How to cheer the company of adults? Games for a large company of adults indoors

How to cheer the company of adults? Games for a large company of adults indoors

Without a doubt, any participant in a party or some kind of celebration wants to have fun and have fun. But how to organize leisure, which will like everyone, because it is impossible to eat and drink all the time? In such situations, games will come to the rescue.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Games for entertainment in a home environment". You will find fascinating games for children and adults, if boring.

In this article we will talk about popular adult games that can cheer even a large company. Choose and fun spend time for your birthday or other celebration. Read further.


"Chocolate": How to cheer up adults for a birthday

We have fun for adults for a birthday with a contest with chocolate.

So, at home, guests on your birthday are a noisy company of adults, which must be cheered. Invite everyone the game. For example, "Chocolate". Its essence is simple:

  • Take the tile of chocolate and break it into many pieces, right in the package.
  • Next, you need to wrap the broken chocolate into the newspaper or paper and properly tied with threads.

After all the previously done manipulations, the main part of the entertainment begins:

  • Now players will need to throw a couple of playing bones.
  • A participant who will fall out of two sixes should put on a hat with gloves, arm a knife with a fork and try to open a chocolate wrapped in the newspaper to eat it.
  • During this process, the rest of the participants continue to throw bones.
  • When two six people fall out again, the previous player passes his “equipment” to the lucky man and he takes up the opening of the packaging with chocolate.

After the paper bundle is opened, the participant will have to try to eat a chocolate, putting it in his mouth, with a knife and a fork. It all sounds like nonsense, but it looks fun.

Funny tasks for adults for birthday
Funny tasks for adults for birthday

Game "Guess the Song": Fun for a large company of adults in the room for the New Year

New Year is a special holiday. During a magical winter night, when one year is replaced by another, I would like to have a fun time so that the celebration is remembered for a year or even more. The game is great for this "Guess the melody". This is a simple, but very exciting entertainment for a large company of adults in the room.

  • Participants make each other songs and try to guess them.
  • The catch is that players are forbidden to sing, so everything made up has to be shown using gestures.

After the song is guessed, the right to move will go to the next participant and so on in a circle. Additionally, you can give the participants points for each guessed song.

Noah's Ark: How to cheer the company of friends?

"Noah's ark" - A very mobile game, well suitable for a fun pastime. If you do not know how to cheer the company of friends, then such a game is great.

  • Players are distributed cards with the image of animals, among which there must be a couple of the same.
  • The task of each is to find a participant with the same card as himself.
  • At the same time, participants are forbidden to make any sounds, and animals can only be imitated and showed with gestures.

Thus, all participants in the game should find a couple as soon as possible. The last formed couple will have to complete a task invented by the rest of the participants.

"Selfie": We amuse the company of adults

At the very beginning, the host of the game makes a selfie. Next, each player receives five minutes to make his own frame, as similar as possible to what the host had previously made. The participant in the game who turned out the most similar or the funniest selfie becomes a new presenter. Such a game will definitely amuse any adult company. Great for the beginning of the evening - “warming up” and upbringing.

"Guess the melody": Game for adults

Leading games "Guess the melody" It includes any melody, and the rest of the participants must guess it. The player who manages to guess the largest number of songs becomes a new presenter, after which the game begins again. If this game is in the list of entertainment for the evening, then be sure that the company of adults is not bored. The main thing is to prepare a playlist with funny compositions in advance.

"Two Pravda and one Lie": a game for the company of adults at the table

Each participant in the game called "Two truths and one lie", tells three of some facts about himself, two of which will be truthful, and one-false. The remaining participants must guess which of the facts presented are true and which are invented. Great game for adult company. It can be carried out right at the table.

"Roman": A fun game for adults

Each participant in the game "Novel" A minute is given to tell any story. As soon as the time of the first participant ends, the next player continues the story he has begun, also for a minute. At the same time, the new narrator can turn and change the plot of history as he wants. This is a fun game for adult children. The main thing is that each person is not shy to improvise and add something of his own to the story.

