How to congratulate the Easter? The best congratulations on the Easter of Christ in SMS, verses, prose: short and beautiful

How to congratulate the Easter? The best congratulations on the Easter of Christ in SMS, verses, prose: short and beautiful

The article: Postcards, congratulations on the Catholic and Orthodox Easter in different languages, MK to create Easter cards with your own hands, the rules of Easter congratulations.

  • Ancient postcards that are stored in museum Zastecole, old family albums and cardboard boxes with all sorts of things still carry the energy of sincerity and love
  • Simple and, perhaps, even banal words “congratulations”, “wish”, “kiss” the memory of the era and people tremble. What a modern person will leave behind, except SMS, short lines in the FB and VK, dry emails with a standard signature
  • It is sincerely sorry that many holidays were lost in the accumulation of cultures and lost their sacred significance for modern man. Easter refers precisely to such holidays. Sunday celebration is not only an additional weekend, an occasion to eat tasty cake and go to visit. Easter is the greatest Christian holiday with centuries -old traditions that help combine our past and future

How to congratulate the Orthodox Easter?

"Christ is Risen!" Refers to traditional Easter greetings and this is how written congratulations should begin. To emphasize the solemnity of treatment, the words can be distinguished in red
Photo1The phrase “Truly Risen!”, A highlighted by red, should end a congratulation.


Congratulations on Easter in SMS

Modern technologies have firmly entered our lives. Sometimes, writing and sending SMS is more convenient and faster than writing a letter and sending it to a paper envelope. Short SMS congratulations will surely present pleasant moments to their recipients


Nature is full of tender trepidation,
Stars flicker in the depths of heaven.
Silence reigns over the sinful world.
Christ is risen! Truly resurrected!

Congratulations on Easter,
I wish you happiness.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sun in your window.

Death Darkness melted over the world.
Eternal life illuminated all the light!
Angels sing over the whole earth:
The darkness is now not powerful, there is no death!
Christ is risen!

Baked a cake to Easter,
I’ll send you as a gift.
And I will tell you with affection:
I love you very much.

Congratulations on the resurrection of Christ,
I wish you all sorts of benefits:
Be confident, beautiful and healthy
Live with a smile of happiness on the lips.

Congratulations! Easter holiday
Finally at the door.
The sun is like in a fairy tale
Rays are walking for all people.


The Holy Resurrection has come!
How calm and light on the soul!
May life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hopes and good!

I hurry to you for Easter holiday
Congratulations to send.
I wish to live in warm, in a affection,
Do not miss or suffer.

Congratulations on the bright Easter
I wish you good health,
Live without need, without troubles
In love and happiness for many years!

The bell ringing is carried
The news is good to heaven.
I congratulate everyone on Easter,
Happiness to you, Christ is risen.

Let the day of the Holy Resurrection
The good news will bring!
Cleanses the soul and warm the warmth,
The world will save from all unnecessaries!

With the bright resurrection of Christ
I congratulate the Easter.
I wish you to be clean,
It flowed calmly, peacefully, carelessly.

The holiday is ill with happiness,
Bright light comes from heaven.
Congratulations to you from the heart!
Good! Christ is risen!

I congratulate you on Easter,
I wish the world in the house
Hopes, faith and love,
Good days only ahead.


We wish you to give the Lord everything -
Health, prosperity, prosperity!
In business so as not to interfere with anything,
Let it be only sweet in this life!

Congratulations on Easter Day,
Christ is risen! And is this not a miracle!?
Let fate reward you with happiness,
A bright minute will give joy!

Christ is risen - and the soul is warm,
Sorrow from the heart slowly leaves.
Let good reality in our world
And less evil is not the light!

Christ is risen, the earth sings,
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Let the voice fly to heaven,
Christ is risen, Christ is risen!

Spring came again. Now
Life again became a bright fairy tale:
With Christ Sunday to you,
With a great and beautiful Easter!

"Christ is risen!" - Wonderful words!
Today they are full of them.
I congratulate you on Easter
I wish you love, hope, joy!

I am with Christ's resurrection
Congratulations to you loving.
In longevity and happiness
Let your family live.

Congratulations on Christ Sunday,
I wish you to live in joy.
Let the fraud and lie bypass by
And only happiness comes into you to the house!

Holy Sunday came!
How calm and light on the soul!
May life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hopes and good!
On this day, Christ came,
To save our world from evil!
Glory eternal to him!
The winning darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this joy is big!

