We go to visit: what to take with you from food, to the table, what to take, a guy and a girl, what to buy a child? Rules of etiquette for adults and children

We go to visit: what to take with you from food, to the table, what to take, a guy and a girl, what to buy a child? Rules of etiquette for adults and children

You need to go to visit correctly. This will become the key to whether you will be invited more or will be avoided in every possible way. The article will give advice on what to take, how to behave, how to culturally refuse.

A trip to visit is an event, though rare today, but very responsible. Your subsequent visits to this house depend on how you behave on a guest and whether you will follow the rules of good tone.

The same applies to the owners - the guests will be happy to come again if you cordially accept them. To prepare for this event properly, it is important to know the simple rules and adhere to etiquette.

What to buy when you go to visit?

It is indecent to walk empty -handed. But not every gift will be in handy.

If you are not very close to those to whom you are going, do not go to visit with such gifts:

  1. Very expensive things. An expensive gift obliges the owners and implies a response present
  2. Cosmetics or hygiene products. Such things are selected individually and may simply not come up
  3. Dishes, decor elements. Many do not like random things in their home and carefully think over the interior

What then to take as a gift? Great for:

  1. If there is a child in the house, then be sure to buy sweets, fruits or a toy
  2. It is advisable to give flowers at home. It should not be a chic bouquet, enough a modest bouquet
  3. You can also take a cake, tea, a bottle of an alcoholic drink, something cooked with your own hands

What to cook when going to visit?

In Europe, it is considered the norm if guests come with their food. We rarely occur in our country. Usually the hosts treat guests. Guests can take their food in some cases:

  • If you have known each other for a long time and stipulate dishes in advance
  • If this is a large cohesive company and, again, by agreement
  • If you were asked to take something with you

If you were not asked to cook food, do not do this on your own initiative. In the end, this can offend the hostess.

But if you decide to take food, remember, your dish should not overshadow the mistress of the mistress of the house. Therefore, think in advance what to cook when going to visit. Food should be uncomplicated, so the rules of good tone say. For example:

  • Salad
  • Cutting (cheese, sausage, ham)
  • Snacks on skewers
  • Cake, cakes

We go to visit with children: what can a child visit and what is impossible?

You can come to the house where there are children with your children without the coordination of the owners. If you go to where there are no children, then agree on this moment. If the child is quite an adult, explain to him about the rules of behavior in a strange house:

  1. You can’t take any things without permission
  2. Jump on beds, sofas, armchairs - taboo
  3. To be in rooms where there is no one is also supposed to

If the child is completely baby, the task of parents is to follow him. It is unlikely that anyone will like broken figurines, inverted pots with flowers, a frightened cat under the sofa and other "cute" pranks of the crumbs.

The child should not run in a T -shirt tucked in tights. You dress up. The child should be dressed comfortably, but at the same time elegant.

I'm going to visit: what to buy a child?

As mentioned above, going to visit a child without a gift indecent. A gift for a child depends on his age:

  • a rattle is suitable for the baby
  • older children can buy fruits, sweets, toys

Important: It is better to coordinate in advance whether the child can have sweets. Many children have chocolate and citrus allergies. Also choose a toy according to the age of the child, otherwise he will not like it.

We go to visit: Etiquette Rules

A guest follow the rules of etiquette:

  • If you came to visit and saw your friends there, do not rush to smile at them and exchange greetings. First of all, welcome the owners.
  • Do not rush to get acquainted with strangers in the house, let me introduce you to the owners.
  • Do not go around the house without an invitation. If the owners decided to hold a house tour, praise their taste.
  • Do not come to visit with your friends if they were not called.
  • Do not take things without demand and do not twist the figurines, souvenirs, other gizmos in the hands, do not open the cabinet doors.
  • Sit down at the table only by invitation.
  • If you were left alone in the room, wait for the owners, standing.
  • Praise the culinary abilities of the hostess.
  • Even if you do not want to eat, you should eat at least a little bit by decency. Your refusal may offend the hostess.
  • Do not sit down if you see that the owners are tired. You can visit a maximum of 23.00. The exception is a wedding and the New Year.
  • Do not stand at the threshold, saying goodbye for a long time. They thanked, dressed, said goodbye, left.
  • Be sure to inform you that you successfully got home and thank you again for the invitation.
  • Cultural guests are making an oncoming invitation. If there is no way to invite to your home, then they are invited to a cafe or movie.

What to take to visit a guy?

  • If a guy invited you to visit, ask if he will be at home alone or with his parents. In the second case, take care of the gift for parents
  • It can be sweets, flowers to mom, cake. If you are together, prepare something with your own hands, so you will show yourself from the best side
  • You can buy some insignificant, but useful gift for a guy. What exactly this will happen, depends on the interests of the guy. Perhaps he will like the world map or a new computer mouse

I'm going to visit a girl: what to give?

As for men, they should also think in advance about the presentation for relatives and chosen ones. Be sure to present your mother and girl on a bouquet. In addition, you can take a cake, sweets, delicious tea in a beautiful package.

Guys, remember, not all girls love soft toys. Consider this when you go to visit.

Do I always need to take flowers when going to visit?

Flowers can not be bought in some cases:

  1. You go to a man
  2. The hostess does not like flowers
  3. You go to close friends to sit in a family cozy environment
  4. You went unexpectedly or did not agree on a meeting in advance

In the event that you go to an official event (wedding, birthday, christening), you need to buy flowers.

Sister for brother goes to visit: what to take with you?

If relatives go to visit each other, it is easier to decide on gifts and treats. It is important whether his brother is married, do he have children. Provide pleasant presentations for family members.

Children can buy clothes, toys, sweets. Husband's wife is a cake, tea coffee, her favorite flowers. You can cook your brother’s favorite dish, buy a treat for tea.

I don't want to go on a visit: what to say?

There is nothing worse than promising to come and not appear.

If you cannot come, inform this in advance, preferably not on the day of the visit, but in a few days. If there is a good reason, tell the truth. For example:

  • Urgent business (explain which one)
  • Your disease or loved ones
  • Emergency work for work

Never say:

  1. That you changed your mind and go on a visit to others
  2. What do you receive guests at home
  3. That you don't have money for a visit

If there is no certain reason for unwillingness to visit, you still need to refuse cultural form. For example:

  • Take a headache
  • Say that plumbing, electricians or other services should come at home at home
  • Say that you are not in the city if you often go on travel. But in this case you should not get caught in the eye

Be sure to express your regret and apologize.

Close friends can tell the truth. For example: "I do not want to spoil everyone mood and holiday, since I am going through not the best times." Friends will definitely understand and support you.

Toast for gathered guests

Toasts are usually pronounced at the table. You can say in your own words, you can prose or poems. Note options:

“I want to say a toast for guests
For relatives and friends.
You let your honor
Read the toast to you cheerful.
Wish for good, health -
This is the first. The second -
Make you performance
All your hopes, accomplishments! "

“I suggest drinking guests who bring so much joy and fun to our house! It’s scary to even imagine how uninteresting and boring our life without guests would be. How pleasant cares and troubles are, noise and fun in those festive moments when we expect guests! Today I raise my glass for our pleasant and desired meetings, so that dear guests are happy to visit us so that happiness and joy will never leave our house. For the desired and long -awaited guests! "

“With all my heart, I want to thank the guests gathered at this festive table. Thank you for sharing this celebration with us, for generous gifts and warm words. Be happy, dear guests! "

Take the guests warmly and with cordiality, go to visit with a good mood and cute surprises. Then your life will become brighter and more interesting, and people can appear in it who can share joy and sorrows with you.

Video: Rules of etiquette at a party  

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