Association game: how to cheer the company?

One of the players pronounces a word, the next invents an association for him and so in turn. Such a game will help not only to cheer the company, but also a good way to develop thinking, vocabulary, memory and imagination. H angia can be complicated and facilitated, depending on the mood of your guests.

Game "Train" for a fun company

Participants in the game "Train" sit in a circle. Further, the players begin to sing the song: "Chukh-chuh-chuh, the wheels are knocking, the train rushes forward." During the performance of the song, participants in the game must transmit in a circle some object prepared in advance. The player in whose hands was the transmitted object during the end of the song should dance and sing.

Such entertainment is suitable only for a fun company of friends or colleagues. If solid people gathered in your environment, then consider another entertainment for fun. Read further.

"Compliment": fun for the company

All participants in the game "Compliment" They become in a circle so that the girls alternate with the guys. Further, each player rewards with some compliment of his neighbor, moving clockwise. Then the players begin to do the same, moving already in the opposite direction. Great fun for the company of shy, solid or unfamiliar people. Helps to bring the participants in the celebration.

Game "Fanta": for any company adults

Participants in the game "Fands" In turn, they give the host any objects that he puts in a bag. Further, players choose a person who will have to get objects from the bag, one by one. For the owner, extracted from the bag, some Fant is invented. He must fulfill it. Such a game is familiar to almost every person. Suitable for any company of adults. Fands must be prepared in advance.

Merry game "Contact" for adults

This cheerful game "Contact" Makes up some word and calls only his first letter. The remaining participants must guess the conceived word. At the same time, in the process of playing, each participant explains to the rest of the word he invented, with the help of gestures. The player who manages to guess the conceived word pronounces “contact” and makes his word. Any company of adults will spend the time with this entertainment. Suitable for both the start and for the end of the evening.

The coolest game "Cucumber" for adults

Participants of the most cool game "Cucumber" They must stand up from the feast. They form an impromptu circle, and the presenter becomes in his center. At the same time, the players are in the “face to the host” and holding their hands behind him. In the hand of one of the participants is a cucumber. Further, players begin to take turns passing the vegetable to each other so that the host does not see this, and the latter is trying to catch the player with a cucumber by stopping the game. The caught participant with a cucumber becomes a new presenter.

The company of adults will simply be delighted with such entertainment. The rules are simple and details are not needed, except for the only cheap vegetable.

Table funny game "Hat" for adults

Participants in this feast and funny game from adults company write some words on pieces of paper, after which all the papers with words are placed in a hat and mixed. Further, players form couples. During the game, each participant must pull out a piece of paper from the hat and try to explain to his partner what is written there. The pair that manages to guess the largest number of words in a shorter time becomes the winner of the game.

Game for adults for birthday
Game for adults for birthday

Game "Truth or Action" for a fun company

Quite popular entertainment among adult men and women, and young people, adolescents. The game "Truth or action" Great for a fun company.

  • Participants in the game after each other choose the option: "Truth or action."
  • At the same time, choosing one option is prohibited more than two times.
  • In the event that the participant in the game chose the Pravda, the rest of the players should ask him questions that need to be given honest answers.
  • Having chosen the “action”, the player will have to perform the assignment invented by the rest of the participants.

The most interesting thing is that the tasks for the game can be very different, for example, funny or even very vulgar.

The game "I never" for the company

Participants in the game "I never" In turn, they talk about what they never did, but what others could do in theory. If one of the participants from the company played the described, he is charged with a penalty ball or some funny and stupid task that needs to be completed is given. With the option of playing with penalty points, you can use coins, matches or just bend your fingers. The player who has earned the largest number of penalty points becomes a loser.

Merry game "What are I behind me?"

A player is attached to the back of each player. Further, two participants in this fun game called "What are behind me?" They go to the middle of the room and begin to jump on one leg. At the same time, they try to consider and guess the cards on each other's back.