Congratulations on Easter in prose

The history of Easter celebration has more than one millennium. Easter traditions are part of the culture of many peoples. And even during the hostilities, Easter was revered and celebrated. An example is a postcard below. Pay attention to the signature: "Leningrad, 1942"


Official congratulations on Easter in prose

Christ is Risen!
At this blessed time, let me sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of the bright Sunday!
The Holy Easter brings us the long -awaited joy of the victory of the Son of God, gives hope and confidence in tomorrow, inspires peace in the hearts, strengthens faith and pacifies the soul.
May God and blessings brighten your life path, and peace, love and consent will reign in your homes.
I wish you a good mood, excellent health, family well -being and the accomplishment of all ideas.
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
I wish you happiness and joy, faith and prosperity!
Let the wonderful holiday of bright Sunday bring love and light to your families!
Let God be the blessing of the world on our land, the spiritual revival of our state, the implementation of the most secret hopes!
Truly resurrect Christ! Rejoice!

Christ is risen!
On this great day, I wish that a dream enters the soul, which carries love, hope and faith in miracles!
Let this dream come true at the most unexpected moment so that you feel in full strength happiness that fills your heart and soul with the most welcome and, as it seemed to you, incomprehensible way!
Let your home and the house of your loved ones and dear people be filled with kindness and care for life! Let the light of heaven give joy, the full strength of which no one had previously experienced!
I want to wish you all things to be filled with victory, and my heart is sincere and all -consuming love! Jesus Christ sacrificed to us for us, so let your family and your relatives feel all the holy power and his strength!
May she never be forgotten!
Christ is truly risen!


Christ is Risen!
Friends (colleagues, fellow countrymen)!
Accept my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of the great Christian holiday of the Sunday of the Son of God!
Let the raspberry Easter chime bring joy, faith, hope and love to your homes.
I wish you happiness and joy, faith and prosperity! Let the wonderful holiday of Easter bring love and light to your families, sincerity and good in the relationship!
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
Today I want to congratulate everyone for whom Easter holiday is not just a formality and habit, but a true miracle of the resurrection of our Lord! Everyone who sought to cleanse their soul from sins on pre -Poshal days!
Revives for your hearts, spring warmth and peace of mind! Update and victory over death gives us all this day! So let the holy grace and love be with us!
Truly resurrect Christ! Rejoice!


For friends in prose

Christ is Risen!
On the day of the bright Easter, I wish you and your loved ones happiness, harmony, peace and understanding, because this day comes to our homes, as a symbol of purity, renewal of our souls and thoughts, a symbol of well -being and faith.
Let your soul be cleansed, the house will be filled with grace, good and comfort, heart - the desire to do good and believe in a miracle, the desire to love and be loved!
Give love to loved ones, care and warmth - unfamiliar, and then the world will become bright and joyful, like today's holiday!
Let the bright Easter with the ringing of bells heal the souls, and the eyes shine from the awareness of the Resurrection of Christ!
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
Congratulations on Easter!
May your family, by the mercy of the Lord, be delivered from troubles, diseases and disagreements! Let the closest people gather at the festive table today, and let them be with you not only on this day! Be closer to each other spiritually, kinder, sincere. We are not brought together by the distance, but the mental warmth and understanding. Let it reign in your wonderful family! Live in the world, with the holiday of the bright Easter of you! And even if years later, there will be all the same beautiful Easter cakes on the tables, and souls do not know troubles and insults!

Happy Happy Bright Easter !!!
Keep you the Lord from enemies and envy. Keep you the Lord from losses and deprivation. Let your house be bright and friendly. Let all your relatives of your heart be healthy and happy. May your whole life pass in good and happiness. Love to you. Patience to you


Christ is Risen!
Let Easter fill your soul with joy, prudence, warmth! Everything is in the hands of the Almighty, so let him protect you from bad weather, let the house be filled with mercy and happiness. Let your path be righteous, delivered from sinful thoughts and feelings, and let the Lord leave you. May happiness and love will be with you, good and joy will increase! Sunday of the bright Christ!
In the vostin is risen by Christ!


For parents in prose

Christ is Risen!
Daddy and Mommy! Happy Happy Great Easter!
Let your house always be a reliable island for me in this difficult life, may it be full of love, goodness, care, forgiveness and understanding! Let the holiness of Christ be never forgotten, and in the hearts of people close to you, an unshakable faith, power and power of Christ will reign! Let your prayers be heard.
Let the angels, my beloved parents take you!
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
My dear dad!
I congratulate you on Easter with all my heart.
Today, all Orthodox people rejoice that our savior Jesus Christ is risen, giving us calm and confidence in the bright future. We will rejoice, glorifying our benefactor. Let happiness and joy never leave you, dear daddy.
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
My dear father. I congratulate you on the resurrection of the Lord. May the Lord give you his mercy, protect you from all troubles, and give you strength to realize all your plans.
I wish you delicious cakes and good health!
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
Dear daddy and mommy.
Let your hearts always abide in joy, bodies - in health, and fate - in the rays of the Almighty. I wish life well -being, earthly wisdom, pure thoughts. May the Lord never leave you and always indicate the true and righteous path. Many and good years to you, my dear!
Truly resurrect Christ!


