Tavegil - Instructions for use

Tavegil - Instructions for use

Complete information about Tavegil in an accessible language.

Tavegilthis is one from sets anti -allergic medicinal funds groups antihistamines. Tavegil is blocker H1receptors and, what a lot important, it has long action. He has gained wide popularity and spectrum application among of people with allergic states.

Output form

Tavegil it has several form release:
Ampoules (injections)

The main substance medicinal funds is clemaxin hydrosulfate.
AT tablet form medicinal drug  contained 1.34 mg substances, in injection form2,68 mg substances and in 670 mKG in 5 ml syrup.

Tavegil it has high level antihistamine actions and it prevents release active substances from obese tel (cells blood), which and provoke development allergic symptoms. So the same Tavegil prevents development edema by the way reduction permeability vessels microcirculatory circle. At this a drug not calls srump states.

Indications to application

Indications to reception Tavegila are, practically, all allergic reactions organism.

Indications to reception tablets or syrup Tavegil:
Seasonal (hay) allergy
Allergic rinites different genesis
Dermatitis with itching
Allergic rashes on the skin (hives, eczema)
Stormy reaction with hyperemia and itching on the bites insects

Indications to application Tavegila in ampoules (injections):

Various kinds allergic shock (anaphylactic, angioneurotic)
Elimination swelling ( in complex therapy)
Prevention or treatment allergic states

At what diseases, besides allergies, apply Tavegil:

Papular rashes
Skin diseases, accompanied itching
Neurodermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis
Bites insects, called allergic reaction with itching.

Tavegil children. Tavegil: way application and dosage

Tavegil in tablets
Tavegil children assign with age 6 years and older. Accept recommended before breakfast or before sleep in dosage 0.51 tablet 1 once in day. Reception drug assigned before food, a wash down half glasses water. Duration course consistent individually with doctor.

If a allergic condition heavy, then dosage maybe increase before 56 receptions in day (6 mg). Available a drug in tablets on 10 tablets, in packaging 2 tabletos, respectively 20 tablets in packaging.

Tavegil in ampoules
AT injections a drug assigned 2 times in day on 2 mg adults, children conduct intramuscular injections with calculation on 25mkg on the 1 kg masses bodies in day. Injection solution release in ampoules on 2 mg on 5 ampul in 1 packaging.

Tavegil contraindications

Note, what people, work which connected with management transport, not costs assign given medicinal means.

Tavegil and his analogs not costs apply in the following cases:
FROM increased sensitivity with components drug
Not apply together with inhibitors Mao
At diseases lungs and bronchial asthma
In time pregnancy
In time feeding breasts
U children in age less 1 of the year
At overlapping shakes urinary bubbles
At stenosis pyloric department stomach
At glaucoma
At hypertonic diseases and different diseases cardiovascular systems
Men at raising pressure in prostate iron

Tavegil overdose

Overdose similar medicinal funds maybe bring to excitement or the same to suppression central nervous systems, at this excitation Central nervous system more often inherent children. Maybe to be observed dryness in mouth, extended pupil, nausea and even vomit, pain in stomach.

At overdose need call vomiting, if she is not arose on one's own. If a passed more three hours after reception drug, need rinse stomach with application physical. solution and drink salt laxative for purification intestines.

Well reception must make up not more 1 weeks, at this is not less, how 5 days. it depends from well -being and states patient. Recall, what assign, cancel or replace a drug maybe only doctor.

Analogs tavegila

On the the moment there is several analogues Tavegila, which have similar pharmacological action. To analogues relate:

Clemastinthis is most approximate analogue Tavegila and it has in composition then the same acting substance.

Suprashinblocker histamine receptors H1.

Clarinin composition drug the main one acting substance loratodin. it medicinal means the best way suitable for patients with contraindication to cloth.

Before replacement Tavegila on the analogue necessary necessarily consult with treating doctor.

Tavegil or suprastin

And Tavegil and Suprastin relate to one group medicinal funds, having antihistamine action. For both drugs indications to application assologizedallergic reactions different genesis. The main one difference data drugs only in companymanufacturer, but

Suprastin assigned only with sixteen -year -old age.
These medicines relate to first generation anti -allergic drugs and have high efficiency. AT basis Tavegila, how we already they said, lies clemastin, a in basis Suprastinchlorpiramine. What important, Suprastin in quality side actions it has drowsiness, BUT Tavegil not calls sleepy states. At this spectrum contraindications and restrictions u Tavegila much wider.

Tavegil reviews

Reading reviews about Tavegile, clearly it is seen huge amount positive reviews about drug. They are they make up approximately 97% from general quantities comments to drug. Mark quick action, removing swelling and then what reception enough simple.

After drinking a drug in the morning, on the length day human feeling myself great all day and not feels srump states, what it is noted u many anti -allergic drugs. Good ones responses gets Tavegilointment, reviews indicate on the fast efficiency and removing itching on the affected sites skin pokov.
Not big amount reviews related, in more parts, with not correct or unauthorized reception drug. BUT respectively with manifestation side effects and symptoms overdose. it is result unauthorized changes doses or unauthorized reception drug.

Video: Allergies on the face. What to do?

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