"Find me": fun for adults

Each player writes on a sheet of paper something related to his life: dreams, desires, thoughts. After that, all sheets with written are placed in a hat or some box. Further, all participants in the game "Find me" They begin to get notes and read what is written in them. The task of the players is to guess the one who owns the note. The guessed receives a ball. Great fun for adult company. All guests, without exception, will like it.

Active game "Forgetable laundress" for adults

This entertainment is great for adult company who love mobile and “hot” entertainment. For this active game "Forgetful laundress" Liner clothespins, or stationery clamps are required. Players are divided into pairs consisting of a man and a woman. Then the participants are blindfolded and attached to clothes of 5-10 pieces of clamps or clothespins. After that, the players will have to try to remove all the clothespins to the touch, to the music. The pair that manages to get rid of clothespins/clamps before the rest wins.

The game "abyss" for the company

For Game "Abyss" A board is needed, 10 centimeters wide. At the very beginning, players are divided into two teams consisting only of men and women who are located on different sides of the boards. Next, the guy and the girl begin to meet each other on the board, trying to keep their balance so as not to fall into the “abyss”. The couple, who managed to disperse without falls, wins and receives some prize.

The company of your friends will simply be delighted with such entertainment. Your task is to find a board of the right size in advance.

Simple game "Little Detail"

One of the players leaves the room for a while, after which he returns. The remaining participants must guess what changes have occurred with the returned during the absence. "Little detail" - This is a simple game. It is important that there are many different trinkets on a person who will go to another room - earrings, a ring, cufflinks, bows, a belt, etc. Otherwise, everyone will begin to quickly guess the lack of details and guests get bored.

Entertainment for adults for birthday
Entertainment for adults for birthday

Active game for adult company "Remove the hat"

This active game for adult company called "Remove the hat" It is a duel. In the beginning, all participants form two teams. Next, each team chooses its fighter, whose left hand is tied to the body, and put a hat on their heads. Fighters from different teams go to the center of the room and try to pull off each other's hat, using only with the right hand. The one who managed to pull the hat from the enemy was the first.

Game for adults "Forbidden fruit"

This game "The Forbidden fruit" Suitable only for adults, namely those who are already 18 years old. Participants are divided into couples, according to the principle of a girl-girl. At the beginning of the game, the girl lies on the floor or sofa, and on her legs, closer to her feet - they put an apple. The task of the man is to drive an apple to the girl’s chin, without the help of her hands and teeth. If the apple falls, the game begins again.

Game for the company "Do you know?"

Participants of a company for a company called "You know?", divided into pairs: a woman-woman. Further, the teams are asked some question that the man writes on paper. At the same time, the girl should guess and say aloud what her partner wrote in her opinion. If the answers coincide, the couple earns the ball. After that, the man and the woman change places, and the game begins again.

Fun for the company: Game "Director"

Participants in the game "Producer" They take the script of some work and share their roles. Further, the host begins to read the work, and players fulfill their roles as they please. All guests from the company present at your home will appeal to this fun. It will be interesting to observe how people are revealed - this is ridiculous.

Merry game-competition for adults "Orange or Apple"

Players are divided into two teams and become a chain according to the principle of a girl-girl. Further, the participants in this fun contest game for adults take an orange or apple and begin to transfer the fruit to each other along the chain, pressing their heads to the collarbone. The team that manages to transfer the subject to the last participant, before rivals, wins.

"Drunk house": game for the company

For this game for the company "Drunk house", Domino or jenga is necessary. Participants take turns putting chips over dominoes. The one who ruins the structure will have to drink a glass.

Alcohol game for adults
Alcohol game for adults

Fascinating game "Sweet Girl" for adults

Another option for an exciting game for adults. Companies that are already hinged, like such competitions very much. The main thing is to buy more sweets.

