Suprastin drug for children: instructions for the use of tablets, injections, composition, active substance, dosage, contraindications, side effects, overdose, interaction with other medicines, analogues, storage conditions, reviews, photos, videos, video, video, video, video, video

Suprastin drug for children: instructions for the use of tablets, injections, composition, active substance, dosage, contraindications, side effects, overdose, interaction with other medicines, analogues, storage conditions, reviews, photos, videos, video, video, video, video, video

In this article you will learn how to take the drug Suprastin to children. You will also find information about contraindications and the side effects of the medicine.

Allergic manifestations can cause great discomfort to people, especially if allergies occur in children. After all, a child can not always describe in the words what he is experiencing, and unable to endure signs of allergenic reactions. It is difficult to withstand when irritation appears on the skin and is accompanied by intolerant itching or rhinitis begins, mucous eyes are inflamed and swelling appears.

It is good that there are antihistamines that can quickly save a person from this symptoms. There are many such drugs. Let's look at one of them - Suprastin. We will find out how it acts on the children's body in detail.

Suprastin for children: composition, basic properties

This drug is produced in the form of injections, tablets. The main active component is chloropyramin hydrochloride. The tablets have a grayish tint and a round shape. They have no smell. On the tablet itself there is an inscription in the form of the name of the drug.

Tablets, injections of suprastin
Tablets, injections of suprastin

In ampoules, the drug looks like a colorless fluid, as a rule, in one dose - 20 mg/l, the solution has a peculiar smell. If the patient has anaphylactic shock, then this solution is administered intravenously. After improving the condition, intramuscular injections are already allowed, and when the symptoms begin to pass, they drink tablets.

Which group belongs to: the main characteristics

The dosage form is used not only for the treatment of adult patients, but also to improve the condition of children. Suprastin completely removes the symptoms of allergic manifestations. In addition, it reduces the risk of complications with Quincke's edema or other reactions of the body to allergens. Despite the positive characteristics, Suprastin has a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, caring parents before giving pills to their child should carefully study the effect of the drug on the body of children.

Allergic reactions in humans appear when exposed to outsider systems on the body. It can be both animal hair, and pollen of certain plants and other external stimuli. The child’s immune system quickly responds to these manifestations and produces many histamine cells. And these cells launch inflammatory manifestations such as a runny nose, irritation on the skin, itching and others.

To get rid of the symptoms of allergies, it is necessary to block an increased removal of histamine into the body. Suprastin for children is able to block the process. Thanks to the current component, the babies quickly pass the symptoms of allergies.

How does Suprastin work on kids?
How does Suprastin work on kids?

IMPORTANT: If you drink tablets regularly, then you can achieve some resistance to increased ejection of histamine cells.

Suprastin acts much faster on the body of children, because the current component is well absorbed in the child’s intestines. In adults, the process of assimilation is slower. In children, absorption occurs within twenty minutes. And immediately external signs of allergies are stopped. Tablets operate for three hours. Sometimes there is a persistent effect of about six hours. Much depends on the body and its individual characteristics.

Suprastin’s output occurs through the kidneys in the urine. And metabolism proceeds in the liver. In children, the drug is excreted faster.

A drugSuprastin for children: advantages, disadvantages of the drug

Now in the pharmacy market there are many drugs for allergies in children. And everyone has its own disadvantages, advantages, and Suprastin also has positive and negative characteristics.


  • When taking tablets, rapid relief of histamine cells occurs. After twenty minutes, the effect will appear.
  • With the introduction of the drug, the effect occurs even faster, which is very important when Quincke's edema occurs, etc.
  • The effect of the drug is long from three to six hours.
Disadvantages of the drug for allergies - Suprastin children
Suprastin for children

Negative characteristics:

  • It has a negative impact on the organs.
  • Gives a powerful sedative effect. Children have a sleepy state.
  • If there are renal, liver pathologies, then taking this tool is prohibited.
  • In order for the receptors of histamine H1 to cease to effect on the child’s body, you will have to use three tablets per day. And this despite the fact that antihistamines of the third or fourth generation act on the body of a sick child after a single use of one capsule per day.

Suprastin tablets - Instructions for use: when should children apply?

Suprastin for children is a remedy for first -generation allergies. It quickly shows the effect, its effect is positively affected by such manifestations:

  1. With manifestations of rashes on the skin of children in the form of urticaria.
  2. With redness of the skin and intolerance of itching.
  3. With the manifestation of swelling of the larynx (Quincke's edema).
  4. When dermatitis appears (atypic, contact), eczema.
  5. If the child suffers from chronic, seasonal rhinitis.
  6. If the baby has allergic manifestations for certain types of products, drugs, animals, chemicals, etc.
  7. If the child has allergic conjunctivitis, other inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  8. With bites of various insects, if the child has allergic reactions to them.
Symptoms of allergies in children
Symptoms of allergies in children

A drugSuprastin for children: contraindications for use

Suprastin is best taken for children only after consulting a pediatrician. If you yourself decide to give the child pills, then first study the recommendations in the instructions, read contraindications, dosages and information about the side effects of the medicine.

