Appendix for comparing prices for aliexpress: how to install, use?

Appendix for comparing prices for aliexpress: how to install, use?

From this article you will learn how to install and use the application to compare prices for Aliexpress.

On the Aliexpress A million sellers work. All of them offer different prices for goods.

  • It is difficult for customers to find the best seller who, in his assortment, has goods at low prices.
  • Therefore, in China they created an application Aliprice ( Aliprius) that helps to sort the goods at prices, the best offers and simply save money.
  • This is a real assistant on Aliexpreswith. Moreover, Aliprius He is a partner of the trading platform and provides useful tools to customers Ali.
  • Read in this article information on how to establish and use this application to sort sellers by rating, prices and other offers.

Appendix for comparing the prices for aliexpress: how to install?

This mobile application has a convenient interface. It is simply downloaded and also convenient and easy to use. Download the application can be based on this link. By the way, most functions are available if you install the application as an extension for a browser.

It is worth noting if you are not yet registered for Aliexpress, then you will not be able to buy goods on this trading platform, even with such an advanced extension as Aliprius. At first you will need an account and only then you can evaluate the advantages of the functionality of this application. That's why read the article on our website on this linkwhich will help you quickly create an account on Aliexressress And make the first order.

Expansion of Aliprius in a browser for purchases on Aliexpress
Expansion of Aliprius in a browser for purchases on Aliexpress

So, you downloaded the application, an extension icon appeared in the browser. If you click on it, then such functions of the trading platform will appear:

Click on the icon
Click on the icon "Aliprice"
  • Basket
  • Orders
  • Messages
  • Delivery
  • Alipay and so on.

There is a heading here "Tracking" and offers from large sellers Aliexpress. Now let's dwell on the functions of the application in more detail.

Appendix for comparing prices for aliexpress: how to use?

Alprais functions
Alprais functions

Functional Aliprius Very convenient, so the application is very popular among buyers on the trading platform. But all in order:

  • First pay attention to the search bar. With its help, you can find goods on Aliexpress At the best prices.
  • Search by Aliexpress It will help to find goods immediately on the trading platform.
  • You can by clicking one button go to the site of the site.
  • The main sections Aliexressress Also available through expansion Aliprius.
  • In order to track the parcel, just write a track number at the bottom of the form, and all the available information about the movement of the parcel will appear at the next stage.

But the most useful function Aliprius - This is the history of prices for Aliexpress. If you are a long -standing buyer on this trading platform, then you know how sellers can fraud, overtaking a specially price before grandiose sales, and then reducing, declaring loud phrases about large discounts. But with the application Aliprius They will not succeed, as buyers will be able to track the history of prices.

History of prices for alpraice
History of prices for alpraice

Here's how to do it:

  • After downloading the plugin, go to the page of the desired product with Aliexpress.
  • In the lower left corner you will see a black table. Click on the sign "dollar".
  • At the next stage, the history of the price will appear. Study and make a characteristic of the seller - it is conscientious or not, offers a really low price, or he lowered the cost after an increase.
To see the history of the price, click on the
To see the history of the price, click on the "dollar" icon

During the specific period, the price decreased several times, so this seller can be safely ordered.

Interesting: You can compare prices and simply using a link to the goods. Copy it and insert it into the search line Aliprius.

  • A page with a product with its price history will also open.
  • Please note that the price is for 3 months for Aliexpress Almost did not change.
  • This is not bad, and you can buy a product from this seller, or you can look for other stores with more profitable offers.
History of the price of goods for Aliprius
History of the price of goods for Aliprius
  • Another useful function of Aliprais is the weeding of sellers-provocals that resolve the bought goods at high prices.
  • Click on the icon "Lups" below the plugin, and you will see many units of the same product with Aliexpress.
A large amount of goods to compare the prices for alpraice
A large amount of goods to compare the prices for alpraice
  • Analysis of the seller’s work is another useful application function.
  • Click at the bottom of the window for the number with interest - this is the seller’s rating.
  • Information will appear in front of satisfied or dissatisfied buyers Aliexpress, the time of work of the store, the number of reviews and other information.
On the alpraice you can find out the seller's rating
On the alpraice you can find out the seller's rating
  • On the Aliprius You can even earn money. With the help of cache and affiliate program, you have the opportunity to receive up to $ 50 for an invitation, for example, 100 friends.
  • At the entrance to the application, just click on the buttons of social networks. If your friends go to the application and using it, buy goods on Aliexpress, then you can get a good income.
  • Still write reviews and shoot the goods about the product. This will help to earn up to 9% of the cost of the goods, which will be purchased by your link from the video or recall.
Leave the reviews on the alpraice and earn
Leave the reviews on the alpraice and earn

Now you know all the advantages Aliprius. Install this application or extension for the browser, invite friends and make additional benefits together. Successful shopping on Aliexpress!

Video: How to use Aliprice - Assistant for AliExpress.

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