  • Girls lie on the floor, sofa or any other flat surface.
  • After that, grape, sweets or slices of mandarin are laid out on their bodies.

Then men begin to speed eat everything that was laid out on girls.

Mobile game for adults "Family Podkorni"

Participants in this outdoor game for adults under the name "Family of the morons"Several people choose and drive them out of the room. After that, they begin to start them back one at a time. When one of the players “exhibited” enters the room, the rest surround him and begin to shout: “We are a family of morons, please us, make you clap!” After that, the “victim” has to entertain “morons” in every way with dancing and songs, and those, in turn, should repeat all its actions.

The game "Spoon on the leg": Fun for the company

Another option for fascinating fun for the company. Participants in the game turn over a stool, near each legs of which a player with blindfolded eyes becomes, turning his back. At the same time, each player holds a tablespoon in his hand. Further, on the command of the host, all players take a few steps forward, turn around and try to put their spoon on the stool leg. The one who manages to cope with the task before the rest wins.

The game "HIT OF HAVE"

The task of the participants in the game is to try to give honor with the help of the right hand, while stretching forward the left with a raised finger, at the same time saying: “In!”. After that, the player must clap his hands and quickly changed his hands, do the same.

Merry game "Push the core" for adults

Participants in the game take several balloons and fill them with water, about a third. Next, the balls are inflated to the same size. At the same time, the participants draw the same circles on the floor of the rooms, and a half meters diameter. The task of the players is to push the impromptu nucleus (balloon) beyond the rest.

The game is great for adult company. You can use it for fun in the room, for example, for the New Year, birthday or other celebration.

Cool game for adult company "Get boxes"

The task of each player is to sit on a stool to try to get the boxes of matches with teeth. It is located on the floor, near one of the legs of a stool. During this cool game, a participant from the company of adults is allowed to turn on a stool and spin as you want. At the same time, the arms and legs should be pressed and they are forbidden to touch them.

"Who is faster?": An interesting game for the company

Participants in this interesting game "Who quickly?" form two teams. Further, along the ruler of the presenter, players from the company begin to transfer the empty matchbox to each other, using only their teeth. The team that completed the task before rivals wins.

Funny game for the company "Remember without seeing"

Funny game for the company
Funny game for the company "Remember without seeing"

Another option for a funny game for a company called "Remember without seeing". Each player closes his eyes and on command tries to name the largest number of objects in the room. The one who manages to recall and list the largest number of items wins.

"Note in the newspaper": Game for adults

Before the start of the game "Note in the newspaper"it is necessary to cut out of the magazines as many headings as possible. Further, players need to make short, funny stories, advertisements, ads, and so on from the prepared words. Such a simple entertainment will definitely like every person from your company. An excellent game for adults, and it is also suitable for adolescents and even children. Accordingly, clippings from magazines must be done according to age, using children's publications.

Ryachny competition-game "Repeat" for adults

Another option for interesting entertainment. Invite your guests a rzhaka competitive game "Repeat". For adults company, this is a great pastime.

  • Players after each other say some words.
  • Moreover, each person must first repeat all the words spoken before him and only say his own.
  • A stray participant receives one attempt to correct.

The one who manages to hold out longer than the others wins.

Interesting game "My motto" for the company

Participants in this interesting game "My motto" They come up with a motto, for any case of life. The winner is the player whose motto will be the funniest. Suitable even for a large company of friends. However, for 2-3 people will be fun.

Mafia game at the table

"Mafia" - This is a very famous game, which requires a large number of people, approximately 7-15 players. It is convenient to play at the table.

  • For starters, a card deck is heard between all participants.
  • In the game itself there is a host, commissar, civilians and two mafia.
  • At the command of the host, all participants close their eyes, after which the commissioner and the mafia do one move, committing murder.

After that, players open their eyes and try to calculate the mafia.

The game "Crocodile": how to amuse the company of adults?