It is better to abandon this drug and take another if the child has diseases such as:

  • Stomach ulcer, gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Heart diseases are arrhythmia, angina pectoris and others.
  • Allergic manifestations on the current component - chloropyramine or other components of suprastin.
  • There are problems with organs such as liver, kidneys, bladder.
  • Brain diseases, glaucoma, any cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Sensitivity to ethylendiamine, bronchial asthma, characterized by acute attacks.

IMPORTANT:Children who are not yet a month are contraindicated. You can not use children's pills and premature, weakened crumbs.

A drugSuprastin - Instructions for use for children: dosage

It is recommended to use suprastin in certain dosages. The concentration of tablets is 25 grams. Doctors prescribe the drug during eating.

Children are recommended to use the drug according to the following schemes:

  • Kids, starting with one -month -old up to six years, apply the fourth part of the tablet three times a day. It is advisable to crush the crumbs of the suprastin into powder and add to milk porridge.
  • Beginning from six to fourteen, a one -time dosage can compose from 1/4 tablets to 1/2.
  • FROM fourteen years old teenagers A adult portion is assigned. By one tablet three times a day.

To get rid from acute symptoms, the tool is used every six hoursbut you can't drink more 300 mg per day - This is a measure for teenagers. Children should not be given more than 2 mg per day per kilogram of body weight.

If symptoms are manifested in acute form, then the doctor may prescribe a solution of suprastin intravenously. The reason for this purpose may be the following factors:

  • anaphylactic shock
  • quincke's edema
  • unconscious state
  • vomiting reflex in a child
  • infant age

With serious exacerbations, the child is shown a hospital. Treatment should take place under the supervision of a specialist. If necessary, in addition to suprastin, adrenaline is added to avoid cardiac arrest. The number of injections is selected by the attending physician. Suprastin does not have toxic effects on the children's body. So with the manifestation of irritation, treatment with the drug can be carried out again. The duration of treatment should not exceed seven days.

Dosage of the drug for allergies to children. Suprastin
Dosage of the drug for allergies to children. Suprastin

IMPORTANT:The drug in liquid form is administered only under the control of a specialist.

A drugSuprastin for children - signs of an overdose

Unfortunately, due to non-compliance with the scheme of taking tablets and their number, problems are possible. The child has symptoms of an overdose:

  • hallucinations, confusion of consciousness
  • increased excitability, anxiety
  • motor activity failure
  • muscle cramps, chills, redness of the skin of the face
  • dry mucous membranes in the oral cavity
  • shortness of breath, extension of the pupils
  • problems with urination.

If at least one of these signs manifested itself, parents urgently must show the baby to the doctor.

Suprastin. side effects after the use of the drug
Suprastin. Side effects after the use of the drug

To eliminate the symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. And the intake of sorbents will not hurt.

A drugSuprastin for children: interaction with other drugs, storage conditions

This dosage form is not particularly advisable to use with other means, which give a sedative effect. You can not drink tranquilizers with suprastine, and even more so, alcohol.

Storage conditions

These tablets can be bought at any pharmacy, moreover, without a doctor's prescription. It is advisable to store them in a dry, cool and dark place. The shelf life of the drug subject to storage standards is five years.

A drugSuprastin for children: analogues, recommendations to parents

Chloropyramine has the same active substance as suprastin, so it is the closest analogue. You can use the funds as a substitutes Claritin, Zirtek, Luratidine, Tavegil etc.

As already mentioned earlier, drinking pills and making suprastin injections must be done strictly according to the recommendations of the doctor or according to the instructions.

Tips for parents:

  • Suprastin has a number of contraindications and side effects. These contraindications can become a root cause in order to replace suprastin with another means of the third, fourth generation.
  • And Suprastin is used for children only when other dosage forms do not give positive dynamics.
Suprastin for kids - reviews
Suprastin for kids - reviews

A drugSuprastin for children: parents' reviews

Reviews about Suprastine are ambiguous. Some say that the drug is not always effective and has strong side effects. Others, on the contrary, argue that this is an excellent remedy for allergies. Next, see your parents' reviews.

Marina, 32 years old:

Our doctor prescribed Suprastin to the child more than once. A positive action was manifested after the first tablet. But I had to drink pills with persuasion. The child did not like the bitter taste that is difficult to disguise. Even when they are used, there is strong drowsiness, lethargy.

Valeria, 29 years old:

Daughters this medicine greatly helped in the treatment of seasonal allergies. The doctor advised drinking a fourth part of the tablet twice a day. Suprastin removed all manifestations of atypic dermatitis. Later it gave suprastin for prevention before vaccination. Everything went well, there were no allergenic reactions.

Video: Suprastin for adults and children

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