Beautiful congratulations on Easter in verses

Classical poetry is an example of an era. Below is a small selection of Easter verses from Russian classical literature

Christ is risen! In love rays
Gloomy cold will disappear,
Let joy reign in the hearts
And those who are old, and those who are young!
The covenant of the blessed heaven
The song of Sunday sounds to us, -
Christ is risen!
Vladimir Ladyzhensky, 1859-1932

How the sun shines brightly,
Like the sky, the depths are light,
How fun and loud
Bells are buzzing.
Unmonic in God's temples
Sing "Christ is risen!"
And the sounds of a marvelous song
They reach heaven.
Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev, 1825-1893

Christ is risen!
Blagovest is buzzing everywhere,
Of all the churches, people are falling.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the near forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Here the earth wakes up,
And the fields are dressed,
Spring goes, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
A. Maikov, 1883

Christ is risen
Christ is risen and hell is defeated by him.
Christ was risen and the world is redeemed by him.
Christ is risen and the angels rejoice.
Christ is risen and people triumph.
Christ is resurrected and paradise is open to us.
Christ is risen and the power of Ada fell.
Christ is resurrected and the death of a sting is erased.
Christ was risen and the world saved from flour.
O. Osipov

Christ is risen! - Only two words,
But how much grace is in them!
We are unearthly bliss again
Illuminated in your hearts.
Sorrow and suffering are forgotten,
Steel and need are forgotten
Surrounded moans and marshmallows,
Envy and enmity disappeared ...
Pavel Potekhin, 1852-1910

All faces shine with joy,
Hearts are free from passions ...
So miraculously influence
Saints words on people! ..
Christ is risen!..
About a moment of sacred! ..
Oh miracle, above all miracles,
What were in the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
Pavel Potekhin, 1852-1910

And another selection of Easter versions from unknown modern authors.

On the day of the bright Easter, everything is kinder
And it seems - Christ is again among us!
We become a little wiser
And we remember how he saved us all!
Let the Easter holiday warm you warmly,
Let him save from trouble and grief!
Will give loved ones happiness and health,
And let Vera always lead ahead!

Congratulations on Easter,
I wish you happiness.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sun in your window.

The good news rushes to us:
Christ is risen!
All people are to the temple!
Christ did not regret himself.
So that you eat a piece of bread!
So that there is happiness on Earth!
So that the children smile all!
So that friend and enemy will hold hands!
Christ is resurrected - flour forgotten!

Congratulations with Easter!
Jesus is alive, because he is risen!
Gratitude to God ascend
You are for this joyful news.
A victory is won on the cross,
And the path to heaven is laid.
May your faith do not weaken
In the Lord - the Savior of Christ.
Do not let your heart turn away
From his outstretched arm.
The Lord wants to touch you,
So eat his love!

I wish you to Easter
So that God blesses
To joy, health
And gave happiness.
"Christ is risen!" each other
We speak with a smile.
It is joyful for us that our world
The Almighty is so loved!


Christ is risen! Let it be on this day
For the Lord, your heart is available.
A shadow will pass.
There will be no place in the soul for sadness.

God is love, and it will always be so!
He is a strong shield from enemies and disasters.
So let his strong hand
Keeps your home from strife and illness.

Believe me, his mercy is great!
He gave his son in salvation of the world.
So that in hundreds of years, after centuries
The truth to the sky opened the path to us!

Righty sun came out,
Gathered a bright day.
Let it be happy with the sparkling
Easter will visit your home.

Let the blessing come
And holy grace.
To wonderful moments
To worry again and again.

May the Lord with love
He keeps your whole family,
Faith in strong and outer
And put on patience!

Short congratulations on Easter in prose

Sometimes only a few short, but sincere words can make a person happy. Do not forget to congratulate each other, even short congratulations. Be attentive to loved ones and old friends whose numbers are accurately stored in the address books of your gadgets


Christ Veskresae!
I sincerely congratulate you on Easter!
Let this majestic holiday fill the heart with the bright feelings of hope and love, gives happiness and good. I wish you joy, health, prosperity and prosperity.
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
The sun shines and the whole world blooms! Angels drop you feathers from the wings - as a sign that God blessed you! Happy Holidays!
Truly resurrect Christ!


Christ is Risen!
Let the festive mood, which gives us a bright resurrection, illuminate your life and give warmth to your loved ones!
Truly resurrect Christ!