A very exciting game "Crocodile" Perfectly suitable not only for the fun of the company of adults, but also for children. One of the participants makes some word to the other. The second participant, in turn, should try to explain the word that was borne for him, without pronouncing a sound.

Fun for adults: the game "one of two"

The essence of this entertainment, fun for the company of adults, simple. One participant in the game "One out of two" It sets another task in which you need to choose one of two options, for example: vodka or beer. In this case, the second participant must logically explain his choice.

Cool game "Danetki"

The presenter finds on the Internet or invents himself, any confusing story, to understand which other players will have to figure it out. In the course of this cool game "Danetki", participants can alternately ask the leading leading questions, but he can only answer "Yes" and "No".

Table game "Who is most likely?"

Participants in such a table game "Who is most likely?" In turn, they make a certain action who most likely perform this very action. Further on the command of one of the players, everyone pointed with their fingers at the one they made. The one at whom the largest number of players will indicate is considered the loser. The punishment for the loser is some funny and stupid task.

Comic game "Repeat me"

One of the participants in such a comic game "Repeat after me" He performs some movements, and the rest should repeat it. A player who does not have time or cannot repeat movements is considered a loser.

Cool game "Who I" for adults

Participants in a cool game "Who am I", which is often used for the fun of the company of adults, write on pieces of paper the names of musicians, characters of films, politicians and any other characters. After that, stickers with names are glued to one of the players on the forehead. A participant with a sticker on his forehead must guess whose name he got. To do this, the participants ask each other leading questions, in turn.

We amuse the company of adults: the game "Portrait"

Each participant in the game "Portraitist" Trying to draw someone, and the rest should guess whom the artist portrayed. The object of drawing can be anyone, both a famous person and any of those present. Such a competition will certainly amuse any adult company. Only you need to prepare many sheets of paper and pencils or paint, because all guests will want to take part in the competition.

Comic game "Change of places"

Participants in the comic game "Change of places" They are seated on a sofa or chairs. Further, the presenter asks a question and says: "Let those ..." may change places. The continuation of the phrase can be different, for example:

  • Who fell in love with someone
  • Who kissed in the cold, etc.

Participants in whom the phrase coincides will have to change places with those who also made what the presenter said. The catch is that it is necessary to quickly change their seats. The player who does not have time to change his place of his location leaves the game, or performs some action.

Game "Why have you come here?": Fun for adults

It is often difficult to come up with fun for guests. Here is an exciting game "Why did you come here?":

  • The presenter asks the rest of the participants the question, to which they will have to answer funny.
  • The author of the most original and funny answer becomes a new leader.

To make the guests comfortable, you can come up with a dozen tricky questions in advance, and if someone is confused, then help him, offering one of the options.

Musical and active game "Dance floor"

Musical and active game
Musical and active game "Dance floor"

In this musical and active game called "Dance floor", all those present must participate. The host includes any music that he wants, and all participants should dance under it. For greater fun and interest, you can come up with some rules, for example:

  • Upstream
  • Lower
  • Dance Tverk
  • Move sitting
  • Dance, standing on all fours
  • Dance passionately
  • Move only your head

At the end of the game, participants determine the best dancer and make him a new presenter, after which entertainment begins again.

Game-contest "Dun in boxes"

For this game-competition "Dun in boxes" An empty matchbox is needed. Players alternately put him to his mouth and blow him so that he flew away as far as possible. The winner is the one whose boxes will fly beyond the rest.

The game "Sew faster"

Participants in the game "Sew faster" They are divided into two teams. According to the leader, the players begin to sew their teams of their team to each other. The team wins, whose participants will be sewn to each other before rivals.

There are a large number of different holidays. Therefore, choose the fun in the form of the above games that can diversify and decorate any party. Fun your guests, cheer up both yourself and yourself. These games can be held in a variety of places, from an apartment and home, to picnics in nature.

Video: Fun games for adult company | Funny contests for any holiday top 5 interesting games

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