 4 needles into the platbands with a cross: the top, bottom and on the sides. Now not a single person with evil thoughts will be able to enter your house;
  • Forgot a thing away - you will soon return to their house again;
  • You can’t say hello and say goodbye to the threshold of the house - to a quarrel;
  • The doors creak - urgently grease, otherwise there will be misfortune;
  • Store broken dishes - to squabbles;
  • You can’t sit on the threshold - to the disease;
  • You can’t build a house in retirement - to the imminent death. Let your child lay the first brick, and you will build a house for him;
  • You can not have two brooms in one day of revenge in the same house - you will make money;
  • The house needs once a week a broom with a broom from wormwood - expel all the unclean;
  • He buzzes in a chip pipe - the soul of the deceased cannot find a place. Order a service in the church;
  • The icon fell - to be a dead in the house;
  • You can’t revenge when the deceased in the house, everyone will die. But after the cemetery, you need to take the house and the yard so that the deceased does not return back.
Opening shutters, windows and doors at the first rays of the sun is an ancient sign that attracts health and happiness to the house
Opening shutters, windows and doors at the first rays of the sun is an ancient sign that attracts health and happiness to the house

Signs about the house to bring good luck

In this section, we collected signs about the house to live in happiness and keep good luck by the tail:

  • After twilight you can not take out the garbage - take the money;
  • At home in the evening you can not borrow. If you want to lend, leave the house and give money by putting on the ground;
  • It is also impossible to give money after sunset. But if in any other way-put the money onto the fireplace, stove, stove-and the owner will pick up;
  • You can’t transmit anything through the threshold - to failures. But if you step on the threshold, then you can;
  • There is no good luck in the house - look at the dining table. What is missing? Beautiful new tablecloth! Both settled, and luck will return to the house;
  • There should always be food on the table. Sugar with sugar, or buns, or fruits. Something. And then luck will be good for you and do not see poverty in the house!
  • There are no quarrels between family members in the house - and each of them will have luck donated to the brownie. In the meantime, quarrels and scandals - brownies will be angry and punished;
  • Girls and girls make home amulets as soon as the internal need arises in this (so the spirits themselves are associated with them). It is impossible to prohibit or switch to another lesson at this moment. Such amulets are stored in the house and protect each of them;
  • The cleaner the house, the closer good luck to the owners;
  • Admit love for your home - and he will give happiness and luck;
  • Animals in the house are a special joy for the brownie. For this, he gives the owners good luck. You will offend - give misfortunes.
House at the reservoir and forest - to calm and happiness in the family
House at the reservoir and forest - to calm and happiness in the family

Signs about the house: how to attract money and wealth?

In this section, we collected signs about the house, thanks to which there will always be money in the house:

  • If the house does not have enough money, you need to remove it not to the threshold, but from the threshold. Perhaps you sweep wealth;
  • Wash the floor with money. Put the coins in the water and let it stand for a day. Then wash the floors and imagine how a coin and a bill are pushing them. The brighter the imagination, the faster it will work;
  • You can’t put the keys on the table - the money will not be waged;
  • Each thing has its own place and put in place, otherwise the money will not know where to settle it;
  • Empty bottles, banks, etc. They do not stand on the table - to the loss of money;
  • You can’t cowardly cowardly in the house. Wait until the last guest leaves - and wipe it behind the threshold of the house. So you will attract money to the house;
  • Feed the guests of the place so that they leave well, and there were empty dishes on the table - then the money will pour in the river to you;
  • If the food remains, pack it and give it to the guests. The more they take away, the more money will come to you;
  • You can’t sit on the table - to poverty in this house;
  • And one more sign to attract money. On the day of the salary, put the entire salary or a card with money on the windowsill so that the moon shines on them, and let them spend completely at home. You can spend no earlier than the next sun.
The clock stopped - take them off the wall so that no one is sick
The clock stopped - take them off the wall so that no one is sick

Signs about the house: how to choose housing?

In this section, we collected signs about the house when people are just choosing new housing:

  • The first to let the girl, follow her, her companion, and only then those who show housing (owner or realtor) are released for her. If the owners live in the house - leave everything out of the house, welcome and let future owners be the first;
  • Selling someone else's house (realtor or relative) - never cut off, and best of all put on shoe covers. It is also not recommended to sit in the house. In this case, the house will not hear your energy, and easily let it go into new hands;
  • Selling housing cannot be told to anyone - there is a risk that the transaction will not take place, even if an advance payment is made. It is also impossible to plan a future purchase until the previous transaction is completed;
  • Stumble or stumble when examining housing - you will definitely return, and most likely as the owner;
  • If it was not possible to see the housing, as it fell off - this family will not buy this house, the house repels them;
  • Realtors believe that on the day when the sale and sale transaction took place best to show several more premises to other customers, and not to rest. Successful energy will help in subsequent sales;
  • If you are selling real estate, buy a good leather purse from the first deal and put a bill there that you can’t change until you retire. From each transaction - add. You can store other bills at home, but always carry the first with you.
The butterfly flew while you examined the house - take it, you will be happy in it
The butterfly flew while you examined the house - take it, you will be happy in it