Christ is Risen!
Today we’ll bring all the terrible scores! We will sit down at the table and sit down one on one in the battle with painted eggs. And let the strongest win!

Christ is Risen!
Flowers and sky and affectionate sun greet Jesus! And we praise him! For the fact that they are happy, and for being healthy, for clear Easter with the family!
Truly resurrect Christ!


How to congratulate the Catholic Easter?

  • The Catholic Church celebrates the main Christian holidays a week earlier than the Orthodox. Consider this fact, congratulating colleagues, relatives or friends
  • The traditional greeting for Catholics on this day is:
    “Christ is risen from the dead! " -" Blessedly the Resurrection of Christ! "
  • Easter symbols of Catholic Europe: chicken, hare, eggs
  • Traditional gifts: chocolate figures of Easter symbols


On the Catholic Easter, I congratulate you.
Let the Lord God himself be with you!
I wish you willpower, faith and spirit
So that the trouble is the threshold at home.
Let your dreams and desires come true.
Your heart will be open to everyone.
Let your family not know your torment and suffering,
And around sounds a sonorous and joyful laughter.
Today all the Catholics of the Earth
Finally, they were able to unite.
They note the holy Easter
They wish each other prosperity.
And I would like to wish you
Always, in everything to rely on God.
Let the troubles bypass the troubles
And the Lord Himself will always be with you!

We congratulate the Catholic Easter,
All those who sacredly believe in miracles.
Those who live on a divine order,
And those who believe in life in heaven.

Congratulations on Easter in English

May God bless you at easter,
And Keep You All Year Through.
May God Give You All the Faith It Takes,
To make your dreams come true.
May HIS Love and Wisdom Always Help,
To guide you on your way.
May his light shine down upon you now,
To Bless Your Easter Day.
Wishing you a blessed and Joiful Easter!

May God bless you on Easter,
And his blessing will be with you for a whole year ..
Let God support your faith,
In order for your dreams to come true.
Let his love and wisdom always help,
And send you on your way.
Let his light shine on you now,
Blessing Easter Day.
I wish you a blessed and joyful Easter!

May Thiser Bring You Together for a Great Celebration Fillde with Lots of Joy, Happiness and of Course Chokolate! Happy Easter!

May this Easter become a big holiday for all of you, filledjoy, happiness and, of course, chocolate! Happy easter!


May all the blessings of the world is sophisticated on you their grace and fillyour life is enthusiastic! Happy easter!


Happy easter!A new beginning and new happiness - let them always be in your life!


Happy easter!What does Easter mean for us today:
You can put the truth in the grave, but it will not stay there. You can beat it to the cross, wrap it with a savana and close it with a grave stone, but it will rise anyway.


Easter brings joy, Easter brings pleasureEaster brings Blessing, Easter brings love. I wish you a happy Easter!


Happy easter!The day the Lord ascended into heaven, filled ours Life with light, love and joy. Enjoy Easter and enjoy the holiday!

Congratulations on Easter in German

Photo27 Photo26 Photo25 Photo24 Photo23

Postcards for congratulations on Easter. How to make an Easter card yourself, video

Easter cards can be done yourself. If you involve children in the creation of a congratulatory masterpiece - this will become a pleasant pastime for you and for the child.

The manufacturing scheme is a simple, but very mental card is presented below. Even the baby will cope with this work, and the memories of the joint work done for a long time will delight you and the baby.

A wonderful and easy to implement the idea of \u200b\u200bEaster cards in the photo below will not require complex materials and tools, but it will delight the addressees, because what is done with their own hands is always more valuable! Photo31

Video “Easter cards in the form of an egg/small gift for Easter/MK” will tell you how to make a small but very mental present for loved ones.

Video “A postcard for Easter. All with Easter! " It represents a detailed master class on how to make a square card that will please both adults and children.

Video: Easter cards in the form of an egg/small gift for Easter/MK

Video: Postcard for Easter. All with Easter!

As congratulations on Easter: tips and reviews

1. Any congratulations should be sincere, only then it will bring joy not only to accept the congratulation, but also to the congratulations himself

2. Personal congratulations (even if this is just a phone call), it is always preferable than congratulations in writing

3. Written congratulations (classic congratulations on postcards or in letters-congratulations) are always written by hand

4. Rules for good tones prescribe that congratulations should be obtained

  • exactly on the day of the holiday (for personal mail)
  • on the last working day before the holiday weekend (for business mail)

Consider this when planning a festive newsletter

The video “Gifts for Easter [Ideas for Life]” will tell you how to make an Easter gift with your own hands.

Video: Gifts for Easter [ideas for life]

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