Jokes and draws, contests for the anniversary of the wedding for friends

Jokes and draws, contests for the anniversary of the wedding for friends

Many couples love to celebrate anniversary. This is what brings together, fun and allows you to gather everyone together again with relatives and friends. How to organize such a holiday? Competitions for the anniversary of the wedding are very helped. Let's see how the guests can be amused!

Competitions for the anniversary of the wedding for erudition: Ideas

If you want the guests to get the opportunity to show their quick wits, you can choose the following competitions for the wedding anniversary:

  • "Famous couples." Guests need to name romantic couples that everyone knows - for example, Romeo and Juliet, Jack and Rosa, etc. The one who calls more steam wins. Anything can serve as a source - literature, cinema, folk traditions.
  • "Welcome!". One of the guests is selected, on the back of which should be attached a leaf with the name of some place. It can be the "beach", "registry office", "clinic", etc. The player becomes his back to other guests so that they see the inscription. But the player himself should not know what is written on his back. Then the player is asked leading questions, and the more there are, the better. For example, “How often are you there?”, “What do you put on there?”
  • "Festive darts." You need to attach small leaves with numbers on the target. Each figure corresponds to the question that is recorded on another leaflet. Guests take turns throwing darts, thereby falling into questions. Questions can concern both the heroes of the triumph themselves, and in general relate to any other topic.
  • "Find the anniversaries!" Photos of different children are laid out in front of guests. The task is to find children's images of anniversaries. Anyone who copes with this faster gets the opportunity to take pictures with the heroes of the celebration.
  • "I believe - I do not believe." The host reads various wedding traditions. The task of the guests is to guess which tradition is true and which presenter invented. The one who will provide the most correct answers will win.
  • "Finish the phrase." The presenter reads a description of various situations, the final of which remains open. The task of the guests is to come up with it. And the funnier the end of the phrase, the better. The anniversaries choose the winner.
  • "Guess the melody". The host must turn on some melody. The task of guests is to guess it as soon as possible. The guessing must sing a guessed song or at least part of it.
  • "Find the subject". Guests are heard cards with images of objects. Men - cards with female items, women - with male. For example, female can be blush, highlighter, steamer, clutch, and male - sinker, chisel, jigsaw. The task of the players is to call objects correctly.

Important: Games for erudition can be held at speed - it will be even more interesting!

Competitions for the anniversary of the wedding for dexterity: ideas of draws

In order for the guests to demonstrate dexterity, you can offer them the following competitions for the wedding anniversary:

  • "Nutcracker". If the wedding is wooden, it will be symbolic to be offered to split the nuts at speed. For objectivity, men compete with men, women with women. After all, men are often stronger by default.
  • "Valentine-Mosaic." Several guests are selected, which are in advance bags with a large sheet of cardboard, adhesive pencil and pieces-puzzles. These pieces are cut in advance - initially they are a Valentine. The task of the players is to collect valentine at speed. Of course, initially the blanks should have the same size.
  • "Wardrobe". Several sets of men's and women's clothing are harvested in advance. Several pairs of guests are selected. Eyes are blindfolded to one guests, and then with blindfolded eyes they should wear their partners in the game in the clothes that will be taken out of the bag. At the same time, you will need to dress at speed.
  • "Dance with balls". Guests are divided into pairs. In each pair, a balloon is tied to the woman’s leg. Couples dance. At the same time, men should protect the balls of their partners, but at the same time burst the balls from other participants. The couple that will save the ball wins.
  • "Dance on paper." Guests are divided into heated vapors. Each pair becomes a large sheet of paper. Their task is to dance without leaving paper. As soon as someone's leg steps outside the sheet, the couple leaves the game.
  • "We collect kisses." Men take part in the competition. Their task is to run past all the ladies for the set period of time and “collect kisses” from them. The one who will have more traces of lipstick on the cheeks wins. It is allowed to kiss the same woman only once each of the participants.
  • "Move the leaf." If the wedding is wooden, it is logical to use any object associated with a tree-for example, a sheet. The player’s task is to move the leaflet from point A to point B. If the leaflet flies off to the side, the player leaves the game.