Signs about housewarming in the house

In this section, we will talk about signs about the house that are related to the housewarming:

  • On Wednesday, you cannot conclude a deal to buy a house - the deal will be unsuccessful or challenged;
  • On Wednesday, you can’t call into the house, or celebrate a housewarming party - failures will be persecuted;
  • Saturday is the best day for inspecting a new house, moving, housewarming, and a transaction for the purchase of real estate on this day is the most favorable;
  • The first to enter the house is the first to enter the cat - everyone knows this sign;
  • If you are moving the whole family, put a saucer with milk at the exit in the evening and tell the house that you are moving all tomorrow and invite him with you. Leave a basket nearby, in which you do not put anything. In the morning, take a basket, and bring it with you, holding it in your arms to a new house. When the cat comes in, let the hostess come in and puts a basket at the threshold. Then the brownie will protect you in new housing;
  • If in the house of the brownie the house remains with the part of the family that remains to live in this house, you need to put a saucer with milk, thank the brownie for a long joint and comfortable life and ask for the same good house in the future housing;
  • When leaving the house, take all the garbage, but in the house in inconspicuous places leave coins, they will bring good luck to the future owners;
  • According to the sake - the garbage left in the house will not lead to good. It is like a personal thing to leave, according to which you can then damage;
  • If this is a new building and no one lived before you - when they examined and decided to buy, leaving, throw a couple of coins into an inconspicuous angle so that when you enter the house as full -fledged owners of the coin “waiting” you already brought you good luck. You should not remove the coins;
  • They enter the house in this order: a cat, a mistress with a brownie in a basket, if any, the owner, after the children, and behind them, the dog, if one lives in the house;
  • If there is no cat, the house enters the house the first elderly member of the family. According to the note - who will go the first to the house, he will be the first to go first forever. In order not to shorten the life of the young - it comes in the oldest;
  • When driving into the house - be sure to take a new broom that needs to be taken from the far corner to exit, as soon as all family members go to the house;
  • Champagne is the best drink to mark the entrance to the house (housewarming), as soon as all family members come. But you need to drink from glasses or glasses of glass - to wealth in the house, and cheap glasses, especially plastic - to poverty;
  • First, a housewarming is celebrated with guests, and only then they arrange furniture and lay out things;
  • In the new house, you can not redo the ceiling a year after the previous owners - to grief.
Hang the horseshoe above the door is an ancient sign for good luck
Hang the horseshoe above the door is an ancient sign for good luck

Signs about the house: how to spend the first night in the house?

In the signs about the house there is a separate section on how to spend the first night after the housewarming:

  • To sleep the first night in the house where the housewarm has passed, people are not recommended, on this night the spirits get used to sharing this house with you;
  • If the cat is uncomfortable during the day - think about sanctifying housing, especially if it shouts;
  • Also on the first night they tried to launch a rooster, who, in signs, drives away from housing of evil spirits and cleansing the house at dawn;
  • In the morning, in the morning, the owner and the hostess enter the house and look at what the rooster is doing: stands and screams-he calls the wedding into the house, silently clapping his wings-it couldn’t drive away evil and will soon be the dead in the house, shocks his head-a bad sign, to any kind trouble or misfortune;
  • But the fate of the rooster is clearly doomed to death: in the morning he was chopped and a key dish was prepared from him on the table for the holiday. It was on this day that for the evening they invited guests to celebrate a housewarming;
  • In conclusion: On the first night, when people went to bed - unmarried, before lowering their heads on the pillow said: "I sleep in a new place, dream of the bridegroom." If no one had dreamed, you don’t have to be upset, then in the next year the groom will not be. And if I had a dream, this is not a guarantee that the groom will become this year, perhaps for 7 years.
The rooster is left in the house on the first night
The rooster is left in the house on the first night

Signs about the house: tips and reviews

Natalia: My mother and my mother were always tight with money. And then a new neighbor came to visit, just as I cleaned. And how to scream - what are you doing! To vacuum, revenge and remove garbage from the threshold, and not to the threshold. You will be left without money! And I stood as dug. And the neighbor also taught to insist water with coins to wash the floors. I decided to try it, and a month later they raised my salary, and my husband changed my job. She also taught her mother, and she began to disperse needlework like yeast, and a little pension, but more came.

Alyona: We were driving a house with a grandfather, he is a retired realtor, he knows all the details. And that began. The groom will take his hair from the quantity not only on his head moved. But then he said in surprise - your grandfather is a sage! We bought a chic house, two times cheaper than we planned (the deal burned to sellers), with a view of a lake, and with a courtyard that goes into a deciduous forest. Now we listen to the grandfather, have a kitten and specify the brownie.

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Video: Folk signs and superstitions about the house

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