Interesting: even better - lay several leaves in parallel, choosing several participants at once. The one who can cope with the task wins.

Contests for the wedding anniversary are funny: rally options

But what kind of competitions can be offered for the wedding anniversary so that the mood of all those present is cheerful:

  • "Picture a hero." It is necessary to prepare different accessories, details of clothing in advance. Then the guest, who is chosen by the draw, goes into the room in which these things are laid out. Before that, the guest chooses at random a leaflet on which the character is written. The task is to change into a character and, returning, try to portray him to others. The rest are guessing.
  • "Draw a portrait." Guests need to draw portraits of the heroes of the occasion. Winners can be chosen according to various criteria - who draws faster, more likely, more funny, etc. And you can give out prizes at once in several categories.
  • "Guess!". Those who wish to take part in the competition become a line so that the rest of the guests can see them. Before the participants, glasses of water are placed, and only one of them is poured vodka. The task is to drink vodka through a tube, while maintaining a calm expression on the face. The rest of the guests should guess who was “lucky”.
  • "Tin soldiers". Participants are divided into pairs. Some participants try to laugh partners, and partners are trying their best to maintain a calm expression on their faces.
  • "Change the wardrobe". To cheerful music, participants give each other a box of clothes. In the box you need to put clothes and accessories of various types. The more diverse, the better. As soon as the music is silent, the guest who is in the hands of the box at that moment turns out to be at random from it any element of the wardrobe. His task is to wear this thing before the end of the evening. Or you can pay off by completing one of the tasks from the anniversaries.
  • "Merry Pantomime". The celebrations of the celebration cannot be dispensed with. One of the spouses should depict some funny incident that the spouses in front of the guests. The task of guests is to guess the event. Who guessed more events - he won.

Important: when arranging a pantomime, you need to ensure that the events are decent. After all, among guests there may probably be children!

Competitions for wedding anniversary related to toasts: Options

Toasts will not be boring if you offer the following competitions for the wedding anniversary:

  • "Pour in!". The guests pass the glasses to the neighbors, and at the same time, everyone gradually fills it with alcohol. The one who has a filled glass pronounces a toast and drinks a drink. By the way, you should not mix drinks-it is better to pour one thing.
  • "Poetic five -minute". Guests are heard leaflets with a few words. The task is to make a toast using these words. It is especially interesting to propose to cope with the task using a poetic form.
  • "Artistic toasts". The guest must make a toast at his discretion. But he cannot choose intonation - this should be done by the heroes of the celebration. Or you can spend a lottery, during which the guest pulls out a leaflet on which an intonation is written with which a toast will be pronounced. You can also ask to portray the intonation of some famous character.
  • "Toasts by alphabet". Each of the guests makes a wish according to the letter of the alphabet that he gets. The wish should begin on this letter - for example, you can wish “angelic patience”, “beautiful love”, etc. A married couple chooses the winner to their taste, depending on whose wishes I liked the most.
  • "Adjectives." Each of the guests should write 10 adjectives at his discretion. Then the host gives out toast templates with missed words. The task of the guests is to insert their adjectives at their discretion in these templates. The template can be like this: “... anniversaries! Accept congratulations with this ... and ... event! I wish ... love, ... happiness, ... health. Once you created ... a family that can be considered exemplary, because it reigns so ... the atmosphere that you want to come to your ... and ... the house constantly. "

Important: there is no need to say right away why adjectives will be needed. The more random they will be, the more original toasts will turn out.

Competitions for a wedding anniversary for guests are a wonderful idea that will bring comfort
Competitions for the anniversary of the wedding for guests are a wonderful idea that will bring comfort

As you can see, contests for the anniversary of the wedding are very diverse, for every taste! To participate in them is much more interesting than just to taste treats, to pronounce toasts. The latter is also good, of course, but with entertainment much more fun!

When selecting competitions for the wedding anniversary, we offer to familiarize yourself with the next selection of games for a fun company:

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